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No one could ever make the mistake of calling this one "subtle" or "delicate." It settles slightly on dry down, but it goes on as an aggressive scent and stays that way. And it is incredibly long lasting.


I've noticed very unusual responses to S&V. A few guys have initially steered clear of it, then, over a few minutes, started slowing back-tracking to catch another whiff. It's almost hilarious to watch. The guys who like it are immediate in their positive responses. The ones that need to be hit over the head with it eventually come around on their own.


The ones who run in horror? Not my type anyway!


ETA: Oh, oh -- you guys are so spot on! It is WONDERFUL to sleep with. It kinda rocks me to sleep with a comfortable warmth. Weird!

Edited by Just Ducky
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OMG! I just in love with this scent! At first, I was afraid of it due to the gunpowder and just got a sample. It was a strong scent when wet but after the dry down, I could not stop sniffing my arm until I went to bed. Thank goodness I was at home because I could of got some weird looks from people out in the public. Definitely fb material for me! :Emoticons04235:

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No one could ever make the mistake of calling this one "subtle" or "delicate." It settles slightly on dry down, but it goes on as an aggressive scent and stays that way. And it is incredibly long lasting.


I've noticed very unusual responses to S&V. A few guys have initially steered clear of it, then, over a few minutes, started slowing back-tracking to catch another whiff. It's almost hilarious to watch. The guys who like it are immediate in their positive responses. The ones that need to be hit over the head with it eventually come around on their own.


The ones who run in horror? Not my type anyway!


ETA: Oh, oh -- you guys are so spot on! It is WONDERFUL to sleep with. It kinda rocks me to sleep with a comfortable warmth. Weird!


I know this is so good to sleep in

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HEH......was wearing this one today.....with cops....made all of my clients super-cooperative and appreciative. My ex (my son's dad) stopped by this evening, and he was like a little puppy. Cracked me up! Dominance is always a big WIN when I deal with him!

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It has a way of making people eager to get out of my way, but I've yet to see anyone act like a puppy around me on it. Either I'm really the type who needs something with Est and related for that, or I need to get back wearing it more often again for testing after getting distracted by some sexxy social blends.

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It has a way of making people eager to get out of my way, but I've yet to see anyone act like a puppy around me on it. Either I'm really the type who needs something with Est and related for that, or I need to get back wearing it more often again for testing after getting distracted by some sexxy social blends.


Well, my ex is a pr*ck, for lack of a better word. He needs someone dominant in order to "overpower" him, so to speak.

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Well, my ex is a pr*ck, for lack of a better word. He needs someone dominant in order to "overpower" him, so to speak.


In other words, he turns totally submissive (and not in a sexual way) around Dominance......

Edited by Dolly
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I've got to bust mine out. I bought a FB and it just smells like sex to me. I guess I've been having too much fun with my mixes with sexpionage in them. Do you think I could layer S and V with Sexpionage? or is that a confusing signal?

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I've got to bust mine out. I bought a FB and it just smells like sex to me. I guess I've been having too much fun with my mixes with sexpionage in them. Do you think I could layer S and V with Sexpionage? or is that a confusing signal?


S & V already contains Dom. I think adding Sexpionage would be SERIOUSLY Dominant. Sexpionage has androstenone, and so does dom......you could be going into a dangerous area, IMO......


Well, let me rephrase that.....I DID do something similar one night.....but I wouldn't suggest it for everyone....I know how my man reacts to a-none on me though....too much a-none can cause men to be aggressive....some overly so.

Edited by Dolly
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I wouldn't do it. S & V already contains Dom. I think adding Sexpionage may be confusing....and it would be SERIOUSLY Dominant. Sexpionage has androstenone, and so does dom......you could be going into a dangerous area, IMO......


oooh, thanks. I didn't realize. Just wondering: Dolly do you have all these ingredients memorized? LOL always have to go to the perfumerie and read the list of what's in the blends, but even then, I don't know what each molecule does. Thanks for letting me know!

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oooh, thanks. I didn't realize. Just wondering: Dolly do you have all these ingredients memorized? LOL always have to go to the perfumerie and read the list of what's in the blends, but even then, I don't know what each molecule does. Thanks for letting me know!


Not all of them. Just mainly the ones that I have.....and use regularly......

