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La Femme Mystere

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I got mine in the 60/40 alcohol oil spray without cops. I guess I figured if I were going to go with cops, I would have gone with LFN. I hope you love your LPRed with Sexpionage. My Sexpionage is unscented so that when I feel wicked ;) I can simply pick any perfume of my choice. For me, most cover it just fine. It does have some cops smell of course, but to my nose nothing like the straight stuff due to the other pheroes in it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

once upon a time there was a tyvey. Last night she wore LFM to a network thing and accomplished frustratingly little because of the stranger men following her around like lost puppies and standing and leaning much closer to her than is socially correct. Tonight she wore LFM and talked her friends' faces clean off, which had never happened before. This was a new one, for LFM anyway. Maybe because she had slept only a few hours last night. The end.

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I had one really good experience with this and now I can't find the sweet spot again. I want the magic back. *sob*.

Do you remember how much you used? I try to write down how much I'm wearing. that way I can increase, decrease or use the same amount again.

IME, this one is truly the less is more blend.

I've had some really big hits with this, and many smaller, subtitle hits. But sometimes nothing I've noticed, except I was "feelin good". Like that Nina Simone song :)

Edited by StacyK
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Do you remember how much you used? I try to write down how much I'm wearing. that way I can increase, decrease or use the same amount again.

IME, this one is truly the less is more blend.

I've had some really big hits with this, and many smaller, subtitle hits. But sometimes nothing I've noticed, except I was "feelin good". Like that Nina Simone song :)

Argh, no, of course not. I am so derpy. I was sure I'd remember but pride goeth, etc. Now I'm convinced of the value of keeping a log of application amounts, cover, etc.


I wore one drop today to see how it went but did get any obvious hits. I'll try one drop again a few more times in different situations before going to two drops... and I'll keep a record!

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Argh, no, of course not. I am so derpy. I was sure I'd remember but pride goeth, etc. Now I'm convinced of the value of keeping a log of application amounts, cover, etc.


I wore one drop today to see how it went but did get any obvious hits. I'll try one drop again a few more times in different situations before going to two drops... and I'll keep a record!

ok well I wear more than 2 drops ;)


Let's see today I wore Goddess of the Blue Moon a LFM boosted scent so it's only 333m of the phero. So about 6 swipes.

I have a spray that's 2x so I can use less, One or two sprays does it for me.

The Un oil is about 3 2 inch swipes.

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ok well I wear more than 2 drops ;)


Let's see today I wore Goddess of the Blue Moon a LFM boosted scent so it's only 333m of the phero. So about 6 swipes.

I have a spray that's 2x so I can use less, One or two sprays does it for me.

The Un oil is about 3 2 inch swipes.


Yessum! Thanks for the suggestion. It gives me a starting point in seeing where my sweet spot is.

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I've been trying to figure out why I have a weird sort of relationship with this one, when it works so well for others. At first it was over-use, then I realised as StacyK said that less is definitely more. In some ways I love the results, in other ways it continues to puzzle me.


Now I know what it is- this one definitely lends an air of feminine mystery, quiet grace, natural beauty and a husky whisper of subtle sexiness. BUT- it is an intense and serious blend. At least for me it is. Even at low doses in La Sylphide (which is BRILLIANT), it does not feel light on me. It's a sexy social blend, but somehow it's got a darker, deeper, more unfathomable personality than all the others. And I am by nature intense, serious, introverted, dark, thoughtful and secretive. So this intensifies my natural personality signature to the point of it being easily too much. I feel sensuous and elegant when wearing it, but often seem unapproachable or aloof. People seem fascinated, but not encouraged to socialise. I may have to experiment with naughtily adding a little Lace or something when wearing it. I wouldn't usually think about doing this with a complex blend like LFM, but it makes me a creature of the shadows, and I need to add some rays of light.


Has anyone else ever felt this way?

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Oh yeah. I have a tough time with LFM too. People seem intimidated, fascinated, whatever... they GAWK at me when I wear it. But they rarely talk to me. And if I wear it around people I know, they spend an inordinate amount of time musing aloud about my appearance, and it's tough to get them off the subject. I don't wear it often because of this. I'm one of those people who's body forgets how to move when it knows it's being watched, and the admiration factor that I get from LFM is just a little bit too much for me sometimes.


I get the "too-serious" feeling about it as well, and I always wish I had a bottle of straight a-nol, so I could lighten it up a bit. I'm not one for mixing my pheros much, but I've also thought that maybe a dab of Lace might help the sociability aspect. 'Cause while it's nice to be admired, it would be nicer to talk about something else after a while! :lol:

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it does not feel light on me. It's a sexy social blend, but somehow it's got a darker, deeper, more unfathomable personality than all the others.

