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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. I never would have thought this would be a full bottle for me, but it's the first raspberry that has REALLY worked with my skin. MLH never got my attention as a phero because I am emphatically happily childless, but now I am dying to try this out with my students next year, and also to see if the self-effects help me stay fresh, productive and focused when I have a full day of hour-long sessions to get through. I often find myself laughingly consoling customers at my retail job for finding so many things "that you did not know you needed." Story of my life here at LP!! If I did not know in my heart of hearts that LPs are necessities the way books are, I might feel a tad overindulgent about my recent spending...
  2. Oh, BRILLIANT, StacyK! Exactly what I was looking for (and probably could have figured out my own damn self if I weren't so lazy -- so much easier to throw it to the forum and see what comes back!). I have been very shy about ever mixing/tweaking phero blends here, but I might have to, here. This was truly spectacular for me! And how lucky am I that you were willing to let it go! Thanks again, my dear!
  3. Spot on review, JudyO! I love how this one is definitively a "night scent" (and I too have 4:00 pm somehow as the distinguishing mark!) and yet it's so subtle that I can wear it in many settings that other dark sexy stuff would be wayyy too much for. I also agree this one has a phero effect on me all on its own. Speaking of which -- is anybody pairing it regularly with a phero? If so, what do you like?
  4. I just gave a glowing report on the Audacious/Black Cat Mojo combo over in the Audacious thread--- but I had to add that I wore Black Cat Mojo out all day yesterday and it just confirmed that this potion is everything I asked Mara for! I wanted something really versatile, and I was able to go from work to one on one hanging out to a big party and have the scent work beautifully in all settings. When I walked into work my boss literally sniffed the air and said, "Something smells REALLY good -- is that you?!" (Note: as Invi mentioned in her gorgeous review, it *does* depend a little on your workplace... I find there is more room for flirty/sexy in retail than, um, perhaps some other settings). The scent didn't feel like too much for running around town with my friend, and then it was great for the party, which was a casual summer cookout but with quite a lot of people, including many I didn't know. I just love this so much. And, StacyK, in case you missed it over in the other thread, this paired with Audacious is just awesome! If I get an opportunity to do the LFN combo I will report back!
  5. OK, I am sorry to rave about a phero that is no longer available but OMG YOU GUYS I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! I had my second trial of Audacious yesterday and I am over the moon with it. I had a long casual but social day laid out. I got called in to work at my retail job, which was fine, and then I was due to hang out with my best friend for a couple of hours while her husband whipped their house into shape for a party, which we were then going on to. Before I left for work I applied three short strips of the roll-on, one on the top of each boob and one on the back of my neck. I renewed that about 7 hours later. The result? I had plenty of energy, which I needed. I felt completely at ease and super confident in all my interactions with people. I was flirty but not predatory (not that I mind feeling predatory, under the right circumstances, but that would not have worked here). I noticed I got very handsy with people, both women and men -- once again, not in an overly sexual way but in a confident playful way. I had no trouble making conversation with people I didn't know that well, and also no trouble having fun with people who were a bit under the influence (I don't drink anymore). I was kind of at the party on my own, though I spent a lot of time hanging out with a good male friend. But I didn't feel clingy with him, I was able to pick up new conversations and not have to hold any one person too long. I paired this my Black Cat Mojo and it was a match made in heaven (thank you StacyK!!). It is such a match made in heaven that I'm kind of reluctant to try this with any other scent. Mostly I loved Audacious for its effects on me, but it's worth noting that everyone I approached wanted to talk to me at length, people I only knew very slightly made a point of saying good night to me before they left the party, and no one seemed offended or put off by my hands-on approach to conversation... quite the opposite! So thank you to Hearts for letting this go on your trade thread!! And I know my bottle should last a long time. But I am seriously wondering how to get a similar effect from pheros that are still available. Lace is a bit tricky on me in my experiences so far - I need to play with that some more. I have my first Leather boosted blend on the way. Any other thoughts from you experienced gals?
  6. Exactly!! And now I can't help thinking about a Love Potion Lovecraft month....
  7. OMG!!!! I leave town and go unwired for a few hours and you all are getting up to THIS MAGNIFICENCE??? Not to mention all the Lovecraft jokes? As for the new releases -- I am SPEECHLESS. Contemplating full bottle set without notes, that's how frigging amazing these look! YAY MARA!!!!!!
