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Do you think gotch would go well with LP red?

Gotcha is great with all the LP line. I absolutely love Honeyed LP, which was made with it, but also LP White, Humidity & Gold.

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Gotcha is great with all the LP line. I absolutely love Honeyed LP, which was made with it, but also LP White, Humidity & Gold.


WAIT, WHAT!?!?! Probably my favourite phero with probably my favourite type of scent. Golly, I love honey. If this comes back I will have a FB so damn fast.

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Took out Gotcha for a spin at work, I have it in Coconut Breeze. Nicely paired by Cuchi and some extra DHEAS. And had a great time! Had an all girl lunch and everybody just cracked up telling funny anecdotes about beauty experiences, like who tried a thorough peeling of certain body parts before a date night and ended up not being able to sit much less do anything more raunchy, stuff like that, and by the time we went back to work we were in hysterics. Great, light, fluffy mood. People came by our room, went in to chat and simply wouldnt stop talking. Like to the point where you wish they really would. Great day, but I was pretty wiped out at nite.

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WAIT, WHAT!?!?! Probably my favourite phero with probably my favourite type of scent. Golly, I love honey. If this comes back I will have a FB so damn fast.

Yes, it's an all time fav. You should check out the label to. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Reading Secret Sweetness reviews put me in the mood for Gotcha!, so yesterday I broke it out and wore it along with my Fuzzy Wuzzy. I've been becoming fond of wearing the Uns in the crook of my arms, but I swirled a happy lollypop around my belly and up between my girls for good measure, smooshed about and then used the FW to cover. Supah Gatcha! Hehe...


I rotate my pheros and hadn't worn this in a while, I'd forgotten what a great hitter it is :D I recall 3 different instances in conversation with the opposite sex where they kept reaching for more to talk about and I really had to almost just walk away because, well, it's work and I've got things to do :lol: I get lots of compliments when I wear this, either directly about my appearance or indirectly where someone says something nice about me while we're in conversation in a group. It DOES certainly seem to be an attention getter - or should I say grabber? Even hubby, before I left for work AND even before bed, was giving me intent looks in the eyes and telling me how much he loves me :girlHeart-5: Very intense and smoldering looks and words. A girl could get used to THAT!

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Well I guess I'm wearing this today. Smokey? maybe that's the brown sugar? IDK sometimes I get a smoke/cooked scent off BS but I never noticed that here.

I barely amp that note with this. It's just so perfectly blended. A creamy, rich cupcake garnished with a Lavender flower. I love the amber in this. It feels like it grounds the scent, a base for all the notes to stick to or they'd just melt away. That's what I get. Still great. A great scent & name to be with Gotcha- Fuzzy Wuzzy is just right.

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Lol I just noticed I posted my above comment here instead of the "Fuzzy Wuzzy" thread. Oh well it works either way. :)

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Well I guess I'm wearing this today. Smokey? maybe that's the brown sugar? IDK sometimes I get a smoke/cooked scent off BS but I never noticed that here.

I barely amp that note with this. It's just so perfectly blended. A creamy, rich cupcake garnished with a Lavender flower. I love the amber in this. It feels like it grounds the scent, a base for all the notes to stick to or they'd just melt away. That's what I get. Still great. A great scent & name to be with Gotcha- Fuzzy Wuzzy is just right.


I wore it again and paid closer attention and, yes ,I do recognize the lavender at the beginning but nothing like Tickle Tickle. I think my chemistry must amp the brown sugar, I quite LOVE whatever it does with my chemistry and makes it just perfect for me :lol: Glad someone else is still loving it too :heart:

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  • 1 month later...

I tried Gotcha on my target. I did not see any major changes in his behavior, but I would say he was much more playful and just being more silly than normally..like a happy child :). And I like that, I think this was fun and it was the pheros working.


