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Cuddle Bunny and Cuddle Bunny 2009

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WOW, that is pretty bold Dolly! Well, I could smell everything else (food, the Fairy Lure I layered on, etc) -- so I think I have to report that the UnCB is fabulously well-behaved stinkwise. :D

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  • 2 months later...
Guest icing

In the wet stage, I do get the Tide smell.

Dead-on, this is my roommate's laundry detergent and something in here gives me a pinchy-twitchy headache.


Dry? Do you know what spanakopita is?

I've never run a side-by-side comparison, but the tiniest bit of oakmoss in any fragrance will hijack everything and suddenly I will smell like a giant spinach pastry (or what I remember one smelling like) under mountains and mountains (and mountains and mountains and mountains and mountains and mountains) of sugar.

That's Cuddle Bunny after a little while. Tide gone. Greek restaurant? Present!


BUT, when I wear Cuddle Bunny (and smell like a hardcore sugared spinach snack) people do stuff for me.

Let me rephrase: I work in a repair shop (when I'm not home sick, and oh - I don't where pheromones at work), at home I do the (not-hazardous-to-short-people) repairs and chores. I am a control freak and I need to do things myself or understand what's going on, and quite a few others assume I will simply take care of whatever needs done so they can do whatever else (gym, t.v. watching, actual vital work stuff, etc.... doesn't matter at all that I've been sent home).


I've worn this a few times, and each time, it's like the general population's been body-snatched and replaced with a really attentive, happy-relaxed, "Let me help you!" aliens.


Cuddle Bunny doesn't do much for me (where as Open Windows and LAM give me an extra kick of "bouncy" and seem to help me relax or stay happy), other than an initial headache (something in the fragrance oil?), followed by an amusing smell, but if it's to blame for the body-snatchers... I could learn to love it... a lot.

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I've worn this a few times, and each time, it's like the general population's been body-snatched and replaced with a really attentive, happy-relaxed, "Let me help you!" aliens.


That is a classic reaction to EST!

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Guest icing
That is a classic reaction to EST!

I guess that means I won't have to fear it so much anymore!! :(


Now I just need to figure out what's in this and Cougar that hates my head so! :winktongue:

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  • 2 months later...

I love scented Cuddle Bunny! I only have a handful of pheros that I've tried but this one works on me the best. I was scared at first because in some of the reviews I read some descriptions as the scent being "blue and aquatic and clean" and so I was unsure if I'd like this because I thought of that Davidoff Cool Water commercial perfume, and I hate Cool Water. No offense of course to anyone that likes it, but Cool Water is so strong it reminds me of some kind of ocean breeze aerosol, I get a headache just thinking about it, lol, sry, I know it's just probably me. So if you're like me though, don't think this about Cuddle Bunny cuz it's not like that AT ALL. It is clean and aquatic indeed, but bubbly and bright too IMO. It smells nothing like Davidoff thank goodness : ) And the effects are great of course. This is just so perfect and reminds me of a lazy saturday afternoon snuggling with my guy on the couch, just perfect, thanks for the creation LP.

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WOW, that is pretty bold Dolly!


Well, I have been known to do some pretty crazy things for testing purposes.....anything in the name of science! But, I try to do so only in areas where I know the area's "climate", if you will.....KWIM? I know the people, know the area, and know whether wearing a raging assload of cops in public is safe.....



It is especially fun now that my man knows about pheros.....I will tell him only AFTER THE FACT when a blend that I am wearing has pheros in it....I get the..."Wow, you phero-ed me?" Then we get to talk about how he FELT while I was wearing them, not just the reactions that I saw in him. Gives me much more info than just seeing the outward reactions, but hearing how he FELT while I was wearing them.....

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  • 2 months later...

cuddle bunny 2009

I'm going to add this on my WANTED BOTTLE list!!!


LOVE!!! My fd said i smelt like soap :lol: BUT I LOVEEEEEEEE.... It's soft, pretty, subtle, light floral. It's a scent that won't offend anyone as it stays with you... A few hours later, i get a powdery sweet soft floral scent... MMM... lovely... Reminds me of Spring- an early morning in the garden with flowers ready to bloom after the winter :) This scent is beautiful!


I don't know what it is.. but I got a few BUZZES sniffing my hand every now and then!!! It felt like mini electric shock! o.O Has anyone experienced that???


UPDATE: I was unsure about this for the first 5 mins on my skin!! Something smelt really strong... could it be the cotton blossom? Hmm... I washed my hand after 10- 20 mins... and the really strong note faded and it was LOVELY!! Then i got my sister smelling it HEEHEE! Trying to get her approval on LP scents!! And she said " ooo... this is baby blue... like baby powder. I like this better than the other burnt ones u have... " CONGRATS! One potion got a tick!!! WOOP WOOP!

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  • 2 weeks later...

damadtech's comment about north pole/SS4m, "I almost feel guilty wearing this", made me think of (un)CB, which I think might be, for me, the most effective LPMP phero (& we all know that's saying something). It is just BLAMMO and does not discriminate based on the guy's personality, age, etc.


