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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. Black Cat

    Totem : Horse

    The more I look at these notes the more excited I get. I don't think I've seen anything with rhubarb since Prophetic Pie. And hay? Coffee? Vetiver? Cream? I think this might be the first one I try when sampler arrives!
  2. Sadly, I have no dude to try this out on, but I am wearing it myself today and oh, wow! Woods can be iffy on me (my nose/skin doesn't always translate those notes as wood -- they often turn into a sad plastic for me), but this one really is wild and earthy and organic. It's the deepest LP I've ever worn. If it were music it would be a true bass. It's like the darkest most shadowy part of the forest, where sunshine doesn't break through. But at the same time there is definitely a lively energy to it -- all sorts of life on the forest floor! The leather is gorgeous. I think one reason I haven't tried this out before (though I've kept the bottle on my nightstand for compulsive sniffing) is that it feels like it needs very particular kinds of weather. Mostly I've been envisioning it in late summer and early fall, post-solstice when it's still warm weather but the light has begun to retreat. I pictured this needing plenty of heat to warm it up and bring out all the notes. But this morning, as we have another chilly rainy spring day coming down the pike, I needed something denser and warmer than the fabulous spring/summer scents I've been busting out, and I ended up reaching for this. Which feels perfect. I'll be interested to see if it wears differently when we get to that warmer weather, but boy it's a lovely cool weather scent. PS. Full disclosure, I got my bottle with half a boost of Perfect Match plus cops. All feeling very congruent. Like any good dog, it remembers that it is descended from wolves, while remaining perfectly housebroken. PPS. Yet another in the series of Best. Labels. Ever.
  3. Current 5: Black Cat Mojo Glamour Puss Victoria's Buttercream Rose Summer Belle Tie between Charlene's Sanctuary and Lina's Beach Bunny Musk
  4. I've not been especially pulled by the idea of Pop Potion, and I keep saying I'm not a florals person, and that sugar is not my best note... and yet somehow I am DYING to try this one! It's calling on some deep intuitive level.
  5. All the NRs look amazing, but I confess that this is the one that makes my heart beat fastest. Love bats, love the goth vibe, dying for an LFN LP that works for me, plus I see 4 of my favorite notes (black musk, earth, smoke, vetiver)... oh sampler, wing your way to me ASAP!
  6. D'oh. You are correct! Sorry, my brain had fused AM and Cuddle Bunny.
  7. I always get the 60/40 spray -- and usually I get an oil roll-on as well, to add a little more longevity. I like to be able to spritz my hair AND do the lollipop when I really love something!
  8. So just to report in -- my bottles arrived. I was a bit nervous about the spray; I wasn't sure if it would be too light, but I'm happy to report great success! I get the fabulous intense citrus and the creaminess. It's a work day so I can't try the Cuddle Bunny pairing just yet... but I can't wait for that test drive! Or to hear about yours. Yay for foodie sexy!
  9. Mmm, this sounds like a fab addition to the cops stash! I love ginger, and I'm curious to find a bready one that works for me. Nutmeg and ginger sounds so warm, and like a scent that would be wonderful in cold weather.
  10. D'oh! I just ordered both samplers and also forgot to buy reserved PE's! Hoping Mara doesn't mind if I do it all in one ginormous order once I have sampled all the goodies and figured out which ones Must Be Mine.
  11. D'oh! Just refreshed the page and GOOD LORD THERE THEY ARE IN ALL THEIR WONDER. Mara, you are beyond everything! I simply cannot believe what you have created here! Edited because I get a little incoherent when I am overcome with joy and anticipation...
  12. Black Cat

