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Cougar Potion (pheromone-enhanced perfume)

Guest Lor

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For grins - ran a road test on the Stone plus Woozy on the way home.


Holy Moses - the self effects! WOW!


My complements to Dr. Stone - the more I use it the more I love it.

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Okay Shelly B... so am I suppose to feel better... I hate the 3 minute wait...any other forum fine... but this one... I wanna post right away...too much juicy stuff to say


and now that my tantrem is over...hehehehehe lol



ITs true this one is VERY exciting and man the juicy-excitement the pheros and other fabulous ladies bring here...YOWSER! I wanna go out and play with my pheros...but alas I will be a good girl and stay here and live vicariously through you all :)

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well my cougar is in an UNE base and im debating whether or not to trade it.

im on the fence.


smells awesome,though.

that might be why i keep it :)

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well my cougar is in an UNE base and im debating whether or not to trade it.

im on the fence.


smells awesome,though.

that might be why i keep it :)


what do you like and what do you not enjoy about it?

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well my cougar is in an UNE base and im debating whether or not to trade it.

im on the fence.


smells awesome,though.

that might be why i keep it :)


oh Lor...Une and Cougar


That may have to be my next order... I love UNE it is soooo pretty and added with Cougar. Great!


if you every do decide to let it go, please can I have first dibs?



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i just want a little more time to think about it.

its a nice scent regardless.

we like similar things :)



its just that i use it alot during the day and i just dont see anything significant in terms of reaction.

i have been using pheros for so long and im tuned in to subtle differences,

but i can see nothing change while i wear it.


i love the scent, and for those intents and purposes its great.

i just dont know what i want to do with it yet.

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i just want a little more time to think about it.

its a nice scent regardless.

we like similar things :)



its just that i use it alot during the day and i just dont see anything significant in terms of reaction.

i have been using pheros for so long and im tuned in to subtle differences,

but i can see nothing change while i wear it.


i love the scent, and for those intents and purposes its great.

i just dont know what i want to do with it yet.


Lor - I also sorry this one isn't working for you. I know you have LAM - have you used the two together? I have to admit I like more cops than SC has- but since I am never without the cheese - no worries there. :-)

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Lor - I also sorry this one isn't working for you. I know you have LAM - have you used the two together? I have to admit I like more cops than SC has- but since I am never without the cheese - no worries there. :-)



oh same here,Shelly.

cops go with everything.


i will try the 2 together.


im very open to suggestion.

im REALLY diggin the LAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


thank you

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Hey Girls thanx for all the great stories & tips.....Im still tryin to get the lingo down (being new & all) but think I am understanding...Does the base have anything to do w/ how it smell on you?

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Hey Girls thanx for all the great stories & tips.....Im still tryin to get the lingo down (being new & all) but think I am understanding...Does the base have anything to do w/ how it smell on you?


Hi Fawn - welcome to the party. :-)


No - at least to me - the base does not impact scent. The base makes it diffuse differently and go on with a thicker/thinner viscosity.


So - while originally hesitant to buy the pheros in the new option of DPG oil - everything in the last two orders have been in the oil base.


I am on the gulf coast and noticed both the LAM and the boosted scents (by definition DPG oil based) were holding better in the heat and humidity. So - I've crossed over.


Again - welcome. Hope you have as much fun as we do with these beauties.

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I'm considering getting Shelly B's Sugared Mango, Melon and Cucumber boosted with Stone Cougar, do you ladies think it would be a good combo?


everytime I go to the store to order, I keep putting this in my basket only to change my mind at the last minute...but I may crack...this just sounds like it smells yummy and like a perfect summertime scent...and Stone cougar is exactly what I would amp it with



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I'm considering getting Shelly B's Sugared Mango, Melon and Cucumber boosted with Stone Cougar, do you ladies think it would be a good combo?



i think thats a good choice.

warmer weather-friendly scent!


i have sugared melons boosted with EoW and its great.

