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I spray it directly on chest and have not experienced acne and if anybody would, I would.


(relief) My current zits don't need ANY company right now. The party's getting too crowded as it is, Damn PMS!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have ordered a bottle of Topper spray (2500mcg). I'm planning to spray it on my hair and may be on my cloths. As there are no cops in it and no smelly mones either, it should be very safe on hair and cloths. Hope I can try it soon.

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How does this compare to the overall feel of Perfect Match?

It gives me that same giddiness ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Wore this to my work today. I have 2 jobs. Office job and job at a make up counter in a department store.(MAC) So it was a fun make up MAC Cosmetics day :) and thought topper would be fitting. I wore this with Buns of Cinn as a cover. Well, working with lots of ladies, everyone was very giggly and jokey with me today. I got lots of "omg you're soooo pretty" from clients. (maybe the DHEAs?)

Overall this is a perfect phero for work. Very upbeat, made me chatty and got tons of sales! Made everyone around me talkative and cheerful. It can get a little catty/dramatic working with lots of girls, but topper kept me (and everyone else) happy.

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Topper is a phero blend which always puts me in a happy mood. Though I didn't get any dramatic hits so far, I like its uplifting self effects as well as the mood elevating effects on others. It's so easy to handle, not smelly, so I spray it on my hair most of the time, with just a very light cover scent. Diffusion is excellent, especially now in this warm weather and with some wind. After appr. 3 hours, I use to refresh.


I agree with Hearts: it's a perfect phero for work.

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This and DHEAS don't really seem different from the perkiness people are getting from alpha-androstenol and 'Lace'. Is there anything really unique about these that's different than what we already had?

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I've had this massage client for a very long time...she's ALWAYS been a complainer. Like spent the entire 90 minutes complaining every single time (weekly). For the past 4 or 5 years it has been more of a complaining/crying combo. Still every single week for the entire 90 minutes. Where it's true that she has gone through a painful divorce, yes and was betrayed terribly...yes.


I don't mean to sound insensitive, but it has become VERY difficult for me to continue listening. She's one of those martyr, everything-is-everyone-else's-fault types. The past few weeks I've had to cut her massage short because of it! Crazy, I know! I'm an insensitive bitch I guess..... ANYWAY...


I decided I was gonna try some Topper for her session. Well.....she still complained and cried just as always, BUT I kept my cool and it didn't bother me. I call that a WIN!!!!

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I don't mean to sound insensitive, but it has become VERY difficult for me to continue listening. She's one of those martyr, everything-is-everyone-else's-fault types. The past few weeks I've had to cut her massage short because of it! Crazy, I know! I'm an insensitive bitch I guess..... ANYWAY...


I decided I was gonna try some Topper for her session. Well.....she still complained and cried just as always, BUT I kept my cool and it didn't bother me. I call that a WIN!!!!


I'm so glad the Topper went to a good home. :-) Sometimes people are that way because those around them put up with it. I have a relative like that. After awhile I would just start changing the subject when she'd start to complain. And of course no matter what I tried to talk about she complained about that too, I finally just have had less and less contact with her and she finally calls me and asks why she's a pariah now. Only then did I gently tell her the truth.


I know you can't do that Pele b/c it's a client but in my personal life, I think people would be less inclined toward victimhood if there weren't any people around to listen to them bitch. It's a manipulative behavior.

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I'm so glad the Topper went to a good home. :-) Sometimes people are that way because those around them put up with it. I have a relative like that. After awhile I would just start changing the subject when she'd start to complain. And of course no matter what I tried to talk about she complained about that too, I finally just have had less and less contact with her and she finally calls me and asks why she's a pariah now. Only then did I gently tell her the truth.


I know you can't do that Pele b/c it's a client but in my personal life, I think people would be less inclined toward victimhood if there weren't any people around to listen to them bitch. It's a manipulative behavior.


You are absolutely right, it IS a form of manipulation which I don't tolerate in my personal life. Now, over the years with this lady I've given her all sorts of wisdom and tools (being a Massage Therapist & a nurse does require quite a bit of councilling abilities! Hahaha!!!) but she just WANTS to be miserable. You know, one of those types who identifies themselves by their pain. So, I try my best to have my overwhelming feeling in the situation to be gratitude for the business.... MORE MONEY FOR LP'S !!!! Wheeeeee!!! Yay Topper!

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You are absolutely right, it IS a form of manipulation which I don't tolerate in my personal life. Now, over the years with this lady I've given her all sorts of wisdom and tools (being a Massage Therapist & a nurse does require quite a bit of councilling abilities! Hahaha!!!) but she just WANTS to be miserable. You know, one of those types who identifies themselves by their pain. So, I try my best to have my overwhelming feeling in the situation to be gratitude for the business.... MORE MONEY FOR LP'S !!!! Wheeeeee!!! Yay Topper!

