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Black Cat

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Everything posted by Black Cat

  1. Gnawing my fingers off anticipating my sampler, which has yet to make it out the starting gate. I'll be back with a full report as soon as it is in the house! ETA: The above not to be construed as complaint... I work in retail and I know very well that it takes as long as it takes, and it is not possible to bend the laws of time and space, no matter how fierce the customer's desire..... :-)
  2. Aw, you always were! And apparently I babbled a lot this month.... up again! I like this one... I could sure use a trip to the land of sunshine and unicorns!
  3. I bet you're right, StacyK! And all the descriptions are sounding more and more enticing.... I think this will be the first thing I try.
  4. Just to report: I had Poudre on my wrists, and I did a little spritz of LP White further up my arm. They complement each other beautifully! And I totally agree, Rose -- the way it "sort of begs one to lean in closer for a whiff" is VERY sexy!
  5. I'm not sure why it's taken so long to try this one. It's unlike any honey LP I've ever had -- I love what I believe were referred to upthread as "dark smutty honeys"! This is sheer, delicate and powdery. Normally I am not looking for powdery, but I agree that here it is lovely. The name is perfect! In an odd way, this reminds me a bit of LP White -- they do not smell alike, but they have the same quality. They are both delicate but with an underlying strength and complexity that emerges over time. They are also both subtle and wear very close to the skin on me. I am liking this more by the moment. I am not sure if I need a full bottle, but if I did, I'd be very tempted to get this in a spray. ETA: I am also thinking that this might be amazing in warm weather. I have been thinking a lot this winter about how different my experience of wearing perfume is when I'm bundled up in layers versus what's possible in the warmer months. If I had lots of bare skin to spritz this on, and then a little heated glow from running up the stairs or hurrying down the street.... after which I could collapse gracefully into my seat, fanning myself lightly with my hand and sitting in a cloud of sheer honey..... uh-oh, I might have just talked myself into it.
  6. It was so hard not just to go full bottle on this one! Notes and intent all sound like a win, but I've never tried the phero before (it also sounds like a win, I have to say!) so I want to be absolutely sure. But if it's as good as I think it will be, I might need a couple of these!
  7. This is the one I am most intrigued by! No idea what kind of a note wisteria is, but vanilla, musk and smoke always gets my attention, and like StacyK, I'd LOVE another Heart & Soul blend!
  8. OK, I have been sitting on my hands since these were announced, and doing my best to be frugal, but it's snowing like crazy outside and even though the temp is supposed to climb above freezing tomorrow, it only stays there for a couple of days and then heads back down again. Which means that I need a treat, and it needs to remind me that summer is coming. Someday! So-- May I please reserve a Beach Bunny Musk? I expect to be doing a big order as soon as I get my sampler, so I will pay/claim then, if that's OK? Also, is it possible to order these boosted (using the PE form), or does the fact that they are already bottled preclude that? (I want it either way!) Thank you so much for these amazing works of art, Mara and all creators! It's a bright spot in a long hard winter.
  9. The only problem is that now I am craving that hot summer day and we've got temps dropping and snow continuing to fall!
  10. OK, I'm being shockingly good and just getting the sampler, along with a couple of other samples. I made a couple of not good calls with full bottles last month and am trying to be very strict with myself. But oh, wow, things look so YUMMY!
  11. This is delicate and complex, and it goes on with the slightest tinge of soapiness on my skin. That quickly mellows, though, and I get the softest hint of grassiness, which is really lovely. It's initially more on the perfume-y side for me, as others have noted, but in drydown the aura of grass and sunlight takes it straight to that unique LP territory. A lovely scent for summer, and I get that sense of humidity that the description mentions. This is like wearing an antique petticoat and a little lace camisole, while lying on an old quilt under a shady tree on a hot summer afternoon, drinking ice tea and reading Anna Karenina.
  12. YES!!! That is exactly right. Saving loads and loads of money, that's what ordering the sampler is all about! These look just heavenly! So excited to stock up for spring. I am trying so hard to be good and stick to the sampler before committing to any full bottles but the Big Easy is calling my name (originally typed "has my name all over it" and thought better of it!).
  13. Oh, been there, done that! Ask me how many bottles of Haunted Hallows are sitting in my closet! :-) No worries, I am quite confident that in time, some other coffee wonderfulness will come along! That's the magic of LP....
  14. These all sound delightful beyond words as well as yummy! Congrats to all!
  15. .... except what gorgeous labels! It's enough to make a person start reserving without any notes whatsoever!
  16. Dug out my sample because it's snowing like blazes out there and I need to imagine summer.... I really loving this! It's very subtle, more of a skin scent than I was expecting, but what a skin scent! I have had a lot of bad luck with raspberry, but this one is actually just fruity, not medicinal. The coconut cream adds a subtle richness and then it's just the most gorgeous musk. It's very quiet unless you get right up close and then there's this seething sweet fruity creamy sexy musky cloud! Definitely has the island getaway vibe. Since I don't have a life where I spend summer lounging on a chaise while gorgeous boys bring me big fruity drinks on the beach, I would like to at least smell like I do, and Frambuesa y Coco accomplishes that to a T! I think I saw BAM mentioned upthread -- has anyone gotten this boosted, with that or anything else?
  17. OMG the GORGEOUSNESS!!!! I cannot wait to read the descriptions and find out what's in these! Edited because I got so excited I forgot to write ALL the words!
  18. Ooooh, GO FOR IT! I love PFYT -- it's so subtle and yet so stealth yummy sexy..... dare I say, Blatantly Inviting? :-)
  19. Black Cat


