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Cougar Potion (pheromone-enhanced perfume)

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This is next on my list of UN pheros to buy! I'm so excited! Every time I wear sparkle fuscia it puts me in a great mood!


Do you guys have it in alcohol at all? All of the UN pheros I've ordered so far have been in alcohol

Edited by Raq On
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This is next on my list of UN pheros to buy! I'm so excited! Every time I wear sparkle fuscia it puts me in a great mood!


Do you guys have it in alcohol at all? All of the UN pheros I've ordered so far have been in alcohol


I have this in oil...and ordered an UN spray in alcohol...yesterday :rockon:


ohhh,yeah,luvs the Sparkles...try it with Occo Pink! Cougar with some xtra cops is wild :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I'm a newbie here but not new to pheros. I just got the Cougar Potion fragrance in the mail today. My first reaction upon applying it (one good double stripe to the wrist & smeared between, one rub in the hollow of my throat, one rub on each side of that (collarbone area) and schmear with fingertips) was, "WHO CUT UP A GRAPEFRUIT?" Bright, sparkly, citrusy smell just like fresh grapefruit! Then within only a minute or so I started getting a faint, light musky smell. It's thoroughly dried down now and I have a lovely soft mix of citrus and a powdery, musky, not-quite-incense fragrance. And I FEEL DYNAMITE! Sexy, with-it, in control, maybe not QUITE smokin', but pretty durn close.


Now, I guess it's important to know that I hit 50 last year (although I don't look it according to most people) one month after I had major surgery to remove what I had left of my reproductive organs along with the huge growth attached to them. (Benign, I might add.) It has left me struggling not to feel old.


Right now I DO NOT FEEL OLD! W00T! Look out for me!

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As the ingredients state, Cougar Potion is for youth and glamour (beyond the addition of the Stone Cougar pheromone blend), so it's no surprise at all that you feel a bit more...sparkly. :party:

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And I FEEL DYNAMITE! Sexy, with-it, in control, maybe not QUITE smokin', but pretty durn close.


:jumpforjoy: ...Yeppers that is the Cougar effect,and you can up the smoke with cops :lol:

...and Cougar Potion is 1/3 the strength of unscented :)


Many congrats on that beautiful beautiful word...benign :Hug_emoticon:

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Yes, benign is a lovely word. Initially all I knew was "You have a growth in your abdomen." Given a history of cancer in my family, it scared me witless. But I spent all last summer in medical testing and TWO (count 'em, two) surgeries. The first was a bellybutton and the second was what I took to calling "the big slice an' dice."


At any rate, the Cougar Potion was still apparent when I got up today. (I write, and am a night owl. I went to bed at 3am and got up about lunchtime.) I layered more on and hubby and I went out and about a bit. I got good service from shopclerks and the restaurant waitress, but didn't notice a whole lot else in the way of "hits." Then again, I was sorta just going with the flow, so I may not have noticed. I DID get several pretty items in a couple of makeup shops (we had a Sephora open up near me, and some products I wanted were carried at the local Target). So I am fairly happy.


Funny: There's a specialty chocolate boutique in the same mall with the Sephora. I can speak to their excellent rum truffles, but being on a low carb diet makes that a bit difficult. A diabetic friend told me they had sugar free chocolates, so we popped in and I tried an orange jelly and a dark chocolate cherry cordial. I bit into the cordial and cherry cordial juice just splattered down my light aqua shirt! The shopclerk ran for a handful of paper towels, and husband very attentively stood there and delicately wiped UPWARD to remove as much of the cordial as possible before it soaked in (and actually got most of it off!). I've still got some faintly visible blotches on my shirt but frankly I just didn't care! I'll throw it in the wash soon and if it comes out, fine; if not, it converts to a slouchabout shirt. Dunno if the pheros had anything to do with my attitude or not... :oops::) :)

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:oops: ...Yeppers that is the Cougar effect,and you can up the smoke with cops :)

...and Cougar Potion is 1/3 the strength of unscented :)




Oh how glad I am that one of last night's orders was the unscented then! And I already have some cops, if I can stand to wear 'em. GEEZ... :green_smiley_monster::mad-scientist:

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Added a stripe of cops (about 3 drops(!)) down my belly, then rolled the scented CP over/along the same path. For the first time, the cops aren't making me gag - it actually all smells GOOD together!