Later that day, I went for a drink with my male friend and wore also Gotcha. When I met the guy, I just saw that his eyes watered and he looked at me differently and he was really happy to see me. It was very nice evening and it was fun, but it is really hard to look for the signs if the pheros work with friends and people you know, because I think they watch themselves. Also, I found out the Gotcha and alcohol is almost like truth serum (I wrote in another thread that Cougar and alcohol works like that for me also). I cannot believe what I told this friend when under Gotcha infuence.. on the bright side, it had the same effect on him, so we just shared A LOT of intimate information. At least it was mutual :)(compared to Cougar which worked only on ME spilling all the secrets :).



However, I have question. How far do you think the pheros reach? Because I just have a feeling that if I apply the pheros and then I go for instance to lunch into a restaurant, and I sit on the other side of the table than my target that the pheros cannot reach that far :) I know this is probably not true, but still... so that is a reason I made part of my oils into sprays and I am wearing both. I apply oil and then spray over it and I also spray some into my hair... and then during the lunch I am just playing with my hair to get the pheros out there :) But the pheros should reach him even if I don't hug him, right? Well, all my silly questions are because I was THINKING that I smell really nice (LP Pink) and I almost thought I overdid it and it was too strong, so I asked him and he said he did not smell anything. So I made him sniff my neck and then he said he FAINTLY smells something but not much. So I just hope the pheros get out there even if the perfume does not.

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Hmm, I think the throw depends a lot on the temperature, humidity, air flow, where you wear your perfume, etc. What I do know is that sprays tend to diffuse over a wider area than roll-on perfume. I'd guess that across a normal table you'd be fine with roll-on, especially using some spray on your hair, too! Just because he couldn't recognise that he was smelling your perfume doesn't necessarily mean he didn't. It could just be that it was subtle (a good thing). I'd be interested to hear about others' experiences with phero diffusion areas, too!

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I like the oil and spray combo! ^_^


I've started wearing my oils more often on the inside of my elbows, crook of the arm - or whatever you call it :lol: - because although my guy may like the way the LP I'm wearing smells, when he randomly mauls me, he doesn't care for the taste if I have it on my neck or torso :D Backs of hands have always been a favorite for diffusion too. Hair is always great also.


I prefer Gotcha in Fuzzy Wuzzy, but I still have the Un for that little extra umph :)

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  • 4 months later...

Ive finally figured out how to wear this. My main man is still not responsive to this phero, but my side-piece... he loves it! I figured out its the alpha t-dhoc. It seems to be quite strong and sedating on me with this blend. I have to spray 1 long spray and run thru it. I still go quite heavy with the cops as I'm no spring chicken. I tried the LFM/Gotcha Combo above and I felt stoned, I think that the different alpha and beta t-doc don't do well together with these 2 blends, at least on me. Everyone around me went glazy as well, I did get the dihls I think its because I was spacing people out (ghosting?). I have had great luck with this blend over sexology, it took things over the top sexually. I

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Blackcat, i think you'll be glad you went for this one. One word of caution though, and I am repeating what has already been said, is *do* be careful regarding its ability to amplify the effects of alcohol and in my experience, sedatives as well. I don't know if it is because I am mostly Irish, but I can drink most men under the table, not bragging - booze is expensive! I am also, like my mother, sedative resistant. This one gives both of these an extra kick for me! You might want to test at home first if you are going to consume either.

That's great info, I have the honeyed LP with gotcha but haven't been able to really try it. I too am Irish and an expensive date, paired with insomnia. Perhaps whatever residual gotcha I've worn will help my sleep meds work at the end of the day. I rarely take them as I'm not into pharma but after a few restless nights I have to admit defeat. Im thinking of making a small bottle in spray for better diffusion, has anyone experienced any negatives with this blend in terms of having it on clothing or in hair?

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Cycle Kitten, I have Un Gotcha in spray form and have sprayed it on my clothes and hair numerous times, with no negative consequences. There is no cops smell (and I'm sensitive to cops). I think sometimes clothes and hair can hold onto a phero or scent for longer than it remains on the skin, so I like to wear my sprays this way all the time, unless they are heavier on the cops.

