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OCCO - Please review ALL "flavors" in THIS thread

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The other thing to remember is that with Mara's production cycle, it means the scents she creates every month are just-brewed, and their character will change the longer they age. So a scent which might not appeal now will likely be different later.

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Oh thanks for pointing that out I didn't know that. I will try occo pink with cougar potion for Easter tomoRrow. Unless that would be phero overload? Please advise. Calli it works for you tho.....



Those of us who need and use lots of cops have no problem using OCCO in addition to the other phero blends. Since you are not using excessive amounts of either, you should be fine! Enjoy!

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Oh thanks for pointing that out I didn't know that. I will try occo pink with cougar potion for Easter tomoRrow. Unless that would be phero overload? Please advise. Calli it works for you tho.....


I use Cougar Potion or Sparkle Fuchsia with another pheroed scent quite often. Hasn't killed me yet! Ummmm...unless you count being half-dead from f******...Oh! did I say that out loud??? Heh! :lol:

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I use Cougar Potion or Sparkle Fuchsia with another pheroed scent quite often. Hasn't killed me yet! Ummmm...unless you count being half-dead from f******...Oh! did I say that out loud??? Heh! :lol:




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I use Cougar Potion or Sparkle Fuchsia with another pheroed scent quite often. Hasn't killed me yet! Ummmm...unless you count being half-dead from f******...Oh! did I say that out loud??? Heh! :wink2:




...oh how I love an honest woman :D

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I use Cougar Potion or Sparkle Fuchsia with another pheroed scent quite often. Hasn't killed me yet! Ummmm...unless you count being half-dead from f******...Oh! did I say that out loud??? Heh! :D



That will happen! You also learn to move the bed away from the wall, so that you don't have to spackle the holes made by the headboard......

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Elizabeth which do you you use w/ cougar potion and sparkle fuscsia??? dying to know!

I'm going a bit off-topic, as I haven't used the OCCOs yet, but...I'll do either of the above with just about anything! Heeee! I love Garland and Lace 3 with Sparkle Fuchsia, and LP Pink with SF. I've used Cougar Potion (I mean the scented one) AND SF. Heh. And Cougar Potion and Flying Potion (that's another one I love to mix with). And SF and Flying Potion. Let's see. Cougar Potion and un-Sexpionage. Either CP or SF with Jouir De...etc. :D


Dolly has me wanting both OCCO White & Black. Do y'all think I'd lurve the pink too?


P.S. Sparkle Fuchsia and Compromising Positions :wink2:

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Dolly has me wanting both OCCO White & Black. Do y'all think I'd lurve the pink too?


P.S. Sparkle Fuchsia and Compromising Positions :)



I guess you will. White is my favourite. If you like vanilla, you should try it!


SF and CP? Wow! How did the scent turn out to be? I had SF with UN Sexpionage as I didn't have neat cops.

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I had SF with UN Sexpionage as I didn't have neat cops.


I have not tried it yet but I think Un Sexpionage would be as close to neat cops as one could get,how is the ummm,aroma,compared to EoW ? :o

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I have not tried it yet but I think Un Sexpionage would be as close to neat cops as one could get,how is the ummm,aroma,compared to EoW ? :o



Well, add to the wonderful scent of EoW the smell of Androstenone, which to me smells sort of like armpit. In other words, you need a pretty good cover......

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I'm going a bit off-topic, as I haven't used the OCCOs yet, but...I'll do either of the above with just about anything! Heeee! I love Garland and Lace 3 with Sparkle Fuchsia, and LP Pink with SF. I've used Cougar Potion (I mean the scented one) AND SF. Heh. And Cougar Potion and Flying Potion (that's another one I love to mix with). And SF and Flying Potion. Let's see. Cougar Potion and un-Sexpionage. Either CP or SF with Jouir De...etc. :o


Dolly has me wanting both OCCO White & Black. Do y'all think I'd lurve the pink too?


