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OK, quick primer on "basic" pheros......we can get into more detailed and complicated ones later. Hope no body is offended by my jumping in here, but I have been using this stuff for about 4 years now, and I don't mind at all sharing some of what I know.


Alpha Androstenol (also referred to as A-nol or Alpha-nol)--a "feel good" phero, causes chattiness, happy reactions


Beta Androstenol (also referred to as B-nol or Beta-nol)--similar to A-nol, but produces "deeper" communications--you may unintentionally blurt things out if you wear too much of this


Copulins (referred to as "cops")--produced only by women whe they are ready to mate. As you age, your natural copulin production decreases, so you may need to use more in order to elicit a reaction. Extended birth control use is also said to decrease cops production. Cops will illicit extreme, full on sexual responses from men if used in the proper doses. Wearing them at high doses in public is not suggested, unless you make certain that you are fully prepared. Strangers have done and said some very extreme things to me over the years. Make sure you have a body guard or two.


Androstenone (referred to as a-none or simply -none)--this is an agreesive male phero. It can make a sexual encounter turn hot and animalistic, or can give a female an "alpha" vibe if used in a small amount. Do not over use this one, ladies!!!


Androsterone (also referred to as -rone)--I had played with this one a little bit. Causes relaxation, seems to help put people at ease.



Ok, well......back to work.....that is the beginning of our phero primer......May, or some of you other more experienced users, please jump in of you feel the urge!!

Edited by Dolly
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Hi all..


I wrote this originally so it's mine to repost as I see fit. I have edited some of the stuff that is not relevant for users here.


I've been using pheromones for almost 6 years now, and like Dolly, I waded through the flotsam and jetsam of rubbish, inefficient pheromones, and the trial and error period when there were NO FAQs for women in the pheromone world.


Many of you are familiar with this post, and I know it helped some of you, so here's hoping it also helps all those of you just jumping into the wonderful world of pheromone enhancement, for the first time.


If you are new to pheromones, the last thing I would advise is that you try any experimental mixes, or molecules (known generally as Experimones and Putatives) for the time-being, so if you have made those purchases from other sites, keep them on hold for now. I am mainly talking here today about CORRECTLY and EFFECTIVELY using Essence Of Woman - which was known in the days Dolly and I were frequent posters at LS, simply as "EW," but now seems to more commonly known as "EOW" and also Instant Honesty, which is heavily Beta-Androstenol-based. Dolly or May will I am sure, give info on the -nols.


Essence of Woman is extremely tricky to get just right, and is VERY potent, and has a defnitely pungent odour (which varies in strength but NEVER in efficacy, from batch to batch) so you want to really be looking for an animalistic side of things coming to the fore in a relationship or dating situation, before you use it.


When you do, there are various ways of using it, but most of us that are very experienced in using it, generally use it neat.


The method that myself, Dolly, Lor, Carrie and other longterm users use to best effect would be:

  • One drop to each side of the frontal neck pulses.
  • One drop to the cleavage.
  • Either one drop SPLIT between the wrists, or once you are more experienced in usage, a max of one drop per wrist.
  • Wait at LEAST ten minutes, and this is a good time for YOU to get used to how Essence of Woman smells, as in ten minutes, you will notice it almost "softens" becoming slightly fruity.
  • After the ten minutes, there are several things you can do.

  • You can use a vanilla-based fragrance, or a good oriental/floriental blend as these are excellent for covering Essence of Woman to the extent that you really can't detect it at all. The one many of us use for the vanilla base is Aquolina's "Pink Sugar," This is also a real man-magnet, and as strange as it may seem because to you it will smell very sweet and cute - men adore it. The other one that gives amazing coverage and diffusion for using Essence of Woman, is Vivienne Westwood's "Boudoir" This is a very potent and sexual perfume, and in fact my own "The Man" refers to it as "Bottled Sex." Boudoir contains Viburnum which has very powerful aphrodisiacal properties in its own right, and so it is fantastic for ramping things to the animalisic sexual level that Essence of Woman offers.