I wore it the other night - an inch stripe on each wrist and a few-inches stripe on collarbone. It was cold out, and I was loaded down with layers, but do you think the CB cared at all? nope...just went around slaying teh menz Kill Bill-style as usual - very cute/cocky guy whom I had met once before and noted he ignores women (lets them come to him), hovering around me like a bee and babbling including repeated "I love you"s (I literally don't even know his last name- not even sure I've got his first name right) and offering to walk me home, bartender leaving the bar and literally following me around the place and giving me all kinds of unnecessary information, total strangers coming up to me on the street and chatting, saying nonsense, anything to talk and walk with me... I felt like the pied piper.

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I never really focused on the 'stupid' part, but yeah, I am telling you these guys were making no sense, LOL... and the REALLY funny thing was that they seemed sort of robotic, like they were babbling involuntarily, AND at the same time they were AWARE they were babbling and confused by their own behavior. Love. It.

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...just went around slaying teh menz Kill Bill-style as usual




But it's so true. I wore this without thinking around a friend of mine, and he was a blubbering hot mess! I actually asked, "What's the matter with you?" and he said, all the while looking stricken like an accident victim, "I don't know!" Then i remembered what I was wearing and promptly filed this response away for future reference. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Happy New Years ladies!! I ordered Cuddle Bunny and Sexpionage right before Christmas and receieved them lightening fast!! The next day!! I have used CB almost everyday and Sexpionage once.


I just apply it however, no real mechanism. I apply a roll on both wrist to my forearm and on my outter top part of my hand and my neck. I LOVE how it smells. My BF (well now he's my ex and we live together, long story! LOL) Anyway, I applied the Cb and sprayed my favorite body spray that he loves over it. he keep telling me how good I smelled and he couldn't stop touching me. I think part of this was CB and the other part was he was trying to get back in my good graces after a big blow up we had. He also asked me if I had on mones!! :lol: I would never tell him I wear them and I think when i fell asleep one night I left my laptop open on my lap and I was on this forum and he saw! I just acted like I didn't know what he was talking about! :)


So back to CB, the first few days he would just be like you smell so good and touchy feely but after that there was no real reaction. None actually. he def like how it smells like I said but not the cuddly/sexy reaction I expected. OOOh, he did ravish me the first day I wore it :) We hadn't been together in 2 weeks because he was on punishment but it was good!!


Sexpionage I will try again tonight. When I applied that we had sex yet he couldn't come thru!! I was like boy you need to hurry up because your hurting me and I'm tired!! :lol::lol::lol: He told me after the fact that it wasn't me and that he had a lot on his mind with work which he does. I will apply it again tonight with CB and let you girls know what happen.


I am thinking tho, that I might just order EST straight as I want a more definitive reaction. What do you ladies think and what strength do you suggest? Also, what are the cops that are frangranced where you can barely smell the cops? I think I will order a bottle of that as well.


So my conclusion is CB worked intially but I am not seeing a repetitive affect. i wil keep testing tho!!! I will wear some to work too.

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heeheee yes stupid horny!! guys who are usually gunsure and cocky fall to bits when I waft my CB around...the other day I hugged a guy friend of my exes goodbye and gave him 2 kisses European style -I am European- he was not expecting the greeting I suppose, being Canadian, and with the CB aroma flowing right up his nostrils from my ample cleavage he nearly fell over, he was blushing and blustering, it was hilarious as this guy is usually so Mr 'I'm so cool even my poo wears sunglasses'...

I love Est, when I wear Lace people are falling backwards to help me and CB with the cops makes men giddy horny buzzy bees...

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Ahhhh, so that's what this is....... stupid horny. That explains it. Yesterday I tested this one out for the first time, for effects. My guy was super tired from a long day at work, I showered and then slathered this on my collar bone and my belly. My guy was waiting for me so we could make dinner together and as soon as I whisked past him he put a big grin on his face, gave me a few smacks on my booty and started bouncing around the kitchen like a kid, LMAO, I was like WTH!!!! It was so cute. He told me he suddenly felt so happy, I said it's just food dude and bounced around with him. I didn't think it was the CB because I thought that the est. in this was suppose to make him cuddly, sweet, helpful, ect. Not goofy, ha ha ha, I thought that was LAM's job (which I STILL didn't try yet, gotta get on that ). I enjoyed this, so did he, his smile made me so happy.

Edited by honeybee716
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I tested this again last night on my ex who I live with. He's a little horn dog anyway and we haven't had sex since New years eve. I also had the cute sexy romper on from American Apparell. Anyway, he came in late, showered got in the bed and was all over me. He knows sex is off limits since were not together but that didn't stop him from trying. He eventually went 'downtown" if you know what I mean! :) I tried to stop him but he just kept on going, LOL. I eventually made him stop! I didn't want to be all hot and bothered!