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What Dolly said, the combo doesn't sound like a good idea to me at all, and I'm a bit paranoid about wearing something like Sexpionage out of the house to begin with. It took me months to finally try Rocket Fuel w/SS4W, and even with that I feel more comfortable wearing something like LFN as a kind of buffer (not that it's perfect against creeps, LFM is more hands off in comparison, but I suspect wearing LFM w/SS4W would come across as confusing).

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I know how my man reacts to a-none on me though....too much a-none can cause men to be aggressive....some overly so.


:yeahthat: !


AFAIK our Dolly is the most experienced phero user on this forum,by far ... and while everyone reacts differently, Enone is one to use caution with... I use it on me and with my man, but we know our boundaries. LOL,had a grand pissing contest this weekend while around another. Way too much testosterone in the room.

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:yeahthat: !


AFAIK our Dolly is the most experienced phero user on this forum,by far ... and while everyone reacts differently, Enone is one to use caution with... I use it on me and with my man, but we know our boundaries. LOL,had a grand pissing contest this weekend while around another. Way too much testosterone in the room.


It can happen! Have seen the pissing contest situation happen here as well.....I try to avoid that as much as possible!


Yeah, I have been using pheros for a long time! Almost 11 years now......and have tried almost every brand imaginable too....the good bad and ugly!

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:yeahthat: !


AFAIK our Dolly is the most experienced phero user on this forum,by far ... and while everyone reacts differently, Enone is one to use caution with... I use it on me and with my man, but we know our boundaries. LOL,had a grand pissing contest this weekend while around another. Way too much testosterone in the room.



What is enone? is that what's in both Sexpionage and dom? what's it do?

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What is enone? is that what's in both Sexpionage and dom? what's it do?

Yes... :)


From the LP phero wiki page:


ANDROSTENONE ~ The epitome of aggressive, strong masculinity, produced in greatest quantity by the "leader of the pack". Creates an aura of raw power and intimidation that many females find irresistibly sexy. Can help effect an air of the "brooding bad boy" or the "captain of the football team", helps make the wearer the center of attention, draws popularity, gives off the Alpha-Male vibe.


If worn in too high a dosage, it can cause irritability in others...women, especially at certain times in their cycles, may feel "bitchy", and it can inspire other alpha men to confrontation with the wearer. Best worn with other pheromones as a buffer, and can also be worn by women *in minute amounts* to give off an air of dominance.


May be considered the male equivalent of copulins, signaling a man's willingness to mate.

Other names: Enone


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And it is most often associated with that "unwashed armpit smell"......

Edited by Dolly
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And it is most often associated with that "unwashed armpit smell"......

Hm, I've not smelled that in my sexpionage UN or DOM Un


Yes... :)


From the LP phero wiki page:


ANDROSTENONE ~ The epitome of aggressive, strong masculinity, produced in greatest quantity by the "leader of the pack". Creates an aura of raw power and intimidation that many females find irresistibly sexy. Can help effect an air of the "brooding bad boy" or the "captain of the football team", helps make the wearer the center of attention, draws popularity, gives off the Alpha-Male vibe.


If worn in too high a dosage, it can cause irritability in others...women, especially at certain times in their cycles, may feel "bitchy", and it can inspire other alpha men to confrontation with the wearer. Best worn with other pheromones as a buffer, and can also be worn by women *in minute amounts* to give off an air of dominance.


May be considered the male equivalent of copulins, signaling a man's willingness to mate.

Other names: Enone


So This may sound stupid, but since I love the smell of Sex and Violins, do I have to only wear it when I want the effects of DOM? Is there a phero I can use to "soften" the Dom part if I want theh scent but not the Alpha-ness? I have:


Open Windows

Perfect match

BAM brown sugar (but more b-nol in that)



Treasured Hearts


Would any of those work?

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I smell the armpit thing strong in sexpionage....not as much in Dom.


Raq, you could always try a softer phero....I would try Open Windows or maybe Perfect Match to tone it down a little.....maybe even Treasured Hearts.....it would be trial and error, for sure....

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Yeah,what Dolly said :D ...most definitely trial and error,everyone is different! ...I have a pretty good handle on what works for me and my man,and what works for me for self-effects best,but it took some time.

