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what are the best general samples to begin with

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i am new to the forum, new to pheromones and new to scents- the only perfume bottle i've owned in the past 7 yrs was "Halle" my then boyfie, now hubby bought it for me because he loved the scent. i just ran out of it and really wish i could decribe it but i cant. i'd love to order the whole perfumerie to find out what i like and what works for me. but because i cant i'd love some suggestions

i want to play with pheros n scents because

1) mr man works really hard for me to be a stay at home mom and i want to up how he feels around me coz m all so motherly right now - 2kids under 3, and one on the way. i dont do much to make him feel attended to, you know like feel manly and wanted and sexy and grrrr- youre hot-iwantyou etc. i want to want him and make him feel wanted.

2) mr man works in film and commercial production industry as an editor and etc, so he's surrounded by glam women 10hrs/day 6days/week, i would like to stimulate his other senses at home around me and not appear drab/grey. i want him to look forward to coming to a relaxing, peaceful, smells good and makes-me-want-to-have-sex kind of home

3)i want to get my sparkle n vibe back- i want to feel sexy n like i'm it and give off that vibe. i love my body and etc, but i'm not great at seduction and trying to be appealing and yes i'm heavily feeding my body with minerals, seaweeds,greens, herbal infusions etc to feel alert, but i want the added help of oils, scents, crystals n other

4) lastly his mom has been wrecking havoc around here because she doesnt agree with my child raising methods- my oldest is in the autism spectrum n needs special hands on care n diet n i am african so my methods highly differ from hers. oh boy we CLASH... i want to quieten (if the word exists) her spirit and get along because its added stress for my man, everytime she comes around me she has something to talk to him about wat m doing wrong- its splits him from me because he trusts her every word.

that being said if anyone wants to share what crystals geodes i should use, how and where to get them that would be wonderful.

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First,welcome to the forum and welcome to the wonders of LPMP...great timing with the newly created pick your own sampler option <see New Cart thread> best advice from me is to read what others are using,there are so many ways to go!

The descriptions on the website of what the different phero blends etc do are most helpful.

Honeyed Love Potion with Gotcha came to mind first,definetly get a sample of that :)

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Everyone is going to have their favs,it takes experimenting to find out what works for you and your situations! If I was going to get a sampler of 10 phero enhanced fragrances it would probably be these:


Honeyed Love Potion,Mara's Rocket Fuel,Titilating Temptress,Unbridled,OCCO SLF,Get Happy, Sneaky Clean,Cuddle Bunny, Compromising Positions,Sexology


...you could wear a *dab* of OCCO SLF with the Honeyed Love Potion or Sexology...you could wear Cuddle Bunny with Sneaky Clean ...Get Happy is for the MIL,but has wonderful self effects <on me> :lol:


Sampler of scents would be what sounds good to you...my favs,available now, include Baskery,S'More Than A Feeling, Love Potion Red,Hungry Heart,Lick of Cream, Merry,Special Delivery,Tea-less Strumpet,Regal Confection...as you can see I like the foodies,it is really hard to pick just 10 :o

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i am new to the forum, new to pheromones and new to scents- the only perfume bottle i've owned in the past 7 yrs was "Halle" my then boyfie, now hubby bought it for me because he loved the scent. i just ran out of it and really wish i could decribe it but i cant. i'd love to order the whole perfumerie to find out what i like and what works for me. but because i cant i'd love some suggestions

i want to play with pheros n scents because

1) mr man works really hard for me to be a stay at home mom and i want to up how he feels around me coz m all so motherly right now - 2kids under 3, and one on the way. i dont do much to make him feel attended to, you know like feel manly and wanted and sexy and grrrr- youre hot-iwantyou etc. i want to want him and make him feel wanted.

2) mr man works in film and commercial production industry as an editor and etc, so he's surrounded by glam women 10hrs/day 6days/week, i would like to stimulate his other senses at home around me and not appear drab/grey. i want him to look forward to coming to a relaxing, peaceful, smells good and makes-me-want-to-have-sex kind of home

3)i want to get my sparkle n vibe back- i want to feel sexy n like i'm it and give off that vibe. i love my body and etc, but i'm not great at seduction and trying to be appealing and yes i'm heavily feeding my body with minerals, seaweeds,greens, herbal infusions etc to feel alert, but i want the added help of oils, scents, crystals n other

4) lastly his mom has been wrecking havoc around here because she doesnt agree with my child raising methods- my oldest is in the autism spectrum n needs special hands on care n diet n i am african so my methods highly differ from hers. oh boy we CLASH... i want to quieten (if the word exists) her spirit and get along because its added stress for my man, everytime she comes around me she has something to talk to him about wat m doing wrong- its splits him from me because he trusts her every word.

that being said if anyone wants to share what crystals geodes i should use, how and where to get them that would be wonderful.


Welcome to the forum! :thbf54f4bf:


I can give you my opinion on what works best for me in the situations you mentioned but of course it's up to you to test as many pheros as you want to see how you and your man (and his Mom) react.


Don't forget that if you try a phero sample in an oil base and you use it a few times and it doesn't seem to give you the effects you wanted, you can try it with the alcohol base for better diffusion and that can change everything.