I feel sensuous and elegant when wearing it, but often seem unapproachable or aloof. People seem fascinated, but not encouraged to socialise. I may have to experiment with naughtily adding a little Lace or something when wearing it.


Has anyone else ever felt this way?


Oh yeah. I have a tough time with LFM too. People seem intimidated, fascinated, whatever... they GAWK at me when I wear it. But they rarely talk to me. And if I wear it around people I know, they spend an inordinate amount of time musing aloud about my appearance


I get the "too-serious" feeling about it as well, and I always wish I had a bottle of straight a-nol


Hahaha! Yes! You both pegged it!


It's not as "light" as others.


On me it vibes authority/femininity and get the same complimentary behavior on appearance as Eggers :D


I love it for work. My usual M.O. is to wear LFM on my person and then a couple sprays of Topper to my clothes or hair. I have tried it with CB and Lace (separately, lol) CB for when I'm with hubby and Lace is great socially too, very girly and fem vibe :) But LFM is one blend that I do really love all on it's own too. I'm just not usually congruent with the serious/quiet elegance part of the vibe, so I feel I have to lighten it to make it "right" with me most times I wear it...

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I am loving the self effects of this one so far! I feel quietly confident, calm, determined, and oh right, I almost forgot...randy as HELL!!!! OMG! Beyond that, there is a lovely sort of "everything is ok" vibe to this one. I love it! Now to watch for how others react.

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and oh right, I almost forgot...randy as HELL!!!! OMG!


OH WOW! I want THAT! :lol: I wonder what it is that is revving your engine? I get vixen depending on what I pair it with but I don't get randy from LFM on it's own - I wanna know the secret :D


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Right, I'm trying two drops (and some OCCO Blue) today for a work meeting. I just hope I haven't over-done it. I haven't noticed any sure selfies per se but I wore some on Friday and was really snappy and irascible. I think this was unrelated; I've never had that happen before with LFM, but I'm slightly leery of getting grumpy at work. Has anyone else found LFM makes them cranky?



I'll pop back later to share the results.

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I think I've found it can intensify any mood I'm already in, so while I haven't found it makes me cranky I have become so intensely quiet and inwardly focused that it has freaked other people out, and may have seemed grumpy to others.


I definitely get the fascinated gawking thing Eggers & Nutrix talked about (though with none of Nutrix's authority vibe). And yeah, Eggers is right- it gets uncomfortable the way people will gawk at you sometimes, like you're a fascinating object more than a person.


When I wear LFM, sometimes I feel like I've transformed into a beautiful, elegant white swan, and I'm floating gracefully through the world as it goes on around me.


But it's like people are gathering round, pointing and exclaiming, "Look at that swan over there! What is it doing here, floating around on the carpet? Maybe we should catch it and release it back into the wild..."

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When I wear LFM, sometimes I feel like I've transformed into a beautiful, elegant white swan, and I'm floating gracefully through the world as it goes on around me.


But it's like people are gathering round, pointing and exclaiming, "Look at that swan over there! What is it doing here, floating around on the carpet? Maybe we should catch it and release it back into the wild..."


LOL!!! Great description :) A swan floating around on the carpet!


Currently I'm waiting for LFN to arrive (among other things) ... So if LFN is LFM with cops and androstenone, I guess i'll look like a sexy swan floating around on the carpet :P This will be interesting :Emoticons04263:

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OH WOW! I want THAT! :lol: I wonder what it is that is revving your engine? I get vixen depending on what I pair it with but I don't get randy from LFM on it's own - I wanna know the secret :D


I wish I knew Nutrix! The only other one that has had that much of a libido boosting effect on me is Sexpionage! That one is like WOW! ;)


Right, I'm trying two drops (and some OCCO Blue) today for a work meeting. I just hope I haven't over-done it. I haven't noticed any sure selfies per se but I wore some on Friday and was really snappy and irascible. I think this was unrelated; I've never had that happen before with LFM, but I'm slightly leery of getting grumpy at work. Has anyone else found LFM makes them cranky?



I'll pop back later to share the results.

I have n o t used it long enough to have encountered that fondue, but I have even had it happen with Levitation and with DHEAS! Go figure! I think that maybe any of them have this potential. They are strange little critters indeed!