  • You can mix Essence of Woman neat into fragrance and/or essential oils. The ones rendering the best results when used in combo with Essence of Woman are Vanilla, Musk, Amber and cinnamon. Any chocolate-based, or "gourmand-type" fragrance oil also works fantastically. Essential oils with the exception of Lavender and Tea Tree CANNOT and must not, be used neat on bare skin, so use with an appropriate base oil. Get a hold of some empty 10 ml roller-ball perfume bottles. These are easily obtainable through Ebay, and a bulk purchase of 30 costs very little and is a very worthwhile investment for the phero-user female. Add your Essence of Woman to the empty bottle first of all. Start with around 2-3 mls until you are well experienced in using it, at which point you can tip an entire bottle in. Then add your oil or oils until you have filled the bottle. Please check that your oils are suitable for skin application when UNMIXED, as oils such as cinnamon can often cause sensitive skintypes to react. If the oil is only skinsafe when mixed, add approx. 2 mls of macademia, jojoba, or coconut oil. Again, buy these in bulk from a QUALITY aromatherapy supplier to save hard-earned cash.

Many users here can give names of reputable sites and sellers, so you could ask for your email address to be swopped if you wish to know more.


ALL of Mara and Danna's wonderful fragrances blend seamlessly with EOW. Even the lighter, brighter ones. Once your oils are added to the Essence of Woman, put back on the TOP of the roller-ball bottle, but do NOT put back on the rollerball mechanism yet. Essence of Woman needs to be mixed in thoroughly, and if you shake the bottle before you put the roller back into place, this is achieved to a far greater level. Shake thoroughly, and now put back on the rollerball. Leave to mature for at least a hour before using, unless this has been an emergency "Sex-It-Up" mix that you have put together at short notice - in which case, just apply and get out the door or into the bedroom!

  • Another very successful way of using Essence of Woman is to add it to Instant Sexiness from Androtics. Either Mix A or B works for this. You either can do what myself, Dolly and Ilsa do, which is to tip an entire bottle of Essence of Woman into an entire bottle of Instant Sexiness, or you can add a few drops to an entire bottle of Instant Sexiness as some of the other ladies do. My preference as a scent package for all my Androtics products is Chocolatini, as it emininently aids diffusion, and is something men just love the scent of in general. Just remember that unless you add in the notes section that you wish a product to be scented with a particular scent package, it will be shipped to you with the default neroli. Some of the ladies love this, I detest it, so it really is a matter of preference, but both the Chocolatini and Cookie scent packages definitely offer much greater diffusion than the neroli.

  • NOTE: The relaunch of Chocolatini is nowhere near as good as the original (a wonderfully boozy Amaretto chocolate and praline) was to my nose however, and it now smells synthetic, plasticky and just NOT nice! So I would opt for Cookie or Coconut if you chose to have anything from the Instant line at Androtics, scented.

Androtics users should note that I have found after a LOT of experimenting that something which simply just does not gel in terms of efficacy, is mixing Lust After Me (LAM) and Essence of Woman together. The copulin blends simply just do NOT work together, as they are very different copulin formulations from each other, so please do not waste either product by mixing them in the same bottle. I have tried this experiment some 25 times with the same reults, and all I can decipher, is that one definitely sets the other off-kilter and the POW! effect that strong cops like Essence of Woman offer, is virtually non-existant. That being said, 6-10 drops of X 20 cops (you ramp up the cops by requesting again in the notes box) of Chocolatini-scented Lust After Me works VERY well, especially in combo with TAH and TAL. You will see both of these molecules mentioned by many of the Androtics users here.


Now, let's just briefly state that TAH and TAL are also excellent to use with Essence of Woman.

  • Use the Essence of Woman neat just as I explained above, and this time, also add a single drop to the part of the back of your neck that is directly next to your hairline there. Wait ten minutes, and spritz TAH (if you want to be seen as cute, flirty and playful) or TAL (if you want to be seen as slightly domineering and VERY in control) directly over the areas where you applied the Essence of Woman. If you have opted for Chocolatini or Cookie as the scent package, then at this point you can just get on with enjoying the effects your phero-cloud will bring you, but if you use neroli-based TAH or TAL, you may want to apply your own fragrance on top. I know that my very good friend Dolly loved the neroli (until she discovered the wonderful LP Phero Blends of course. ^_~), and she often does not use another cover fragrance, but it's just another option.