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Cycle Kitten, I have Un Gotcha in spray form and have sprayed it on my clothes and hair numerous times, with no negative consequences. There is no cops smell (and I'm sensitive to cops). I think sometimes clothes and hair can hold onto a phero or scent for longer than it remains on the skin, so I like to wear my sprays this way all the time, unless they are heavier on the cops.


I'm going to convert a bit into a spray and give it a go. Sadly the men in my life don't seem to react to gotcha but I like the selfies and wear fragrance for me in most cases anyway. Loving the honeyed LP with gotcha, though it's rather light on my skin, perhaps it will have a bit more endurance in spray and on fabric for me.

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It's amazing how long clothes can hold onto scent isn't it? In hot weather I wear most of my perfume on my clothes (unless it's well-copped) because it doesn't burn off quickly like it does on hot skin. And they even seem to project better this way.

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This is my New Favorite Phero That I Never Ever Ever Never EVER want to be without. I enjoyed the hits so much with Honeyed LP w/Gotcha that I ordered a FB of UN and ...wow.

First, I let me say that I can totally smell the cops in this.

Second...let me also say I do not give a flying frickity frack because OMG THIS IS THE BEST.

I wore it last night on a looong field trip and usually I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin from social anxiety but the night just flew by and my friend and I talked and talked all night and had a great time. Usually being with any one person for more than an hour will drive me nuts so this was great.


Today I decided to try it out at work. At this job, my manager is a grizzled old retired rigger (think over the hill rock'n'roll roadie type) who was on the road for 25 years. Cranky as fuck. Hangs up on customers and is always bitching and moaning and complaining about everythingallofthetime.

About an hour in, he was smiling. Laughing even.

Okay seriously I shit you not THIS GUY BURST INTO SONG. Got up, and STARTED SINGING. I don't even remember what song it was, I was so shocked. I mean, imagine Godzilla or the monster in Alien suddenly stopping mid attack to sing a show tune...it was like that.


Which reminds me that this morning, when I came down the stairs I stopped to talk to my roomie. HE ALSO JUST STARTED SINGING OMG. Motley Crue, "Home Sweet Home". And no, this is not a guy who in nearly a year of living with have I ever heard sing. Play the piano, guitar, or a dozen other instruments yes, but just start singing? Nooo...


I may have found my Holy Grail phero.

Drops mic....

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Great review! I always liked wearing this to work for the same reason. Nobody ever bursts into song around me when I'm wearing it, though you've given me something to aim for! :lol: No. No songs for me, but it always managed to get the stick out of my manager's ass, and it pulled the fangs out of my chef/boss. It's great stuff. Now, who's going to serenade me?

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This is my New Favorite Phero That I Never Ever Ever Never EVER want to be without. I enjoyed the hits so much with Honeyed LP w/Gotcha that I ordered a FB of UN and ...wow.

First, I let me say that I can totally smell the cops in this.

Second...let me also say I do not give a flying frickity frack because OMG THIS IS THE BEST.

I wore it last night on a looong field trip and usually I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin from social anxiety but the night just flew by and my friend and I talked and talked all night and had a great time. Usually being with any one person for more than an hour will drive me nuts so this was great.


Today I decided to try it out at work. At this job, my manager is a grizzled old retired rigger (think over the hill rock'n'roll roadie type) who was on the road for 25 years. Cranky as fuck. Hangs up on customers and is always bitching and moaning and complaining about everythingallofthetime.

About an hour in, he was smiling. Laughing even.

Okay seriously I shit you not THIS GUY BURST INTO SONG. Got up, and STARTED SINGING. I don't even remember what song it was, I was so shocked. I mean, imagine Godzilla or the monster in Alien suddenly stopping mid attack to sing a show tune...it was like that.


Which reminds me that this morning, when I came down the stairs I stopped to talk to my roomie. HE ALSO JUST STARTED SINGING OMG. Motley Crue, "Home Sweet Home". And no, this is not a guy who in nearly a year of living with have I ever heard sing. Play the piano, guitar, or a dozen other instruments yes, but just start singing? Nooo...


I may have found my Holy Grail phero.

