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Compromising Positions

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Whew ...you just go girl :lol:...mmmmm,nothing like a wickedly sexy boy,with staying power to brighten ones ...outlook :666: Nice report! and never,ever TMI ...I love this stuff and have 2 bottles so far.Just ordered a sample of the second brew to compare,and then will probably get more of that too :)

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Whew ...you just go girl :lol: ...mmmmm,nothing like a wickedly sexy boy,with staying power to brighten ones ...outlook :666: Nice report! and never,ever TMI ...I love this stuff and have 2 bottles so far.Just ordered a sample of the second brew to compare,and then will probably get more of that too :)



again I ask....second brew ? and if so, was there supposed to be a difference in ingredients ? did I miss something ?

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Exact same recipe Liz, if there's any differences, it's not on purpose. We just sold out of the first brew so fast that I made more.



Fabulous report Gaia! So glad you had some FUN! :666:

I can't believe you are 35 - didn't we first meet online when you were 23? My how time flies!

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Needless to say.....if you're into the scent of this.....go get some!! (and if you don't like this scent, have the Sexpionage added to a scent you *do* like....you won't be sorry!)


Great report, Giia. It got me smiling as I read it about the fun you had .... hahaha! I really can't wait to receive my samples next week. I believe I haven't ordered anything from the all-phero month.

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Got my bottle today and a sample to gift to a gf. Love the scent. Sweet eggnog, but goes a little plasticy. Still love it. however i am starting to think Darling is immune to pheros. Gave a liberal dousing and not even a reaction. I get more if i am not wearing any pheros. Maybe he is just to tried. Will try again.


beautiful scent. love it!!

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Got my bottle today and a sample to gift to a gf. Love the scent. Sweet eggnog, but goes a little plasticy. Still love it. however i am starting to think Darling is immune to pheros. Gave a liberal dousing and not even a reaction. I get more if i am not wearing any pheros. Maybe he is just to tried. Will try again.


beautiful scent. love it!!


I had the same problem. It's like my bf didn't want sex anymore when I wore this. Same with Mara's Rocket Fuel. :( I still need to test them again to make sure though.

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...And you know something else, y'all? From the *other* direction: I'm middle-aged. Now, my ManThing and I, as long as there's no terrible stress (as in, my Mother-in-Law is living her final days...but all that seems to be settled in at the moment), pretty much f*ck each other silly when I wear Compromising Positions or Sexpionage. BUT! I'll wear CP any time just because I like the scent, and it turns me into a mommy magnet with my daughters! It's weird. They're 14 and 8 years old, and they want to just sit with me and talk when I'm wearing CP! Go figure.

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Could be. Sexpionage has a very large dose of copulins so that could very well be the issue. You should be producing quite enough on your own.

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Wow, how long are the stripes you're using on your arms? I know sweet spots vary (in terms of optimal amount to use), but if they're much more than an inch, in total you're using more than *my* sweet-spot amount, and I'm older than you ... Esp as far as cops, it seems to me almost impossible for a (straight) guy not to react if you're dosing properly. I'm betting you were ODing.


I agree the ears are not ideal, not only in terms of diffusion / effect but also because of risk of getting it on your hair (if it's long enough to touch the application point). Personally I do cleavage/torso and inner forearm/inner crook of elbow, as I flail around a lot when I talk so it really makes it get 'out there'.

Edited by tyvey
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I always say NEVER wear perfume behind your ears because that is one of the spots where there are natural secretions occuring and therefore you don't want to conflict with those.

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I always say NEVER wear perfume behind your ears because that is one of the spots where there are natural secretions occuring and therefore you don't want to conflict with those.

I didn't know that, either. That's interesting! Thanks, luna! I've been adopting the back-of-the-neck spot that a lot of the folks here use. Teaching the ManThing to use that, too. Will make that permanent, now. :w00t: (alien dance just because)

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I didn't know that, either. That's interesting! Thanks, luna! I've been adopting the back-of-the-neck spot that a lot of the folks here use. Teaching the ManThing to use that, too. Will make that permanent, now. :lol: (alien dance just because)


Count me i! I didn't know it too!

