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Honeyed Love Potion w/Gotcha!


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Alright, I gave this another go today. The honey behaves itself & the apricot is prominent & extra juicy. I cna't say that I would feel comfortable walking around with this on in the daytime again, it's just too sexy for that. I felt like anybody that caught a sniff of me was going to react like this:

As for Gotcha, it made me extremely nice & patient with SO. I'm not sure if I want to be nice to him when he's grumpy, but it is an incredible power to be able to harness if I so choose.

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Someone once said--I think it was Tyvey re: LP Red, maybe--that it took a couple of wearings for her skin to "get" the fragrance before it started to smell good. I think that is the case with this. My first wearing, it did the waxy thing honeys sometimes do on me. My second wearing last night, there was less waxiness and more fruitiness. I'm hoping i'm over the hump because this smells really good in the vial and i want it to smell really good on me.


This is so flipping true, I had the same experience with this one... It really was not until now that I'm madly in love with it and so is my skin chemistry....This is such a great analogy....

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I love Honeyed LP. Maybe...the problem was bottle shock?

btw last time I looked there were 3 left on AF.

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Well,apparently,while I perceive this as "light" at least one person does not :lol: I got comments of "delicious sweet incense ", from a few feet away :huh: and later "please don't go yet " :001_302: Gotcha!


I love this statement and I love this hero,its such a good social one.

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Gahhhh,if you ave not tried Honeyed Love Potion in a few weeks,do so,it is aging soooooooo beautifully,huffa huffa huffa...& the Gotcha is getting to me already...heh,gosh even more typos than usual :rofl222:

Yes, it has!

I love Honeyed LP. Maybe...the problem was bottle shock?

btw last time I looked there were 3 left on AF.

Wow, they are all gone....wowsa

Awww, I didn't know this one was gone! :huh:
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I'm so happy that I snagged a FB before this disappeared for good, I love Gotcha so much

Yea me too. Love this. The honeys often seem subject to travel shock.. but settle and age well.

I just have to be careful not to wear Gotcha to many days in a row, lol!

I am subject to easy b'nol overload.

Edited by StacyK
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  • 2 weeks later...

I might suggest that LP Gold with Gotcha is the way to go if anyone missed this. It's going to be much softer in terms of honey ( and a bit different) but there's a similar vibe. If you are at all honey shy its the way to go. Just a great combo.

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^^ I bet you did. Lol, poor guys. Lucky they didn't hurt themselves. Honeyed LP at the gym.. OMG

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After reading the comments that this stuff has aged well, I grabbed my bottle from The LP Vault and gave it a whirl. Oh My, Yes! It HAS aged nicely, hasn't it! It has rounded out and developed a lovely depth, without the slight sharpness it originally carried.



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After reading the comments that this stuff has aged well, I grabbed my bottle from The LP Vault and gave it a whirl. Oh My, Yes! It HAS aged nicely, hasn't it! It has rounded out and developed a lovely depth, without the slight sharpness it originally carried.



Yes... it's a fact. It ages well. Yummy. :purr:

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I got around to testing out my Honeyed LP with Gotcha and it is by far my favorite. I wish I'd been brave enough to snag a full bottle when I was discovering this site. I wore it in a social setting knowing that the guy I'm interested in would be there, and I felt like a couple of my male friends were friendier, wanted to play more games, and spend a bunch of time together and stuff.


Weirdly, but I take it as a positive actually, the guy I'm interested in grew a bit more shy even, which is not like him at all. But from having read up on hits here on this forum, I think that's exactly what it was. He would kind of stay close, get a little ummm "overwhelmed" is probably the easiest way to put it and have to leave to readjust himself, haha, and come back.


Scentwise, this smells beautiful. I've never been a honey person but there's almost something spicey about it that leaves me wanting more. Maybe "spicy" is not the right word, but a definite warmth to the scent that rounds out wonderfully.

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^^ oh yes I bet they were friendlier, heh heh.

IMO your right about your 'guy'. I think it was a hit. He may have had to collect himself. He is beginning to see you in a new way.. or the old way as it seemed the two of you had some chemistry before.

It will be nice to wear it with just him, in public or maybe the library when just the two of you can talk. Are you in summer school ?


I love Gotcha & Honeyed LP

You might want to get a sample of LP Gold. Try it with some Gotcha. It's not honeyed LP but a very similar vibe. It's a bit lighter and brighter than the other but really nice.

Edited by StacyK
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I can not believe how well this one has aged, its really just awesome, its got a hidden depth that it did not have before. Its a beautiful scent that really lingers

OMG, totally, right!? I will be wearing this one a lot this fall, I think :)

Edited by SpriteLeigh
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And it has great staying power too...lasts all day...like 10+ hours...I can still huff my arm and get something definitely YUM!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I love this perfume, but I'm just not getting the results I had hoped for from gotcha! I don't know if it's me or the guy. Oh well, I would still love to find this in a full bottle!