A quick word on why some male phero users try products containing copulins:


The reason there is a SMIDGEN of copulins in a couple of men's products, is to add a "bad-boy" edge to the male user. There is a school of thought (which I do NOT subscribe to - and I have been using cops for years) in those who have a "PUA" mentality, that men using cops may come over to some women as desirable, because basically the vibe they are giving off, is that of a guy who has literally just "left" a woman post-flagrante. Personally, for me, that is a total turn-off, and I would be heading for the hills, but each to their own, and some women apparently do indeed like the idea that a guy gets around.


Being honest, the only male user of pheromones I know of who has had ANY level of success with cops, is Catlord at Androtics, and even he admits that it has been very much hit-or-miss.


This is a subject I have taught at Univeresity for many years, so I AM speaking with authority here: The reason for the hit or miss nature of men using copulins, is fundamentally-simple: Men do NOT produce cops naturally, in any way, shape or form. They are vaginal secretions ONLY produced by women. The application of a cops-based product to a woman intent on attracting a man, renders a scientifically-basic result:


It is proven that when a man comes into contact with a woman wearing copulins, within 20 minutes maximum (my experience as I have often posted, is closer to 10 minutes tops) his testosterone level WILL elevate from baseline by approx. 130% - 150%.


This is why cops are seen as a fail-safe, when women use them to attract men, and it must be emphasised here that the same does NOT follow when a man uses them, as they simply do not produce copulins, so they are throwing out signals that NO brain can compute logically. At this point I should say that the reason women can wear a small amount of -none, is because we DO in fact produce it, albeit to a far lesser level than our male counterparts, but -none on women is unpredictable, and for those of you that are new to this world, I would caution you to stick for the time-being with -Androstenol &-Beta-Androstenol-based products, all cops products, and/or perhaps TAH and TAL for the time-being.


Women of age 35 up will probably see a better reaction (known as a "Hit") at 8-10 drops of EOW, but experimenting to find your own "Sweet Spot" is essential.


Instant Honesty from Androtics, is a fabulous product, and I use it all the time. My preference is for X 4 strength, as if you really want to get to the heart of a matter, there is nothing like it. Now of course, we have "Drop Your Guard" here and the results will be similar if NOT better. A cautionary note here: NEVER use heavy amounts of Beta-Adrostenol unless you are prepared for all you will hear, and also for all you will perhaps let slip. A few of the Androtics users here can testify to the fact that although most people think it fosters deep communication and bonding - which it DOES - in very high concentrated amounts, it definitely and seriously DOES act like a somewhat crude form of truth-serum. I have used it for that very purpose and the results were let's just say, shocking..


In order for Beta-Adrostenol to affect you as little as possible, and to very much affect those around you, you must NOT apply it to the wrist, inner elbow crook, face, or neck. Keep it to the hair, back of the neck, or cleavage. If of course, you want to also be Little-Miss-Honesty, then apply to the places I just said to NOT apply it to if you only want to affect other people. Many people use Beta-Androstenol in tandem with other products, but as we advise all people new to this world, try everything on its OWN for a least one week minimum, otherwise you are throwing results, and will not have an iota of a clue which product is doing what.


Beta-Androstenol lends a "Best-Friend" vibe to things even with people new to you, but I have only noticed that effect at low concentrations. What you get from an application of 50 mcg and above of b-nol (Beta-Androstenol), is that it brings to all conversations a more serious side, and you really can have some very good heart-to-hearts if that is what you looking for, by just using this level of concentration.


At parties, I diffuse Instant Honesty or Beta-Nol through my professional Aromatherapy diffuser and also through the Oust Fan diffuser available in many stores, and it is really great to watch it take effect.


Now getting back to cops (copulins) let's discuss one of my REAL bug-bears, and I will post about it in great detail in another thread when I have time, but heavy doses of copulins are NOT discerning. If you wear a product containing copulins, then please be aware that the message you are putting out to men, IS (to be as crude as I was when I originally posted about this) "DO ME NOW!!!" That is NOT suitable for most work environments, so while there may be some of you who can get away with acting thus in the workplace, for many it's a no-no, so go careful when it comes to calling in the cops! :blink: Use LIGHTLY at work.