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So This may sound stupid, but since I love the smell of Sex and Violins, do I have to only wear it when I want the effects of DOM? Is there a phero I can use to "soften" the Dom part if I want theh scent but not the Alpha-ness? I have:


Open Windows

Perfect match

BAM brown sugar (but more b-nol in that)



Treasured Hearts


Would any of those work?



While I wouldn't bother with paring Dom (or Leather for that matter) with something like TH or H&S (the possibility of contradictory messages between them might not mesh well), I've noticed positive responses from people when pairing it with Cuddle Bunny or LACE-though I don't know what the ratio between cops and Est are in CB. I do recommending using a bit less Dom in comparison to CB or LACE when first starting out with it then going on from there. BAM-there might be possibilities, but I've yet to get the sampler pack, maybe I'll look in to it one of these days.


As for SS4W, to be honest this is something I'm probably not going to ever try layering with Dom and go by my instincts with this one, I have this fear the combo it might attract someone that is sexually aggressive in ways not to my liking. I believe SS4W works great with blends like LACE, LFM/N, CB, TH, H&S, but note how softer and Venusian if not more complimentary they are with each other. BANG! might also be similar, but I've yet to order a bottle or sampler of it.


*really needs to start a local decant circle so she can finally start a phero blend layering thread of doom here one of these days*


ETA: I've been trying to work on a Dom layering scheme that's softer but a bit more harder than Leather and different in the way layering them both wouldn't accomplish, but after recently realizing neither of them are good for the social ladder tasks I need to finish before my next Solar Return I've finally realized it's time to put the project on hold. I'm skeptical something like BAM! would do the trick, but I'll keep the idea of order a sampler pack in mind just in case.

Edited by Queen of Swords
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Thanks guys! Queen of Swords, I know it seems weird to layer S and V with something calmer right? But I love the scent so much and don't always want the dom vibe, in fact, Dom isn't as popular with me as it is with say, Dolly. It's okay, but I find I reach more for the softer phero's with my personality. I tend to get overbearing with DOM. So I was hoping to pair S and V with something to soften the dom effects for me I guess.


Like your idea of a decant circle.

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Hm, I've not smelled that in my sexpionage UN or DOM Un




So This may sound stupid, but since I love the smell of Sex and Violins, do I have to only wear it when I want the effects of DOM? Is there a phero I can use to "soften" the Dom part if I want theh scent but not the Alpha-ness? I have:


Open Windows

Perfect match

BAM brown sugar (but more b-nol in that)



Treasured Hearts


Would any of those work?


Since Dom is a full, multi phero, blend to begin with, maybe a pairing with something simple like your BAM that only has b-nol & cops. Or lightening it to a more Leather & feminine vibe with Cuddle Bunny that is only Est & cops.


Let's see, Dom has a blend of Alpha-Androstenol, Beta-Androstenone and Alpha-Androstenone.


I have not been able to find much of anything on Beta-Androstenone except that it somehow buffers the aggressiveness of Alpha-Androstenone . So Dom, with the a-nol, I believe is geared toward the type of dominance one is supposed to enjoy :Emoticons04263: Not the, "I will beat you until you bleed and you will beg for mercy," type vibe - though I've heard some ladies do go there with too much none :blink:


Here's my speculations based on the mones in them - please note...my speculations:

OW + Dom...seems like these 2 are gong in opposite directions but OW may add a comfortable approachability to the Dom vibe.

PM + Dom...this could well add a bit of sexuality/sexual aggression to PM and if you toss in some cops...muhahaaaa

BAM + Dom...BAM I should think would soften the Dom vibe and the cops would def add some sexual interest

BANG! or SS4W + Dom...BANG! is SS4W with added Est & cops so I'll put them together - This one is the most complex since it has quite a number of mones in the mix. I'm thinking that YOU may be the horny one wearing this combo! SS4W already has some none in it so I would say to test it out to make sure it doesn't make you too "aggressive" :lol: The extra Est may make the difference between BANG! and SS4W to keep that Dom vibe in check.


Once you've tried all of these combos, if you choose to accept this mission, please post! ^_^ This message will NOT self destruct...

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Just a note.....the "none" in SS4W is AndrostAnone, not AndrosEnone......AndrostAnone is not aggressive, it is sort of a buffer that encourages approachability, from what I understand.....AndrostEnone is aggressive....


