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Ty~ I was scared of this one because I don't want to be too personal- but this is Heaven! It's dark, and powdery but not too sweet. It's perfect. I want this for when I have my period. Not too sweet but comforting and smooth. It's very smooth. Silky. I love this. I can't stop smelling the back of my hand. Okay here is what comes to my mind.. It's almost like a darker, rougher version of New for me. Same type of comfort, but different kind of nourishment.


New makes me feel giddy and motherly, white cotton chemise with milky breasts, babies, and puppies. This makes me feel bad ass and confident, smooth. Like Lara Croft. I could easily be Indiana Jones wearing this.

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I wore TMI yesterday for dinner at my brothers. He was hosting our cousin and wife that came for a visit from Arkansas or Kansas ~ somewhere. The purpose of me wearing TMI was because I wanted to get some info - from my cousin's wife. She was the target.


I barely showered. I haven't washed my hair in like 4 days- It's still dirty BTW. I had it up in a bun piled in tangles on top of my head. little make up and sweating. But I was trying to make somewhat an effort by wearing heels and leopard print top, not too much though. Didn't want to make it obvious that I did not want to be there. I was after all doing CIA work.


Walked through the door and target gasped and said how amazing I looked. She said it like it was a surprise. Granted the last time she saw me I was about 25 pounds heavier but still.


Next came my beloved cousin Coco. She saw me and said I looked so great! I was glowing and looked so thin.


Next came in my Aunt who hugged me so tight and said I looked incredibly beautiful and like I had lost even more weight than last time she saw me.


My cousin said to me that I had this glow about me. She said I was glowing and she could not stop staring at me. She said- " must be your pheromones or something that you are exuding that is giving you this glowy look" LOLLL!!!!


I'm totally buying tons of this stuff. It makes me look skinny and glowy?

I'm in!

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It could just be that people were expressing the truth of their own emotions (you know how sometimes people withhold praise/positivity for whatever reason) as assisted by the mix, but I'm interested now to see if there's an "airbrush" effect...there is a pheromone which does this, reportedly, but I can't remember which one.

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It could just be that people were expressing the truth of their own emotions (you know how sometimes people withhold praise/positivity for whatever reason) as assisted by the mix, but I'm interested now to see if there's an "airbrush" effect...there is a pheromone which does this, reportedly, but I can't remember which one.



I do know that my cousin's wife does not shell out praise or compliments. It was like she wanted to throw up after she said it.

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LOL true. Kindness, OH IT BURNS!

Did you find out what you wanted to, LV?



Not yet- directly at least- my cousin and I were doing tarot readings for each other and she asked my sister in law if I could read her- this had to be the TMI because she is so guarded and never ever talks about what she is doing or herself etc - so for her to ask if I could read her was out of character for her- I said..UMMM YESSSSS!!! My cousin, and sister could not believe she would ask me to read her. It had to be the TMI

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Ha! The box wasn't on my desk 5 minutes before I had it open and was testing this out.


It's very perfumey at first and has a lot of throw. It's almost overpowering at first sniff. After about 10 minutes it started to mellow and lie closer to the skin. I get nothing foody from it though. Mostly musk.


(sniff sniff)


Oh!!! I know! It's like White Musk from The Body Shop.


No input on the pheros yet since I'm sitting all alone in my office. I'll add that later once I interact with some people.


ETA: No hits at all. But even if Edward Norton fell at my feet and professed his undying love while I was wearing I'd still have to swap it. It gave me a headache for some reason.

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I knew this would be love, which is why I bought a bottle unsniffed. I was completely right. :Hug_emoticon:


This isn't a very heavy caramel blend like Caramel Sutra but has just enough caramel and vanilla to give it a gourmand edge while the musks contribute to a certain cuddly sexiness. There is something in here that does remind of me of The Body Shop's White Musk as Skye mentioned (which makes me get all nostalgic because that stuff reminds me of chasing boys at high school dances my freshman year) but it's more than just that. It's obvious that the musk combo here is complex, with the ethereal lightness of white musk, the soft coolness of blue musk and the sensuality of amber musk. It's actually quite relaxing; I could just as well wear this going to sleep as on a date. Love!

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I bought 3 bottles of this, unsniffed! The musks sounded so lovely that I knew I would love it, which I do! My sortaguy loves it too, I haven't told him about the pheros! :OU1D43~112:

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Scent-wise it is just wonderful. When I first opened the vial, I was a bit afraid of the caramel, but on the skin it's different. The caramel-sugar is still there but soft and sweet, the musk is also present, this combination of scents is a big success, and also long-lasting. Tomorrow I'll wear it to the office and see how the pheros would work.

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There *might* be a little left. I stock the cart conservatively remember. Give me a day or two to get through all of the orders and then I will add whatever is left back into the cart.


That's great news as I tried to put in my order as quickly as possible to grab the last two bottles .... and obviously I didn't get to order any .....

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There *might* be a little left. I stock the cart conservatively remember. Give me a day or two to get through all of the orders and then I will add whatever is left back into the cart.



I love you!!


