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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. Now that you mention it, w/o something to buffer it, straight B-nol can make me feel odd. I remember, at least once, feeling weirdly insecure Completely not like me but I had the wherewithal to know it was likely the phero messing with my perceptions. I usually keep it away from my neck and chest now and keep it to my hands and I also buffer it with other mones. What was your experience, if you don't mind my asking?
  2. Welcome back! BWAHAHAAA! Fat chance! D'oh, I mean - I'm sure you will be steadfast and have no difficulty accomplishing this goal
  3. Mmmm! This one is SO scrumalicious! I feel like a cat with cat nip...I want to slather and roll around in it until there's nothing left but all the yummy deliciousness ground into every pore....do you think that would be excessive?
  4. *squints suspiciously* Weeeell...maybe I could try a sample...but I'm so impatient, lol, if greenergal hadn't had a sample of LoP I would have gotten the bottle in my next order, it's so hard when you get the sample, if it turns out great then you have to wait for the next order with the full bottle - such is the dilemma of my indecision Have LP PINK - Yes! Love that one for sure! Spinnerett..Eeeesh! OK, Looked it up and now I know why I hadn't heard of it...pretty sure I just passed over the spider....BUT looking at the ingredients is it has possibilities, I'm a sucker for caramelized sugar, you all really sell it very well ....will look it up in the review section Wooing and Wapture...bubble gummy in the description? Will look that one up too... Hot Spun Sugar FHW- You had to put that in here!LOL I almost melted when I saw this one released and if it were an LP oil I would have likely gotten 2 bottles right off the bat! THAT one is on the money for sure! Thank you ladies! for all the suggestions! Off to troll the review threads now... Edit: Back to say, in spite of the spider on the bottle, Spinnerett is a total winner for sure...Mmm, cotton candy...good...thanks again everyone! Edit...back again... So this month's looking like fb OCCO Pink & Spinnerett, a sample of Candy Pop and something delectable from whatever the March NRs will be...possibly Unscented Teddy BB depending on how many March releases I get, lol. Thanks for all your help!
  5. A little help please? I've been looking for a pink sugar foodie something. I was looking at a Lick of Pink but, having tried it, found that it's too floral for me. I have BAM! in Pink Amber and LOVE it. I'm thinking OCCO Pink and NOCO Pink are the sugariest, pinkest, foodiest things I can find? I was looking at Candy Pop, but that one sounds like another floral fruity like LoP and I'm looking for a seriously foodie pink sugary and not so much a fruity/floral...think pink cotton candy yummiliciousness maybe? Can those of you who are more seasoned to LP offer advice? Thanks!
  6. Amen octave! I'm with ya there!
  7. NuTrix


    I made a 5ml spray with this that is 40/60 oil/alcohol plus 10 drops EoW and all I get is Merry! It's AWESOME and smells divine...you'd never know it's there...imagine how much better it will be from LP!
  8. LOL! Bang away cause she's on to something here. I'm always swapping out my potions daily...or at least nearly so...but PM is a real winner. I'm liking Raq On's BAM!, PM & OW (and Eggers' version that's w/o the OW) for work. They've been real winners! Have you tried either of those? Nice
  9. NuTrix

    A Lick Of Pink

    That's EXACTLY the direction I was thinking! Much thanks for the affirmation! I'm thinking maybe the OCCO Pink is what I'm looking for, or maybe even the NOCO Pink...or both. But in the mean time the Lick of Pink and Lick of Cream will be going into a 5ml spritzer for future use...Hmm, I may add EoW to that as well....just because I can...Will report back with my findings after they've had a chance to marinade together Edit: Have created concoction and dubbed it, "Lick of Pink Cream" and it is happily marinating right now!
  10. NuTrix

    A Lick Of Pink

    This one stayed that really pretty floral all the way through. It's lovely, but it's not for me. Thank you Greenergal, for the sample! I was going to get a fb but I'm going to pass now. I think I can use the sample by layering it with something super foodie to bury that floral to a hint in the background. Sorry Mara no insult intended - it really IS lovely! and floral girls should not fear anyone confusing this with granny perfume! It's one of the truest and loveliest roses I've ever smelled but it's just not for me this time Off to look for something more sugary pink and foodie...
  11. Maybe you're just very sensitive to cops? I know occasionally with the EoW I have been doctoring my sprays with that I get a hint here and there of it. I wonder (and hope, lol) that I'm the only one who recognizes that it's there? I can't wait to use up what I have in the alcohol and begin using the EO from LP...but a little EoW goes a LOOOOONG way I totally get this creamy baked goods goodness that makes me beside myself with delight! This is totally nommy! I feel badly that you don't get that but it has a home now where it will receive MUCH affection Thank you!
  12. This is one of the firs pheros I got in a spray...does any one have a preference? I'm thinking of getting it in oil next time, but I'm finding of late that I like to spray this on the sleeves of my blouses and the effects on the population are great... Was I BB who suggested it for work? Because you were right! This one is a great wheel greaser!
  13. This one. OK. Now I see what all the hub-bub has been about, lol. Greenergal, I must thank you for this one! Loving that creamy foodie yummy scent...and cops added? Yes! Winner
  14. NuTrix