I think I've found it can intensify any mood I'm already in, so while I haven't found it makes me cranky I have become so intensely quiet and inwardly focused that it has freaked other people out, and may have seemed grumpy to others.


I definitely get the fascinated gawking thing Eggers & Nutrix talked about (though with none of Nutrix's authority vibe). And yeah, Eggers is right- it gets uncomfortable the way people will gawk at you sometimes, like you're a fascinating object more than a person.


When I wear LFM, sometimes I feel like I've transformed into a beautiful, elegant white swan, and I'm floating gracefully through the world as it goes on around me.


But it's like people are gathering round, pointing and exclaiming, "Look at that swan over there! What is it doing here, floating around on the carpet? Maybe we should catch it and release it back into the wild..."

Yes Vlad! And I am lamp @ this analogy!!!

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I know there are certain fragrances that send me over the moon - so...could be :heart:

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I did not try to kill anyone yesterday and it *did* seem like the world was baiting me. As the day progressed I came to realise that the weekend rage was down to annoying life incidents triggering PMS. I am so glad, because I would hate to give up on LFM. You folks and your amazing reviews/stories (and early experiences of my own) suggest such promise for this one!


Vlad, the swan thing, :smiley-laughing024:

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You all put me in the mood to spin this for a couple days. Day 1 with a bit of a-nol and cops added, day 2 with just a bit of added cops. Couldn't have picked a better 2 days for it either as I've been giving training and tying to juggle who, when and where on the fly - gotta love these hoops they give us to jump through...good thing I'm spry! :D


LFM is crazy! The enamored gazes, people hanging on your words...apparently one guy was really effected because everything I said was the most witty thing he'd ever heard :rolleyes: But everyone was helpful and smiles and although everything didn't go completely s planned, all tasks were performed and completed...and with a smile :heart:

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You all put me in the mood to spin this for a couple days. Day 1 with a bit of a-nol and cops added, day 2 with just a bit of added cops. Couldn't have picked a better 2 days for it either as I've been giving training and tying to juggle who, when and where on the fly - gotta love these hoops they give us to jump through...good thing I'm spry! :D


LFM is crazy! The enamored gazes, people hanging on your words...apparently one guy was really effected because everything I said was the most witty thing he'd ever heard :rolleyes: But everyone was helpful and smiles and although everything didn't go completely s planned, all tasks were performed and completed...and with a smile :heart:

Awesome results, NuTrix! Was that LAM you used on the first day?

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I wore LFM all weekend in NYC. It was all .."may I help you.. ?"...."let me take $40 off each room...ect..That's right bitches.... If your going to NYC wear LFM.

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Awesome results, NuTrix! Was that LAM you used on the first day?


Buttercream Peach with Sweet Pea Cupcake

Day 2 - was Blackcat's Black Cat Mojo & Titillating Temptress - got lots of compliments on how great I smelled...


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^_^ Of all my potions, I've gone through this one the fastest...and that's just the unscented...It's a staple :)

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Just got a sample of LFN in Unbridled. Went with husband to restaurant and to a club. I likey the scent, but I found that it feels like I'm this haughty Evily Queen who takes no prisoners and no nonsense, but you can kiss my feet if I decide I like you or maybe it's off with your head. Strange. The waitresses were hovering constantly and I shooed them away, actually told them to run along and leave us alone....People were nice, but seemed strangely a bit afraid, lol. At the club, I put my scarf on the chair next to me and later a guy was so afraid to ask me if he could sit there that the bartender came over and asked me if it was o.k. I moved it and said as I stroked the scarf: See? Nice scarfy, It won't bite, It doesn't have fangs." Not sure why I said that....However, the night went well and my husband and I enjoyed each other. Seemed to illicit a king of "I can do/try this" kind of thinking in the bedroom.


If I'm this aggressive wearing LFN, what the heck would happen if I tried Leather/Dom? :666:

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Interesting experience Olderbutwiser! Considering the fun but slightly freaky "floating carpet swan" reaction I get from LFM, this is why I have yet to even consider LFN. Based on your experience, I can imagine myself transformed into a carnivorous serpent-swan. Although, now that I think about it, that might just come in handy sometime...

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I was just rereading your experience with L F N, Vladmyra and it just dawned on me what happened the next day to me while wearing it that was very similar. I walked into a coffee shop with a client and the people sitting nearest the door looked at me like I had two heads. I was dressed nicely, clean and professional and they just stared and became more uncomfortable. Yet, somehow I felt strangely like I was separate from them all. Remote, or in another dimension. But it was like they couldn't figure out who or what I was. Weird. Not sure what to make of it in that instance. A tad too edgy maybe. Having figured L F N out yet.

