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Everything posted by quietguy

  1. The nerve of some people haha! Talk about a lady with a lot on her plate - esp. with the new store opening. Amazing you get it all done and so well.
  2. Haha - 5 yard penalty on Luna for (friendly) taunting!
  3. No - my colognes can be a sore subject here and so in that great married tradition, we ignore the issue in order to maintain harmony haha! I bet I might be able to ask her to try it one evening though ... Wow - I am sorry about that! It seemed like a perfect "heavier" female musk without going too heavy - but I know everyone's chemistry is different and you tend to go "lighter" from what I have seen. But I saw you have your White Musk to cling to haha!
  4. Tyvey, have you tried Sugared Red Musk? On an interesting note, I just went back and noticed I have done the only review for Sugared Black Musk.
  5. All the above - record in detail what is said at the meeting. SWS should help.
  6. Oohhhhh - President? When is your State of the Eric Northman Union address? And no, you can't raise my taxes errrrr dues so you can fly ou there to meet him ...
  7. We all have done it at first! Most of us do it on purpose though just to see what will happen.
  8. I suspect that it may be cycle related too but the ladies will have to weigh in on that. Also - a dose that might work with 85% of your target audience might be too high or low for the rest. Especially other females depending on the pheromone & their cycles.
  9. Thank you. They seemed apropos given some of the recent discussions here ...
  10. For me, the "Aha" moment was with Bodice Ripper. It was definitely a guy's scent, but it said "dark masculine violet" and I thought "No way". But Mara said "Trust me" and it was the first LP that really clicked with me.
  11. The other thing I have learned - and Luna just hit on this in another thread - I have really learned to trust Mara's opinion on scents. I have looked at notes and though "probably not" but Mara has said "trust me" on the phone or here on the forum and is usually right.
  12. Everyone has to get used to the non-commercial "fixed" scents they are used to but for some reason it seems to take (most/a lot of) guys longer. I know it did me.
  13. Hmmm .... I think I need to get these ... Eve of Darkness Sugared Black Tea Sugared Cedar Sugared Dragon's Blood Sugared Frankincense & Myrrh Sugared Grasses Sugared Leather Sugared Nag Champa Sugared Oud Sugared Patchouli Sugared Pine Needles Sugared Sandalwood Sugared Vetiver
  14. Haha - yes it is. And still somehow I have more LPs than I think I will ever be able to wear ...
  15. Maybe, kinda, sorta. I think it all depends if she wants to go with the flow of whatever pheromone I am wearing. If she really wants to just wallow in whatever, that is what she chooses to do.
  16. Why I am shocked, shocked, that anything I have said could be construed as ... improper!
  17. I did not see it nor do I think I would have been offended as I know that you are here to create drama or purposely offend. We sometimes get one, but they do not stick around for along as they are called out on it. Politely of course haha. The added "complication" is that I have to go very lightly with colognes around Mrs. QG and in fact she would be just as happy if I never wore one. But I wear them (as lightly as possible lol) anyways as I obviously enjoy them quite a bit. I am resigned to the inevitable discussion when she figures out how many LPs I have but I think we have kind of reached an equilibrium of sorts as you describe. My LP collection is not too huge nor is it a mess. At the same time, her job is stressful (and she makes it a little more so as she is very demanding of herself and goes the extra mile even when not necessary) so she really enjoys massages as stress relief. I have always supported that to include her getting a massage a week if that is what she wants. And considering she easily spends more on massages than I do LPs overall, then there you are. It is one of those things in a long term relationship, that from her perspective, you just let slide. But that is one of those little rough spots below an otherwise smooth surface that form after 25+ years of marriage. And please do not get me wrong about Mrs. QG either. I am not speaking ill of her by any means. She is a very smart, strong woman and one of the best in her fields here in our area. She does not hesitate to speak her mind, especially here at home, and that is the way it should be. So I know quite clearly where her "mind" is on certain subjects haha!
  18. Mrs. QG is very frugal and very practical. She feels that buying cologne/perfume is not a wise use of our finances, not to mention spending time on online forums being a wise use of time.
  19. I only wish Mrs. QG shared my love of scents or desire to experiment with pheromones. I would be more than happy to "equip" her accordingly. It has been a while since I have discussed it in depth here on the forum, but this is most definitely not the case.
  20. We answered this elsewhere but they do not offer unscented pheromones as gifts or freebies.
  21. Donsie only thinks she has teeth. What she doesn't realize is that the names are cumulative - she is really a toothless occo loco fairy ...
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