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Any Pheros to help with give a business pitch?

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Hi lovely people~

I want to get some suggestions on which pheros to use for the purpose a 15 minute business pitch I am going to give soon.

The form will be me standing in front of 4 -5 judges in a room, I think I am about 3-5 foot from the judges (I am not good with units, basically I wont be physically that close to them like a one-one meeting, if you know what I mean, but as if I move around abit they should be able to smell my perfume, that kind of distance).

The distance is important because I want they can inhale the pheros so as they enjoy my pitch consciously, the pheros will work on their subconscious mind and hopefully if I pick the right smell, the effect will be favourable to me.

I want to project an impression of -- professional, committed to the business concept, confident and convincing and TRUST WORTHY..

I am thinking besides spray pheros on myself, I will also spray some onto the handouts that I will hand to the judges, so they can get the effet from the papers that they are reading...

Currently I have:

swimming with shakes (Oil version);

Ali's open windows (Oil version);

Darling Caralina (spray);

cuddly bunny (spray version);

road opener (oil);

persuasion potion (oil);

empathy & harmony (oil);

perfect match (spray);

treasured heart (spray);

true confession (spray)

Goddess of the Blue Moon ~ Pheromone Enhanced with La Femme Mystere (Oil)

FarFarAway Pheromone Enhanced (spary)


I am in the UK, so its Autumn here - cold and windy and rainy~


Anyone pls advice me for a combination ??? For me, combination seems to work better, I like stronger effect.

Thanx a million!!

Edited by fishpie
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Right off the bat i would say Swimming With Sharks covered with Persuasion Potion. Definitely not CB. Maybe if you just had to , LFM, but i think Swimming with Sharks would be best of your list here.


I'd really like to see other folks' thoughts on spraying the paper with the pheros. My gut says no. in addition to potential oil stains, i'd worry about odor on the paper, as there isn't any skin to meld with. Also, any feelings they might get from the paper, they may not associate with you. For example, if you're in the fornt of the room talking, they might just assume that the vibes they are getting are from the person sitting next to them. Does that make sense? Like i said, these are just my thoughts. Love to see what others have to say.

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Thanx for the suggestion, I do want pheros to have positive effect, I am not sure I can be close enough to the audience to let them smell.... hmm, or alternatively I could just walk to them and hand them the ppt one by one, as I am near enough to them and also my movements will bring up some smells, so instead of spray the papers, I would just spray to my body and clothes...



Any other experienced phero users have any thoughs on this??


Thanxxx in advance~~ :Emoticons0804::Emoticons04235:

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My first instinct, without factoring in weather, would be SWS. However, if this were me, I would go with the Goddess of the Blue Moon spray. You can take a cotton ball & lightly apply the phero of your choice to the paper, & it won't show up the paper. This will hinge on lightly applying it to the cotton ball. I've done it before with phone interviews, where I've mailed the application in. Idk, if it really helps to do so, because the pheromones working really hinges on you working them. Now, what I would highly suggest over anything else, is that you go with the pheromones that make you feel best. You are the magic & if you don't feel it, then nothing is going to make it happen for you.

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Ooh! I like your passing out the PowerPoint slides! In addition to allowing them to get a dose of phero and fragrance on you, it will allow for you to make personal contact with them. Maybe a handshake or looking them straight in the eye or introductions if you are unknown to them.

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I would say SWS, definitely. And, I would personally hand them the documents, as well......Also, to get better diffusion, you may want to try applying some of the SWS to the backs of your hands WITHOUT perfume cover. It isn't a stinky one. You could also try turning the SWS into a spray with some perfumer's alcohol.....that would get you the best range of diffusion.

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It's known to help when there is a picture of a person to identify with the pheromone signature. You can apply a phero spritz to a photo of yourself, but to simply text? I don't know if that would work.


Thanx Mara, I am just getting into all the spell thing... you mean apply pheromone to a picture of myself?? hmmm, I do not have any recent pictures (film) - all digital film...ohh I have my graduation photo though. So if I spray different pheromones to one picture? Are not all the smell going to mix up? Sorry I am abit slow here... can you pls clarify abit??

Thank you a lot!!


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I also vote for sws, putting it on yourself (not papers) and finding an excuse to get near them.

