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Like A Magnet--WOW

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So I finally got around to replacing my LAM Pink Amber! I've been out for a long time, it keeps getting bumped for other things. I am so glad I finally got it!! It was one of my very first LP's. I had ordered the LAM sampler and was surprised that this was my favorite. Like I've mentioned before it is not as pink as it sounds. OCCO Pink and LP Pink do not work on me so I try to encourage people who think that "pink" is not them to give it a try. It smells like a very subtle strawberry honey to me. It layers with everything and does not take over any scent which is why I like it. It really is covert for a cop heavy phero. But it is also nice on its own...you get light whiffs of it. If you have a SO that does not like perfume this is the one to get! I used to love it with LP Red for years...today I am wearing it with Red Fyre! It's amazing. I can't wait to try it with Springs Lusty Cherry since I got one uncopped. I can't imagine any scent that you couldn't wear this with. I will never be without it again!


Edited to change Red Frye to Red Fyre...duh

Edited by missdarlyncherie
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I'm waiting for a sample of LAM Pink Amber to arrive and one of OCCO Pink. I have no idea what "pink" smells like. I hope i'll like both :)[/quote


Well to me...pink scents can get too sweet. Like cotton candy sweet. I like them for a little while then they hurt my teeth. Ha! The Amber in Pink Amber must cut that for me I think.

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I'm waiting for a sample of LAM Pink Amber to arrive and one of OCCO Pink. I have no idea what "pink" smells like. I hope i'll like both :)[/quote


Well to me...pink scents can get too sweet. Like cotton candy sweet. I like them for a little while then they hurt my teeth. Ha! The Amber in Pink Amber must cut that for me I think.

MDC, if you find something too pink give me a shout. :D


ephoebe, For me, 'pink' doesn't have to be overly sweet, but it's not tart or 'clean'. If using an aged LP Pink as litmus for pink genre, it is sweet but also rounded and warm, bright and bouncy, and makes you feel, well 'pink'. It can have a very slight clean edge, like maybe lemon just to cut the sweet. If you haven't tried LP Pink, go for a sample. If you find it a bit pointy at first just let it age a bit and OMG, warm buttery vanilla pink sugar berries. You'll feel pretty and all girly, and you'll smell amazing. :girlWink-2:


But that's totally my opinion (obvs). I'm sure someone has a more sophisticated description of the genre with notes and such.

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I can't wait to get my samples :) I hope in about three weeks they'll be here. I wish i lived closer to LPMP!

I've always wanted to try pink scents but always postponed it case i was afraid i wouldn't like them. Pink amber sounds intriguing. I don't like overly sweet scents but i'm guessing amber might tone down the sweetness.

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I know it will be my next LAM! order. I adore it in BAM! and would love to compare - but I also really like some of the fragrances that are considered pink, so that may make my opinion moot :D

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I'm trying LP Pink at the strong suggestion of others on these boards. I'm afraid of pink as a general rule but I am tempted to try LAM Pink Amber as a sample in my next order.

LAM pink amber is not the typical pink. It's more ambery to me but a pink amber, it's sheer and not very sweet.


"Pink" can be a lot of things, floral (Lick of Pink), cotton candy sweet (OCCo Pink), fruity and it can be clean. Bonded was pink'ish, but floral and soapy clean too. Soo.

But that's why LP offers those trials.. Compaired to other brands the $5 trials offer a generous amount IMO.

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Yes, "sheer" is the word I've been looking for lol! Sadly Pink Amber does not come as a Noco or else I would get it boosted wih Cuddle Bunny.

Yes it's sheer to me. Not as sheer as S&R, it's a bit more chewy but yea sheer especially compared to the Orig, BS or BCP.

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LAM pink amber is not the typical pink. It's more ambery to me but a pink amber, it's sheer and not very sweet.


"Pink" can be a lot of things, floral (Lick of Pink), cotton candy sweet (OCCo Pink), fruity and it can be clean. Bonded was pink'ish, but floral and soapy clean too. Soo.

But that's why LP offers those trials.. Compaired to other brands the $5 trials offer a generous amount IMO.