Yeah, you could also dose her with some Balm Bomb ;)

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one of those types who identifies themselves by their pain

That's so well put- one of those who seems PROUD of it, right? And that's the manipulation part: they bludgeon you with their victimness or low self-esteem, they're controlling you by your social conditioning (and, they hope, your emotions) to make themselves feel more important, worthy, etc. And it's a kind of incredible selfishness, demanding the entire airtime. Assholes

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Yeah, you could also dose her with some Balm Bomb ;)


I was wondering what might be another choice...I don't have any but I HAVE been eyeing it lately...


That's so well put- one of those who seems PROUD of it, right? And that's the manipulation part: they bludgeon you with their victimness or low self-esteem, they're controlling you by your social conditioning (and, they hope, your emotions) to make themselves feel more important, worthy, etc. And it's a kind of incredible selfishness, demanding the entire airtime. Assholes


Proud and that she's EARNED her misery. How in the world could she put it down when she's worked so hard for it?! It is the saddest type of selfishness and the most pitiful show of low self esteem. I choose to view her as having the power to change her circumstances, rather than pity her...I try anyway. It's juvenile, really....to give so much of one's power away. I AM THE BOSS OF ME!!! I'm gonna have a Tshirt made and give her one...I'll be standing on top of a mountain with a glass of wine in one hand and a clutch of LPs in the other!

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Ick, Pele, that sucks, but I'm so glad Topper works for you! Your description is very apt...I've known a few "martyrs" who do nothing but complain, myself. There was a girl I was pretty good friends with for my first three years of college and she was a crazy bitch martyr-type. She had deeper mental problems though, she was a pathological liar so it turned out she had made up almost everything she'd ever told me. Last year, she deteriorated mentally and would come to my room and complained for HOURS EVERY DAY about how horrible her life was and how horrible people treated her and how she was dying (she also invented physical afflictions - cancer, spine surgery, and conveniently-timed seizures, to name a few) and if I offered advice or opinions she would tell me to shut up and stay the fuck out >_< She was manipulative, paranoid and starved for attention. She ruined my semester and destroyed several of my friendships before I was able to get rid of her. She wasn't what my roommate and I thought she was and I learned a HUGE lesson.


*Ahem* anyway....

So, I've been debating between getting Topper and just straight up DHEAS spray. I want the sparkly, "she's so pretty!" DHEAS vibe. Also, I read that it creates attraction that lasts for hours and that infatuated, butterflies kinda feel, which is something I want to test with the boy toy. The crash is from the alpha-nol, right? I'm already kind of a hyper person and prone to crashing at random so I don't know about the alpha-nol. Advice? I'm agonizing over my next order.

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So, I've been debating between getting Topper and just straight up DHEAS spray. I want the sparkly, "she's so pretty!" DHEAS vibe. Also, I read that it creates attraction that lasts for hours and that infatuated, butterflies kinda feel, which is something I want to test with the boy toy. The crash is from the alpha-nol, right? I'm already kind of a hyper person and prone to crashing at random so I don't know about the alpha-nol. Advice? I'm agonizing over my next order.

Random crashes could be due to a dietary imbalance, maybe add in some B vitamins? That probably will be very helpful when using any pheromone, as well.

I used Topper over cops & Cougar potion & got guessed at 24 last night. Awesome!

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The crash is from the alpha-nol, right? I'm already kind of a hyper person and prone to crashing at random so I don't know about the alpha-nol. Advice? I'm agonizing over my next order.


Well...here is how *I* feel about it, personally I have never had a phero "crash" in over 2 1/2 years...now,that being said,first,everyone is different,and second I do not douse myself in super high amounts when a smaller amount works just fine,more is not better,it is just more. I have had exactly one headache from using too much a-nol ,and never did that again.


Theoretically I suppose the only way to find your threshold is to go there,then you know where not to go...it is all experimenting. Did I say,everyone is different,oh yeah,I did :) If you need to choose either or,how about the DHEAS and a sample or two of the straight a-nol blends like Blissful Caress ect ect ? I know how hard these decisions are,been there and is why I have the arsenal I have now :lol: Whatever you decide,have fun with it!!!



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Did not see Beccahs post,ohhh yeah she is absolutely right about the vitamins,I am very nutrition conscious, eat well,sleep well,and have a low stress life,most times :D...I truly believe it makes a difference!!

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That's a really good idea, Calii, I didn't think of that. It seems like I'll reach a good decision and a few days after I place my order I think "oh crap I should've done that instead!"

Nice, Beccah, I'll bet you look great anyway! You're right about the vitamins, and you just reminded me that I used to take sublingual B12. Part of the ups and downs are due to a mood disorder. I take meds to smooth everything out, so to speak, but sleep deprivation and poor nutrition worsen my mood swings regardless of how diligent I am with the meds. And I have not been taking proper care of myself lately.