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Mornin' Lor!


You didn't say whether or not the LAM helped your responsiveness to the Stone?


Any luck - hoping that helped. Crosses fingers... :)



well, i definately get more attention with the LAM,

but then i always do with cops.


im going to need to try this a few times to see if attention is the LAM or the mixture,

LAM freakin rocks on its own so its hard to tell......


i will definately post when i know Cougar is doing the work and LAM is just helping.


it IS a good morning,Shelly! :banana-computer:

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was wondering, is the Stone Cougar in the line of women "alpha" blends like IS A?

I ordered Dominance because I wanted a stronger LP mix in my arsenal, but I was wondering how it compares to Cougar?



Well, I find both versions of Cougar to be more of a "sparkly" vibe.....Dominance is a take charge, "don't f*** with me" vibe.....

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I see, so more in the line of a fun/center of attention kind of vibe?

Thank you Dolly!

On another note, I wonder how fun + 'dont f*** with me' would mix up together? :magicstick:



Mademoiselle -


Personally - I don't mess sparkly with don't F with me. :-)


And I love both Cougar and Dom. BUT for me - not a congruent combo. (BI plus Cougar - Congruent. I want you and I want you to want me. Congruent. )


If I'm sparkly (Cougar) - I might not mind being F'ed with. Purely F'd with but still. If I have to have a "Come to J*s*s" at work?" All DOM. Never fails.


Cougar is GIRL "I'm hot, delicious - and baby - I know you want me." Cougar is all male - "OMG - I can't believe how much I want you and where have you been all my life?!"


Dom is GIRL - "I'm hot, I'm hornery and if you mess with me one more second - I'm going to rack your bad boys." Dom is male - "I want you but I'm terrified to admit that. And I might beg. Would you like me to beg?!"


There are pheros that are more congruent to me - than this combo. This combo would give me whiplash.




What you do with them is all up to you. Who knows - you may have some way to make them work together.

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I hope this doesnt sound incredibly stupid.. but does Cougar attract 35+ guys???


I really am looking for a formula to attract men without seeming the aggressor... patiently waiting for the phero X formula, but still intrigued... I am 34 and I want to be attracting guys older than me (prefer 40+)


I thought about IW but maybe waiting phero X is best.

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I hope this doesnt sound incredibly stupid.. but does Cougar attract 35+ guys???


I really am looking for a formula to attract men without seeming the aggressor... patiently waiting for the phero X formula, but still intrigued... I am 34 and I want to be attracting guys older than me (prefer 40+)


I thought about IW but maybe waiting phero X is best.



I can't see why not?! I'd wouldn't use IW - but seriously -I want them to want me whether or not their brain is fully engaged. But hey - that's me.


With Cougar - I get this all men, all the time, hotness vibe. And men older than 40 - some of the more interesting responses. (purrs - loudly) You could wait for Phero X - but I'd order a PP boosted scent, a Cougar boosted scent and use the dickens out of both until Phero X arrives. And that's what I did in real life and on my real charge card as well. Because who knows when Phero X will get here but I need some good ol' fashioned hotness - and now would be better.


I lack patience. As you can see. :-)

Edited by Shelly B
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I suppose it could. Since it promotes a sparkly vibe, it could potentially attract anyone if they notice that about you. It doesn't work on my Quince (who is 11 years older than me) but then again few things do, heh. I've only noticed that older men are nice to me when I wear it, but not necessarily attracted to me. If the blend seems to accentuate those qualities that you want men to notice then it would be worth a try, at least.

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:rolleyes::cry: :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:



Yeah, I see your point!!!! Thanks for your input Shelly!

I love that 'sparkly' effect you describe with Cougar, really makes me want to try it!!