Finally: It is best to apply your pheromones, and then totally forget that you have. By this I mean; go out, but don't be thinking "OK, can I attribute this to pheromone X, Y or Z?" Instead, apply your products, get on with your life, and when you get HOME, assimilate the results, and in this way you are not falsely imagining you are seeing results that are not really there, or on the other side of the coin, you are not missing subtle signals that the pheromones are indeed doing their job. I have this fabulous rotisserie gadget from the States that my friend over there sent me for Christmas a couple of years back, and it has a ridiculously catchy, but effective slogan that I always bear in mind when I am using a new pheromone product. "Set it, and forget it!" That is always a really worthwhile mindset to utilise.


I hope this all helps. I'm not posting here often, due to reasons known to my good friends Mara and Danna, but I read daily, and it's great to see so many of you dipping your toes into the world of pheromones. As Dolly and May have told you - watch out, it's as addictive as Mara and Danna's gorgeous fragrances, and while pheromones are well-known to be 90% YOU, 10% the pheros, please trust me that when it comes to copulins, we ladies (sorry gents) have an EXTREME advantage in the dating and mating game, but they MUST BE used with discretion.


Blessings and a wonderful Pheromonal journey to you all


Ail )O(

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Thank you Ail..... :blink: ....your expertise is greatly appreciated!!!!

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At parties, I diffuse Instant Honesty or Beta-Nol through my professional Aromatherapy diffuser and also through the Oust Fan diffuser available in many stores, and it is really great to watch it take effect.


Can I come to one of your parties :blink: ?

Thank you for the time to explain it all, Dolly and May have tried to explain it to me, and now think I'll try EW again, a bit scared but I'll give another chance. As for 'none' or b-nol (singlely), I think I'll wait, however, what is TAH and TAL ?


Also, how much is too much ? like for the unscented 'blends' ? or does the same rule apply, behind both ears and cleavage ? thx in advance (whoever chooses to reply)



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Can I come to one of your parties :blink: ?

Thank you for the time to explain it all, Dolly and May have tried to explain it to me, and now think I'll try EW again, a bit scared but I'll give another chance. As for 'none' or b-nol (singlely), I think I'll wait, however, what is TAH and TAL ?


Also, how much is too much ? like for the unscented 'blends' ? or does the same rule apply, behind both ears and cleavage ? thx in advance (whoever chooses to reply)




TAH and TAL are the two female pheromone molecules used by Androtics. TAL has been described as sexy and feminine in an Angelina Jolie type of way, and TAH is sexy and feminine in a Marilyn Monroe type of way.


As far as how much to use of the unscented blends here, I would start with behind the ears and cleavage. Also, if you talk with your hands (and are wearing short sleeves), it can also benefit you from applying to your wrists.

Edited by Dolly
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TAH and TAL are the two female pheromone molecules used by Androtics. TAL has been described as sexy and feminine in an Angelina Jolie type of way, and TAH is sexy and feminine in a Marilyn Monroe type of way.


As far as how much to use of the unscented blends here, I would start with behind the ears and cleavage. Also, if you talk with your hands (and are wearing short sleeves), it can also benefit you from applying to your wrists.


TAH being 'kittenish' and TAL a bit more 'confident' ??



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TAH being 'kittenish' and TAL a bit more 'confident' ??






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TAH being 'kittenish' and TAL a bit more 'confident' ??





Yes, TAH tends to be described as a sexy-kittenish vibe and TAL as more of a alpha-dominant sexy vibe.


I wouldnt say TAL is the only confident one. I find when I wear both TAH and TAL I get a confidence about me. Sometimes my nervousness about my outfit or body image seem to just drift away and I feel good! :P

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THANKS Ail for the amazing edited post! It feels good to see it here in new light. I am quite excited to start trying the LP pheros now...Oh who am I kidding, I am excited to try ALL the LP products! :P


And thanks Dolly! great post to start off. This forum is lucky to have your knowledge and expertise on the subject!

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Doh !! Just read another response, you, May and CC gave me on this (TAH and TAL) :P

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I have dry skin and use unscented body lotion, would the phero blends be less effective over the body lotion ?




hey 500, I missed my 400th ?!!

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I have dry skin and use unscented body lotion, would the phero blends be less effective over the body lotion ?





Nope, it shouldn't. Often phero users mix the product into their creams and lotions.

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Nope, it shouldn't. Often phero users mix the product into their creams and lotions.