Wow, I didn't get any pinkness from Bonded so it's interesting to know that it can be such a subtle element. The trials are a great way to branch out and have a few really good tries of scents that deviate from one's typical choices, agreed.


I adore the Sandalwood & Resins scent but I'm convinced to try Pink Amber samples ASAP!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I received my last order a coupe of days ago. So i gave LAM Pink Amber a try (i got a sample). When wet i can definitely smell the cops big time. That smell of vinegar and cheese and all that mixed with, well, pink amber. Now i know that this is weird but i like the smell when wet, not as a perfume i'd wear without proper dry down time, but it's this familiar cops smell that i just have come to like, lol! I know it's weird...

Anyway, after dyr down the cops smell disappears and you are left witht his very sheer pink amber scent that stays quite close to the skin, though not as close as LAM Original (at least on my skin).


I might consider getting a FB in spray when i finish up my LAM Original spray. I know there's a lot of cops in this one but with pheros i just feel i can control the amount better when in spray. With roll-ons i tend to slather ... a lot!

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Well the thing i have noticed since i discovered LPMP is that my smell buds (like taste buds!) have changed so much.

For example the Pink Amber scent is not a scent I'd ever wear in the past, but now it just feels familiar in a way, cosy even. People around me though are not accustomed to these types of scents (honey scents for example, or the spices in LP Red) so i often get weird commets.

But they'll get used to them eventually :P

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This thing puts everybody in such a good mood it's amazing! I smile a lot more when i wear this phero and it makes everyone around me smile back to me :)

I wear some at work and i know it might not be appropriate but honestly it just gives such a happy vibe to the whole! Since the day i received my bottle i wear it daily. I can't believe it took me so long to try this. I was introduced to LPMP a bit more than a year ago and only a month ago did i finally buy a bottle. Such a simple phero but it delivers!

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I LOVE LAM!!! The Vanilla Honey one is delicious smelling. It gives me a very calming self effect, boosts my mood, and others are super friendly, both in a flirty and non flirty way around me. I will eventually try the Pink Amber I'm sure, but I think Vanilla Honey is always going to be my fave. Plus, it layers great with other scents.

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I LOVE LAM!!! The Vanilla Honey one is delicious smelling.


I really like the Original too, although it's a very subtle scent, when layered with something else i cannot smell at all.

Pink Amber (i have a sample oil of this one) is stronger to my nose. i wonder how the spray will be. Has anyone tried the Pink Amber in spray?

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I may have made a blunder and need feedback. I bought Mara's Rocket Fuel (FB) and asked them to add a trial vial of LAM Brown Sugar. Would that be too much? Should I have asked instead that they just leave the Trial out and I can layer?

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I'd get them separately but that's me. That way you can adjust the amout of each to find your sweet spot.

LAM is something you might want to dial down in certain situations. You just might have more versatility and more bang for your buck with the two.


It's a fairly common combo, there is even a review thread for this combination.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a sample of LAM Pink Amber and I love it. I'm considering getting a FB in spray in my next order.

Has anyone tried both forms of this? I wonder if the difference in the strength of the scent be big.


I have LAM Original in spray and I can't smell it at all. All I get is cops in the beginning and then after dry down nothing. I've read reviews here about how lovely the scent of the original is (I'm guessing in oil). But I love the PA scent in oil so I'm wondering how different it might be in spray.


Also, for those of you who have this in spray, how much do you use?

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Since all varieties of LAM are considered "lightly scented" in a roll-on form, the scent in spray form will be even lighter.

Edited by Dolly
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LAMS are pointedly described as "Lightly Scented". I would guess the cops are more notable in the spray.

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And, to add.....in general, cops are better worn close to the body as in oil......not so much in spray.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

I *think* we can discuss all things LAM here - pre scented, UN, or scents boosted. I have an UN from pheromas and have used with my usual fav scents, just haven't posted too much about it bc I already post sooo much about how much I love LAM.


I think it was Beccah who said others said it's like a happy sauce. And it is. The anol plus everything else in there really works (for me) - selfies and hits. It makes me free prettier, puts a spring in my step and was the 1st phero I tried plus the 1st one where I got DIHL.