Re the picture, I don't think Mara's talking about spell work. She's talking about pheros possibly being effective on targets when you've put the pheros on a picture of yourself that you've given them (as opposed to the text paperwork that you are proposing to give them). I don't think you want or plan to hand them pictures of yourself do you?

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You need something, IMHO, in business with women and men, that is not overtly sexual or gender-focused, you said you need to "appear professional, committed to the business concept, confident and convincing and TRUST WORTHY.." so I dont know that LFM is ideal, although it probably will give you a confidence boost.


For this reason I also vote for SWS with persuasion potion, failing that Open windows as always been great for me in business as it literally does that, seems to open up opportunities.

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I also vote for sws, putting it on yourself (not papers) and finding an excuse to get near them.

Re the picture, I don't think Mara's talking about spell work. She's talking about pheros possibly being effective on targets when you've put the pheros on a picture of yourself that you've given them (as opposed to the text paperwork that you are proposing to give them). I don't think you want or plan to hand them pictures of yourself do you?


OK, thanx for the clarification. I will not hand them a picture of me, but I am planning to hand them some pictures of my product... :Emoticons10311:

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You need something, IMHO, in business with women and men, that is not overtly sexual or gender-focused, you said you need to "appear professional, committed to the business concept, confident and convincing and TRUST WORTHY.." so I dont know that LFM is ideal, although it probably will give you a confidence boost.


For this reason I also vote for SWS with persuasion potion, failing that Open windows as always been great for me in business as it literally does that, seems to open up opportunities.



Ok... I have both SWS and OW, so I will put them on...I will also put on some persuasion potion ... although they all in OIL, so the dissemination will not be as great as spray...do you have any suggestions of the order of putting on these three pheromones?? And how much each ? I am 1.67cm and small build ( I am Asian), also I plan to wear a formal dress, so I will put some on my legs, so when I walk around, the smell will come out.. I hope~~ :Emoticons0424:

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I do not recommend mixing sws and ow. They are complex blends expertly crafted for specific, different purposes and each very specifically intended to be used on its own. Wearing more than one is like taking a complete steak dinner and a chocolate cake that someone else made, and thinking you can produce a more delicious result by throwing them into a blender together. This isn't a tyvey hang up-- Mara has repeatedly given the same advice if I may invoke her

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OK, thanx for the clarification. I will not hand them a picture of me, but I am planning to hand them some pictures of my product... :Emoticons10311:


Can't tell from this statement so I'm just going to throw this out there...i'm thinking pheros on the photos of the product will be ineffective, since objects don't have a pheromonal signature. (Is "pheromonal" a word...?)


And agreed with Tyvey. Don't mix SWS and OW. Both could be good for the situation, but they feel different to me and might send a confusing signal.

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I do not recommend mixing sws and ow. They are complex blends expertly crafted for specific, different purposes and each very specifically intended to be used on its own. Wearing more than one is like taking a complete steak dinner and a chocolate cake that someone else made, and thinking you can produce a more delicious result by throwing them into a blender together. This isn't a tyvey hang up-- Mara has repeatedly given the same advice if I may invoke her


:yeahthat: ....XXX INFINITY :P

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SWS would be great for this all on it's own........I would not mix the two.....and I am the Queen of experimentation......for these purposes, I wouldn't mess with a good thing.....


SWS makes you appear in control and competent......without being overly dominant.......this is probably exactly what you need to convey......

Edited by Dolly
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For important business meetings, etc. I tend to use SWS on my body and hair and Persuasion Potion on the back of my hands as I talk with my hands. Its even better if you can make them into beta to ensure it gets to them but please don't forget to charge your Persuasion Potion ..... Perhaps you would like to focus on the scent to lure them and your presentation? Applying some scent or pheros at the back of your knees is a great idea. I do that sometimes. I mix my scent into my unscented body lotion for layering purpose. Maybe that's something you want to consider as well.


What kind of products do you sell?

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I prefer mojo too, but she has Persuasion on her list of 'haves.' But I see Road Opener too. That might be good as well!


ETA: Felt compelled to come back and emphasize my love for mojo. It really resonates with me. worth consideration if you have time to order before your presentation.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi, a quick update! I have won the competition~ its a university business competition! I used SWS and persuasion potion, bcoz they both are in oil, so I just rolled them all over my body and back of my hands.. bcoz I was quite far from the judging panel, not sure if they could smell any... but I certainly was quite calm and in control of my emotions... hehe thanx guys! xx

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