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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. You encouraged me to wear this one today, and I still love it as much as I did at first sniff.....I wore it layered with Brown Sugar LAM one night, and my man went crazy.....glad I hoarded a couple bottles!
  2. If that thread still exists, then in it, you would be talking to yourself.....because I was COMPLETELY vaporized.....could be interesting reading though, if you were answering your own questions....
  3. I started out with EoW in 2003 (or thereabouts), because my second husband had performance issues, and had turned into pretty much the male equivalent of a frigid old woman. I scoured the internet for solutions......and found love-scent. I Initially bought the EoW with a very skeptical attitude....like "Yeah RIGHT"......but, it was inexpensive, so I tried it......it raised the dead.....LITERALLY! We divorced anyway, but that's ok, because I replaced him with a whole drawer of pheros!!! I continued using them because THEY WORK! And now I have a phero for almost any occassion......and wonderful artistic scents to go along with them!
  4. I've not tried them together......don't think they would "clash" per se, but just might be a bit of overkill.....no way to know without trying, though! Keep us posted!!
  5. I think that would be a little much.....but I would add cops to either Dom or leather.....Dom as a sex blend is killer.....so is Leather with cops!
  6. LOL I second everything Shelly said, with the addition of this....Open Windows is also a very good social blend....makes everybody happy and chipper....I have it in 2X in alcohol and reach for it in a variety of situations.
  7. I won't smack you hun.....to each his own....for me right now, my fave is a tie between BI and Leather (with cops).....both are totally rockin'! As far as softening or maximizing the dominant vibe....MAXIMIZE!!!!!
  8. Great job, Linsdsey! When I first started using EoW, my son was about 4-5 yrs old.....he came in the bathroom saying...."something smells STRANGE in here".....now, he knows that if I have a dropper or pipette, or funnel in my hand, to step away, because you never know what it may smell like!
  9. I sort of echo what the other ladies have said....being called "imtimidating" is definitely not what I would call a bad thing.....I have been called that and I love it.....it is good if they harbor a little bit of that..... Think about it this way.....to me, intimidating not only means that they would have a difficult time approaching you, but also means that they know that IF they were in a relationship with you, they could not walk all over you, because you would chew them to bits and move on.....
  10. HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA.......actually most men who have "been with" me have not had a problem.....I am very orgasmic.....it doesn't take much work on their part.....
  11. This will be my next full bottle, for sure! Even though I SAID I wasn't gonna buy anything more than pheros for a while.....I can't resist!
  12. Reminds me of Judge Judy's quote that I have adopted....."Beauty fades, but dumb is forever"......
  13. Exactly.....I still have some male friends that I made on Match.com about 5 yrs ago.....and most of them, to this day, would run to my aid if I have trouble.....or just be there to chat if I need an ear......
  14. Been there, done that with the whole online dating thing....that is how I met the gem I have now....I met a lot of really nice guys (many of whom I am still friends with).....but met a lot of wierdos too.....if you want to chat, or vent, or whatever.....you have my email!!
  15. Excellent report, Calii! Not all hits are blatant, extreme, or exciting....some of the best ones are mild.....YOU see the change in reactions....so YOU know it's working!!
  16. I am SERIOUSLY considering it....if for no other reason than to be able to make a spray that I can spray in my hair without worrying about cops!! I love scents sprayed in my hair, BUT......Cops + my thin fine porous hair= BIG NO NO!
  17. Just wanted to say that the OCCO Black Shield has SERIOUS staying power! After my shower last night, I dabbed a teensy amount on, for no other reason than I like it, and when I got up this morning, I could still smell it....and it was the tiniest little dab, too! Ladies, please don't ever ever EVER stop making this one......OR, at least give me a heads up when it is coming to and end, so that I can buy up about 100 bottles!!
  18. I know the feeling! I am SOOOOOO wanting a 2X bottle of Leather......it is DA BOMB!!! I may even have it boosted with OCCO Black Shield.....I LOVE that one!!
  19. Dolly

    G String

    I have this one boosted with BI.....it is absoluetly sinful.....
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