Thanks both of you :)

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Your welcome. My goodness, Topper is my new favorite, it's good by itself & it's excellent over Cougar! I decided to boost the restock of scented Cougar (spray) with Topper. At the rate that I've been using this, it was much more cost effective to combine the two. I let SO test Topper last night (4 sprays) & he reported the same feeling of vitality that I experienced. I also noticed that Topper has a vitalizing effect on people in my immediate vicinity. People from the 30s & up seem to get really energized when I wear this around them, people younger think that I'm in their age range. Combining this with Cougar seems to maximize the desired effects of both blends, actually combining them creates a type of "super Popularity potion". Topper definitely gives me the stamina to keep up with my super star popularity also. My next test will be will be over Popularity Potion.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't worn this out in public yet, but the self-effects are incredible and quick. I've been working all Saturday morning on a major project that's due Monday and the neighborhood kids were out in the cul-de-sac bouncing some basketballs around. DRIVING ME FRIGGIN' CRAZY. I also just happened to have opened my new LP order and spritzed on some Topper. Within a few minutes I noticed I was smiling and thinking good thoughts (ones that did not involve exploding basketballs) and was able to continue working.


Topper is my new BFF. :jumpforjoy:

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I know!!! Isn't Topper just the best thing ever?! I am going through my bottle faster than any other phero I have ever bought!! And I don't wear any more sprays of it than anything else...just more often. I think it may be more addicting than the others.

I've actually been forcing myself to wait until I'm actually able to go out when I wear this. Otherwise, I'm ready to party & I have no where to go, lol. I was rethinking my idea to wear this over PP & am actually considering just getting some DHEAS to add to that & my already A-nol heavy blends. ETA: Has anyone else tried this over PP? Maybe I'll test it once to see what happens?

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I wish I can get self effects..I did 2 sprays on my neck and one on the back of my neck..and my day was still normal boring and the bf was bitchy as usual..

when I went out over the weekend I did 5 sprays and ,I like the smell of the pheros thats all..lol mabey its because im depressed half the time,nothing helps.

I'll try again sometime when Im in a better mood.

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I wish I can get self effects..I did 2 sprays on my neck and one on the back of my neck..and my day was still normal boring and the bf was bitchy as usual..

when I went out over the weekend I did 5 sprays and ,I like the smell of the pheros thats all..lol mabey its because im depressed half the time,nothing helps.

I'll try again sometime when Im in a better mood.

Try starting at one spray to see what happens, sometimes we get nothing if we use too much. I'm only using 1-2 sprays, @ the 2500 mcg concentration, max. Also, I went through a period where I didn't respond to A-nol. I was drinking vodka every night & generally not feeling very good about life. If there is an imbalance in your body you're less likely to reap anything from your brain's reward centers in general.

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I was rethinking my idea to wear this over PP & am actually considering just getting some DHEAS to add to that & my already A-nol heavy blends. ETA: Has anyone else tried this over PP? Maybe I'll test it once to see what happens?


I've tried Topper over PP several times. At first I thought I'm crazy wearing so much a-nol at the same time, but I like the self effects. And it puts people around me in a happy mood, too. I did it this way: 2 sprays un-PP on my wrists, then 1 spritz of my Topper spray mix (Topper alcohol spray + some perfume oil) split between the wrists. During the day I usually refresh with 1 or 2 more sprays of the Topper/perfume mix. Actually, I have many small spray bottles where I mix Topper spray with different perfume oils (Mississippi Moon, Raspberry Chiffon, Touch Of Cerise, Glas Slipper... and many more). I never had any bad experience when I used lots of a-nol.

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I've tried Topper over PP several times. At first I thought I'm crazy wearing so much a-nol at the same time, but I like the self effects. And it puts people around me in a happy mood, too. I did it this way: 2 sprays un-PP on my wrists, then 1 spritz of my Topper spray mix (Topper alcohol spray + some perfume oil) split between the wrists. During the day I usually refresh with 1 or 2 more sprays of the Topper/perfume mix. Actually, I have many small spray bottles where I mix Topper spray with different perfume oils (Mississippi Moon, Raspberry Chiffon, Touch Of Cerise, Glas Slipper... and many more). I never had any bad experience when I used lots of a-nol.

I might try it over Who's That Lady or something.

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  • 2 months later...

I had a weird reaction to this a couple times. I was extremely tired when I applied, hung over even. It turned on me! I ended spending a couple hours crying. Idk, if you're less than 100%, any blend can turn on you, imho.

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I had a weird reaction to this a couple times. I was extremely tired when I applied, hung over even. It turned on me! I ended spending a couple hours crying. Idk, if you're less than 100%, any blend can turn on you, imho.


Yeah, I think your right. This has A-nol in it, right? When I wear heavy A-nol blends when I'm feeling off or more down, it makes me worse. Hope you feel better :)

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Does anyone here with Topper also have plain old DHEAS? How do the effects differ between the two? Trying to decide if I need a bottle of this.


I only have DHEAS but does A-nol make you happy? I would get Topper in addition to DHEAS if you like how A-nol affects you.


Disclaimer: I still feel a bit insecure giving advice on here, so hopefully someone who has both will chime in too.

Edited by Mrschrissyrez
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