  8. In this exact moment: Black Cat Mojo Lady Suzy's Snow Leopard Victoria's Buttercream Rose Tiger Summer Belle
  9. I'm so glad you like it, Invi! Totally agree that workplace appropriate will depend on your workplace.... so cool that you are getting the woodsmoke too! YES I DID!!! Just once, and I was very sparing with the Audacious so eager to do again... but OMG what a perfect fit!! Powerful and playful altogether. I need to try again ... I have a social thing this weekend and I'm thinking of breaking out this combo because it's a setting where I'm going to be inclined to feel insecure and I don't see how that would be possible wearing these two!
  10. I know, the care and genius Mara applies to labels just blows me away! And I would keep an eye out -- I believe last time in the March PE thread Mara mentioned there might be some left over which will go on Artfire...
  11. Black Cat

    Totem: Tiger

    Hmm, most scents don't last long on me, but I've actually done pretty well with this one. I have the oil roll-on, and I do liberal swipes on belly and cleavage. Which means my shirt picks up some of it, so by the end of the day I usually have just lingering traces of scent on my skin but the shirt will still smell quite strongly of sexy spicy goodness. And need to be washed before I can wear any other scent with it.
  12. Black Cat

    Totem: Tiger

    I don't know how I haven't reviewed this yet, since I went full bottle! I was really unsure reading the description if it was going to work for me -- sometimes the more complex blends just muddle my nose, and I wasn't sure about all the fruit. This is GORGEOUS -- the fruit mostly works to sweeten and feminize the spiciness, but when I say feminize I mean it unleashes the essence of big cat prowly female sensuality! This is warm and fierce and sexy. I am going to wear it today, because we are having a cool bright day and this will warm me up and remind me that it is spring and summer is around the corner. But I really can't wait to wear it in hot weather -- I'm imagining wearing this on one of those bright hot July days, lying on the grass and soaking up sun and purrrrrring.
  13. Gotta pause and say -- Best Review Ever!! It made me really frantic until I remembered I actually have two bottles of this! And I'm so intrigued by the comparisons with Black Panther, which sadly did not work on me (I think orchid and I are iffy buddies at best). To me, this is pairing mentally with Black Cat Mojo -- the shared leather note, the black musk vs. white musk and that whole pussy in silk and boots on a motorcycle bit. Yin and yang. Two different takes on sex kitten bad-assery! Also when I put the bottles side by side and look at black kitten and snow leopard kitten my heart gets ridiculously mushed out. Ah the magic of LP!!
  14. I DID!!!! It was an LP miracle. Road tested that combo and loved it! Have also got LFN to try it with, and in this most recent order got one of the bottles boosted with Leather... Oh, god, stop me before I shop again!
  15. I swear, I only took the two I already reserved!! Definitely hoping "several" means you get yours, ComingUpRoses, I'm dying to hear what you think! Mmm, so glad you think so!
  16. OK, follow-up: I got distracted and forgot I had planned to shower and change my clothes before going to a workplace related social event this afternoon, where I needed to schmooze people. (So not my best thing!). So I still had on the Bat... and I couldn't figure out why all the men were chatting me up endlessly (not in an overt, hitting on me way, just super friendly and really wanting to keep talking, although one 19 year old boy ended up totally DIHL). Women also seemed to respond very positively and to want to engage me in conversation. I was all confused and then I remembered the LFN.... I didn't feel I'd veered into the inappropriate range, based on people's reactions, but it was quite different from my usual experience at these events. I tend to cling to the edges of conversations that people I already know are engaging in, and I find listening to/attempting to make small talk excruciating. With the Bat, even though I didn't precisely enjoy it, it was far easier for me than usual. Liking the LFN indeed! And to repeat what I said above: I have the feeling this phero takes its direction from the scent its paired with. Bat is not overtly sexual and I think that helped keep it in the appropriate range.