Drops mic....

well, I'm a huge PM/H&S fan but you've just convinced me to give gotcha! another go. Let's see if it makes my bf sing to me.
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well, I'm a huge PM/H&S fan but you've just convinced me to give gotcha! another go. Let's see if it makes my bf sing to me.


Good luck! I feel this blend really is my perfect personality complement, it's ME3. OMG I have a name for a future PE now..!

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  • 2 months later...

Wow, it has been way too long since posting!! I have been working too hard and not paying attention to my pheros, New years and I have decided to do the big Chill for the year and destress

Back into the good stuff :Emoticons0424:

I was using Gotcha in oil form and some selfies with increase confidence, not sexy but sassy and other than that not much

Today tried in spray and mixed with a perfume and getting major hits but from women!! Standing in line at La Madeleine and the lady behind me says (90 second pause) Damn girl you are rocking those jeans!! You are curvy like me and damn you rock those (she said this twice) What do you say to that

Also women stare at me and smile like I'm their new friend


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The singing definitely wasn't a one-off reaction. I wore it to work yesterday and the same manager burst into song and dramatics again. It was hilarious, because he is the crankiest freaking crank since crank came to cranktown. He got deliriously happy that we got a shipment of the wrong parts from China, omg lmao apparently he loves to be the bearer of bad news to certain people at the company. He stood up and threw his hands out wide and was laughing and singing about how it made his heart SOAR. Ok all of our stuff is from China so we get mistakes and general fuckedup goodness With Every Shipment! And it has never made him so happy. I was standing next to him when he realized we had gotten parts for 240V instead of 110, and it was like a kid opening a Christmas present.


I know...ridiculous and not the expected kinds of hits...haha.

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I remember, because of the ridiculous amount of phero blends I have, that I initially tried to convince myself that this would not need to be a staple, but when I see I'm getting low - I re-order :lol: This one for me is so unique. It's either REALLY hit or quietly inviting. :D


The people who are prone to reaction ( or should I say over reaction???) have been SO note worthy and some of my best phero memories. I could wear this though, many times, and have a good day full of happy circumstances and then there's that ONE instance where the reaction is through the roof. I like that it is favored as well by the women I wear it around as the men. VERY versatile :)

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  • 2 months later...

Wore this today to work in Steamy Bikini. Got to work today and my male coworker immediately said "oh I've got some drama to tell you"... Just then some customers showed up while we were moving furniture outside (I work at a consignment furniture store) at this point I'm standing near him and he said "I'll tell you when we're done, we can BOND over it lol." Seemed an odd choice of words. Anyway although it was just the two of us there today he was very open telling me about his bad relationship and some really difficult family situations having to do with suicide, divorce and lawsuits. Terrible stuff to have to endure. He was also very cozy with me as we went through a new catalogue together looking at new items to potentially order.


I also had a consigner talk my ear off while I was running around like crazy trying to make space for his furniture on an already too crowded showroom floor. He would say did I overwhelm you guys with too much stuff? And then proceed to have me stand around with him and chat. It just seemed counter intuitive and he seemed like he was fairly socially astute.


I did feel tired today in spite of a full nights sleep. I wonder if it was a result of the relaxing effect from the Gotcha? Seems like it's possibly getting some hits tho. I'll have to experiment more.

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Yes those sound like people under the Gotcha influence. That's one of the reasons it's a NSFW blend for me. To get distracted by the "Velcro effect" it can have. IDK about the tired part. But, I'd say, IMO, it's a more laid back vibe in terms of energy tho it's not one to make me sleepy or excessively relaxed. I get the "warm fuzziness" off it. . But, if you were already tired then I could see that. It is great as an intimate bonding or sometimes, in the right context, social bonding phero. If you like the warm soft effect you could try Heart & Soul it's a little more bubbly, and tho I stil get the friendly chatty stuff yet it's far less intense.

IMO, Other good for work social/sexy blends are Cougar and SS4W.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've worn SS4W often but haven't had any undeniable hits that I can recall. Same thing with Cougar. Cougar isn't my favorite scent and I haven't taken the chance of ordering it unscented for fear it won't work for me well.


