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La Femme Mystere

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Guest cutie.pie

I'm at the doctors right now waiting to see someone I haven't seen before- I just ran out to my car and put this on..after reading the post -hope it works some magic..


How did it go? :)

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Any update Banshee? LFM is great for so many things, and definitely seems to be consensus it does wonders for dr appts. I have a few regular ones upcoming, so planning to wear prior as well. :)

LFM, now AKA La Femme Médicale

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And also, in my experience, "La Free Medicine"- samples galore!


ETA: erm, that kinda sounds like I'm overly enthusiastic for the pharmaceuticals, lol. I'm not, but it was appreciated.

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It went fairly well- thanks you guys - she listened ordered X-rays and gave me some meds( I hurt my back and I'm leaving on vacation.. She was very through and I was surprised she gave me meds for the pain- they usally won't if their not your primary doc.

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And also, in my experience, "La Free Medicine"- samples galore!


ETA: erm, that kinda sounds like I'm overly enthusiastic for the pharmaceuticals, lol. I'm not, but it was appreciated.




It went fairly well- thanks you guys - she listened ordered X-rays and gave me some meds( I hurt my back and I'm leaving on vacation.. She was very through and I was surprised she gave me meds for the pain- they usally won't if their not your primary doc.


Oh, poor you. I hope the meds help you feel well enough to have a nice holiday.

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Took LFM out to a sports and travel fair yesterday with a couple of friends. The guys were trying out stuff, us two ladies went to the stalls were hotels and spas were advertising. You get brochures and little gifts, and in one area for brand new five star houses, we started talking to the hostess, and were surrounded by three ladies all of a sudden, who ushered us into the area, got us a table, made us sit down and brought wine and a lovely plate of appetizers. Now, it's all part of a tourism fair, but not everyone got that treatment. There were people around who paid for food and drinks. And the ladies kept coming to our table, talking to us, bringing more wine, chocolates, chatting, laughing. When the guys arrived to pick us up, they were served beer. We were dressed really casually, no special hairdo, no make-up. Went home from that event pretty soused ;-)

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So that would make it "La Free Munchies"?


Excellent that you got the VIP treatment and that everyone had a great time. I love LFM. It is one of my favorites so far. :)

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Free munchies indeed! But something else I've noticed with LFM only: total strangers greet me. On that fair, also in the entrance hall at the office, at the table at lunch, people will look at me, do a double take and say hello or Godday, nodding, smiling like they know me. And I've never seen them before. I kept wrecking my brains the first few times thinking where the heck do I know this guy from? At some point I realized I know none of these people, but they sure notice LFM.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest cutie.pie

Before going to a dermatologist yesterday, I had applied 2 drops of LFM on the back of my hands. I have a horrible rash on my face and I can't tell you how ugly I look at the moment. The dermatogist asked me something about the hormones and I said I gave birth to twins in 2007. and she asked why I haven't had more children because people as beautiful as me should procreate more.

Now this would be weird even if I didn't have this rash, but when someone tells me this while I'm considering wearing a bag over my head, I know it's LFM!


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  • 3 weeks later...

I got some interesting hits from this one. One of the first times I wore it I accidentally got some on my clothes (I know this one is unscented, but I still wouldn't recommend this. While it blends indistinguishably into skin after a few seconds for me - the smell lingers on my clothes). I was at a staff meeting and a recent hire was sitting beside me. I think she got the full hit, but the head of my department was kitty corner to me at the table). Apropos of nothing the head of department was extremely complimentary of the work I had been doing during the meeting (although this was no unheard of). Meanwhile, the new hire, who has the office beside me and had never particularly noticed me before, seemed star struck after the meeting. She had been asking everyone but me out for little coffee breaks to get to know everyone. I think she figured that I was a nobody because I was a contract worker. After this meeting she came up to me in a fan girl kind of way and asked if I would go out for coffee with her and show her the ropes.


One thing I have noticed, though, is that I can't wear this one if I haven't had a good night's sleep before. It makes me feel very assertive - which because I'm a woman is characterized as bitchy. When I've had a good night's sleep the edges are smoothed by my natural tendency to be a people pleaser. But when I'm tired I can be a bit "my way or the highway" with this one.


