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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. OK, since this is the OCCO thread.....I just went out to where my man is building shelves in my new office.....I am wearing OCCO Black and a good dose of LAM Sandalwood....I walked by, he STOPPED dead in his tracks, turned around and gave me a big kiss, grinned and said...."Is it bedtime yet?".....LOL......we finally decided that he should build the shelves first, or they might not get built at all....
  2. Normally, if you get the "invisible" syndrome, you have probably applied too much. Some people that you encounter may avoid you or give you a wide berth if you are in OD land. Some say that only happens with other pheros, but I have seen it happen with cops as well. And yes, as Rosebud said, cops are different......there are many times when men are definitely affected by the cops, but show no outward signs. They all react differently to that testosterone spike.......if it is in a place that would be inappropriate for him to react sexually, most will suppress it....some get crazy and react anyway, so I would just be careful of what you are wearing and most of all, WHERE you are wearing it.....
  3. I tried a little dab of the OCCO red and got quite a bit of cinnamon, but not really any from the brown sugar LAM.....brown sugar LAM is mostly brown sugar, and the strength of the scent is very VERY light...... I love my brown sugar LAM....smells great layered with Naughty on the Nile.....sends my man into orbit when I combine the two....I actually have some mixed together in a one bottle, too....ok, sorry.....off topic!
  4. I was confused as well.....these should be posted on Love-Scent's site, NOT here. I love the Essence Oil.....I have several bottles......no melting rubber! And it mixes better with the perfume oils if you pre-mix like I do!!
  5. Well, I really like LAM and BAM because they have cops as well.....BUT, that said, I also have some scents with straight A-nol for times when the wearing of cops is inappropriate.
  6. My man and I loved this one so much that he told me the other day that I need to get some more if it's still available......
  7. Mara will make it for you in a 60/40 ratio so that the spray won't burn off as fast as pure alcohol-based spray....
  8. The scents here are all amazing.....and I especially love the OCCO line! Great story, and welcome to the forum!!
  9. I just love focus potion....I find that it works better on me when in the alcohol-based version to aid diffusion....one small spritz to my chest where it will waft up, and I am good to go! And, yes.....I have paired it with Dominance and with Leather, and it has worked just fine!
  10. The only thing with LAM is that you need to make sure you are comfortable wearing cops in public. Cops cause testosterone spikes in men, and can cause quite unpredictable reactions. Some environments may not be a good place for LAM.
  11. OH ABSOLUTELY! I have shelves AND a drawer......sometimes I just go look at them.....LOL
  12. Yeah, it kills some of us, and that is why we hoard.....LOL.....just bear in mind that, in general, unless we beg and plead enough for them to re-brew a scent, in most cases, they just don't. And, another thing to remember is that even re-brews can smell slightly different due to variations in the scent components....for instance, Mara has stated that some scent components can change from year to year, even when they are purchased from the same suppliers.....
  13. Welcome welcome! Yes, here's to smelling like something other than neroli indeed! Lots of wonderful scents to choose from here!
  14. I love both Leather and Blatant Invitation personally......BI is intensely sexual.....but for me it is sexual in a "you are gonna do what I want you to do, because I am your goddess and you want to please me" type of way.....if that makes sense! Not quite sure exactly what beta -none does by itself.....all I know is the combo that it is in is killer! I leave the formulating to the experts.... Oh and welcome to the forum!
  15. Yep, you got the hits, but didn't take the scenario any further, so they didn't stick around.....
  16. Sometimes they can, sometimes not.....in a crowded room, signals can become mixed and muddled.....pheros don't always act like flashing beacons (although sometimes I have wished they would).....they will not drag someone to you if they are not interested in you or if you are not acting congruently......if they see you or meet you and are somewhat attracted to you, the pheros can "tip the scales" in your favor.....unless someone gets close to you and starts being affected by the pheros and you"reel them in", it may appear that someone else has "stolen your hits" because the target can lose interest.... for instance, if you are being aloof, shy, or quiet, then that is not congruent with Cougar .....that is why pheros are only a small part of the equation.....you must WORK IT, in order for it to work.......just like Beccah said, when you didn't bite, they went for the sure thing.....think about the guy who passed by 8 times waving before you acknowledged him.....if you had acknowledged him on the first time, he may have approached you sooner..... Alcohol-based blends can have wide diffusion patterns, and the more you apply, the farther they get "out there".....I like wearing social blends in alcohol, because it can lift moods and make for happy gatherings, but I am not trying to target any specific individual. I SOMETIMES wear the sexual ones in alcohol, but always when I am with my man, and he KNOWS who is wearing pheros, what signal I am giving him, and WHY.....I also like Leather in alcohol, but there again, I am not targeting any one person, but just enhancing my aura and enjoying the self-effects......I prefer wearing the sexual ones close to my body....either by boosting a LP or by using an unscented in CPS or oil......
  17. It can happen, especially with alcohol-based blends.....they diffuse in a crazy way.....so sometimes it is difficult for the target to tell who is emitting unless you are in a non-crowded place. Oil blends are more "personal space" type pheros, so they will notice that they are "feeling the feeling" when they are up close and personal to YOU.
  18. I notice two main differences between the oil and the alcohol base.....one is that the oil never has given me the little red irritated spots (on tender skin) that the alcohol base sometimes does....also, the oil base takes a little bit longer to dry down. So, if you are applying straight up, make sure that you rub it in pretty good and then give it a good long dry down. It usually takes about 15 min on me....if I go shorter, it is OK, but I can sometimes get a little bleed through with a lighter scent.... OH, and if you add the Essence Oil directly to your perfume oils, once it is mixed, you're good.....no need to shake it before every application like you have to do if you add the alcohol based..... I don't think I apply more, really.....since when you apply a drop, it spreads out and then you smear it around......a quick little swipe of the oil that I then rub in is about the same amount, I think......does that make sense?
  19. Dolly

    NOX 2009

    I wore NOX 2009 yesterday, and am wearing the original NOX this evening, and I must say, I love them both! They both are very soothing to me, very calming and peaceful. They are two of my favorite "just for me" scents.....I absolutely adore them.....they are so much "just for me" scents, that I don't think I have ever let my man even sniff them....all mine mine MINE.....I have a few like that, though......ones that are purchased for me and just for me.
  20. I am wondering too...I am sure it won't be exactly the same, but is it closer to the phero version or the concentrate (un-amped) version.....and will it have pheros? I am assuming from the label that it is sans pheros, but how strong is it dear Mara?
  21. OMG....Remind Me Again....< Dolly SWOONS....get the smelling salts>
  22. Absolutely correct. Some days a particular mix will hit off-the-charts, and some days, there will be nothing. It is going to depend on so many factors......who you are interacting with, their moods and desires, even the heat and humidity...... So yes, sillykitty, the only mixes that I have discarded after a few uses are ones that either my man or I have had a bad reaction to.....and I don't mean just ONE bad day.....if I use it 2 or 3 times and a pattern of bad days starts to develop, then I put that one to the side.....I may try it one more time before getting rid of it, but you get the idea.....
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