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This just gets better and better and better...I put more on late last night <brew 2,btw,no differance at all> and I could still smell it this morning :wub:
Ooooh Calii, it lasts like that on me, too. I am SO glad to hear that the rebrew is the same. Needs me some more of this :) Edited by ElizabethOSP
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  • 1 month later...

Tried this again today, properly. After drydown this is sweet heaven! Not in a sickly sweet way, but in a can anything be as sweet as this and I just cant stop huffing on this. Hubbs is loving this as a frangrance too, but it doesn't have as instant a reaction as the BAM in Dolce Far Niente, well not yet anyway... we'll see... :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is foody. Perhaps too foody for my liking (to wear it as a regular bedroom scent) although I must say that it is a very interesting scent. At dry down, it turned out as a soft, warm and sweet scent, almost like my second skin.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wore Compromising Positions with Blushing Milkmaid yesterday for a naughty rendez-vous with my 50 year old man toy :happybirthday: This might be TMI for some, but:


I got ravaged three times in a row and he would not stop huffing my cleavage, where I had applied CP and BBM. There was a considerable amount of nibbling and biting as well. Normally he is a very romantic and gentle lover but CP brings out the animal in any man - be warned :party:

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TMI :happybirthday: ...do you Know us :lol:


ummm both CP and da Milkmaid is truly,to quote Luna,a raging assload of cops...the poor man might be healthier longer with just one at a time :)



*CP is one of my very favs,for both scent and intent :happybirthday:

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Ellie - I think you need to try CP and Voracious together when your husband next comes home (if you haven't already), it's fun!

Edited by luna65
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  • 2 weeks later...
Ellie - I think you need to try CP and Voracious together when your husband next comes home (if you haven't already), it's fun!


He he he. Oh Luna, indeed I intend to. Especially after reading your reports on the combination. It's exciting just thinking about it. :happybirthday:


Sorry Luna, I've only just read this. I leave messages all over the place and then forget where I did them to check for replies!

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I think it's the patchouli that's making me so undecided on this one. I have been putting it on and removing it from my order list for the last 2 months or so. It was very strong initially then it keeps playing hide and seek with me.

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I think it's the patchouli that's making me so undecided on this one. I have been putting it on and removing it from my order list for the last 2 months or so. It was very strong initially then it keeps playing hide and seek with me.



I wonder about the patchouli notes too. I love this scent but wheras before I though this and similar scents went sort of sour on me because of the vanilla or amber, I'm beginning to wonder if it's the patchouli that is going sort of sour after awhile on my skin :hearts09793:


I adore the patchouli smell so this would be a bummer. I am trying to decide between CP and Mara's RF this month (ordering full bottle) but the jury is still out response-wise...


Beginning to think hubby isn't noticing the pheros at all. I sure am tho. Self effects from CP seem to make ME rather bitey haha.

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I wonder about the patchouli notes too. I love this scent but wheras before I though this and similar scents went sort of sour on me because of the vanilla or amber, I'm beginning to wonder if it's the patchouli that is going sort of sour after awhile on my skin :hearts09793:


I adore the patchouli smell so this would be a bummer. I am trying to decide between CP and Mara's RF this month (ordering full bottle) but the jury is still out response-wise...


Beginning to think hubby isn't noticing the pheros at all. I sure am tho. Self effects from CP seem to make ME rather bitey haha.


I do better with the original MRF. I think it's the sugar so something. Anyhow, I smell like a slightly burnt cookie with MRF and I don't mind that at all. Well, good luck with your decision-making process.

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What's the original MRF? Do you mean sans pheros?


The original MRF was boosted with SS4W. I have a bottle of that and MFR BI and they turn out slightly different on my skin.

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What's the original MRF? Do you mean sans pheros?


The original MRF was boosted with SS4W. I have a bottle of that and MFR BI and they turn out slightly different on my skin.


That's because the versions of the scents are actually somewhat different.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Ellie - I think you need to try CP and Voracious together when your husband next comes home (if you haven't already), it's fun!


Wowza Luna! I still haven't managed to try this combinations as I made the mistake of putting the compromising positions on me first, I went to go and get the Voracious to put on the hubbs and he pounced on me before I had a chance to get the lid off.


Next time him first, then I'll run off to put the CP on and then I'll get to pounce first. He he he.




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