I used LFM in a work-related setting again recently. I lost my job last year and one of the people who worked tirelessly to scupper my career emailed me out of the blue asking if we could meet. I almost said no but in the end I went for it because I decided I wanted to give him a piece of my mind. The thing is, though, that I'm an extremely mild mannered person who almost never gets involved in direct confrontations. So I put on some LFM as armour and sailed into my meeting with him. Apparently he didn't know that I was privy to all the things he said about me behind closed doors. I gave him a piece of my mind that he will not soon forget. He was just stammering and babbling and when it became clear that he had seriously misjudged me he started to get nasty. I shot down his every point with relentless logic so that he was more or less incoherent by the end. And then I got up from the table, fired my parting shot, and walked out on him. I don't know if I could have done that without LFM. Maybe. But I think the effect was more potent because of it.


Edited to remove some private details

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I'm with Donsie - what a crap situation, maybe it's better not to be in such a snarky, back-stabbing environment! Good riddance to bad rubbish! I hope you find someplace more worthy of you and your hard work :heart:

LFM is a very, hmm, regal? pheromone blend. You took the higher road and did a smash up job doing it. He probably spent days sweeping his jaw up from the floor....

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Yes, the situation at my former office was definitely toxic and one nice side benefit of not being there is that chronic problems I was having with my upper back have disappeared. I'm also losing weight. I have always been thin but put on 30 lbs after I started that job and I was unable to shake it until now - when it is over and done with. That will show you what stress can do to you.


Anyway, I think LFM was a real help in that encounter with my former colleague. I selected it on purpose because this individual is actually very sexist and this is one of my major complaints about him, so I thought a blast of LFM would do him good. Obviously it got under his skin.

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I am glad it worked out. I had that kind of experience with a co-worker as well. He was much more respectful than his normal self. (which isn't nearly as bad from the sounds of it.) Maybe I should wear some LFM soon!

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I wore this in la femme rouge to a company function and my boss who never I mean never compliments me on my appearance past me in the hall he literally did a double take and said something to himself and when I said excuse me I didn't hear you He gave me a shocked look like he did realize he'd said anything out loud - then he said you look really good tonight - it was like he was dumbfounded.. The following Monday he can up and hugged me and said he wanted to tell me how much I reminded him of Stevie Nicks when I was dancing- I said I'll take that as a compliment and he said that's how he ment it- the crazy thing is I look nothing like Stevie Nicks but that's the kinda "vibe" I was feeling- and he went out of his way to talk to me all week.. Full bottle next order for sure ?

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I'm a little concerned about the aloof factor in this and I have an entire bottle of this coming with UNE mixed and another sample of LP Rouge with this. How can I warm up the LFM so that I am seen as approachable??

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I'm a little concerned about the aloof factor in this and I have an entire bottle of this coming with UNE mixed and another sample of LP Rouge with this. How can I warm up the LFM so that I am seen as approachable??

Welcome! I suggest you not worry about it at this point as this is not a usual or common thing with LFM; it is just a fluke a small number of people report occasionally. I think in the first instance you should give your lovely new pheros several tries in different company and see how you get on. Try this before you even start to worry about anything like needing to make yourself seem more approachable. The overwhelming likelihood is that LFM will be just perfect and brilliant for you, especially once you find your sweet spot.


Excellent choice of scent with Une!

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Yep. Just set it and (try to) forget it. Let the results manifest naturally. You might find that on reflection you notice hits that weren't apparent in the moment, too. That's part of what I find so useful about these boards: they offer advice from other people but also a space to reflect on one's own experiences.

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I'm running late so I don't have time for dets but I wanted to chime in real quick! I have had two great experiences with LFM recently...both being the complete opposite of the "aloof experience" that Johnsonlisa is wary of. Two different circumstances both very out of character *warm* *stars in the eyes* reception. Like Donsie said...didn't even think about it at the time, just connected the dots later....

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I just realized that I ordered this as follows:


Pherogirl, with LFM booster, in 60/40 spray (so there will be cops).


Is this going to be a problem? I'm really not noticing anything with cops, probably because I'm post menopausal and this just puts me back to where I was before my hysterectomy. That said, if I reorder, should I eliminate the cops and then just put those on as a layer seperately?



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^^Definitely, I've found with different Pheros location is important.

For me, I rarely put the socials on the tummy anymore. I find arms and neck more effective in spreading the cheer. I use Gotcha that way as well.

Just remember your also more subject to the Pheros influence as well, the higher up you wear them. Of course with LFM that's a good thing.

My LFM is arriving today mixed with Pherogirl (so cops). Big night planned where I will run into tons of people.