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Was your coffee shop experience with La Femme Noir or La Femme Mystere?


So far I've only ever tried La Femme Mystere. And I definitely know what you mean about being in a separate dimension from others. It's a slightly spooky blend in a way, which really fascinates me. It seems to have a strange kind of power that borders on being slightly supernatural at times. But I have given up trying to figure it out, because by its very nature it is unfathomable. I simply try to make sure I don't overdo it, and then sit back and see where it takes me. I think perhaps more than any other blend I've tried, your frame of mind and general energetic frequency can have a huge influence on how this will work with you. Its a faery glamour blend, with a darker twist to it.

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Interesting experience Olderbutwiser! Considering the fun but slightly freaky "floating carpet swan" reaction I get from LFM, this is why I have yet to even consider LFN. Based on your experience, I can imagine myself transformed into a carnivorous serpent-swan. Although, now that I think about it, that might just come in handy sometime...


This swan thing is going to haunt me :Emoticons04263:

A carnivorous swan floating around on the carpet eating a steak or something, LOL!!!

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I think perhaps more than any other blend I've tried, your frame of mind and general energetic frequency can have a huge influence on how this will work with you. Its a faery glamour blend, with a darker twist to it.


Oooo. You're onto something in this statement!


You're aloof only if you don't DO something to invite people in. People will give you all kinds of space. Will stare at you, but say nothing.


If I acknowledge, smile at or step forward to introduce myself or converse, people respond incredibly well! That's when the compliments, the smiles, the DIHL, the going out of their way to be helpful kicks in. The faery glamour is always there, but somewhat veiled until you pull back the veil and suddenly the sparkling shimmer happens and everything/one becomes animated out of their stasis and the glamour shines form you! It's really cool!



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This is sooo true. I can easily close myself off with LFM. But if you act warmer and smiley, people are starstruck. This girl (acquaintance) was total DIHL with me today. Once I started smiling and talking to her it was like she had stars in her eyes for me. In a very "I want to be like you" way. It's awesome lol!

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In a very "I want to be like you" way. It's awesome lol!


Uh-huh! Like that! :Emoticons0424:


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Finally re-found this thread... I posted in LFM one instead of LFN which is what I test drove, but glad I found it again.....In response to Vladmyra, Nutrix, Hearts and Epheobe, it was LFN I tried and I echo what is being said about the quirky effects of LFN. However, now that I've tried it and attempting to figure it out, I think it would be incredibly useful to be used in a magical/shamanic way, especially when you want to move between the veils....EUREKA! That's what it is....like different veils/layers of reality and you can kinda shapeshift in and out of them....It's almost like you can become invisible when you want to and then shift in and out of real-time when/if you want.


For example, I picture wearing this one when I don my velvet cape and lock myself into my turret(office) to study my astrology by candlelight and then re-emerge to float down the street in the mists while people wonder/dream what I'm really about.....he he. Perhaps I will then float silently up behind you and .....


Or wear it to help create a magickal space in time where you and your honey can be caught away.....I'd make sure and pack this when I go to the castle..and make sure to stay in the upper floors and not get taken to the dungeon...lol.


Like Vlad said: "A fairy glamour blend with a darker twist" to be sure. This one is growing on me....

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is fast turning into my best retail phero -- from the retailer side of things! I got out La Sylphide on Sunday, which is the day I work solo at the store. I feel like LFM just does it all -- I am always friendly and approachable, which sometimes feels like it can backfire on me doing customer service. Because I'm by myself, I need people to move along and not try and engage in long conversations. And, if someone has a slightly creepy/overly interested vibe, it can a be a bit scary, knowing I'm completely on my own. I also have trouble with the store filling up twenty minutes before closing and not leaving in a timely fashion.


Well, LFM works so beautifully on ALL these issues. People tend to be very polite and friendly but they don't dally, and when I said it was five minutes to closing the store emptied immediately! I had an interesting encounter with a customer who came in and asked me to hold something so he could go home and get his wallet -- when he came back, he presented me with a fresh branch of lilac. He was right on the edge of what would feel a bit intrusive with his flirting, but I feel like LFM kept the whole thing in the perfect place.... and whether that was his being tempered a bit to be respectful and distant enough, or me having a stronger sense of backbone, I'm not sure. But I loved it.


So far I just have this in La Syphide, but I will have to give serious thought to boosting another scent or perhaps going for a full bottle of the Un!

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