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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. Haha - that just sounds so wrong ... (Hint: Adult Friend Finder )
  2. *Steps back into a deep doorway to let that crowd rush by* haha!
  3. Maybe - she made me initially think of being the female lead for a Sci-Fi movie ... sort of a cross between Ultraviolet and a female replicant from Blade Runner haha!
  4. A happy day for those that made the labels ...
  5. Peeniefeet *snort* I like the Orchid & Magnolia labels. Apple almost makes me think Vampire ...
  6. Thank you everyone! And trying to get my "spare tire" to go a little flatter haha!
  7. Doing great, thanks, & I hope you are too! Welcome to the forum!
  8. I did not change my rank but I did cross the 8,000 mark!
  9. Hello and welcome to the forum! Looks like you have jumped right in!
  10. quietguy

    Hello :)

    Welcome to the forum and Happy Birthday!
  11. Congrats all you Sinfully Indulgent wannabes! Good luck with your schedules!
  12. It would be more like a paper cut than a deep stab wound ... almost there ....
  13. Not at all. That is Mrs. QG's almost daily "bitch" - if she puts her foot down to the stupidity, then she is at best "angry", more likely a bitch. The guys do the same, and shit gets done. Even if it is the wrong thing. I could use more of it here around the house, thanks!
  14. Thinking .... it could take me a while haha!
  15. It primarily does the first - enhance who you are. They can even enhance a bad mood - for the negative. I also think Luna's observations above are very accurate.
  16. Haha - thank you but of the three points, we might have to settle for me having family come from somewhere in Great Britain ...
  17. Haha - maybe use your bangs to cover the devil horns! I get the same reaction to some women. I have found make jokes (about myself mostly) helps disarm that and gets people laughing but I am not in the mood to joke all the time.
  18. I wonder if people would understand why I changed my name to Merlin?
  19. I think it is possible that the pheros caused a headache. It happened to me once but only in conjunction with other stuff (lack of food, etc.) and I have been using pheros for years.
  20. Welcome to the forum! I was considering a joke about the term (not fragrant) my wife uses for me when I get back from the gym haha!
  21. Like the C&W song says ... "Don't ask me how I know ..." haha!
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