  17. So I wore it out and about today with Bat, and it's very interesting! I was not so much getting the sexy vibe as I was the total queen bee thing -- but a very efficient queen bee, as some folks have mentioned -- I had a pile of work to get through at my office and I just sat down and did it. I was mostly around women, and it didn't seem to have any negative effects there -- in fact, one of the women I work for, who is also a personal friend, came out of her office and sat down with me and initiated a fairly lengthy and intimate (in a good way) conversation -- and I know she was having a busy day, so I get the sense the LFN might have pulled her in?! And in my one close interaction with a male with whom I have a relationship that is professional but also personally close, I needed to ask for something quite big, and I got exactly what I asked for. It's so interesting because the Bat scent takes it in such an ethereal direction. I'll be very interested to try the Un with my Black Cat Mojo, or maybe Carbon Black, because I feel like a different scent might put a different spin on it.
  18. OMG you guys, I got this in the spray and I was a little worried it might dilute it too much, but I love it even more if possible! I spritzed chest, arms and back and it's a soft musky cloud I carry with me. It's so subtle I'm not sure other people are even registering the scent on a conscious level, but I am getting little wisps of earth and smoke and stone. Heaven!
  19. You know, I've never tried OW!! I really liked my Panda sample though, so maybe I'll give that a try at work this weekend... it's Memorial Day weekend AND college commencement so I think we're going to get slammed. This would be a good test! Then I will come home and wash it off and slather in Flying Potion to take me away.... :-)
  20. Yeah, I had to stop wearing this to work, too! I thought Levitation would be perfect for my retail job, but I found that people just stuck to me like glue -- I'd have a line piling up and some guy would still be leaning on the counter chatting away like there was no tomorrow!
  21. Oh, Seajammarket, I've been waiting to read this: thank you so much for this review! I am pretty sure that no one here will think you off your rocker -- speaking for myself, I know exactly that magic of Mara's you describe, where she is somehow able to capture the essence of a beloved familiar in a scent. Where memory and joy can be stored in a bottle. And thanks for sharing about your Bonne Belle! What a special soul. I'm glad to have a scrap of her story here, and the bit about the hats... oh, I'm tearing up myself reading your words, in the best possible way. So glad you had such a wonderful experience your first time out with a PE!!
  22. This is fast turning into my best retail phero -- from the retailer side of things! I got out La Sylphide on Sunday, which is the day I work solo at the store. I feel like LFM just does it all -- I am always friendly and approachable, which sometimes feels like it can backfire on me doing customer service. Because I'm by myself, I need people to move along and not try and engage in long conversations. And, if someone has a slightly creepy/overly interested vibe, it can a be a bit scary, knowing I'm completely on my own. I also have trouble with the store filling up twenty minutes before closing and not leaving in a timely fashion. Well, LFM works so beautifully on ALL these issues. People tend to be very polite and friendly but they don't dally, and when I said it was five minutes to closing the store emptied immediately! I had an interesting encounter with a customer who came in and asked me to hold something so he could go home and get his wallet -- when he came back, he presented me with a fresh branch of lilac. He was right on the edge of what would feel a bit intrusive with his flirting, but I feel like LFM kept the whole thing in the perfect place.... and whether that was his being tempered a bit to be respectful and distant enough, or me having a stronger sense of backbone, I'm not sure. But I loved it. So far I just have this in La Syphide, but I will have to give serious thought to boosting another scent or perhaps going for a full bottle of the Un!
  23. LOL - I was thinking the same thing! Having just doused myself with LP White today, I can tell you: it is going to smell AWESOME!!! Sorry, didn't mean to increase the torture! But you will love it, I'm sure.
  24. I think I may be the person who got the very last bottle of this, so I don't want to gloat... but I am SO glad to have this. I went back and forth on oil vs spray, ended up doing the spray because this lasted SO long on me in the oil I thought it could handle the spray, and also because I love the surprisingly airy texture I get from the scent, alongside all of this darkness. This is just unlike anything else I have. The honey is sweet and dark but not dirty. The moss softens it and keeps it from being "perfume-y" on me -- despite the elegance, this has a very natural, organic feel to it. I am loving it to sleep in, but I think it would be perfect for certain social occasions. It has an elegance that would not be out of place in a very formal setting, but at the same time a subtle but very deep sensual vibe. I just love it. ETA: I bet this paired with LFM would make a person feel like the Fairy Queen!
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