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I had a most interesting experience with Cuddle Bunny again today. The reaction with women was over the freaking top! Now, I know Est works on both sexes, but I, personally, have never seen anything like it. I walked into the dentist today, and the receptionist, who I have never seen smile in the three years I've been a patient, stood up and walked around the desk to greet me. I go back for the exam and cleaning. My hygienist greeted me like her long lost sister! She was so cheerful and friendly. Both she and the dentist talked about how cute I looked (I was not cute; was wearing a black suit for work, pantyhose that i managed to snag getting out the car, and sneakers because my good shoes hurt!), how gorgeous and healthy my teeth were, and how wonderful I smelled. (That one I agree with! :D ) Another hygienist came in to grab some supplies...and didn't leave. She joined right in. Then when I got ready to leave, they ALL walked up front waving and smiling as i put on my coat and left.


I never had a reaction like this with PP. I go back in a few weeks for some more work, so i think i will wear Who's That Lady and see what happens, but it could be that CB is my PP. :lol:

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Great report Bluebear!


:001_302: ...That was an awesome group reaction to CB,sounded like the good feelings just spread! Gosh I would just wear that to that dentist office always...but let us know how PP goes,if you go that way!


LOL@ your pantyhose and sneakers.

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:001_302: ...That was an awesome group reaction to CB,sounded like the good feelings just spread! Gosh I would just wear that to that dentist office always...but let us know how PP goes,if you go that way!


LOL@ your pantyhose and sneakers.


With the recent reports on CB & Lace, I'd probably give the review more attention although I already have a bottle of UN Lace in CPS.

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I had a most interesting experience with Cuddle Bunny again today. The reaction with women was over the freaking top!


WOW Bluebear! Your report is persuading me to use cuddle bunny 2009 as a social blend now!!! I've had great results from B2 and Heart& soul and may be i should give this a go!!! ;):D:D

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That's a terrific report ;) I will say though that it may very well depend on the mix of people: I once wore unCB in a gender-mixed group of all single people, and it made me very popular with the men, but I had to jack up the charm to 11 to win over the women who were not very happy about it.

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That's a terrific report ;) I will say though that it may very well depend on the mix of people: I once wore unCB in a gender-mixed group of all single people, and it made me very popular with the men, but I had to jack up the charm to 11 to win over the women who were not very happy about it.



You are right, it does. I should have mentioned it was all women yesterday. The male dentist was out of the office. There weren't even any male patients. I'm willing to bet it would have been different if there had been testosterone present! LOL.

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I have not tried CB yet around women just my ex, I did apply some at work however didn't notice anything special. That could be also that I sat in my cubicle all day, LOL. I will try this around the ladies to see and my next debtist appt that's coming up! :shocked:

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  • 1 month later...

Finally got my mitts on some Cuddle Bunny. It has been a long time coming and I adore this, fresh, clean and soft pink scent. I want to snuggle myself. It'll be interesting to see how the hubbs reacts to this. I'll let you know in a couple of months.

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I have not tried CB yet around women just my ex, I did apply some at work however didn't notice anything special. That could be also that I sat in my cubicle all day, LOL.


I do feel the self-effects with some pheros but on days when I don't need to meet clients or don't have meetings with colleagues from other departments, I feel that it's such a shame and such a waste of my pheros to be sitting all alone in my office.

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I love this scent :D This is the only one where i only need a dab on my skin :) I love the sweetness coming from the scent and a few hours later... i found myself hugging my duvet in bed.... felt like hugging all of a sudden and dosed off into a short nap :) It was wonderful :):):)

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The pheromone blend itself is Ail's formula so therefore as long as the components exist then so will the blend. Same thing with the fragrance, I believe (as long as Mara can keep the ingredients in stock).

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know I've already raved about unCB but I truly cannot overstate how effective and fun it is. Use only around men whom you want to practically fall down in worship around you and uncontrollably constantly touch you. ^_^

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I know I've already raved about unCB but I truly cannot overstate how effective and fun it is. Use only around men whom you want to practically fall down in worship around you and uncontrollably constantly touch you. ^_^


Defintely not wearing out to club, that happens waaayyy too much when I wear a certain shirt as it is :)

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I know I've already raved about unCB but I truly cannot overstate how effective and fun it is. Use only around men whom you want to practically fall down in worship around you and uncontrollably constantly touch you. ^_^


Hey tyvey,


So does unCB effectiveness differ slightly from scented cuddle bunny in your experience? I haven't tried unCB yet, I have a few bottles of the scented version. Maybe my next one should be unscented just to try it out.



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Not really -- scented was just as devastating -- I just personally don't like that scent, and on me, its covering effect doesn't stick around -- it slips away within an hour or so and leaves behind pretty bad cops stink + that metallic EST swingset-pole-in-summer smell. But, as you can see above, that doesn't happen w/most people, so it's an issue of my own chemistry, and besides, the fact that it was crazily effective *even when* it was super stanky says something ^_^ I was like "OMG CAN YOU PEOPLE NOT *SMELL* ME?!?" lol

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Not really -- scented was just as devastating -- I just personally don't like that scent, and on me, its covering effect doesn't stick around -- it slips away within an hour or so and leaves behind pretty bad cops stink + that metallic EST swingset-pole-in-summer smell. But, as you can see above, that doesn't happen w/most people, so it's an issue of my own chemistry, and besides, the fact that it was crazily effective *even when* it was super stanky says something :w00t: I was like "OMG CAN YOU PEOPLE NOT *SMELL* ME?!?" lol



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