    Well, I've tried Blackstone a few times, and it's been a very interesting experience! I appreciate Stacy K's distinction between the coffee note in Blackstone and the one in TT -- maybe I'm just too limited in my scent repertoire for coffee, but I couldn't pick up on anything that smelled like coffee to me here. I loved the coffee in TT and in Cops and Robbers and was hoping for something similar, but this is a horse of a totally different color. I get the cherry in a blast initially, but then it quickly becomes mired in a swampy cloud of --I'm not sure what. Maybe the currants? It doesn't smell fruity, it doesn't smell resinous, it's just kind of piercing and chemical. When I sniff it in the vial I get something of what most others have described here, that fruity darkness (no coffee, though!), but then my skin turns this to something truly not workable. Sadness!
  20. Normally, I would stutter awkward thanks under these circumstances, especially since I learned everything I know about writing LP reviews from the experts like you! But under the Buttercream Rose princess making influence, I will saucily drop a demure curtsey instead!
  21. I've worn this just about every night since I tracked down my package at the postal annexe.... it's WONDERFUL. I'm not normally one for florals, but there is a very specific kind of rose that just takes me straight back to childhood-- and whether I am remembering actual roses or a perfume I could not even tell you. But this is it. I get the deep heady rose -- and for me it's not pink, it's not even bright red, it's the deep so dark they are almost black velvet red petals. And then the buttercream, which is the creamiest buttercream I have ever smelled. It's not even so much that I can taste it (though I can) but that I can feel the texture. It's a tactile experience! Putting this on transforms my bedroom from a mattress on the floor surrounded by piles of books and DVDs and the occasional dirty plate to a boudoir with billowing curtains and a four-poster bed. I am pretty confident there is a lake outside my window and a pair of baby unicorns. It takes ratty fleece pajama pants and an old T-shirt and transforms them into silk and white cotton. I am basically a Disney princess, wearing this, which is not something I've ever actually aspired to but IT'S OK BECAUSE I SMELL SO GOOD! I wanted this for my bedside table and I think it's highly possible I will put it on every night until the bottle is empty. What a treasure! Congrats, LadyV!
  22. OK, today was my first serious outing with La Femme Mystere -- I put three spritzes of La Syphide on the back of my neck and each side of my throat,and one spritz on my wrists, which I rubbed together. Then I went to do my retail day. I know people have said this is the best shopping phero; it's now officially the best one I've found for being on the other side of the counter! Every transaction, people were extremely polite and appreciative. I had the experience a few times with customers who I spotted as being potentially kind of icky (nothing outrageous, but every once in a while with tourists you get people who treat you disrespectfully and it always takes it out of me) and it was like.... I can't quite describe it, but it was as if they couldn't help themselves and were surprised to find how nice they were being to me! I mentioned in another thread that when I wear Levitation, for example, customers react very well in terms of good mood, etc., but they tend to settle in for long conversations and resist hints to move it along. Not with LFM! What I really liked about this one was that it let me feel both feminine and beautiful, but also totally in control. It's an interesting contrast to SS4W, which I also find works well in that setting, but that one can leave me feeling just the tiniest bit vulnerable if the other person has a more intense reaction, or seems inclined to linger too long. LFM makes me feel powerful, in a very calm, confident way. It leaves room to act playful without ever relinquishing the upper hand. It's a very grown-up phero. I love it.
  23. Black Cat

    Decadent Diva

    Just to report: I got my spray bottle of this! I was a little worried it might not work as well in that form, since sometimes it seems like the rich dark scents do best in oil on my skin, but this one is wonderful! It's just as potent and rich, and as others have commented, has serious throw-- a little goes a long way! And I love being able to spritz a little cloud on my hair.
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