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PheroGirl Cougar Potion

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WOW, this is nice!!! I can smell the grapefruit. It is sweet, sexy and very alluring. A nice spring scent, but with dangerous repercussions for the young studs. It beckons..."come play with me and I'll give you some candy, but you may never find your way back home". hehe You can think of "candy" however you wish. lol. I got it in my hair, wrist and chakra points except for the sacred chakra area. hehe. Can't wait to see what my hubby thinks of this scent.

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WOW, this is nice!!! I can smell the grapefruit. It is sweet, sexy and very alluring. A nice spring scent, but with dangerous repercussions for the young studs. It beckons..."come play with me and I'll give you some candy, but you may never find your way back home". hehe You can think of "candy" however you wish. lol. I got it in my hair, wrist and chakra points except for the sacred chakra area. hehe. Can't wait to see what my hubby thinks of this scent.



I just wanted to add that I just went to the veternarian and the vet there was about 4 inches from my face. I thought he was gonna kiss me. He kept smiling ALOT! I was suppose to be charged $35 for the visit and only charged $20! So OMG..this stuff works WELL! lol

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I just wanted to add that I just went to the veternarian and the vet there was about 4 inches from my face. I thought he was gonna kiss me. He kept smiling ALOT! I was suppose to be charged $35 for the visit and only charged $20! So OMG..this stuff works WELL! lol



Thats a similar effect that I had using the Cougar concentrate with a different scent (Mermaids). One of my tax clients (an old friend) wouldn't stop hugging me, and he just kept grinning this big goofy grin at me.....totally out of character for him......

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I wore this today to take a group of guys, all in their 20s, through a workshop. I have worked with them before so I do have a baseline. But it may not have been the ideal situation as it was a fairly formal event.


It smells great, pink grapefruit, sweet, fresh and a little sticky. ;)


I have one question on it though - and this is purely thinking ahead for the summer and my vacations, how does grapefruit oil work with the sun? I wonder if it is ok to wear in high sun?


Anyway on the phero reactions and this is just on one test, I have a similar event next week so will try it again then to get a more reliable view.


I got a LOT more eyecontact from a few of the guys and prolonged intense eyecontact. After the workshop during conversation and chat they seemed less aware of the differences in our positions, sometimes you get seen as "teacher" and of course there is the age difference.


Outside of the workshop I did have something odd in that one girl just stared and stared and stared in fascination. Which was slightly odd.


I had a good day and a bit of news that took some pressure of me, so the following might be due to that but I felt quite sprightly very happy and jolly and jokey. I was also a bit ditzy, I kept losing track of where things were and was prone to giggle. That could just be normal high spirits, but this might not be the best choice for business meetings! There are pheros that can make me a bit dappy so this is not impossible.


Also, I was feeling so happy that on the way home I popped into the local gallery and impulsively *gulp* bought an original.... so maybe Cougar can be bad for your bank balance! ;)


My bank manager is in tears, but I am ecstatic because I love it and it is mine, mine, mine! :) :)



(now applying some Nasty Habits)

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(now applying some Nasty Habits)


Good post, May! Looking forward to the sequel.....


I am going to be testing the Cougar additive paired with Dark Seductions at my sweetie's annual company dinner this Thurs night......


Oh, and BTW......if you are feeling really adventurous today, try Nasty Habits paired with Dirty Sexy.....YUM....

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Good post, May! Looking forward to the sequel.....


I am going to be testing the Cougar additive paired with Dark Seductions at my sweetie's annual company dinner this Thurs night......


Oh, and BTW......if you are feeling really adventurous today, try Nasty Habits paired with Dirty Sexy.....YUM....


Sounds yummy but I have a bit of a problem...


I don't have any dirty sexy and my skin has just eaten most of the Habits and done something pretty unpleasant to the remainder...


I don't get it - this is more resiny - not floral or foody...



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Sounds yummy but I have a bit of a problem...


I don't have any dirty sexy and my skin has just eaten most of the Habits and done something pretty unpleasant to the remainder...


I don't get it - this is more resiny - not floral or foody...