P.S. Sparkle Fuchsia and Compromising Positions :lol:


I always wear Occo White under Sparkle Fuschia now! I think it should be mandatory for you!!

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OOOOH so many combos t try. Can't wait! I am confused about one thing though. In other threads it says you can wear too many pheros and get overloaded, thus not receiving any response. If you mix Comp. positoins with say, Sparkle Fuscia, is that too many for the brain to handle?


Is that in reference to cops or just all pheros in general? Cause I'm thinking of mixing some of the OCCO's with Cougar Potion. Overload?


By the way, I like the smell of the cops in the OCCO's. I don't think it smells like rotting fruit or chees. I think it actually smells like ..... well, ya know, what we all hope the cops will lead to... ;-)

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OOOOH so many combos t try. Can't wait! I am confused about one thing though. In other threads it says you can wear too many pheros and get overloaded, thus not receiving any response. If you mix Comp. positoins with say, Sparkle Fuscia, is that too many for the brain to handle?


Is that in reference to cops or just all pheros in general? Cause I'm thinking of mixing some of the OCCO's with Cougar Potion. Overload?


By the way, I like the smell of the cops in the OCCO's. I don't think it smells like rotting fruit or chees. I think it actually smells like ..... well, ya know, what we all hope the cops will lead to... ;-)


It is my understanding that cops can be layered with any other pheros but that the premade phero blends can get confusing to layer with other blends if you are not an expert, and perhaps counteract the intention. Elizabeth is very artsy so she is probably good at blending anything with success!! :o

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Well, add to the wonderful scent of EoW the smell of Androstenone, which to me smells sort of like armpit. In other words, you need a pretty good cover......


Armpit .... haha, I like that one. But seriously, I only added a couple of dots as I didn't want UN Sexpionage to clash with the Cougar in SF. All UN pheros with EoW smells almost the same to me.


@Raq On - If your cougar potion (scented or unscented) is not boosted with EoW, you should be able to add some OCCO since it's a scented perfume loaded with EoW. It just adds an additional dimension to swaying your hips.

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I've used Cougar Potion (I mean the scented one) AND SF. Heh. And Cougar Potion and Flying Potion (that's another one I love to mix with). And SF and Flying Potion. Let's see. Cougar Potion and un-Sexpionage. Either CP or SF with Jouir


P.S. Sparkle Fuchsia and Compromising Positions :D



I meant these combos. This isn't overload? CP has EOW I thought. I am so confused, but I guess if you combine these Elizabeth, then it's do-able right? I'm just so paranoid of Phero overload, that I don't know what you can mix with what. Are there any absolute no no's when mixing? (I only have pre-mixed blends, not just the plain phero itself)

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It could be, it all depends on the person. It is advised not to layer mixes (although cops can be layered with just about anything) but people do layer mixes (I've done it myself, for example, though only a couple times) to varying degress of success. It really just comes down to just giving it a try.

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:) What she said! And you know, after reading what lots of folks here say about the pheros, I think age makes a difference, too. Manthing and I are not spring chickens (we're just horn dogs!). :D


I meant these combos. This isn't overload? CP has EOW I thought. I am so confused, but I guess if you combine these Elizabeth, then it's do-able right? I'm just so paranoid of Phero overload, that I don't know what you can mix with what. Are there any absolute no no's when mixing? (I only have pre-mixed blends, not just the plain phero itself)
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It is my understanding that cops can be layered with any other pheros but that the premade phero blends can get confusing to layer with other blends if you are not an expert, and perhaps counteract the intention. Elizabeth is very artsy so she is probably good at blending anything with success!! :D


Thankyou! I'm just totally insane...heh!... :nanerturtle:




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Oh was meaning to ask this today: what about weapon X? I like the scent but a bit too masculine, do you think I could layer it with one of the OCCO's? I was thinking something to counteract the manly scent, maybe OCCO white?


Yo all are waaay more experienced at what smells good together. What do you think?