And I finally figured out what cops reminds me of - a really "good" batch of dried valerian herb! The kind where you open the bag and go, "WHOO!" and jerk back, lol.

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Ok it's official - the cat does NOT like cops. Every time I've worn the cops oil someone sent, he wants to cuddle, then gets close to the application point and runs away like he got yelled at. Then tries to wash himself down.

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Ok it's official - the cat does NOT like cops. Every time I've worn the cops oil someone sent, he wants to cuddle, then gets close to the application point and runs away like he got yelled at. Then tries to wash himself down.


Lol, maybe he's gay? My boycat goes the direction of snuggly-headbutts etc. around cops. And a big *YES* to the Valerian comparison...never thought of that before but there is some similarity!

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I don't know. I think maybe it's the strength of the odor that he dislikes. He loves curling up right against my crotch when I'm lying down and have one knee drawn up. Anything that has a strong tang smell he'll jerk back from.


I had a little adventure this weekend with a department reunion at my undergrad alma mater. (Also a booksigning.) It went fantastically, wearing Cougar Potion scented. I also added a spray of an experimental from that other place I left. I sold books like crazy and came home having made a profit for the first time in a university setting. I had professors hovering around me, the university president chatting me up, and during the luncheon (right after my booksigning) the husband was kind enough to pack and stow my books for me while I got us a seat in the ballroom. Sitting by myself, suddenly I'm surrounded by the dept faculty (mostly male) who decide that this should be their table because they're not going to let me sit alone! So this one guy (probably early 40s) starts to sit beside me and I said, "No, my husband is sitting there," and he goes, "HUSBAND?!" If I'd had anything in my mouth I'd have spewed, because it was so obvious that he was planning to, ah, get to know me better!


And this evening I had a very attentive husband (who doesn't know about the professor, lol) when we drove home (several hours) and also when we went out to dinner. I didn't put anything much on fragrance-wise until we got ready to go out to dinner (at least anything with pheros in it) and he was fun and funny and solicitous and generally a delight. He used to be like that all the time but since he had heart surgery some years ago and they put him on all these meds, he's become kind of lethargic and stuff. Tonight he was actually perked up and enjoying himself.


Me likey da Cougar!

Edited by AlienChangeling
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It may like me but evidently hubby doesn't like it.


So I get dolled up in a nice summery deal with a gauze tunic and battenberg lace, capris, and sandals (WITH freshly pedicured toes!), nicely made up, and we get in the car to go eat, and I get out my scented Cougar Potion and roll a strip down each side of my throat, and a small strip on one wrist, rubbed between two. After a couple minutes hubby rolled down the car window a couple inches - and it remained that way the rest of the evening. Now it isn't exactly cool outside and the a/c is blasting so I asked him to roll up the window. He replies that ever since I sprayed (!) my perfume on, his nose burns so he has to keep the car window down. It was fine in the restaurant and outside, but not in the car - over an hour later.

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It may like me but evidently hubby doesn't like it.


So I get dolled up in a nice summery deal with a gauze tunic and battenberg lace, capris, and sandals (WITH freshly pedicured toes!), nicely made up, and we get in the car to go eat, and I get out my scented Cougar Potion and roll a strip down each side of my throat, and a small strip on one wrist, rubbed between two. After a couple minutes hubby rolled down the car window a couple inches - and it remained that way the rest of the evening. Now it isn't exactly cool outside and the a/c is blasting so I asked him to roll up the window. He replies that ever since I sprayed (!) my perfume on, his nose burns so he has to keep the car window down. It was fine in the restaurant and outside, but not in the car - over an hour later.



I almost NEVER let my man smell a new scent before drydown. NEVER. These scents cannot be properly judged until they are fully dry. Even though he was still having that reaction later, reaction to scent is often a strong one, and once they get a reaction in their mind, if it is severe enough, it can color their future experiences with it.....



And, on my skin, when wet, the grapefruit can be pretty strong......almost overpowering.....but once it dries down, it is lovely.....and so much more than just grapefruit.....

Edited by Dolly
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Right; my protocol normally involves scenting post-shower, pre-dressing and giving it time to meld with my skin (or, if naked time is scheduled, then just about 10-15 minutes to set before going forth for glomping and pouncing).

Edited by luna65
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That sounds sarcastic but I don't mean for it to. He really is like that - when he decides he wants to go, we go NOW. I've gone off and left stuff at my parents' house when we were visiting because he got a wild hare that it was time to go and I was so frazzled I went off and forgot something.