Wore Gotcha again today while out and about. No discernable hits. In fact a few times I felt ignored. Could possibly be wearing to much but I doubt it as Steamy Bikini is quite strong on me so I only do about three small spritzes. I did reapply halfway through the day tho. I wish there was a way to get samples of the unpheros outside of November b/c it's hard for me to wear some of the scents boosted with them. :/


Might try LFM for work tomorrow...

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is my first review of Gotcha. I've had 6 months to work with it and I've found that I can rely on it for favors. Whenever I'm going to be late to work, I apply it shortly before arriving, and my bosses never lecture me! On the days I don't wear it and I'm late, without fail, I get talked at. I use about 4 sprays of the 1X concentration on my forearms. I'm not sure if I'm ghosting, but they don't even want to chat with me as I walk in the door. Either way, I'm happy to not be in trouble. :halloween-ghost:


I can tell my Sir Panda is into the cuddly vibe - and thank goodness for me, as I'm kind of a cuddle whore - because almost every time I used Gotcha during our first month of dating, he didn't want to do anything or go anywhere for the first 20 minutes of every date. He just wanted to lie down and cuddle! :penguin-cuddle:


I wore 3 sprays of Gotcha two weekends ago to a house-warming party of my boyfriend's friends'. I definitely felt the selfies there, with my increased inclination toward friendliness, less social anxiety, and an amp in acting 'womanly' around my Sir Panda :on-the-cheek: He was also quite mindful of me, sticking around to entertain and keep me company until he decided on a good time to leave. Throughout the night, we shared a sensual bonding vibe. He sometimes can come off as a brash joker, but when I was right next to him, or resting my chin on his shoulder or having my arm around him, he gentled his comments in party discussions. I noticed overall that he was in a loving mood. Without pheros, he's usually more intellectual and a bit opaque to emotional expressions.

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  • 3 months later...

I got Gotcha UN with my last order and I'm glad I did so. I had it mixed in a scent before, but the pure stuff worked some magic for me yesterday. There was animated chattiness at the office, at the same time I got a lot of things done. I refreshed in the afternoon and added one sole spritz of DHEAs. Had a doctor's appointment, she is very good, but mostly very professional and down to business. She was downright sweet yesterday, asking about my vacation and giving me extra tips on how to save money on stuff I need to buy. At home things got absolutely silly with husband, we joked and cuddled and watched a funny show, and my old grump was in a light mood. And the cat looooves Gotcha! He's likes cuddling, but only on his terms, and he's always somewhat alert. He can be quite snooty and is particular about being picked up. Yesterday he practically melted, kept sniffing my arms and relaxed into my hold. Rubbed his head against mine for minutes, purring all the Way. Gotcha gets the In-love-vibe going!

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I got Gotcha UN with my last order and I'm glad I did so. I had it mixed in a scent before, but the pure stuff worked some magic for me yesterday. There was animated chattiness at the office, at the same time I got a lot of things done. I refreshed in the afternoon and added one sole spritz of DHEAs. Had a doctor's appointment, she is very good, but mostly very professional and down to business. She was downright sweet yesterday, asking about my vacation and giving me extra tips on how to save money on stuff I need to buy. At home things got absolutely silly with husband, we joked and cuddled and watched a funny show, and my old grump was in a light mood. And the cat looooves Gotcha! He's likes cuddling, but only on his terms, and he's always somewhat alert. He can be quite snooty and is particular about being picked up. Yesterday he practically melted, kept sniffing my arms and relaxed into my hold. Rubbed his head against mine for minutes, purring all the Way. Gotcha gets the In-love-vibe going!


Nice! Lately I have been experimenting with other pheros to get myself out of my Gotcha rut but it still remains my favorite for generally making everyone happy and loving towards me. It is also the most mood boosting for me too I think.

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I'm still experimenting with this; have started to get very nice results. I've gotten a good handle on Perfect Match and know what works for me and what to expect; I'm now paying attention to how Gotcha differs from PM. I hope to be able to detect the differences as I continue...

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