Oh yeah, it is definitely resiny.....it goes mild on me, but so does Dirty Sexy.....it just fades into a warm, sexy, wonderful skin scent.....I love it.......BOTH of them......sorry it did something unpleasant on you.... ;)

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I have one question on it though - and this is purely thinking ahead for the summer and my vacations, how does grapefruit oil work with the sun? I wonder if it is ok to wear in high sun?


Good thinking May, I see that I neglected to put that on the perfumerie page and will rectify that right away.


This does not contain real grapefruit oil, however, artificial citrus can *act* like real citrus on the skin never the less. Citrus is known to cause hyper sensitivity to light, called photosensitivity. If worn on bare skin in direct sunlight, it can amplify the effects of the sun and burn (or bleach) your skin, and quite quickly. So - no wearing Cougar in your bikini. (You're not really supposed to wear any perfume when sunning yourself anyway.) If you dilute it in a spray bottle and spray it on your outer clothes, or wear it under your clothes, you'll be fine.

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Good thinking May, I see that I neglected to put that on the perfumerie page and will rectify that right away.


This does not contain real grapefruit oil, however, artificial citrus can *act* like real citrus on the skin never the less. Citrus is known to cause hyper sensitivity to light, called photosensitivity. If worn on bare skin in direct sunlight, it can amplify the effects of the sun and burn (or bleach) your skin, and quite quickly. So - no wearing Cougar in your bikini. (You're not really supposed to wear any perfume when sunning yourself anyway.) If you dilute it in a spray bottle and spray it on your outer clothes, or wear it under your clothes, you'll be fine.


Thanks for this Mara! ;) I thought I had read something somewhere about it becoming irritant in high sun - but I could not place it and really was not too sure.. I think this would be great for summer, but it's under clothes application only on my vacation.



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Okay ! going out with "the Girls" Saturday night to see the harmonica play from J Geils (please tell me SOMEBODY remembers J Geils !) at a blues bar downtown Hartford, CT, yeah I know "where" ?, any who, I'm wondering, I plan on dancin'my A$$ off, do you think the "pheros/copulins/whatever" will blossom with perspiration ? did I spell that right :( ? and while "Cougar Potion" could attract a "younger" lover, could it attract someone of any age (as long as they may be interested) ? am i making sense ? liz

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Okay ! going out with "the Girls" Saturday night to see the harmonica play from J Geils (please tell me SOMEBODY remembers J Geils !) at a blues bar downtown Hartford, CT, yeah I know "where" ?, any who, I'm wondering, I plan on dancin'my A$$ off, do you think the "pheros/copulins/whatever" will blossom with perspiration ? did I spell that right :( ? and while "Cougar Potion" could attract a "younger" lover, could it attract someone of any age (as long as they may be interested) ? am i making sense ? liz


Hey Liz.....I remember J Geils!


Yeah, the perfume and the pheros will blossom and heat aids diffusion (getting them out there)......I would think that while Cougar may be geared toward attracting a younger man, it would probably aid in attracting others as well (not JUST the younger ones)....


Have fun!!

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Hey Liz.....I remember J Geils!


not JUST the younger ones....


Have fun!!


Thank Goddesss !! Re-PUUUUUTAA, RE-PUUTTAAAA LA BUUUUTTTAAAA !!!! remember that !! I'm looped ! Thx 4 responding !! :( and I'm going to try Dirty Sexy w/Nasty Habits tomorrow !!!! LOOK OUT you old coots @ work !! time for beddy bye, ciao, liz

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This thread made me get up and put on some of the Cougar Potion. I caught a whiff of the grapefruit scent at first, but it has dried down to a light, clean fresh air scent on me. I can't keep my arm away from my face long enough to type well . . . LOL


Oh, this is a nice, lovely scent. I need to say that again: this is a nice, lovely scent!


Off to order a full bottle of this right now!

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This scent is so nice that I don't even care whether the young male hotties look my way. Or my TargetGuy, either, for that matter. I LIKE THIS SCENT just for itself!


But if they want to look (HEY, YOU, TG! YES, YOU!!!), that's quite fine, too!

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WOW, this is nice!!! I can smell the grapefruit. It is sweet, sexy and very alluring. A nice spring scent, but with dangerous repercussions for the young studs. It beckons..."come play with me and I'll give you some candy, but you may never find your way back home". hehe You can think of "candy" however you wish. lol. I got it in my hair, wrist and chakra points except for the sacred chakra area. hehe. Can't wait to see what my hubby thinks of this scent.


