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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. Hm. I wasn't expecting to really go for this one because I am not a fan of apple scents, but this one is pretty special. I get the apple but then there is a soft cushion underneath the fruit which is -- a little creamy? a little smoky? a little spicy? I'm not sure WHAT it is, and it's tantalizing and yummy to sit here sniffing my wrist and trying to figure it out! I love Perfect Match, so I may need to give this one full bottle consideration. This is why I have to get the sampler EVERY TIME!
  2. Mmm, this is mostly pure fresh fruity pineapple on me. I get wispy subtle echoes of the vanilla and copal and papaya but for the most part it's a blast of sweet juiciness. This is a wonderful vehicle for Levitation, and to answer my own question up thread, I think it would be delightful in a spray. This feels perfect for warm weather.
  3. Oh, what a perfect review, Ducky! Yes, I am loving this one. On me, this is soft and creamy and delicate. I've had some piercingly traumatic experience with florals, so am very appreciative of the gentle enveloping quality of Blue Magnolia. I hadn't thought about "Old South before air conditioning" aspect but I think that nails it. I am also thinking that once New England finally catches up to warm weather this is going to be especially heavenly. When there is more bare skin and a filmy cloud of this to waft about in the gentle breezes. Truly a winner!
  4. It was Titillating Temptress, which sold out before I could grab a bottle. And one of my first thoughts when I opened the Black Cat Mojo was I no longer had to feel bad about that! :-)
  5. And I always feel as if I should apologize for the NOVELS I write you when I want a PE! Glad to know all that verbiage was actually useful! I know I'm just repeating myself at this point but this is pure magic for me. Yay for the Potion Master!
  6. Mmm, this is very lovely! Definitely in the quietly elegant category, so the comparisons to Sneaky Clean and X Appeal are very apt. However, this never tips into soapy, as both those do (which is weirdly why I love them SO frigging much!). This has more of a very classic perfume vibe to it (not in any off-putting kind of a way). It also feels less floral to me than LP White. This is weddings and concerts and languid evenings out at very classy restaurants. And the label is perfect because this is definitely a sleek rope of pearls, nestled warmly against satiny bare skin. A true stealth sexy! Which I always love. It's interesting -- it's not a scent I would automatically think of as a match for Lace, which makes it even more intriguing. And now I am rethinking the big order I was just about to pull the trigger on.... sigh..... so much gorgeous LP goodness!
  7. Holy WOW!!! No wonder it's so magical! Thank you thank you thank you! I'll be paying for mine very soon (and now of course anxiously thinking that well, if it's the LAST of this version, will 7 or 8 or however many bottles I'm up to be enough.... !!) I really can't find words for how much I love this one. Thank you again.
  8. Very interesting! This somehow does not come off as foodie on me. I mean, I get the oats and the cinnamon, and then a little bit after that the pecan starts to bloom, and there are hints of vanilla and butter. These are all notes that I feel like I should love, but somehow this particular blend is producing a a strong perfume-y undertone for me. Skin chemistry is so odd!
  9. NuTrix, yes, I know what you mean, there is something very organic about this one ... it has more the feel of a gorgeous blend of essential oils than a perfume-y feel. Actually, when I put it on, it kind of reminded me of opening a magickal oil blend, something I would have ordered purely for intent, and then discovering that I could fall in love with the scent as a by-product. I have a place where I do my random workings in a patch of woods on my mom's property... this totally makes me want to go out there and commune with nature and the spirits! Amalthea, I think you are going to love it!
  10. NuTrix!!! The box came yesterday and this was the first thing I opened. I am wearing it again today and although this is an early report, I wanted to let you know how FAB this came out! Initially I get the carnation, and then I think the myrrh and sandalwood come up in perfect balance beneath it. Then, after a little time goes by, I get hints of the marshmallow root peeking up around the edges. It is spicy, with a mellow sweetness. It wears close to my skin like a dense warm cloud. I absolutely get that sense of groundedness and powerful feminine energy. I feel calmer when I put it on, but as if I can gear up and go cope with what needs coping with. So that balance you talked about in your original thread -- I am really feeling it. I too am getting some very evocative scent memory that hovers just out of reach. Will come back when I can put words to it. Anyway, this is just wonderful! I am sitting on my hands not to go over to the PE thread and snatch up the last one. The intent is genius and the scent is really lovely.
  11. This was the first thing I tested out of the sampler -- in the vial and wet on me it is the most extraordinary confection of orange cake-y goodness, with frosting so rich and thick I could taste it. SCRUMPTIOUS. Definitely cake, but I got plenty of citrus. I kept picturing the most rich heavenly poundcake. I need to give it a serious trial on its own to see how it lasts on me though -- a little ways in, I think it might have started to go a bit plasticky on me, but by then I had so many other things on I couldn't exactly give it a fair consideration!
  12. Oh, Skydancer, YAY! I'm so glad you got your miracle!!!!! My heart is overflowing for you. My sister said that when they got their cat back after his week of being walkabout, he was definitely traumatized and needed time to recover both physically and emotionally, but is doing fine now. I am sure that when Bodhi realizes he is home safe with mommy, he will be his old self. To let Mara know you would like to be in on the rebrew, just post here: http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=9097 Once again, so thankful for your miracle.
  13. Damn! This will be the first thing I test on Monday!
  14. Oooh, Storemy, I'm so glad it's working for you!! Rebrew is on: just pop over to the March PE thread and let Mara know how much you would like.
  15. Lovely ladies of LP! There is going to be a rebrew of Black Cat Mojo -- if you would like to order some, please post here so that Mara can have a solid count of how many to make. Mara, I would love to get: 1 spray 2 oil roll-ons, with cops added Thank you SO much! This one is just too magical not to stock up on so that I can slather to my heart's content.
  16. My bottle should be here either Monday or Tuesday! I can't wait -- this sounds so perfect. I threw caution to the winds and got it with half a Perfect Match boost!
  17. Ladies! I put in an email to LP Customer service and as always, they went the extra mile. Mara said that since it is a rebrew for which she already has recipe and label, we can all order our bottles at the "extra bottle" price. She asked me to get a solid count here of how many bottles people want. Because she is busy with the April NRs right now (pause for squee!) it would be at least a week before she can get to these. Which of course I told her was fine! So if everyone who is interested could just post how many bottles they are wanting, we will get the ball rolling! I am going to go douse myself liberally and figure out how much more I need, since my hope is to be able to have some bottles to stash away and see if aging makes it more scrumptious than I already find it. And at the rate I'm going through it, it won't happen with the current lot! So Nutrix - I am really hoping you love it, if by any chance you decide you want another bottle there is a rebrew happening! ETA: I realize reading back through the thread that apparently I intended to wait a couple of months to do this. Who did I think I was kidding? ETA: Important correction: please post requests for bottles in the March PE thread!
  18. Mine is on its way! Here comes Charlene's Sanctuary, Molly's Blue Magnolia and Jan's Calrissian.... cannot WAIT!!!
  19. Black Cat