You know - I thought I didn't quite like the Stone Cougar as well as older Cougar - but once I wised up and started adding a boost of EoW neat - I ran through a bottle in RECORD time. I've got just a tiny schmear left until I get my stamps.com notice. It's kind of stressing me out - I hope in comes in the next two weeks as I have to go to meeting where not having some would be sooooo bad. And my PP boosted comes in that order. EEEEEEKKKKK. Crossing fingers.


And when I use the Stone without the EoW - I get a more general PP potion type affect - if it makes sense it's even more Sparkly and less "Do me now". The reformulation is just less sexual and more an all rounder in my opinion without an EoW boost. This may well be one - because you want a larger throw- spread that sparkly vibe - that you get it in silicon versus the oil.


I have to road test it in an oil base before I know for sure. :-) Soon. Rubs hands together. Soon.

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Hmmm maybe a lil Dom plus BI for a good S&M fest... any thoughts...Liz? :cry:


To me, you are the Duct tape queen and beyond...I love it!


If I find someone who DESERVES a good punishing, I will comment further :rolleyes:

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And when I use the Stone without the EoW - I get a more general PP potion type affect - if it makes sense it's even more Sparkly and less "Do me now". The reformulation is just less sexual and more an all rounder in my opinion without an EoW boost.


Oooh this is good news for me! I love love love PP, it just suits me so well. I just ordered a new bottle, before it goes out.


How many drops of Eow do you add, if you do not mind me asking?


Curiouschic- I love your thinking, it's creative, in a spanking kind of way! :rolleyes:

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Shelly B~ I like your idea alot! Boosted PP and Boosted new Cougar!!! You rejuiced my enthusiasm!!!! Im thinking matching scents too. I really like the LP scent BI came in... CAN YOU IMAGINE ALL 3 TOGETHER IN MATCHING SCENTS!!!!! OMG.. I'll take MANHATTAN by storm.


Luna~ I am a *SPARKLER* if you cant guess that about me already.. hoping Cougar works with my Chemistry.. wanna sett off a sparkle....sparkle...FIRE!!!



CC~ Cant wait to hear about BI + Dom experiences. need some new inspiration.


Mademoiselle.. I have worn EW (as pherogirl) + PP.. this is combo is irrisistable and if you add Coer D'Lamour... even better and every woman around loves you as much as every man (wore this mix tonight earlier for dinner and met several eligable bachelors out w my girlfriend).

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Oooh this is good news for me! I love love love PP, it just suits me so well. I just ordered a new bottle, before it goes out.


How many drops of Eow do you add, if you do not mind me asking?


Curiouschic- I love your thinking, it's creative, in a spanking kind of way! ;)

It's less drops as it is inches of roll-on - and where - on the EoW.


If I want a quick hit - for me - I do a 3 inch stripe on my wrists and back of the neck. If I am going somewhere where I want to be truly NOTICED - in that way - sorry - I use a LOT. Say 3 stripes from wrist to mid forearm - that are schmeared together. And a stripe down my abdomen. I do NOT do that for work. Ever.


Going out - different story. :-) All bets are off!


And yes - I could see Dom/BI - with duct tape. And spackle. :-) I said I could see it - not that I had done it <g>


Krazy Kat -


Shelly B~ I like your idea alot! Boosted PP and Boosted new Cougar!!! You rejuiced my enthusiasm!!!! Im thinking matching scents too. I really like the LP scent BI came in... CAN YOU IMAGINE ALL 3 TOGETHER IN MATCHING SCENTS!!!!! OMG.. I'll take MANHATTAN by storm.


Have a blast - they are down to the last doses of PP - so if you want any - get your order in. :-) Cougar and BI will be here for the foreseeable future. I actually like tucking Cougar into a more "hot scent"- had it boosted in both Hotter than Hell and coming soon - Sugared Honeycomb. It's a way to get a sparkly vibe with a HOT scent. So FUN! And people totally react to it. Wearing the boosted HoH tonight - wishing I had like 5 bottles of that in reserve but my AMEX would SO argue with me about that. Which is why PP is a first priorty - and why 1 boosted and 2 uns of PP are on their way - God willing- soon. Finite resources are finite. Duh.