"Candy"-- something you lick, bite, and suck on, until you get all of the sweetness? :)

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"Candy"-- something you lick, bite, and suck on, until you get all of the sweetness? ;)



Ummm, yeah..my thoughts exactly! hehe :P


Well I let my daughter sniff some of this stuff. Guess what? BIG ASS HAPPY GRIN! She wants a big bottle immediately. She was off to see some guy so I slathered some on her...in her hair..on her neck. She goes, "Mom, you have such a devilish look on your face". All I could do was keep my mouth shut up and keep slathering it on her. She's a virgo...I'm not worried. lol.

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And no matter how much you nibble... you always want more?? :)






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Cindy from Magical Omaha just sent me this cute note...


Just a funny aside- I put on a dab of the Cougar Potion and Charlie and I went to the grocery store. Honest to God, the cashier asked me my age on the wine I was buying. I look my age, okay I am 44 and look 40 :rolleyes: I had to laugh.

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I had fun today with the Cougar Potion... I was playing with my sample of Cougar Potion today... and tried layering it with My Beloved's favorites... Dark Seductions and Cougar Potion (apply Cougar Potion first, wait for dry down, then apply DS) on left wrist and right side of neck... Robin and Marian and Cougar Potion (same procedure) on right wrist and left side of neck. I wanted to see if we would have any "surprise" appreciation of foody scents like we had with Sugared Honeycomb and Dark Seductions. My Beloved MMMM'ed with both of them (saying he preferred the left wrist to the right... and the left side of the neck to the right... funny, because of how I staggered the scents... and because he is left-hand dominate). He did recognize that these were Dark Seductions and Robin and Marian but only when I told him they were layered with a grapefruit scent, did he sadly say "Oh, now I smell the grapefruit." Ha! I think I will keep layering these; I like the added kick of the grapefruit scent and we just won't tell him how I'm layering his favorite scents, so we can avoid his psychological adversity to food scents.

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I had fun today with the Cougar Potion... I was playing with my sample of Cougar Potion today... and tried layering it with My Beloved's favorites... Dark Seductions and Cougar Potion (apply Cougar Potion first, wait for dry down, then apply DS) on left wrist and right side of neck... Robin and Marian and Cougar Potion (same procedure) on right wrist and left side of neck. I wanted to see if we would have any "surprise" appreciation of foody scents like we had with Sugared Honeycomb and Dark Seductions. My Beloved MMMM'ed with both of them (saying he preferred the left wrist to the right... and the left side of the neck to the right... funny, because of how I staggered the scents... and because he is left-hand dominate). He did recognize that these were Dark Seductions and Robin and Marian but only when I told him they were layered with a grapefruit scent, did he sadly say "Oh, now I smell the grapefruit." Ha! I think I will keep layering these; I like the added kick of the grapefruit scent and we just won't tell him how I'm layering his favorite scents, so we can avoid his psychological adversity to food scents.


I have tried the Cougar concentrated additive.....nice phero kick.....now, I may have to try the grapefruit-based scented version......I am still waffling about it.....

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I had fun today with the Cougar Potion... I was playing with my sample of Cougar Potion today... and tried layering it with My Beloved's favorites... Dark Seductions and Cougar Potion (apply Cougar Potion first, wait for dry down, then apply DS) on left wrist and right side of neck... Robin and Marian and Cougar Potion (same procedure) on right wrist and left side of neck. I wanted to see if we would have any "surprise" appreciation of foody scents like we had with Sugared Honeycomb and Dark Seductions. My Beloved MMMM'ed with both of them (saying he preferred the left wrist to the right... and the left side of the neck to the right... funny, because of how I staggered the scents... and because he is left-hand dominate). He did recognize that these were Dark Seductions and Robin and Marian but only when I told him they were layered with a grapefruit scent, did he sadly say "Oh, now I smell the grapefruit." Ha! I think I will keep layering these; I like the added kick of the grapefruit scent and we just won't tell him how I'm layering his favorite scents, so we can avoid his psychological adversity to food scents.


Cougar would be well worth having even WITHOUT the 'mones! My skin eats citrus, but not THIS citrus! And, it's SOOOO perfectly balanced! The grapefruit is JUST musky enough!

