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Naughty But Nice (Previously known as Just A Little Naughty)

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I love the jasmine in this; however, it last for like 5 minutes on my skin and all I'm left with is the SS phero. I've decided that I can totally use this for its scent AND its phero power. It's a great layering scent. It's really quite beautiful.



I got the exact same reaction - first on it was glorious, the jasmine smelled freshly pollinated by bees and then it left and all i had was phero - i mixed it with sugared honeysuckle and it was back to gloriousness - YAY!

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I am finding this has a moment in the wear (lasts about an hour or so) where the scent seems to disapear. But after a while the vanilla comes back it is light yet creamy and deliscious.


I love it :banana052:

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  • 2 months later...



You people make this one sound sooooo good, I just had to see for myself

yep...just went and ordered a bottle...is this serious addiction or what?


can't wait to review for myself... in the meanwhile, I have to stay the hell out of the review section...I have NO willpower when it comes to LP's


I have so much in the way of orders...oh wow, may have to get myself one of those racks for sure.



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You people make this one sound sooooo good, I just had to see for myself

yep...just went and ordered a bottle...is this serious addiction or what?


can't wait to review for myself... in the meanwhile, I have to stay the hell out of the review section...I have NO willpower when it comes to LP's


I have so much in the way of orders...oh wow, may have to get myself one of those racks for sure.




Soooo...guess what. I GOT MY JALN...wow, they are fast...and yes, uh huh this smells as yummy and now I know what all the fuss is...I just hope the scent will last on me...some of the potions just go away fast...but I keep promising myself to get some of that D5... I guess that is what it is called...but yeah, so glad I went ahead and purchased a bottle



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With this one I noticed you really have to shake it up. It's fantastic for layering because like some of you, it fades on me really fast. I do love it though. :aola:

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Joanna...good to know about the shaking(gotta remember) and the layering...



Glad you like this one! It is SOOO fabulous! I will put a sample of D5 in your package so you can test it out before ordering some. How does that sound? :)

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Glad you like this one! It is SOOO fabulous! I will put a sample of D5 in your package so you can test it out before ordering some. How does that sound? :wink2:


Oh my goodness CC...you gonna make me cry...how absolutely wonderful of you to do this...I thank you for the D5...and I am gonna have to order some, but at least I can test how how it works


speaking of which, how do you use it...a little, a lot, a couple swipes, a dab here and there...or right in the spot I am putting the LP's?


please explain


and thank you very much lady


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  • 4 months later...


You people make this one sound sooooo good, I just had to see for myself

yep...just went and ordered a bottle...is this serious addiction or what?


can't wait to review for myself... in the meanwhile, I have to stay the hell out of the review section...I have NO willpower when it comes to LP's


I have so much in the way of orders...oh wow, may have to get myself one of those racks for sure.




Oh I'm right there w/ you. I talked my husband into buying body lotion for me. W/out him coming onto this site(yea Paypal!). Well after reading OCCO review. Now I'm like:"Honey, those cops formulas make me more interested in what you want to do*wink*. I really want to get the OCCORed to layer w/ my LpRed...Please?????"

TT:"Sweety, I said I'd get you the lotion. Don't you have a bunch of stuff now?"

Me:"Well I got a bunch free in the sale. I thought I was stocked up......but then I read the OCCORed reviews. Everytime, I think I can stop & take break. Something else great comes along!"

TT:"I see...well I'm getting you the lotion, dear."

Me:"It'll be good for you, too..."

TT:"Enjoy your lotion, dear."

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That's correct - we had to swap out the pheros when we ran out of SS4W.


Ahh I was wondering about that. Thanks for the clarification PM.


Can you detect the BI, goddess?

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  • 1 month later...


Lynnie put this up for swap and its one of the best finds I've come across in awhile!

Nah,you can't smell pheros(BI) in here AT ALL! Just sweet, soft sugared Jasmine with a sexy edge made powdery in a pretty way by the Oakmoss....I've been gettin lotsa 'love' with this perfume.....I ADORE IT! My Sweetheart does too, apparently!


Now I'm waiting for the 3rd JALN -3lilacs,white musk,white amber,sexology(I've never even tried Sexology and I'm a lilac monster),so, I'm REAL excited for that one!!!


Haha-during my 30th b-day week, JALN's website wasnt working, and I guess I drunk dialed the owner,Jeanne!! She was super cool though, said I was nice and just made her aware of her sites issues..still...NO DRUNK DIALING! I feel like a wad....ah, well, at least I was nice! JALN 3 is on its way!!!!

Edited by cheeseburger79
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Lynnie put this up for swap and its one of the best finds I've come across in awhile!

Nah,you can't smell pheros(BI) in here AT ALL! Just sweet, soft sugared Jasmine with a sexy edge made powdery in a pretty way by the Oakmoss....I've been gettin lotsa 'love' with this perfume.....I ADORE IT! My Sweetheart does too, apparently!


Now I'm waiting for the 3rd JALN -3lilacs,white musk,white amber,sexology(I've never even tried Sexology and I'm a lilac monster),so, I'm REAL excited for that one!!!


Haha-during my 30th b-day week, JALN's website wasnt working, and I guess I drunk dialed the owner,Jeanne!! She was super cool though, said I was nice and just made her aware of her sites issues..still...NO DRUNK DIALING! I feel like a wad....ah, well, at least I was nice! JALN 3 is on its way!!!!


I just ordered this one....I can't wait till this & the few other "goodies" from JALN come.....(uh no pun intended)

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  • 3 weeks later...
I just ordered this one....I can't wait till this & the few other "goodies" from JALN come.....(uh no pun intended)


My order from JLAN arrived today...

Wow I really love JLAN...this is softest, sweetest, not old lady, or too young, close to the skin hours later...Im going to test this out tomorrow straight from the shower...I have residual LP's from earlier today..

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  • 3 months later...

Though I'm not a huge fan of lighter scents I was happy to get a sniffee of this in my last order (as I'd tried Naughty in Paradise and really liked it) and it smells so lovely. I love jasmine although she's not generally fond of me (*pout*) but I thought this might be light enough to work...it goes mostly soapy on me, alas. But for anyone wanting BI in a neutral sort of base that you could then layer with something else, this is a great one to get.

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  • 2 months later...

I got this from FAWN (thank you!), and I think it's the kind with Blatant Invitation in it, but I'm not sure.

I really like the jasmine, and there's something in it that smells vaguely fruity to me, but if it's the same as the Naughty But Nice, there's nothing in it that would have that effect. It's sweet, and soft. I'm glad I got it!

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I got this from FAWN (thank you!), and I think it's the kind with Blatant Invitation in it, but I'm not sure.

I really like the jasmine, and there's something in it that smells vaguely fruity to me, but if it's the same as the Naughty But Nice, there's nothing in it that would have that effect. It's sweet, and soft. I'm glad I got it!



Your most welcome...I really enjoy this one too!!! (I was hoarding, and saved one for myself)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, so I wore this for the first time around my boyfriend yesterday. He's out of town on business a lot. I'm not sure if it was the pheros or just the fact that he's only in town for about three days, but he was very affectionate! In public, he scooted me closer to him in the booth in the restaurant, gave me great big bear hugs, and was generally very precious, telling me how he liked it when I squeezed him tightly as he drove me around on his motorcycle (I'm always scared I'm just going to fly right off the back).

And when we got home, he was very.. insistent. :D

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  • 2 years later...

I couldn't find this on their site, so does anybody know if this still exists? I pulled out my bottle and am in love with it all over again. Jasmine done right is one of the few florals I can tolerate, but when it's good it is divine.

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