Great ! that's good to know.

liz :Blusher:

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In Ail's post she mentions Vivienne Westwood's 'Boudoir' and Aquolina's 'Pink Sugar', has anyone HERE tried these as covers for EW ? Thx in advance, liz

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Question for you experts: I have been regularly using 'Phero Girl Dominance' at work, and I'm thinking of adding 'Instant Shine' for perkiness and positive personality, and MX134 to help me at work. Would all 3 of those together be overkill? Or work against each other in some way?



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Question for you experts: I have been regularly using 'Phero Girl Dominance' at work, and I'm thinking of adding 'Instant Shine' for perkiness and positive personality, and MX134 to help me at work. Would all 3 of those together be overkill? Or work against each other in some way?




I was wondering if anyone ever tried Cleo for Women from LS? This one intrigues me. Thoughts?

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I was wondering if anyone ever tried Cleo for Women from LS? This one intrigues me. Thoughts?



I recently purchased some. I didn't see any significant increase in responses from My Beloved and, honestly, I think I prefer the straight-up cops (EoW) to the Cleo blend. There is a difference in scent, however, with the Cleo having a slight herbal element.

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Hey Seduce, I used Cleo and it did absolutely nothing for me. NOTHING. A couple of my friends said that they got hits, but that they had to wear like half the bottle......it is apparently very weak.


Darbla, I think that MX134, Shine and Dominance together might be a bit much. Try Shine for the upbeat vibe, and then pick either Dominance or MX134 for the Alpha vibe.


Liz, I have heard that they are good covers.....I tried Pink Sugar once, but it just didn't do well with my body chemistry.....

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Liz, I have heard that they are good covers.....I tried Pink Sugar once, but it just didn't do well with my body chemistry.....


Hey liz, myself and pink sugar also don't mix, but it tends to be a favorite cover with alot of ladies on the androtics forum. However, I have heard that the LP perfumes cover the pheros very well, so if you havent already bought Pink sugar, I would say stick with what you've got.


Besides my firend who owns pink sugar and use to wear it all the time, doesnt wear it because EVERYONE seems to own and wear it. Its nice to find a scent that is distinctly you, and not everone around you is wearing.


CC :thumbup:

Edited by Curiouschic
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Liz, CC is correct.....most of the LP scents DO cover EW very well.....all of the ones I wear cover it fine......Sugared Honeycomb works exceptionally well, as does Dark Seductions, Dirty Sexy, and Nasty Habits......I wear EW with practically everything......JUST MAKE SURE TO LET IT DRY DOWN COMPLETELY BEFORE COVERING, or you'll be looking like this..... :thumbup:

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Hey liz, myself and pink sugar also don't mix, but it tends to be a favorite cover with alot of ladies on the androtics forum. However, I have heard that the LP perfumes cover the pheros very well, so if you havent already bought Pink sugar, I would say stick with what you've got.


Besides my firend who owns pink sugar and use to wear it all the time, doesnt wear it because EVERYONE seems to own and wear it. Its nice to find a scent that is distinctly you, and not everone around you is wearing.


CC :thumbup:


Ya'll can call me Charlotte.

I just thought the Cleo sounded so, well..provocative...Oh, well. Better to know now then to buy and be disappointed, so thanks!

Well since Mara already puts the EoW in Phero Girl, I think I will just stick with that for now cuz really you not only have the EoW, but the different honeycomb blends and all the other good extra stuff so I can't wait to get mine!

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Ya'll can call me Charlotte.

I just thought the Cleo sounded so, well..provocative...Oh, well. Better to know now then to buy and be disappointed, so thanks!

Well since Mara already puts the EoW in Phero Girl, I think I will just stick with that for now cuz really you not only have the EoW, but the different honeycomb blends and all the other good extra stuff so I can't wait to get mine!



Hey Charlotte! :banana072: Yeah, and if you want a good unscented phero blend, try the SS, Cougar, etc from here......I would be willing to bet that you'd be getting MUCH more bang for your buck than with Cleo.....

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In regards to application areas, I have read (in more than a few sources) that it's not a good idea to wear perfume behind your ears because the sebaceous glands may adversely affect the scent, and in the case of a blend with pheros I wondered if that might be moreso, in a manner of speaking.