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Well, I did order a sample vial of the scented Cougar blend.....I just had to try it...... :) I'll let everyone know how it works for me after it gets here.....

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I have been trying this over and over and over (gee, maybe I like it). It is so refreshing when it hits my skin, an almost bitter grapefruit that blooms into a delicious citrus muskiness. After my Roman holiday of ordering from the sale I can't get a bottle today, but the March update will give me a good excuse!!

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Cougar Potion's grapefruit goes very mellow, sweet and vanillic on my skin, not citrusy at all; the grapefruit scent by Androtics does the same thing on me ::sad::


The Androtics grapefruit never did smell right on me......it smelled more like coconut than their coconut scent did..... :) .....I guess it was just my freaky skin chemistry..... looking forward to trying this one.....

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I have been trying this over and over and over (gee, maybe I like it). It is so refreshing when it hits my skin, an almost bitter grapefruit that blooms into a delicious citrus muskiness. After my Roman holiday of ordering from the sale I can't get a bottle today, but the March update will give me a good excuse!!


I know, I liked the smell. Totally refreshing. I love how when you put it on your hair and run around it sprinkles musky sweetness. (BTW, some people's sweat smell like grapefruit. I just had a weird observation.) Unfortunately I'm a allergic to this. So now on my list of Essential Oil taboo is fake grapefruit and chamomile. I react the same way May reacts to orange. Such a sad moment. One because I thought I was immune and invincible. Apparently this is my kryptonite.


Guess it's the universes way to say "No younger men for you" hehehe.


Weird thing happened when I wore thing. My young play thing asked me if want to pay to have ahem with him. Man did I feel old. I'm only 30, he's only four years younger. So I had to dump him for someone else. Thank god for LP pink! My youth solution.

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I know, I liked the smell. Totally refreshing. I love how when you put it on your hair and run around it sprinkles musky sweetness. (BTW, some people's sweat smell like grapefruit. I just had a weird observation.) Unfortunately I'm a allergic to this. So now on my list of Essential Oil taboo is fake grapefruit and chamomile. I react the same way May reacts to orange. Such a sad moment. One because I thought I was immune and invincible. Apparently this is my kryptonite.


Guess it's the universes way to say "No younger men for you" hehehe.


Weird thing happened when I wore thing. My young play thing asked me if want to pay to have ahem with him. Man did I feel old. I'm only 30, he's only four years younger. So I had to dump him for someone else. Thank god for LP pink! My youth solution.


Well, if you can't wear it on your skin, you can always continue to wear it in your hair.....the pheros disperse pretty well that way.....just rub it on your hands and run them through your hair......that way, it won't be wasted...... :)

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Well, if you can't wear it on your skin, you can always continue to wear it in your hair.....the pheros disperse pretty well that way.....just rub it on your hands and run them through your hair......that way, it won't be wasted...... :)



I wore like one drop in my hair and it started raising that internal heat thing. Mouth started to dry up again. Like eating too much candy.


I listen to my body well pretty well. If it say's "Me no like" I tend to just accept. Like my tounge HATES diet sodas. So I don't bother. I refuse to pretend fake sugar is better than real sugar. Anyways, different story for a different day.


Maybe it's the concentration. Like yesterday I put 10 drops of pure rose otto directly on my skin before I got a tiny mouth sore in the morning. One drop of cougar gave me like LOTS. But the guys at pherotalk did say, if you use high concentrations of pheros make sure your super hydrated. 8 glasses of water later plus 8 hours of sleep I was fine. I do drink like 2 glasses of water a day by the way. That's my bad.


But you ladies will love the smell. It feels soooooo energizing.

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The Androtics grapefruit never did smell right on me......it smelled more like coconut than their coconut scent did..... :) .....I guess it was just my freaky skin chemistry..... looking forward to trying this one.....


On me, it smells JUST like pink grapefruit, down to the slight bitter undertaste. Perect! ;)

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Well, if you can't wear it on your skin, you can always continue to wear it in your hair.....the pheros disperse pretty well that way.....just rub it on your hands and run them through your hair......that way, it won't be wasted...... ;)


Have you tried the Cougar without the perfume? Worth a go for the phero benefits, also to rule out you are not troubled by the carrier solution which is different to non-phero perfumes - have you tried any of the other LP phero blends? Were you ok with those?


