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Rosie's Wedding Cake


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There's still a few bottles left, around 8 I think. I saw Rosie at a party this weekend and she asked for 2 more bottles so I am taking those out of the cart now. :) Yes, there's 8!


I thought there was a different way we were supposed to order this one, or is it now on the PE list?

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It's up on the PE page now. I wouldn't worry about it flying out the door though. I made quite a lot of it and I think everyone grabbed who wanted to grab. It should still be there in a couple of weeks.

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I need to jump in *again*. This is review comment #3! Brown sugar praline nomminess. Sweet in a caramelly way. Rosie's Wedding Cake is most definitely a Love Drawing scent for me. It brings warmth and happies every time I wear it. Every. Time. It's great for teaching, and it's great in social situations. It's great when I'm just doing stuff by myself. This one is just so lovely!!! It feels like a Love Potion variant. :love: Everybody should GO BUY SOMETHING ELSE so I can get a backup bottle later on. :666:

Edited by ElizabethOSP
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It's up on the PE page now. I wouldn't worry about it flying out the door though. I made quite a lot of it and I think everyone grabbed who wanted to grab. It should still be there in a couple of weeks.


Whew (wipes brow) Thanks Mara

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Oh yes this is decadent. It is a snuggly scent and does remind me a lot of Vicars and Tarts. I don't get too much coconut. I get the nutty thing and the deep vanilla. Mmmm. I love this kind of vanilla. I don't know the difference in any of these vanillas but I know I likey this one!!


I would like to try it out and about as Elizabeth says to see how people react. I get that "Love Drawing" type of reaction when I wear LP Sunfire. Just makes everyone so cheerful, and want to be around me. Like a Popularity Potion without the phero.

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I got this as one of the free sniffies which Mara sent me with my recent order. It's very rich, almost decadent. When I open the vial, I get a whiff of vanilla and brown sugar, than buttercream, coconut. Definitely smells like a huge wedding cake. It reminds me of another PE or one of the older monthly releases, can't remember which one it was. Pie in the Sky? No, that one had more coconut. Halo's Angelique, may be?

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's something about this which reminds me of White Licorice, which I didn't like, but I could wear this. It's cake-y but has a little aniseediness in there somehow?


I think you just turned my thoughts into words lol...I was trying to figure out what note it was that I disliked. I also really like the cake-y coconut smell but not that white licorice. I thought it smelled like Champagne or something too.

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This smells pretty liquor-y on me too. Not that, that's a bad thing. Quite the opposite in fact. On me, this smells like a very strong vanilla vanilla cake with hints or coconut doused liberally with rum. The scent didn't evolve or change very much on. The liquor smell just subsided a bit.


It smells fab. And I wanted to eat it, but unfortunately so did my skin. It didn't last very long on me.

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This is the first scent I am officially hoarding. Just ordered another bottle with my July order. It is really nice in the summer. I wouldn't have guessed that given the brown sugar notes (more comforty, fall or winter scent) but I think the coconut makes it work for the warmer weather. added bonus: it layers really nice with a sample of Tyvey's Mango-ish I received. So for me RWC is a great year round scent. Total Win.

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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I wore this yesterday...it's very cakey vanilla with brown sugar. I think it smells a bit like Vicars, but better! This is strong too, which on me is rare for a cake scent. Love it!


I wear this with V and C sometimes. They go well together.

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