What is the best placement people have found for LFM with cops added? And it is spray so how many sprays?

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I have 2x LFM spray and I use 3 sprays.


As for the added cops, I think you're fine as long as you keep the spray off your face area and hair. I think because of the cops and the added scent of Phero Girl, I'd test on my skin only, before clothes. You don't know yet if you are going to mind the smell on your clothes.

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So perhaps I may have overapplied. No matter.


I used my UN LFM with COPs with Une cover on my torso. Never even smelled that. But ah ha! I had the trial of Rouge with LFM (no cops) which I added to an atomizer with 2 vials also of alcohol. I also did a little dab of LAM brown sugar on my wrists (but never smelled that either). Finally, I sprayed the Rouge on my hair and neck and away I went.


Immediately had a few long looks when I arrived at my destination (but I was wearing a colorful dress). Didn't seem to turn off my female friends--in fact, they said I smelled great (but again, the only thing anyone could smell was the rouge. But whooppee.. .man I had met a few weeks ago who was in the band made eye contact, chatted me up and later asked me out. For those keeping score (as well as my Mother). . this is the first time I have been asked out in 18 months. OMG. . ..MARA! I owe you big time!


I did feel a tad bit disconnected, but as a newbie, I was looking for signs that this worked. I forget about "set it and forget it" and I was probably staring intently in everyone's eyes like a crazy lady. But I now have a man who has my phone number so as far as I am concerned, this is my new holy grail!!!

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Awesome review Johnsonlisa90012! Great hit, it seems that LFM delivered as expected ;) You must have smelled delicious too!


I want to be asked out too :(

Such a dry spell over here... Venus is in my sign though since yesterday so i hope things will brighten up!

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But I now have a man who has my phone number so as far as I am concerned, this is my new holy grail!!!


Hehehe...this was your FIRST blatant hit...just wait 'til the rest start...you'll have an arsenal of "holy grails" for every situation :D


Congrats! :heart:


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So perhaps I may have overapplied. No matter.


I used my UN LFM with COPs with Une cover on my torso. Never even smelled that. But ah ha! I had the trial of Rouge with LFM (no cops) which I added to an atomizer with 2 vials also of alcohol. I also did a little dab of LAM brown sugar on my wrists (but never smelled that either). Finally, I sprayed the Rouge on my hair and neck and away I went.



Immediately had a few long looks when I arrived at my destination (but I was wearing a colorful dress). Didn't seem to turn off my female friends--in fact, they said I smelled great (but again, the only thing anyone could smell was the rouge. But whooppee.. .man I had met a few weeks ago who was in the band made eye contact, chatted me up and later asked me out. For those keeping score (as well as my Mother). . this is the first time I have been asked out in 18 months. OMG. . ..MARA! I owe you big time!


I did feel a tad bit disconnected, but as a newbie, I was looking for signs that this worked. I forget about "set it and forget it" and I was probably staring intently in everyone's eyes like a crazy lady. But I now have a man who has my phone number so as far as I am concerned, this is my new holy grail!!!

Sounds like you're having fun with it.

I'm confused, is it boosted with Une or Pherogirl? in previous posts you mentioned Pherogirl.


I've only had one notably negative reaction from a woman in response to heavy cops, but LFM has always delivered for me all around.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Oh LFM. You're so much fun to wear. This makes people so chatty and bubbly. I stopped on the way to work this morning to buy cigarettes (ya ya I know! but everytime I quit I gain 20 lbs and my new vape hasn't arrived yet) and the 2 guys in store were all flirty and telling me jokes


BTW did you hear about the kiddnapping outside this morning? Ya, I told that kid he couldn't sleep here. (groan)


(Half a bottle left. Time for a reorder.)

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So I wore LFM to get my daughter a new phone. I'd been looking online and called ATT. I called a couple of the stores in my area. One guy was fairly helpful. One was a Dick, absolutely refused to help unless I came in. One guy was helpful no BS. After I got off the phone I thought wow what if I spray on a little LFM and go see him. Bingo.


Got an awesome deal, the offer from ATT came with a "free" tablet, which I was going to pass on. The guy waved all the activation charges for me and created a bundle for me with a phone case and one of those new tempered glass screen covers. LFM.. I love you!!


Foot note, in addition to the deal the guy was just super helpful offering a lot of info (not product) on the technology and what gives you what for the money. Not the usual babble about oh this is so much better. .blah. ..but factual information. What a difference.

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