I know, isn't this absolutely gorgeous? Maybe give it some time to change the guys perception of you...keep experimenting.


I had another suggestion for you, I saw your post on the other forum about liking Sexology but people not appreciating the smell of the scented version on you, there is another scent called Indecent Exposure enhanced with Sexology you might want to try. It has a bit more of a "mainstream" scent to it. Just a suggestion, if you want to try it it is available on the Artfire site. Good luck with the guy!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am still in love with my Honeyed LP. I find that it's already changing with age. My bottle has become slightly sweeter. And I cant tell which aspect of its ingredients are causing this but there's a more prominent vanilla or patchouli than there was before that rounds out the scent even better than before.

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Thanks MDC! I'm actually seriously considering just buying a bottle of sexology unscented...I'm really only hesitating on it because so many people here have suggested that I lay off the cops at work. And really the whole point is my work guy friend. But I loved the reaction from it, I may just go for it anyway:)


As for the honeyed lp, I now at least have received a full sample of it, so I can play around with it some more. I've gotten so many samples though, that I'm not sure exactly when I'll try the gotcha again. Next week, I get to test out cougar :cat690:

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Thanks MDC! I'm actually seriously considering just buying a bottle of sexology unscented...I'm really only hesitating on it because so many people here have suggested that I lay off the cops at work. And really the whole point is my work guy friend. But I loved the reaction from it, I may just go for it anyway:)


As for the honeyed lp, I now at least have received a full sample of it, so I can play around with it some more. I've gotten so many samples though, that I'm not sure exactly when I'll try the gotcha again. Next week, I get to test out cougar :cat690:

Watch the Trading Post and see if you can snag a Honeyed LP there.... I have bought many treasures over there

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honey notes can turn into powder on me, but not always and I love the rich sweet scent when they work on my skin. This one works on me, It's sweeter than I normally do, but great for a hot day, On me the honey and apricot are in control and its a happy combination. This lovely creation was my introduction to Love Potion perfumes, and it made me a fan instantly.

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Wearing this is meeting god.. seriously the greatest. I love this and it truly delivers.

The elements of this scent and the Phero, just brilliant!

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  • 1 month later...

I wore this last night and I found that the people I was with were more protective. While out at a bar/club, there were a couple of moments of unwanted advances and I think the Gotcha helped people come to my aid a bit faster, haha. Meanwhile, outside, a complete stranger stopped in his tracks to come up and tell me I looked sexy (which I totally did not, and i was covered in a huge coat) so it's all thanks to Honeyed LP!


All the heat really made the scent of this emanate up to me more, and I got a lot more vanilla from it than I usually do. It's softened so well over time that I'm really intrigued to see how this scent morphs with age, or which qualities I'll amp next.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have another use-with-caution warning report. Today I impulsively put this on before shopping for a high-ticket item.


On way I found my face making a dreamy relaxed smile for no apparent reason. :) but not in a dancing on the furniture way like with lace. Just zen.


Arrived and first guy to help me seemed friendly enough at first, a little distant, but then I took off my jacket, emanating the gotcha1 more I guess, because he abruptly changed. By the time he showed me the second item, he started saying "so are you in love???" And started saying it more and more, and leaning into my face and getting closer to me, and cooing, "please, I want you to be in love, I want you to fall in love, please." I understand using such language to persuade people to spend money, but he was PLEADING, wet-eyed and voice cracking and shit. It was really unpleasant actually. It was...unseemly.


You know how with like BI or sexpionage, if you were worried it would be about getting a rapey vibe - this was different - I was more worried he was going to propose. It was quite specifically not sexual, it was desperate infatuation, like love-sick swain stuff.


I was very grateful that his colleague, who seemed to be a trainee, was following us around, because I would've been even more uncomfortable with him alone. Trainee was staring at him as if he'd grown another head, which I took to mean this was not his normal behavior.


We talk about congruence here a lot but I was sweaty, crabby and in absolutely no fucking mood. I diligently avoided eye contact and was answering him in monosyllables if at all. It made no difference. So it was 100% the phero.

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Wow Tyevy that's an intense reaction. I have had a slightly similarly uncomfortable experience when wearing in what turned out to be the wrong place.

It's strange and interesting when you accidentally hit someone with this that happens to be a strong responder. IME these oddities happen more with Gotcha. This is potent stuff.

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Ha! Tyvey that is a creepy story! Yeah as much as I love Gotcha I would not wear it shopping. I could so see that happening, It is definitely the "falling in love" phero.

LFM for shopping I want helpful minions when I shop.
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WOW. That's wild! I try to help "lead" people when they appear to be going down a path of self embarrassment. I know that sometimes the initial knee jerk reactions can't be helped, lol, but if you weren't in the mood to steer (or find humor in :D ) his unusual behavior then it was probably a real pain in the tuckus.


But it now begs the question...did you ever fall in love and find what you were looking for in spite of his odd behavior? :heart:

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