I've used Phero Girl and PG Dominance on my wrists, cleavage and on the back of my neck and this seems to produce a good throw...as well as the desired effects, of course. :thumbup:

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In regards to application areas, I have read (in more than a few sources) that it's not a good idea to wear perfume behind your ears because the sebaceous glands may adversely affect the scent, and in the case of a blend with pheros I wondered if that might be moreso, in a manner of speaking.


I've used Phero Girl and PG Dominance on my wrists, cleavage and on the back of my neck and this seems to produce a good throw...as well as the desired effects, of course. :thumbup:



Pulse points on the sides of neck also work really well.......

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Thx, Dolly :lock2ep: :smilies-23596: , Thx, CC :UkkiBannana: I thought about it today and figured why mess witha good thing, I'll stick with LP's, there's soooooo much more to choose from !!



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In Ail's post she mentions Vivienne Westwood's 'Boudoir' and Aquolina's 'Pink Sugar', has anyone HERE tried these as covers for EW ? Thx in advance, liz


Hi Liz


I have used both Pink Sugar and Boudloir as covers and they work fine. Pink Sugar is pretty but, to be honest, a bit "young" for my tastes. It's fun for Summer though. I've been using Boudoir for years, so I already knew I liked that one.


Both cover EoW. :rainman:



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Hi Liz


I have used both Pink Sugar and Boudloir as covers and they work fine. Pink Sugar is pretty but, to be honest, a bit "young" for my tastes. It's fun for Summer though. I've been using Boudoir for years, so I already knew I liked that one.


Both cover EoW. :thumb_up11:




Sadly 'Boudoir' is almost impossible to get this side of the pond...from one who's sought it out desperately to try... :rainman:

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Sadly 'Boudoir' is almost impossible to get this side of the pond...from one who's sought it out desperately to try... :)


Try fragrance x, sorry I can't post a link, I usually have trouble with that, in any case I found it there, it's about $43 minus s/h and tax.

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Liz, CC is correct.....most of the LP scents DO cover EW very well.....all of the ones I wear cover it fine......Sugared Honeycomb works exceptionally well, as does Dark Seductions, Dirty Sexy, and Nasty Habits......I wear EW with practically everything......JUST MAKE SURE TO LET IT DRY DOWN COMPLETELY BEFORE COVERING, or you'll be looking like this..... :lightsaber1:


Dolly.... Hellllllloooooo! I just rec'd IW(unscented), so would I apply it as I would EW ? The IW, allow to dry, then cover with any fragrance ?


liz :lol2:

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Dolly.... Hellllllloooooo! I just rec'd IW(unscented), so would I apply it as I would EW ? The IW, allow to dry, then cover with any fragrance ?


liz :lightsaber1:


Yes, that is the procedure that is usually best when using a cover scent with any phero blend. You will have a better chance with coverage if you allow the pheros to dry completely before adding your cover scent.

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Yes, that is the procedure that is usually best when using a cover scent with any phero blend. You will have a better chance with coverage if you allow the pheros to dry completely before adding your cover scent.


Thank ya, Ma'am !!


liz :msn_red_fox_smilies-09:

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I just spent nearly 2 hrs reading threads/posts from Pherotalk forum and ck'd out some of their products. 2 of them I'm curious about: 'Instant Sexiness for Women A AND B, does anyone now the difference between them (not too technical please) ?



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I just spent nearly 2 hrs reading threads/posts from Pherotalk forum and ck'd out some of their products. 2 of them I'm curious about: 'Instant Sexiness for Women A AND B, does anyone now the difference between them (not too technical please) ?




Ok to start, do you remember when you were told about TAL (IS A) and TAH(IS :)? If so I can explain it that way.


Otherwise, ISexiness A is more of an alpha sexy angelina jolie vibe, and ISB is more of a kittenish sexy like marilyn monroe...

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Ok to start, do you remember when you were told about TAL (IS A) and TAH(IS :) ? If so I can explain it that way.


Otherwise, ISexiness A is more of an alpha sexy angelina jolie vibe, and ISB is more of a kittenish sexy like marilyn monroe...


ahhhh yes ! I remember, thx CC (saw your posts in PhTalk-LP) !


liz :)

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
If you use a phero blend like every day, do you or others around you become like, immune to it? lol



They become used to it, so the reactions may not be a strong or pronounced......but I have never had someone become totally immune to it. It is good to switch up every now and then though.....

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