I have used SS4W on my hair and neck with a blast of Dom to my chest for a gathering......because I love the Dom vibe but wanted the social vibe of the SS4W ....it worked fine......


Raq, you will just need to use some trial and error.....

Edited by Dolly
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Just a note.....the "none" in SS4W is AndrostAnone, not AndrosEnone......AndrostAnone is not aggressive, it is sort of a buffer that encourages approachability, from what I understand.....AndrostEnone is aggressive....


I have used SS4W on my hair and neck with a blast of Dom to my chest for a gathering......because I love the Dom vibe but wanted the social vibe of the SS4W ....it worked fine......


Hmm, I might mix layer that with Leather today.

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Just a note.....the "none" in SS4W is AndrostAnone, not AndrosEnone......AndrostAnone is not aggressive, it is sort of a buffer that encourages approachability, from what I understand.....AndrostEnone is aggressive....


Awesome! Thanks!!! :^^::heart: Nuances....can make all the difference! Pheros are FUN!

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Can I just say more great things about Sex and Violins? I am amazed this works on me b/c of the amber. Loving resins the way I do but having ambers turn sour on me I have to kiss a lot of frogs before I find a resin blend that works on me. This happened last with OCCO black: now in my top 5 LP's of all time. S and V just melts right into my skin and I smell warm and sexy. I just love this blend. Can't say much for the DOM, as I don't notice effects. No wait, I take that back, I DO notice that if I spray on DOM when already feeling a bit sassy, it can turn into bitchiness. Just a little. In terms of me just saying 'whatever' is on my mind at that moment. More bluntness comes forward, and since I'm already pretty "on the table" that can sometimes be perceived as bitchiness. Won't stop me from wearing S and V though. I'll just keep experimenting with some softening pheros. I think Open Windows or SS4W will be my best bet

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Hey Raq, have you considered ordering a virgin bottle (no pheros)? I just checked, and there appear to be some available.....if you go to the S & V here....




And click the little drop-down, there are virgin options listed

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CRAP! I didn't know Mara was even doing that anymore. I thought I read somewhere that the virgin bottles weren't cost effective. Grrrr. I just placed a huge (well for me huge anyway) order so I won't be ordering any bottles for at least another month....But I'll keep that in mind if I ever get the notion to hoard it. Thank you

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CRAP! I didn't know Mara was even doing that anymore. I thought I read somewhere that the virgin bottles weren't cost effective. Grrrr. I just placed a huge (well for me huge anyway) order so I won't be ordering any bottles for at least another month....But I'll keep that in mind if I ever get the notion to hoard it. Thank you


She said that Pheromas in November was the last time she was doing virgin bottles.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

No one will ever mistake me for a soccer mom when I'm slinking around town wearing this one. Thank heavens.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was wearing this today and I just love love love it......the scent is so sexy it just puts you right in the spotlight and the dom phero keeps you large and in charge.....


I posted this in the potion of the day thread, right after I applied it this morning.....thought I should put my comment here too.....


I think this one could also be called...."I'm sexy as hell and not only do you know it, you had better REMEMBER it!"

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I was wearing this today and I just love love love it......the scent is so sexy it just puts you right in the spotlight and the dom phero keeps you large and in charge.....


I posted this in the potion of the day thread, right after I applied it this morning.....thought I should put my comment here too.....


I think this one could also be called...."I'm sexy as hell and not only do you know it, you had better REMEMBER it!"


Dolly, I love this tag line for S&V... I need to get another bottle of this one... but it will have to wait till my April order

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Dolly, I love this tag line for S&V... I need to get another bottle of this one... but it will have to wait till my April order


I have multiple bottles of this.....it plays beautifully with my skin chemistry.....

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Wearing this one again today......I have to admit, it has changed a bit since it was released. I loved it then, but I love it even more now. The sharp edges that were present with this scent during the early stages of wear seem to have smoothed out and mellowed. It has gotten sexier with time......

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Wearing this one again today......I have to admit, it has changed a bit since it was released. I loved it then, but I love it even more now. The sharp edges that were present with this scent during the early stages of wear seem to have smoothed out and mellowed. It has gotten sexier with time......


I aggree. I reached for mine yesterday after not having worn it in over a month and it wasn't as sharp. I wear this one when i need my "power boost" for anything involving will power. Isn't that weird?

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