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That sounds sarcastic but I don't mean for it to. He really is like that - when he decides he wants to go, we go NOW. I've gone off and left stuff at my parents' house when we were visiting because he got a wild hare that it was time to go and I was so frazzled I went off and forgot something.



My first husband was like that......that bugs the crap out of me.

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My ex was also like that to a certain extent...I'm a punctual person and if it's agreed to leave by a certain time then I'm ready but if you try to rush me I get cranky.

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My ex was also like that to a certain extent...I'm a punctual person and if it's agreed to leave by a certain time then I'm ready but if you try to rush me I get cranky.


I just get frazzled. I was gonna go put on some LP Black but didn't have time. I was gonna change from capris into jeans - didn't get to do that either. Arrggghh.


He's a keeper, don't get me wrong. We're not far off the 3-decade mark for our anniversary. But he def did not like the Cougar wet and evidently that stuck with him, so Cougar may be ruined for him now. :10_small16:


Not that he's a Cougar target. He's actually a year older than me. But I want to use Cougar for my public appearances to generate that youthful, attractive image. So he needs to be able to deal with it.

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I just get frazzled. I was gonna go put on some LP Black but didn't have time. I was gonna change from capris into jeans - didn't get to do that either. Arrggghh.


He's a keeper, don't get me wrong. We're not far off the 3-decade mark for our anniversary. But he def did not like the Cougar wet and evidently that stuck with him, so Cougar may be ruined for him now. :10_small16:


Not that he's a Cougar target. He's actually a year older than me. But I want to use Cougar for my public appearances to generate that youthful, attractive image. So he needs to be able to deal with it.



Well, I have a Cougar blend that was the UNscented Cougar, scented with another perfume, so you could get some unscented Cougar.....BUT you may also do what I do when there is a scent that my man didn't particularly like.....just give it a little time, and then apply some Cougar about 30 min or more before you are due to see him.....then, when he smells it, the memory won't be fresh in his mind.

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Well you never know, there's always some other occasion you could try it once it's dried down or whatever. But sure, everybody's got an annoying thing...I have plenty of annoying things about me! It's just that Dolly's comment reminded me of my ex as well.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have yet another lil Cougar story to share and you can't stop me. Well, you can, but please don't. :Emoticons04263: I opened up my beta and dabbed some on hair and wrists. Ran into colleague who is usually neutral towards me ...not hostile, not overly friendly, just dead straight neutral. Well today I ran into him and we spoke briefly and he was HANGING on my every word, and starry eyed, and mirroring me like CRAZY, I mean nonstop, like a shadow, and didn't even notice. :smiley-sex009:

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  • 4 weeks later...

My latest Cougar rave: before heading out to meet a friend last night, I put 2 big sprays of unCougar beta flavored with the splendid CANDY APPLE CUTIE (homemade, 2:1) on the back of my head. It made me feel starry and caused celebrity type reactions as usual. My friend hugged me, and I guess got a big snootful of it, because moments later she interrupted *herself*, went saucer-eyed and babbling like "I just have to tell you, I don't know what it is, but you look SO BEAUTIFUL today, you're RADIANT and GLOWING. I just...just..." She said these particular words over and over & I could see she felt out of control and couldn't stop, lol. Now this person generally likes me anyway but my hair & makeup looked terrible and I was feeling fat (yes, I know, stop it) so it was ALL COUGAR.


Celebrity type DIHLs continued all night through our wanderings, including among types of people who normally do not react to me that way.


Interesting twist this time: I felt very BOSSY toward my friend. I *can* be a bossy person, but have not been with her -- that's not our chemistry/way of relating -- partly it's that she's a lot older than me -- and I felt a kind of "?" from her, like a mild "why is this twerp child being condescending to me suddenly?" My theory is not that cougar makes one bossy, but that it made me feel good and confident and ok with myself, and ok fine bossiness has been a central aspect of my personality since I was a toddler, so it just *freed* me to let my sometimes suppressed bossy flag fly.

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*suddenly wants tyvey to put on her bossy boots and take me for a walk*


Intellectual Woman has that effect on me. I become me, but more like ME (if you know what I mean).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have never tried the spray, let alone 2X spray, but I did this morn.

Now I have used the scented Cougar, and that does in fact feel sparkly to me.