It's always worth ruling out you are not allergic to the base solution. :)



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Well, if you can't wear it on your skin, you can always continue to wear it in your hair.....the pheros disperse pretty well that way.....just rub it on your hands and run them through your hair......that way, it won't be wasted...... :)


Or, in a scent locket.

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Have you tried the Cougar without the perfume? Worth a go for the phero benefits, also to rule out you are not troubled by the carrier solution which is different to non-phero perfumes - have you tried any of the other LP phero blends? Were you ok with those?


It's always worth ruling out you are not allergic to the base solution. :)




I want to, but they don't have a sample size. I don't know about commit all my moola into a full size bottle if the mini sister freaked me out.


The base is DPG right? I've been wearing lots of LP's and nothing come close. Maybe a little drying, but not enough to cause worry. Dominance dries me up alittle more but nothing over the top. But you know you might be right. I hear it's better to blend in jojoba oil, cuz it's a wax and natural and won't make your perfume rancid. DPG is a tad too chemically to some. Then again, it could be anything.


Cleo from lovescents makes my saliva taste sweet if I drop th drops in my arm pit. I've learned to not put any chemicals near my lyphe nodes passage ways.

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I know, I liked the smell. Totally refreshing. I love how when you put it on your hair and run around it sprinkles musky sweetness. (BTW, some people's sweat smell like grapefruit. I just had a weird observation.) Unfortunately I'm a allergic to this. So now on my list of Essential Oil taboo is fake grapefruit and chamomile. I react the same way May reacts to orange. Such a sad moment. One because I thought I was immune and invincible. Apparently this is my kryptonite.


Guess it's the universes way to say "No younger men for you" hehehe.


Weird thing happened when I wore thing. My young play thing asked me if want to pay to have ahem with him. Man did I feel old. I'm only 30, he's only four years younger. So I had to dump him for someone else. Thank god for LP pink! My youth solution.


My youth arsenal, so far, is Pink, PG, and Cougar. They make me FEEL energized and pretty, and they seem to work on men of all ages. I LOVE all three!

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Or, in a scent locket.


GOOD IDEA. My test vial will last forever in a scent locket!!!


My youth arsenal, so far, is Pink, PG, and Cougar. They make me FEEL energized and pretty, and they seem to work on men of all ages. I LOVE all three!


I'm so tempted to try PG, but they don't have sample sizes on the web page.

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The base is DPG right? I've been wearing lots of LP's and nothing come close. Maybe a little drying, but not enough to cause worry. Dominance dries me up alittle more but nothing over the top. But you know you might be right. I hear it's better to blend in jojoba oil, cuz it's a wax and natural and won't make your perfume rancid. DPG is a tad too chemically to some. Then again, it could be anything.


No, the base is not DPG. The base is D5, which is one of the ingredients in "liquid silk" bases......it is used in "dry oil" sprays to give them that dry silky feeling.....

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No, the base is not DPG. The base is D5, which is one of the ingredients in "liquid silk" bases......it is used in "dry oil" sprays to give them that dry silky feeling.....


Yes, the phero perfumes have a different base to the others. It's unlikely you are allergic to it, but as you know you can be allergic to anything!



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Sugarspice, I would definitely give it a try.....I have hyper-sensitive skin, which reacts to everything, and I have no bad reactions to D5.

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No, the base is not DPG. The base is D5, which is one of the ingredients in "liquid silk" bases......it is used in "dry oil" sprays to give them that dry silky feeling.....


Well, this is what it says on the webpage:


Cougar Potion Ingredients:

* LP Ingredients: Fragrance, Dipropylene Glycol (DPG), Pharmacom Custom Pheromone Blend (Cougar)

* Pharmacom Ingredients: Estratetraenol, alpha-androstenol, beta-androstadienol, androstanone, copulins, dehydroepiandrosterone, sodium sulfate.


Unless that's a webpage error, I think only SS comes in D5. Maybe that's the workaround.... Oh, erm with these perfumes and pheromixes... I wonder if it's safe for our partners to put their mouth on the areas we dab it on. You know guys have a tendency to put a bit much in their mouths... :)

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