(and yes, I will keep a close watch on the site.....I want neeeeed 2 back up bottles :P)

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All this flurry made me finally get around to trying this... I see why people get powder: the blue musk is firmly the core of the scent, at least on me, and gives a very clean-linen, almost floral, dry, classic feel...so, although it's beautifully sweet, it's actually much less foody than I expected. I think I am snorting it too hard, making myself lightheaded...


ETA OMG you guys, this is making me a mush pie! I feel all warm...and fuzzy....and soft....I'm tearing up...not sad though, just feeling, errr, lovey feelings, with no target...can't explain...Danger, I might betanol (not drunk)-dial an ex...

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Well, I was going to buy the last two- but didn't want to hoard.. so I bought one in spray to go along with the one in oil from a previous purchase. :)


So yes it was I, but who was the other??? Was it Daisy in the kitchen with the candlestick?

Remember she bought 3.. :P

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Well, I was going to buy the last two- but didn't want to hoard.. so I bought one in spray to go along with the one in oil from a previous purchase. :666:


So yes it was I, but who was the other??? Was it Daisy in the kitchen with the candlestick?

Remember she bought 3.. :gasp:



AHA! :kyrii_faerie_action: :penguin::ph34r:

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I'm *hoping* I got to order one of the *gasp* 3...but I dunno yet. I'm kicking myself for waiting so long...I wanted to get a tubful of this one.



When did you order yours Katz? I ordered mine sniper style- like at 1am on Saturday when the rest of you were alseep or partying.

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When did you order yours Katz? I ordered mine sniper style- like at 1am on Saturday when the rest of you were alseep or partying.


Crap..I think it was *right* after Mara posted the new descriptions? Sat nite?

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"Wonder Twins, UNITE!" I Wonder if we did?


We totally did! I had both sitting in my cart. One oil and spray. My higher self probably saw your higher self and they met and saw us both surfing and clicking at the same time because then I deleted one. I always feel guilty when I want two buy them all. I don't feel that way about the samples though- I have no problem buying those out. Just the bottles because I know some people might really really want those.

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We totally did! I had both sitting in my cart. One oil and spray. My higher self probably saw your higher self and they met and saw us both surfing and clicking at the same time because then I deleted one. I always feel guilty when I want two buy them all. I don't feel that way about the samples though- I have no problem buying those out. Just the bottles because I know some people might really really want those.



I'm so glad we had that talk... :kyrii_faerie_action:

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LUNA: serious question: your description of this LP mentions putting this on your skin & letting it work with your body heat. DOES THIS MEAN THE PHEROS / THIS COMBO WON'T WORK (or will somehow work less well) if I spray it on my clothes, or the back of my hair (assuming I can get some)?

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Sweetie-pie, Sean wrote that one, not me (I was on vay-cay). But since you're yelling at Da Mawa she'll probably answer that question too. :lol:

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Ok, I finished filling all the orders, and what I have left is 3 bottles worth.


Three of you asked...so I'm going to offer one bottle to each of you.






If anyone doesn't want one, let me know.


I am NOT putting it into the cart, because I don't want you ladies to lose your spot on the list. So if you want one just buy a PE because it's the same price and write in TMI...if you want an oil. If you want a spray, order via the Beta-Test page.


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OMG!!! squeal! Thank you!!!!! Off to order now thank youuuu

Question for you from post #74 above= Sean's description of this LP mentions putting it on your skin & letting it work with your body heat. DOES THIS MEAN THE PHEROS / THIS COMBO WON'T WORK (or will somehow work less well) if I spray it on my clothes, or the back of my HAIR instead?

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Ok, I finished filling all the orders, and what I have left is 3 bottles worth.


Three of you asked...so I'm going to offer one bottle to each of you.






If anyone doesn't want one, let me know.


I am NOT putting it into the cart, because I don't want you ladies to lose your spot on the list. So if you want one just buy a PE because it's the same price and write in TMI...if you want an oil. If you want a spray, order via the Beta-Test page.



Yes, I would like to have it. Thanks, PM!


Is it okay to wait a little for payment as I would like to put in another small order during the 50/30 sale? If it helps you in cutting down your postage and labour costs, you can mail everything (new small order, TMI and the huge order I put in over the weekend) together.

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I think Sean was just showing off his recently acquired epiphany about diffusion and body heat that I am always trying to convey to people. It makes a big difference if you wear them "properly". He's been wearing LPs daily for about a year now and is very amused and is very naughty with them. Says he feels like he has his own personal alchemist. :lol:


But anyway, our potion oils always work best when applied to the spots on your body that heat up the most. If you wish to use it in a spot that does not generate much heat, it's probably better to get the spray.

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There are those who do...I experimented with that during vay-cay but the results might prove to be a little too TMI for those of delicate constitutions. :lol:

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LOL true!

Okay let's just say that depending on how much I sweat (and I will state that I do sweat, I do not perspire, I do not glow, I sweat) it didn't always work. But sometimes it wasn't entirely unpleasant...but again, that's a relative judgment because of my stink kink. :lol:

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