Speaking of, in writing about this going to slather some BCP LAM now. :) With this limited edition mini LAM this month, maybe there will be a separate thread for the UN? I don't know.

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I had really forgotten how much I enjoyed the spicy brown sugar LAM.......I used the last of this scent a couple years ago, but recently re-ordered. On me, I find it to be a stronger scent than the other LAM varieties.......well, maybe not actually "stronger", just more intense I guess. Wearing it today and being really happy that I re-stocked.

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I've seen a trial size special for this month mentioned in a few different places on the boards now. Is that the 1.5 ml for $8 that's listed under the LAM choices when you go to buy it?


I would love an unscented version of this to add to LP #9. Some of the stories in this thread made me think about that old movie that I absolutely adore, so now I'm craving to try that combo! :hubbahubba: If not an unscented LAM, which of the scents do you think would blend best with LP #9's scent?



ETA: Actually I just found "Magnet Formula" in the Mad Scientist options. So maybe this really is available without a scent and LP #9 could be chosen to go with it since scent is also a Mad Scientist choice?



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I've seen a trial size special for this month mentioned in a few different places on the boards now. Is that the 1.5 ml for $8 that's listed under the LAM choices when you go to buy it?


I would love an unscented version of this to add to LP #9. Some of the stories in this thread made me think about that old movie that I absolutely adore, so now I'm craving to try that combo! :hubbahubba: If not an unscented LAM, which of the scents do you think would blend best with LP #9's scent?



ETA: Actually I just found "Magnet Formula" in the Mad Scientist options. So maybe this really is available without a scent and LP #9 could be chosen to go with it since scent is also a Mad Scientist choice?



Hi Darbla, I was wrong - Halo corrected me in an earlier post. It isn't a mini-LAM but true full size LAM on SALE promo this month.


I say go for it, and it is a great price. http://www.lovepotionperfume.com/perfumerie/potion/MagnetPromo/


It may be less expensive to go that route (I haven't priced it so don't know for sure) and you can ask how to mix yourself. Plus you can make a mini one to see how you like it and have enough left over to try LAM with other scents.

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I bought a couple of trials of LAM in my last order, Original Honey Vanilla and Pink and so far have tried out the Pink. This is the first time I have actually smelled any pheros in any of the phero blends I have purchased so far. Up until now I have not been able to smell anything more than a slight whiff of something which has always been so slight I can't describe it. But WOW I could really smell the cops in LAM Pink and now I know you guys mean when you refer to a funky cheese smell. Thankfully though that died down after about 20 minutes and I was left with a nice sweet pinky sugary sweetness.


As for the cops reaction my SO did seem particularly touchy feely this weekend and we did have a rather intense night on Saturday, if you catch my drift :say19: I was slathered in cops as I had also topped this up with OCCO White and this is the first time in a while he has been quite so intense so I am starting to think he responds better to a high level of cops as opposed to the rather conservative amount I have been using.


I haven't yet tried the Original Honey Vanilla one yet so that may be next for a test drive. But in the meantime I have put FB's of LAM Pink and OCCO White on my next order list as if this weekend was anything to go by this combo was a winner!


I have also just ordered a bottle of BAM Buttercream Peach from over on Etsy and hoping he responds well to this one also as I would like a few more of those kind of weekends. :hearts0425:

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you said you were slathered in cops :) Don't mind my asking, but how much cops did you wear, please? :) I am still new and I am trying to figure out how much is a lot :)

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I had both OCCO white and pink LAM on together. I applied it to wrists, chest and abdomen quite liberally. However my SO is in his 50's so I think a big dose of cops seems to help getting his engine warmed up.


Dolly has a good post on using the sexual blends which I'd advise you to read if they're new to you. It's what I read when I first discovered Mara's wonderful potions and it was definitely informative and gave me a good foundation to build on.

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So with the upcoming bottle of UN LAM on its way, I think mayyybeee this would be great with "and i feel fine" as a sexy evening scent for a show I'll be attending. My question is: does anyone have experience in how well "feel fine" covers cop pheros?


ETA: LAM just arrived and I picked it up from the post office! With some lovely totem sniffies! I'll be checking into this right now and post my conclusions soon.


And totem tiger smells delish.

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