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Everything posted by NuTrix

  1. The descripts and pictures and stories and EVRYTHING are so crazy wonderful! I think I'm in love with Luna and Tink (sorry, everyone is beautiful!- my mom is always scolding me for saying I have favorites...) I just sent my email for an update on my invoice and I will pull that trigger as soon as that bad girl pops into my email on return! Drooling now...hovering over computer...thank goodness I have to go to work or I'd be perched here...forever....
  2. NuTrix

    Lusty Licious

    Wow...I totally get the fudginess and spice (cinnamon likes me lol) and I've doctored this one up with cops in an experiment and it still smells like Lusty Licious to my nose
  3. OHMYGOSH!OHMYGOSH!OHMYGOSH! *runs in circles breathlessly, panting, drooling and making a general mess...* Squeeeal! Can't wait for the descripts! I may keep miles away form that "Pro-Create" though...I'm only interested in practicing the act, not bearing the fruit Smitten Kitten, Breath of Nirvana, Glamour Puss - ohmygosh what a gorgeous photo!, Sweet Dreams and Comfort Potion for my hubby...and for me if he's not interested ^_~ and of course Ambre Amore....so excited! Stalking for descriptions begins!
  5. You'll see it sometimes as THDOC or Alpha-THDOC or Allo-THDOC....(there's a beta-THDOC version too) Tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone purports to help with inhibition, boost confidence, help you relax/focus. Of the LP's I have it's in SS4W, BANG!, Gotcha! and Popularity Potion. The beta is in Balm Bomb and Le femme Noire
  6. D'oh! *rustle - thump* IIIEEEEE! *rustle* Hi ElizabethOSP...Ooooo, stubbed my toe in the dark!
  7. ODing can mean headaches or jitters to some people but often when people talk about ODing they use it synonymously with "ghosting" -where the effects on others seem to be non existent, like you're being ignored even...
  8. BANG!: Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, dehydroepiandrosterone sodium sulfate (DHEAS), tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone, androstanone "given a slutty sleazy spin with the addition of Essence of Woman Copulins and an extra dose of the feminine magic of Estratestraenol" ^_~
  9. Sorry DD! I just spied this! Did you order both already? (which would have been my first suggestion...teheheee...) For me, BANG! is more social, like Cougar. Gatcha! is more laid back. It depends on what I'm looking for. If they were women...Gothca! would not be introverted, but less out-going than BANG! Gotcha! would be more sultry and more demure where BANG! is a bit more flamboyant.
  10. NuTrix

    Glitter Kissed

    Wore this creamy gooey ginger snap cinnamon delight today! EEEE GADS! What a ginger cookie dream! I've been huffing myself ALL DAY LONG...and I'm still huffing myself tonight! YUM! This is so comforting and warm and sugar creamy goodness...just pure YUM!
  11. The none in it might give it the an aggressive edge in the come hither department, but I think, for me, the Est buffers that pretty well giving me a definite feminine vibe. I would agree with StacyK about Sexpionage being on the more alpha side in comparison
  12. NuTrix


    My husband has actually SAID...with words...his own words...that this is his favorite scent I have so far. *Swoons!*
  13. It's true! Before I got BANG! I had tried to bang with this combo, but it just isn't quite the same. The art of the craft no doubt! This is a social combo too and it brings a bit of naughtiness (or maybe I just always bring it cuz I can't leave it anywhere, lol) but menfolk seem to LOVE it..door holding, preferential treatment, excited to be around you...like it's a cool privilege...no complaints there! I have Gotcha! in Honeyed LP & Fuzzy Wuzzy and in Un too...LOL (I'm a hoarder...no getting past it ) and I would have to say that it's been with Fuzzy Wuzzy that I got some of my most memorable knee jerk reactions with, Hahaha! One being a co-worker stopping mid conversation, leaning INTO my neck with both of us pulling immediately back from one another and, with his eyes bugging...stammered..."I'm sorry...but is that you I smell?" It was hilarious once I realized what was going on, lol, but in the moment I was all - WTH? GOTCHA! yup. "Amusing experiences" fo sho I know I've gotten some great ideas from YOU miss DD!
  14. NuTrix

    Greetings! ^_^

    PS... I LOOOOVE you're avi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. NuTrix

    Greetings! ^_^

    Welcome to the greatest place on earth! (like you didn't see that coming from me???) Good to see you here at last!...I knew it was only a matter of time
  16. Took Rocket Fuel III for a spin with Un CB...slathered RF...slathered. I love this scent...and it LASTS because it's been 12+ hours and I still sell sugary delicious! I've been loving me all day. Got LOTS of preferential treatment today...SS4W & CB combo is always FLAWLESS that way. I fogged in LP Balls! yesterday and that can intimidate the guys at work...nervous, lol. SS4W & CB are much better. I think a good number of the fellas I deal with just react better to bonding type blends...but that doesn't keep me from tossing in a wrench every now and then...Teheheeee.....
  17. YEEEESSSSS! ME TOO! ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Right there! That one! Yes! Emphatically YES!
  19. Ooooh! But I've done that and he needs a breather.......it only distracts for a while.....and now, here I am again, LOL stalk stalk.....
  20. NuTrix

    Candytuft Tea

    Uh-huh. It's like that! Pretty darn awesome isn't it? A completely unexpected favorite!
  21. :ph34r: *moans...grovels...pleads...* :ph34r:
  22. Ditto! Oooo, if it gets close....I will do the same! Great thought! Thanks!!! Something is better than ...waiting LOL! I'm trying to wait...trying....
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