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Aja vs Pherogirl vs OCCO Gold? Which honey phero?

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Aja Aja Aja (even says so in my profile). Just got OCCO gold and I have to be in a certain mood for it. Aja has a sweeter note to it (except the vinegar that some people get..I get vinegar about the first 2 inches from my skin). One tiny swipe from the applicator lasts 12 hours plus. Combines great with many other LP's.


(keep in mind, Aja is a single note although it does morph. It would be unusual to wear it as a perfume all on it's own. Comparing it to blends is a bit tough )

Edited by androstenol
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I really like OCCO Gold although it's a bit heavy for me when first applied. To be honest i usually love it the next day (yes it lasts that long!)

It's this amazing soft flower honey scent. Delicious ;)

I have a sample of Phero Girl, it reminds me a lot of OCCO Gold but it's brighter on me. I haven't tested it much though yet.


Aja on me, is bad, like really bad. Pee smell (from someone who is really dehydrated :P )

The thing is that in the vial (sample) it still smells bad to my nose. I don't get that whole honey others are talking about.

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I like Aja & I can feel comfortable wearing it on it's own. It goes to a more sugary type of scent on me, although it is STRONG. Like seriously, a little dab will do ya! Pherogirl also smells really sexy, but I don't feel comfortable wearing that one out & about. I can't say about OCCO Gold, I haven't tried it.

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Aja is first for me...it smells like honeyed peaches on me and makes every single scent I layer it with better. The mixed reviews on it are startling to me! Phero girl second...I need to get another sample and see if I am ready for a full bottle yet. Never took the plunge because I was never sure but most of the time I liked it. Occo Gold smelled horrifying on me. I've tried it several times throughout the years and it is just a no go for me. Smells like burning plastic.

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Oh MDC I wish I got that.




Yeah me too ... for me Aja smells bad from the bottle, and i really wanted to like it.


I'm starting to like Phero Girl more and more now. Maybe it will get first place for me too. It's brighter than OCCO Gold (at least to my nose) so I might consider a FB.

I'm sure it has less cops than the OCCO, but do we know how much less?

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Mara has always done an excellent job when I have had her do it.


You can always specify lightly or heavy ect..


I have a bottle of Hummingbird Necter coped just right. It's delightful.


Although I recommend getting a bottle of EOW at some point. It always comes in handy.

Edited by StacyK
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Agreed Stacy. Investing in my own bottle of EOW was awesome for me! I will often do my own fave LPs with cops and keep a NON copped version as well. have also used EOW VERY carefully straight , just one tiny drop applied in a few places, and slathered a good cover scent over it. I love the choices this option opens up for me.

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Agreed Stacy. Investing in my own bottle of EOW was awesome for me! I will often do my own fave LPs with cops and keep a NON copped version as well. have also used EOW VERY carefully straight , just one tiny drop applied in a few places, and slathered a good cover scent over it. I love the choices this option opens up for me.

Ooh, good to know. I have sample of Sheer Essence, which is EOW Light and have been playing with it a bit. But once I can, will try EOW. Have a feeling that purchase will be after this next batch of NRs.


I really like Aja (posted review about it earlier in thread), but still not sure if it works like cops on me. But I'm lucky and thankful it smells good on me, I can 'honey' up a scent. Most honeys turn on me into a bad baby powder scent. I think only 'smutty' honeys stay 'true' on me.


Not sure what that says about me... :say19:

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