This one freaking spray kicked my ass (yes, I only sprayed it once...outside even...and my chest felt tight for a minute)

I am going to have to learn all over again how to used sprays, because I feel very spacey (but good) .


I think I am so used to the oils now , and their slow,consistant, discreet diffusion that this knocked me for a loop.


Im anxious to see what effect this has on those around me.

Expecting company later, this will be interesting !


I might have to save this one for just going out and being social, rather than being at home and having casual company ,lol.

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Okay good, that's what I was doing, but every now and then I'll read the posts about how less is more, and then I get paranoid that the reason I'm not getting any hits with these pheros is b/c I am using too much.


I know that finding the "sweet spot" is unique to each person, but I STILL haven't found it in the masses. Husband yes, (I think) masses, no.

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I FINALLY ordered my cougar UN today! Just curious, (mine's a 1x strength). Two sprays then? where? chest and neck? or back of hair?


Or maybe on clothing?

I personally wouldnt do more than 2 sprays.


I have 2X and sprayed it on my arms ( i then brush my arms against my sides for a torso cover) and 2x was enough to make me need to go outside to get air.


the reactions I got were noteable, so Im using it for special occasions, but only ONE spray of 2X was MORE than enough to get reactions 6 hours later.


No lie.


I think when you got quality product,LESS IS MORE.


just my 2 cents.



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very true, I wouldn't put that much on with 2x

it kicked my ass,lol!!!!!


I was like NEED....air....breathe...breathe....


and for what its worth

the second my partner came home, he came home.


Usually it takes hours of destressing from work.

Not a coincidence IMO.


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:jumpforjoy: ...Yeppers that is the Cougar effect,and you can up the smoke with cops :001_302:

...and Cougar Potion is 1/3 the strength of unscented :w00t:



I was under the impression that scented and unscented's are of the same strength, just different carrier liquids (scented using the scent, unscented just using the oil/alcohol/silicone base)?

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I was under the impression that scented and unscented's are of the same strength, just different carrier liquids (scented using the scent, unscented just using the oil/alcohol/silicone base)?


It can be a little confusing...Cougar POTION,the fragranced phero enhanced scent is 1/3 the strength,as is Sparkle Fuchsia..Stone Cougar,either spray or oil and boosted INTO a scent of your choice is full strength...Cougar Potion & Sparkle Fuchsia are ones that...for me...are best at that strength ...ok that being said I feel strongly that the scent has much to do with the effects of both :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone :)

I have been avidly reading this thread along with many others on here.. you all seem like lovely friendly people, so i'm hoping one of you may be able to help! :D From what i've been reading on Stone Cougar, it seems like a great product, certainly many of your experiences with it that i have been reading seem awesome! I was thinking of maybe getting some, however it does say in the description that's it's meant to be used by older women. I am only 17.. so my question is, will this product work for me? And if so, will i be likely to get similar reactions to what you guys got? I ideally want to be attracting guys around my age, but i like that it apparently has positive effects on other women too.

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We generally don't advise pheromone usage for someone your age, if only because young girls have so much natural allure on their own! :)

But no, I don't think Cougar would be something you would need to attract guys your own age.

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Hi everyone :)

I have been avidly reading this thread along with many others on here.. you all seem like lovely friendly people, so i'm hoping one of you may be able to help! :D From what i've been reading on Stone Cougar, it seems like a great product, certainly many of your experiences with it that i have been reading seem awesome! I was thinking of maybe getting some, however it does say in the description that's it's meant to be used by older women. I am only 17.. so my question is, will this product work for me? And if so, will i be likely to get similar reactions to what you guys got? I ideally want to be attracting guys around my age, but i like that it apparently has positive effects on other women too.


Hi Lizzie-M, Welcome!

The point of Cougar Potion is to mimic the chemical signals put out by young fertile women, which decline as women age. So it really wouldn't do anything for you...you've already got those youthful pheromones in abundance! When we hit around the age of 24, our growth pheros and hormones start to taper off, so that's a good age to start experimenting with them, but if you want to try something that generally puts people in a good mood around you and acts like a popularity magnet, you might try straight Alpha-Androstenol or one of the blends that has Alpha-Nol as the first ingredient. Maybe...Open Windows or Lace? But keep in mind this golden rule when experimenting with them: More is NOT better when it comes to pheromones. Wearing a little bit gets better results than wearing too much. Good luck!

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