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Are We There Yet?

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Okay I'm a dope. I re-read this thread again and still have no idea what it's about. Are there new releases coming for June now?

I'm under the impression that NR's are being programmed starting Friday...

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AAUUGHHH!!!! :):):) Got my NINJA MOJO on.

stalkstalkstalkstalkstalk...technically, right now is Thursday (Pacific Time), so do we get to see labels...tomorrow?



Oooh and thanks for the link to the Pagan Calendar, Mara! :)

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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It is.

There's two parts to it...there is *crafting with intent* and then charging or blessing, sometimes on a *day of power* as Beccah so nicely put it.


There's a short article here, if you are interested: http://lovepotionperfume.com/reading_room/articles/Intent


Crafting with intent means, in our case, that we are making perfumes with the knowledge of the folklore/spiritual/religious meanings of each ingredient in mind, and we are choosing those ingredients each for a special purpose. While handling the ingredients, the goal of the potion is kept in mind....a potion for love, for money...you keep the goal in mind while brewing....this process "charges" what you are making with energy,


When finished, the potion can be additionally charged or blessed. My usual blessing is to wish success, health and happiness on the wearer of the perfume, with an additional thought to the specific purpose.


In this case, Ail figured out the exact time of the Solstice in Scotland and in California, and we both did our prayers/wishes/spells at the same time. (Understand that a prayer, a wish and a spell are all the same thing). We do this for every seasonal Solstice and Equinox, Full Moons and other special days.


Sometimes we will craft a potion in honor of a God/dess, and we will do our blessing on that deity's special day.


This calendar is fantastic...it lists all the dates for the Celtic, Norse, Greek, Roman & Christian holidays, and also the moon cycles, etc.




Thank you PM! This is all so beautiful that it gives me shivers that you and others here care SO MUCH about our well being. I can feel the good, loving energy just reading about your loving intentions. Thank you PM and Ail and everyone at LPMP and the members too for all of your blessings, prayers, wishes and rituals. You all are so amazing and I know that this is half of the reason we get so "addicted", the love keeps bringing us back. Awww, I'm being so mushy gushy lovey dovey................ but it's all so true :)

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(side eye)


I called dibs!


I kid I kid. On a side note, I'm going to need a bigger perfume shelf.

Edited by skye
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I am dying to see what the final tarts turned out to be. The chocolate almond creamy one Mara mentioned? Oh lordy, if I have the money, I will buy them all. No not really that wouldn't be nice. But seriously, I am tempted


Chocolate almond tart? I'm done for. :abfx:

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I bet the LP Factory has streams of vanilla water, and the doors are made of marshmallow, I bet there's a honey chocolate fountain and every 30 minutes there's a fog machine that goes off and sprays different pheros. I bet that Mara goes floats around with her fairy wings, pinching the lp perfumes that are harvesting on big maple trees to see if they are ripe and ready to be released and then Le Wiz is there writing down notations and formulas in his smoking jacket with the red velvet panels and pipe filled with Rainbow Falls.

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Ummmmm...LadyV, are you planning to *share* whatever you're imbibing this evening...? 'Cause I really want some... :)


Must be something in my raw almonds or Luna Bar~ or maybe I am slathered in Special Delivery, Smore than a Feeling and Pie in the Sky..

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Must be something in my raw almonds or Luna Bar~ or maybe I am slathered in Special Delivery, Smore than a Feeling and Pie in the Sky..

Ooooh! I'm going to join you in the Special Delivery!!! I've been meaning to wear that all day!



:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: Are we there yet? :w00t::alien_dance::alien_dance::alien_dance::w00t:


Edited by ElizabethOSP
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I've been futzing with my car all morning. Drove an hour longer than normal to a job site only to find something hanging from under my car, so getting that taken care of fir the past few hours. Haven't even started my work yet ( waiting in the really dingy waiting room at the repair place). And my BF has been away on business all week. I'm soooooooo ready for some retail therapy!

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I bet the LP Factory has streams of vanilla water, and the doors are made of marshmallow, I bet there's a honey chocolate fountain and every 30 minutes there's a fog machine that goes off and sprays different pheros. I bet that Mara goes floats around with her fairy wings, pinching the lp perfumes that are harvesting on big maple trees to see if they are ripe and ready to be released and then Le Wiz is there writing down notations and formulas in his smoking jacket with the red velvet panels and pipe filled with Rainbow Falls.


That sounds like a cross between Wonderland & Willie Wonka's Factory! I can see Le Wiz now as the giant Hookah-smoking caterpillar... :)

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That sounds like a cross between Wonderland & Willie Wonka's Factory! I can see Le Wiz now as the giant Hookah-smoking caterpillar... :)



Definitely! I want to dunk in the special pool where every body part comes out smelling like a different perfume.

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Me too! Me too!!!!


OOOM-paa LOOOM-paa DOO-peh-tee DOO

MAA-ra will MAKE SOME per-fume for YOU!

OOOM-paa LOOOM-paa DOO-peh-tee DEE

THEN she will SHOW US and we'll all SQUEE!


Sorry. Haven't had enough coffee to be properly poetic, as I was writing 'til around 3 a.m. Bad excuse, but there it is. Heeeeee!!!!!


:D And: stalkstalkstalkstalkstalkstalkstalk..... 019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.com].gif


ETA: I can't figure out how I suddenly could use the full editor! Weird...but fun!!! Oh wait--maybe it's my updated Firefox!!! YAY?!

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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Ummm,don't look now but I think our mountain nymph found the other ones stash :D


...go ask Alice

...when she was just smaaaaaalllll...AND IF yooou goooooo CHAAA-sing RAB-bits...and yooooOOOOuuuu know you're...


Hey Calii! How did you know? I LOVE singing that song!!!! There was an incident, years ago, when we were doing it at a biker bar. I'd roll around on top of my old Yamaha CP80 piano, and throw m&ms into the crowd. I got a handful of prescription decongestant capsules out of my purse for effect. Mr. Matt loomed on over with his guitar and hair, and when I waved the pills under his nose, he bit some out of my hand and swallowed before I could stop him. It went over great, but his nose was running the rest of the night!!!

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...when she was just smaaaaaalllll...AND IF yooou goooooo CHAAA-sing RAB-bits...and yooooOOOOuuuu know you're...


Hey Calii! How did you know? I LOVE singing that song!!!! There was an incident, years ago, when we were doing it at a biker bar. I'd roll around on top of my old Yamaha CP80 piano, and throw m&ms into the crowd. I got a handful of prescription decongestant capsules out of my purse for effect. Mr. Matt loomed on over with his guitar and hair, and when I waved the pills under his nose, he bit some out of my hand and swallowed before I could stop him. It went over great, but his nose was running the rest of the night!!!


Ya know what :) ...You & Mr. Matt...are the real deal !

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:) Awwww...THANKS, Calii! He's my second husband (the first one was our band/business partner who decided he wanted to marry a student of ours...long story!), and Matt almost married his old girlfriend, so we're basically second-time-around-ers. The second time was most certainly the Charm for us! :Sweet-Turkey: <---we take turns being the turkey Edited by ElizabethOSP
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