    Pixie Dust

    Thanks for the suggestions, Stacy! Maybe I hallucinated the Egyptian musk thing, I swear I saw a reference upthread. Ah, well. And thanks for reminding me to try again. Of florals, these are the ones most likely to be up my alley, so I will let it have a few more trials. And thanks, NuTrix! Now that I have finally figured out how to save images on my new computer, I imagine I'll be an avi swapper with fair frequency! I will not embarrass myself by letting on exactly how many months went by when I felt sad for not being able to do something that required about 20 seconds of googling to learn about!
  20. Aw, thanks, Amalthea! It only took me this many months to learn how to save images on my new computer.... :-) This story made my day! Love the LP family so much! I know, RIGHT?!
  21. Oh, my gosh, I am IN LOVE! This is exactly as described -- a barely there skin scent that is wispy, ethereal, soft and quietly sweet. I can see this as a great sleep scent, but I bet it would be lovely with Treasured Hearts or Heart and Soul for daytime wear also. It definitely reminds me of Erin's Crystallized Sugar Web, which I loved. It also has similar vibe to Marsha Mellow for me -- sweet and wholesome and yummy and comforting. Fine for work, and lovely for social time with others. A total win!
  22. Black Cat

    Pixie Dust

    Hm, this is interesting! I put this on without reviewing the notes and I get fruit instead of floral, a very candied fruitiness, kind of like Smarties. :-) I just reread NuTrix's review and I agree about the bright "zing!" factor -- I thought this would be a lot quieter, somehow. As it dries down, the fruitiness morphs into something more floral, but it is VERY bright on me. The florals that have worked me have all been on the very delicate side -- not that this isn't delicate, but it's a bit loudly delicate, if that makes any sense. I also see upthread that this has Egyptian musk in it? It seems as if whenever there is a musk that doesn't quite work for me, Egyptian is somewhere in the description! So that is really good info to have. I am glad I tried this, but I think it is not for me.
  23. Yes, still passionately clinging to my number 2 spot on the imaginary wait list for Make a Wish! ETA: Oops, looks like I scored one in the trade threads! Sorry, Mara, I release my imaginary hold for some other lucky soul...
  24. I am so intrigued by this one, especially since it is very close to an idea I've been noodling around for next round of PEs (yes, already planning, it's a sickness). I am tempted to just grab it, but sugars and pink have a way of turning plastic on me. Fingers crossed that supplies last!
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