To mix with I have:

All the OCCO's

Flying Potion

Cougar Potion

Sparkle Fuschia

Comp Positons

Mara's RF

Phero Girl

LP Red, Original, and Spring 2011

LP Black

sugared Honey

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Well, add to the wonderful scent of EoW the smell of Androstenone, which to me smells sort of like armpit. In other words, you need a pretty good cover......


Twin is right - At least to my nose - UN-Sexpionage is actually harder to cover than straight cheese - I mean EOW. Sweet Baby Jesus but UN-Sexpionage is HARD to cover. Hard enough that I am thinking the only thing that would work is a big bodacious summer fruit bomb of a scent - as fruit covers nearly anything. I am guessing several kinds of melons (and how appropriate would that be right?!) would be required.

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Ok - finally did a massive order (the divorce ate my budget so I only just gave myself permission to LPMP-out) and under the OCCO Category...


OCCO Pink: LOVE this. So surprised. I'd wear this "neat". So girly and yummy and NO COPS smell after dry down! SCORE!!! Not my dirty ol' self but the HSF does *not* love that so this might be a candy coated compromise that we both can live with. Since he sneezes like a beast at both OCCO White and OCCO Gold - I can't sneak even a drop past him - I'll be dying to see if I can sneak the cops in this by him. The cops bring him up from the dead - duh - but with the stuffed up nose and sneezing from Gold and White - I'm hoping for a different outcome...


OCCO Green: So - 1st - a birthday thank you to Mara and John for including in the order. I'd never ever have bought it on my own. And when wet I thought EEEEUUUUUWWWWW. Surprisingly - an hour or two later - I'm getting daffodils, spring, green grass and nature. Not my thing - but for the nature boy? It might just work. And again - give it a full dry down - and I think this actually covers cops better than White or Gold. I can't smell one teensy tiny drop of them in there.


And it's not like I haven't been monkeying with cops since 2008. I'm not Dolly or Ail. But I do know cheese when "I smells cheese."


I give both the Pink and the Green two HUGE thumbs up. (and I am surprised about that...who would have thunk it?!)

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Ohh green is next to try on my list. I have the OCCO sampler. Tried the PURPLE and it's too perfume-y smelling for me. I like the smell of the green in the test tube. Can't wait to try it. maybe tomorrow.


I am liking the OCCO black to mix with others. Alone on me it's too sickly sweet, but tonight i've dabbed some with Wepon X and then some OCCO pink with WEapon X

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Dug out my bottle of OCCO Gold this morning. It smells so much better when used on my torso than on my hand. My elderly female colleague asked me what I use the moment I sat beside her. She likes it and said I smell like I've just applied talcum powder.

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I have learned that sometimes, the backs of your hands are not the best place to apply fragrance because you need blood flow/body heat to make them bloom. Without body heat some perfumes go "flat" or weird, in my experience. Generally the more weighty/robust a scent is, the more it needs heat for diffusion and to breathe.

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The backs of my hands will give me squirelly results. The *sides* of my hands, and the sides of my fingers will give me results like my wrists and inside-of-forearms. I think you're spot-on about the body heat, Ladies!

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oh crap... I've tested some things only on hand & dismissed them -- what might I have mistakenly disfavored? panic!


Me too. Looks like that will be plenty of smellies for me to test over the next few weeks.

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Side of the knee is a great place to test as well.


Aye, and the ankles and shins, too. And when we run out of room after *that*...we have to shower all our tests off and start all over again! :o I do believe I've used the tops of my feet a time or two.

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I tend to dab different scents on the inside of my arms for testing and use eyeliner to write the initials of each scent on my arm by the test spot. Otherwise I forget because I'm old and sort of senile.


Note: This method is super-fail when wearing long sleeves.

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use eyeliner to write the initials of each scent on my arm by the test spot.


Wow! Some serious testings!


I love to test scents when the weather is warmer so they won't get onto my clothes. I love to dab on my shoulders.

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