Off to get mani/pedi done for work this week. Ladies - have a blast!

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It's less drops as it is inches of roll-on - and where - on the EoW.


If I want a quick hit - for me - I do a 3 inch stripe on my wrists and back of the neck. If I am going somewhere where I want to be truly NOTICED - in that way - sorry - I use a LOT. Say 3 stripes from wrist to mid forearm - that are schmeared together. And a stripe down my abdomen. I do NOT do that for work. Ever.


Going out - different story. :-) All bets are off!


And yes - I could see Dom/BI - with duct tape. And spackle. :-) I said I could see it - not that I had done it <g>


Krazy Kat -


Shelly B~ I like your idea alot! Boosted PP and Boosted new Cougar!!! You rejuiced my enthusiasm!!!! Im thinking matching scents too. I really like the LP scent BI came in... CAN YOU IMAGINE ALL 3 TOGETHER IN MATCHING SCENTS!!!!! OMG.. I'll take MANHATTAN by storm.


Have a blast - they are down to the last doses of PP - so if you want any - get your order in. :-) Cougar and BI will be here for the foreseeable future. I actually like tucking Cougar into a more "hot scent"- had it boosted in both Hotter than Hell and coming soon - Sugared Honeycomb. It's a way to get a sparkly vibe with a HOT scent. So FUN! And people totally react to it. Wearing the boosted HoH tonight - wishing I had like 5 bottles of that in reserve but my AMEX would SO argue with me about that. Which is why PP is a first priorty - and why 1 boosted and 2 uns of PP are on their way - God willing- soon. Finite resources are finite. Duh.


Off to get mani/pedi done for work this week. Ladies - have a blast!




Shelly B~ Thanks.. Im off to get as many PPs as possible.. Your poor amex! I can only imagine... my poor credit cards are continuing to gasp with each LP use.

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Hmmm maybe a lil Dom plus BI for a good S&M fest...


Okay, considering the ingredients and my experience in scenarios, I would say heavy on the Dom but lighter on the BI because of the EST. Truly, I think Dom and LAM might work better as far as a strictly sexual experience unless the bottom responds well to EST and doesn't get too sissy. There are permutations of the submissive experience, after all. I prefer a bit of spunk in the bottom if I'm topping. :)

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Hmmm maybe a lil Dom plus BI for a good S&M fest... any thoughts...Liz? :love:


To me, you are the Duct tape queen and beyond...I love it!


If I find someone who DESERVES a good punishing, I will comment further :)


ha! you could always apply pain just because it gives you pleasure (S/M), on the other hand....if they need to be straighten out, then a good lashing will do (B/D), hee !


Okay, considering the ingredients and my experience in scenarios, I would say heavy on the Dom but lighter on the BI because of the EST. Truly, I think Dom and LAM might work better as far as a strictly sexual experience unless the bottom responds well to EST and doesn't get too sissy. There are permutations of the submissive experience, after all. I prefer a bit of spunk in the bottom if I'm topping. :BLACK_~32:



I agree w/Luna65 regarding the EST, and sissys (or is that sissies ?) bore me !

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Well if you're talking vanilla, then yeah, BI is going to promote slavering lust puppy behavior for sure. But in a scenario, which is more about emotions then hormones oftentimes, then the pheromones could possibly take it in a different direction.

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I totally havent found a sissy side to BI. I get pure sex all the time. LOL, it has like this extremem LUST factor to it....hmmm....


Me either.....DEFINITELY no sissy side from my man when I wear it....