    Summer Belle

    Stacy, I think you would love this. It's fresh and delicate and very nuanced.
  13. What he said! :-) So question: can we order/pay for both samplers together now? Or just the April one?
  14. You are a naughty temptress! I keep forgetting to get this and obviously have to move it up the list!
  15. Congratz, Lovestruck! And Rose -- OMG I absolutely LOVE your new avi!
  16. My bottle of Unscented Cuddle Bunny gets here tomorrow! I am so excited to pair it with Black Cat Mojo and also with the Atomic Mandarin I have coming... and I'm already planning another pair of PEs that it will be perfect for. It's so funny with the pheros -- I never in a million years would have thought Cuddle Bunny would be the one that feels the most "me". But it somehow is the perfect confidence enhancer -- I love cops and when it's combined with the girly whateverness of Est, somehow it just sets me up to feel totally secure in myself.
  17. Black Cat

    Summer Belle

    LOL!! It makes sense; if many didn't like it, it wouldn't exist as a note, right? :-) Just agreeing with you both -- Mara's evocation of time and place in her LPs is unique. This one feels very complementary with Haunted Hallows to me -- each calls up that sense of both season and landscape so perfectly.
  18. Mmm, this is delicious, mostly berries but with a little citrus for some zing. And as it dries down, I get the creamy pudding base more. It's definitely sugared or candied raspberry, rather than fresh, on me. But that's not a bad thing! It gets sweeter and more complex as it settles. Yum! My mouth is actually starting to water! Just read upthread about pairing with Cops and Robbers, and that sounds like a really good idea!
  19. That's really interesting, because while I love this completely as is, I confess I don't really get the smoke -- it's more as if it's providing some of that airy texture rather than coming through as an identifiable scent. I am of course already thinking of the sad day when my (mumbles behind hand) bottles of this version are used up and there has to be a Black Cat Mojo v. 2! I might ask to try for stronger smoke note in that case. In the meantime, though, this continues to wow me. And to all the other ladies, I am so glad you are enjoying! All credit goes to the brilliant Mara, of course. I kind of vomit all my thoughts and feelings about what I want and somehow she translates it into this gorgeousness!
  20. Just repeating my requests from upthread for: 1 Lady Suzy's Snow Leopard 1 Lindee's Dark and Vampy and adding a request for 1 Lina's Fluffy Bunny I'd also echo the request for notes for Hot and Humid, as well as Quixotic Xocolatl... so intrigued by both names!
  21. Black Cat

    Summer Belle

    OMG you guys this is why I have to try EVERYTHING! I never thought of myself as loving melons, but this is maybe my favorite summery LP EVER! In the bottle I can smell the melon quite strongly, but I'm delighted to say that to my nose it was pure fresh fruit, not a hint of Jolly Rancher or candy of any kind in sight. And then, on my skin -- I think people here know I have a weird adoration of anything that evokes fresh dirt, and the earth and grass accords in this are simply a perfect match for my chemistry. I get something very soft and subtle, more of a skin scent, that is mostly pure natural earth (but very light and sun-soaked, I swear!) and the fresh grasses with just the softest hint of melon riding on the breeze. This is stunning, and I might need another bottle. Did anyone ever try it as a spray? Normally when I love something I like to get it in both forms, but I'm wondering if this is so light that a spray just would disappear... plus, there is something really lovely about slathering on the oil and letting it bloom slowly....
  22. Yes, that too! The all dressed up in my Sunday best but still feeling very comfortable and at home.
  23. I've been dying to try this one for some time. Wow! In the bottle, I was kind of frightened. It was a very strong loud floral with an air freshener tint. But the minute it hit my skin it changed completely, to a very soft subtle floral musk. Now as it dries, I'm starting to get the cocoa butter... the lily in this is just gorgeous! The whole thing is also, as certain LPs are wont to do, triggering some huge nostalgic wave of emotion. I am trying to think what it is this is reminding me of -- maybe it's just the raft of lilies of the valley we had next to my house growing up, or maybe it's one of my mom's perfumes when I was little? Something about this feels very young to me. As to what StacyK said about summer -- I am picturing a lazy humid afternoon, but with breezes to make it bearable, stepping out of the shower after a hot sweaty morning doing All the Chores, and slathering this baby on. And just reveling in smelling clean and soft and sultry all at the same time. Magic!
  24. Just got my shipping notice! WOOHOO!!!! Something fabulous to look forward to next week!
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