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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. You just had to review this one, didn't you Shel? I KNOW that I want a bottle, but afraid it will sell out before I have the funds..... Just for the record, I love patchouli, but this one sounds totally delicious.....but it will have to wait, because next on my list are a couple bottles of Empress of Persica, which I know my man likes.....
  2. It kind of depends on what kind of vibe he is putting out normally.....if he is doing the assertive/combative thing, you don't want to put him in a pissing contest frame of mind, which the leather may do.....if the happy go lucky pheros make him easier to work with, I would go with that.....if you go with those, however, don't let him get the idea that you will let him walk all over you.....
  3. You NEED some Leather, Lor......I am seriously in love with that blend....
  4. Yes, the re-mix versions have been very nice, but the original was MY. FAVORITE. SCENT. EVER. I would mortgage my underwear for another bottle of it!
  5. Welcome to all of our new members!! Jump in, chat a while, and be sure to try lots of the goodies here....but watch out, as they are HIGHLY addictive!!
  6. Exactly!!! I just can't be with a man who wants me to be submissive all the time.....I mean, I can go there once in a while, but it just isn't "me" on a regular basis...... My man loves BI on me, but loves even more the Dominance signature (with or without cops)....he went wild when I wore Leather.....
  7. I have to add that, upon additional testing, I have found that this is entirely true.....ALSO, I have found that Dominance in a spray, with or without cops takes on a TOTALLY different character than in the roll-on.....I have been playing with 2 Dominance sprays I made....one unscented (no cops) and one Scented with Sorceress and some extra cops added.....they both light men up.....the men who are normally attracted to strong women.....the ones who are not will probably shy away from you, but those who are not intimidated will follow you around like puppy dogs.....
  8. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    I took a little bit of the concentrate and added it to a bottle of Unscented BI.....it is GREAT.....I wish I could have bought a big vat of this one!!!
  9. I think this would be a perfect one for you to test right now Shelly....seriously.....especially with the hellish time you are now experiencing (and the fact that the actual divorce process is probably going to only make it worse).....
  10. With H & S and LAM......oh yeah, you could have gone out with a bang.....A BIG ONE!
  11. Dolly

    Remind Me Again

    My man seems to love this scent more every time I wear it.....makes me praise myself for having the foresight to get the legacy edition with the concentrate! It needs to last, as he loves it so! I wore some last night, and he was just sniffing with complete abandon!
  12. I agree with using it as a room scent as long as possible! And a big dryer sheet! LOL!
  13. Whenever it first hits my skin it is like black licorice, even though Mara says there is no anise in it.....but that is what my skin turns it into.....but after it dries down it is sweet and resinous.... I have some dark ones on my trading thread right now....Blood martini 2008 and sugared darkness just to name a few....
  14. Some people have experienced a "popularity" type reaction from BI.....I believe Mara said she had that type of reaction with it.....
  15. Hey Shel.....I just sent ya a couple emails....something you might be interested in!
  16. I had to add a new post for this one....I am laughing my butt off....my 11 year old son comes in after I have just slathered myself with LAM Brown Sugar and NSD.....he says "I have a question".....he ALWAYS has questions....and then he says...."Actually, I have two questions. First of all, are you wearing like a strong-scented perfume, or WHAT?" Then goes on to ask me his other question, about where we are going to go spend his Christmas money tomorrow..... So, then he goes in his room, comes back out about 5 min later and says "MOM! What are you wearing, because I can smell it all the way in my room with the door CLOSED!" I said, "Well, does it smell good, or bad?"....He says, "It smells good." So I say...."What's the problem?" So then he says...."What's it called?" Now, I was NOT going there, and having him go and tell his Dad and Grandma that I was wearing Naugty Sweet and Dirty....NO WAY! Not going there......so, I just said "NSD".....He said, "What does that stand for?" Geeez.....inquisitive children! I just told him it is somebody's initials.....and when he asked, I told him her name is SHELLY!
  17. OH YES, Cougar is a staple.....I have a bottle of spray that I added cops and Nasty Habits to.....it is almost LEWD..... I can't wait until you try Leather! It is Dominance, softened JUST ENOUGH....add cops, and it is on FIRE! I have a bottle of 2X Leather spray on it's way in my most recent package!
  18. OH, I love the dark ones! The darker the better......for dark/resinous ones, try LP Black, OCCO Black Shield (LP Black and OCCO are to die for layered), NOX, Naughty on the Nile is not too dark, but woodsy/spicy.....Oh and sugared Frank & Myrrh is good too.....if you can find a bottle of the sold out Sugared Darkness, it is good too....Frank & Myrrh with Nag Champa.... For dirty ones, try G String, Sugared Honeycomb, PheroGirl, any Private Editions that Shelly comes up with.....lol.....Shelly and I agree on PE notes, but as far as the regular perfumes, she leans more toward foodies than I do, while I snatch up the dark ones.....
  19. You will love it....it is such a naughty scent!
  20. We found out, quite by accident, when Shelly came on the scene, that we must have been separated at birth!
  21. OH I love it NSD....I am going to be wearing it tonight, layered with LAM brown sugar....teehee.....guess who's getting all naughty sweet and dirty (AND LUCKY) tonight?? The new PE sounds great! SAVE ME A BOTTLE.....don't go buying it all, ok?
  22. Cougar basically gives off a sparkly, popularity-type vibe.....makes most wearers appear young and vibrant, for lack of better terms......so while it may be geared toward younger men, I have found it useful in a number of scenarios.....if it is a sexual reaction you are looking for, add some extra cops to it, and you'll have lift-off! It also makes some of us females horny (particularly Shelly and I (I am her evil twin, after all).....we are both in peri-men and have raging hormones anyway......but this one seems to really set both of us off).....
  23. OK Shelly.....you talked me into trying this one.....have been putting it off because high levels of Est have mixed effects with both me and my man.....BUT I am just recovering from being sick, and am in a foul mood because of all the stuff I have to do today.....wasn't expecting much from the Lace, but said....what the hell, I'll give it a shot......glad I did.....it is an "upper".....maybe it will urge me to go wash dishes....hmmmm, not holding my breath on that one......
  24. Just ordered my set in the case! So excited!! I love all of the ladies' scent artistry, but I love it even more when the potions are for a specific intent!
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