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Okay, considering the ingredients and my experience in scenarios, I would say heavy on the Dom but lighter on the BI because of the EST. Truly, I think Dom and LAM might work better as far as a strictly sexual experience unless the bottom responds well to EST and doesn't get too sissy. There are permutations of the submissive experience, after all. I prefer a bit of spunk in the bottom if I'm topping. :666:



hehe, you said you prefer 'a bit of spunk in the bottom'... what naughty girl doesn't...? :666::666::666:

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i've actually had really good luck with stone cougar.

i had to ease up off how much i was wearing 'cause i tend to attract either WAY younger guys or guys my dad's age anyway, and SC was getting me checked out in very dirty and obvious ways by teen and pre-teen boys everywhere I went (often much to the dismay of the mothers they were in the company of!).

So, yeah...backed up off the dosage a little bit and am still getting the looks, just not getting followed around like they're lost puppies and no longer getting the creepy if-i-weren't-with-my-mom-i'd-do-nasty-things-to-you-right-now stares. lol.

i do notice it makes EVERYONE, male and female, just way friendlier toward me and even gets me unwarranted discounts at stores.

yey pheros!

plus, it makes ME feel younger and more attractive, and that's what really counts, right? how we feel about and carry ourselves...'cause if we're having a bad day where we feel butt ugly, we're just going to carry ourselves that way and no one's going to notice us. But when we're feeling young and hot and carry ourselves accordingly, people react accordingly.

Edited by sadtomato
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hehe, you said you prefer 'a bit of spunk in the bottom'... what naughty girl doesn't...? :666::666::666:



I had to bury my face in my hoodie and giggle like a schoolgirl on crack!

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i've actually had really good luck with stone cougar.

i had to ease up off how much i was wearing 'cause i tend to attract either WAY younger guys or guys my dad's age anyway, and SC was getting me checked out in very dirty and obvious ways by teen and pre-teen boys everywhere I went (often much to the dismay of the mothers they were in the company of!).

So, yeah...backed up off the dosage a little bit and am still getting the looks, just not getting followed around like they're lost puppies and no longer getting the creepy if-i-weren't-with-my-mom-i'd-do-nasty-things-to-you-right-now stares. lol.

i do notice it makes EVERYONE, male and female, just way friendlier toward me and even gets me unwarranted discounts at stores.

yey pheros!

plus, it makes ME feel younger and more attractive, and that's what really counts, right? how we feel about and carry ourselves...'cause if we're having a bad day where we feel butt ugly, we're just going to carry ourselves that way and no one's going to notice us. But when we're feeling young and hot and carry ourselves accordingly, people react accordingly.


Seriously - for those of you who are having angst because you need a good all rounder and there is no SS4W or PP left - you may want to give a single bottle order of the Stone a try - at least to tide you over until Phero X and Actor's Magic are stocked.


It is different than the first Cougar - the overall feel is less overt "do me" and way more "sparkly hot" - and at least in my world - I'm shocked to find it affects women every bit as much as men. When I have it on - other women repeatedly touch my arm, get closer than normal, act all giggly. It's almost a PP affect. And I echo sadtomato's unwarranted discounts from the Stone - I've gotten several of those myself.


I'm delighted that my Sugared Honeycomb loaded with Cougar came today. :-) I've got Cougar loaded HtH as well - what a great combo. There's just a couple of dabs left in my UnCougar bottle.

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Seriously - for those of you who are having angst because you need a good all rounder and there is no SS4W or PP left - you may want to give a single bottle order of the Stone a try - at least to tide you over until Phero X and Actor's Magic are stocked.


It is different than the first Cougar - the overall feel is less overt "do me" and way more "sparkly hot" - and at least in my world - I'm shocked to find it affects women every bit as much as men. When I have it on - other women repeatedly touch my arm, get closer than normal, act all giggly. It's almost a PP affect. And I echo sadtomato's unwarranted discounts from the Stone - I've gotten several of those myself.


I'm delighted that my Sugared Honeycomb loaded with Cougar came today. :-) I've got Cougar loaded HtH as well - what a great combo. There's just a couple of dabs left in my UnCougar bottle.




Shelly B, Thanks~ You convinced me.. Im gonna go for it!

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