    A Lick Of Pink

    HoJo, I'm SO in your boat. A got a sample of this, opened it, whiffed...lots of roses. Put lid back on, set aside. Now I read your review too and I went and got it and JUST put it on to test it...because I've been scared too...roses=old lady/headache/overwhelming/eck. I REALLY wanted this to be a winner and when I smelled it out of the bottle I bailed and ran. But I KNOW that LPs are notorious for smelling one way in the bottle and another way one the skin...but I was still scared in spite of that. Your review got me past the bottle and now I'm wearing it, but it's only been 10 minutes I'm getting the rose and Jasmine (I DO like jasmine very much) and a pinch of something sharp (the berries?)...but it's finally on so let's see where it goes...so far it (of course) isn't anything like the chemically old ladyish bleck sold in stores...be back when it's run it's course Edit: It's been an hour now and I have the dreaded headache I had the same thing happen with Soaked. Really loved it when I first put it on but there's something not agreeing with me. It's only been an hour and I know how LPs can morph over time so I'm NOT washing it off, lol, I'm going to wait and see what it becomes....
  15. Really? I bought this one fb scent unsniffed...then I ordered more!LOL! Saw you tried it with TT and liked it...what a yummy combo right?
  16. This one is SOOOOO delicious. I wore it the other day and it really lasts on me for hours and hours and hours....too yum!
  17. OK LUNA...technically...it's "next" week....whadda ya got for us? KIDDING! (sort of) Is this how it is at the beginning of every month? Wondering what delightful delectables are about to be released?! No sorry, the correct words are actually "obsessing over"...much stronger emotional pull than just wondering. I try to play it cool but the longer I'm a member...instead of easier...it gets HARDER to wait! I know the rules and how things work and I tell myself, "Self - you're going to wait a couple weeks into the month and THEN go have a look see." You know, after everything is out of the bag and I can read about what you all are saying about them....BUT NOOOOOO, here I am...stalking the thread for info. Maybe my gf is right...maybe I do need rehab after all, 'cept rehab's for quitters and I'm not ready to give up yet
  18. This potion focused me right to sleep I hadn't tried it yet and I wanted to run Teddy BB again today with hubs but he's sick. Then I read something on Focus Potion and thought HEY! I'll give that a whirl....While I was whiling, I dozed off...woke up, decided dozing felt kinda nice (first day off in weeks) and went with the nap scenario I'm not on any other meds that would have interacted, I'm not on meds of any kind. Although FP did bring the calm, I think I must've just needed the rest. I was just reading and had no need to focus at a particular task. Poor potion...I'll have to give it another go around...It smelled great paired with Merry! as a cover Has it made anyone else drowsy?
  19. I second it! It's great for all company...works on MIL and gfs and mixed company...you can't lose
  20. http://lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/PUNFocus/
  21. Is there an Irish theme to March? I only began my LP journey in Sept 2012...
  22. I was looking everywhere for this review too and only saw Jubilee w Teddy BB. I got my Teddy BB in the 10 for 10 too! I really liked the B2 because it was great for being around menfolk. B2 seemed to make me "one of the guys' in a buddy kind of way, "a hey, you're cool" vibe, lol. It also made the ladies chummy with me and giving me the "wow there is something really amazing about you" looks and wanting to hang out and talk because I was just the most fascinating person to have a conversation with??? So I wanted to try Teddy BB to see how they differed. The Teddy BB in alcohol, to me, is smelly...of mones...could be that it's in alcohol too. Sooo, I boosted it with Glitter Kissed I rolled on BAM! and LAM! and sprayed on some Teddy BB. I wanted to feel calm AND good. My review is a bit adulterated because of the BLAM! combo but this was GREAT! I was WOMAN NIP today, the "It" girl to the girls. There were several who engaged me in conversation and seemed to want to keep talking but not seeming to know exactly why or what about AND I was also the best bud of the guys, kind of like being accepted as one of them but with a comradery type of added respect - very unique. I'm going to wear it again tomorrow to make sure it wasn't a fluke but I have high hopes. I may like this better than B2 because it seems a bit more...sparkly? Not sure how to explain it. I may have found something ELSE for my wish list
  23. OK, requiring the use of this one tonight...but this is another stinky blend sooooo...I added some AVV and I am feeling very comfortable now...and I smell delish
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