1. Sexpionage works for both me and my guy, it's the only phero that gets me "going" in that kinda raunchy, almost aggressive kinda way and can also make my guy like an animal in the bedroom. Even if it doesn't effect you, his energy might make you feel more seductive. You can try getting him some pheros too, Voracious comes to mind and might make you feel more hot and bothered and give you that desire to seduce. I think if he wore Teddy Man he could even be more desirable to you but that can go many more directions than just sexual. It can be sweet by wanting to care for his every need and it can make you want to cuddle him which THEN could lead to sexual desire...... or just spooning but it all depends on where you wanna take it. :)


2. &3. I think Cougar would work best here (for me, maybe you too), in alcohol base if possible. The description actually uses the word "sparkly" just like you mentioned. I feel so good about myself when I wear this one it's ridiculous, it lifts my mood, gives me that care-free vibe I had when I was younger and I feel really confident. Other people react to me as if I were more important. A few others that give me very similar results are SS4W (Super Sexy 4 Women), Popularity Potion, La Femme Mystere which make me feel glamorous and VIP like, almost like a celebrity. .


4. I'm so sorry to hear about your situation with his Mom. I really hope she can just learn to respect your parenting methods. Sounds rough, I hope the pheros will help. For this kind of problem I know that G2 has helped me with difficult women. They actually want to listen to my words more, they hang on to them and try to understand a bit more, almost like they want to please me in a sense. Also Treasured Hearts would be good here too. Perfect Match would probably be good to wear when your man's Mom has gotten the better of him. When I wear Soul Mate with my guy it induces conversation on a whole different level. We really try to understand each other and please one another with it so after he has had a discussion with his Mom, maybe the Soul Mate would help bring him back to "your side"... maybe.


I believe there is an option available to newbies where you can choose any 10 samples for around $30. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, I still haven't taken advantage of that offer, I'm not very new here though.


Maybe get a few extra glass vials if you want to try adding any perfumers alcohol to the samples later on to up the effects. I know I ignored some of my samples for a bit there b/c I didn't feel they did anything for me until I added alcohol to them- that was the key for me.


As for scents, you'd have to read the descriptions. I have fun with the pheros but I know that Mara and the LP gang does an amazing job on INTENT! Every perfume scent and all of it's parts have a reason for being there so have fun exploring that too!


Good luck with everything and I really hope you find what you are looking for!

Edited by Honeybee
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It's hard to suggest scents since everyone's taste vary. What I'd do if I were in your shoes would be to go to the Perfumerie. You can sort the scents (fruity scent, spicy scent, innocent, sexy, office, etc). Pick a scent from a few different categories to help you decide what type you like best. I know you said "Halle" is hard to describe, but if you can figure out if it's floral or spicy or musky, it will at least give you some direction.


The first pheros that come to mind when you say glam is Cougar. You can try that one out in Cougar Potion or Enduring Appeal. (Cougar Potion was my first LP and phero!) Also La Femme Mystere (can be found in Goddess of the Blue Moon) or La Femme Noire (Unbridled.) For helping bond you to him instead of his mom regarding caring for your son, maybe Perfect Match. Actually, that might help you with his mom too. You can find that in Unisexy. Open Windows might also help with his mom. (Stealing Heaven.) I'm suggested fragrances with these pheros because they don't usually offer samples of just the phero alone, so samples of the enhanced fragrances are a good way to try the pheros out before buying a big bottle of the unscented.


The one thing that gives me pause...If i read correctly, you are pregnant? Does anyone have any thoughts on phero use during pregnancy? My guess (emphasis on the word guess)is that it's probably safe but if Mara or anyone else has any thoughts...?

Edited by BlueBear
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Welcome. I don't think you should be using pheromones while you're pregnant. I suggest you try using Love Potion Red on your husband & Love Potion Original with everybody else.

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Welcome. I don't think you should be using pheromones while you're pregnant. I suggest you try using Love Potion Red on your husband & Love Potion Original with everybody else.


I agree. I wouldn't be using pheros while pregnant.....except for maybe a few copulins (EoW)......not really pheros, after all. As far as your Mother-in-law, I think you and your sweetie need to have a talk, and she needs to take a step back!

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Hello and welcome to the forum!


I cannot give you any clues about what perfumes to wear but the advice about not wearing pheromones while pregnant might be a good one. Copulins don't count, like the ldies said. That being said I make a couple observations based on 25 years of marriage:


1. First off, being pregnant does not make you unattractive in any way. That is usually in the minds of the ladies much more so than the minds of the guys. If it makes you feel better, throw on a little make-up and a nice top before he gets home, but seriously, if this is not your first, he ought to know it is a complicated and often difficult time for you and the usual ideas of glamour go out the window.


2. His not being interested in sex does not mean he is rejecting you or even finds you unattractive. I would bet it is more of a conditioned thing - as in he has been somehow conditioned to think that sex with a pregnant woman is wrong, will cause problems, etc. Trust me - if it has been a while he wants sex - he just somehow thinks it is inappropriate. Maybe a good conversation with you or your doctor letting him know that if there are no complications, then sex is fine as long as it does not cause any pain, etc. Plus let himn know you still need love, romance and are very interested in sex still. Communication is key, And guys tend to go quiet when something is stressful or out of the ordinary. Have the conversation, ask him to a good husband and "take care of your womanly needs", you initiate, go slow at first until he sees all is well.


3. You need to sit down with him and let him know the chaos his mom is causing. Remind him that you are his wife and family now and that how you raise that family is for the two of you to work out. Not for you to work out with his mom. Remind him that any family is a blending of two different ways of doing things and that a lot of compromise is involved. There is a saying here: there is more than one way to skin a cat. Also remind him (and honestly sometimes we guys do not think this far ahead) that you are from Africa - and all those different little things that made you so exotic and exciting to him in the first place - well some of those different things include raising a family. Tell him to think: different, not wrong. That is a key concept in a marriage at multiple levels: male-female viewpoints, blending custons and traditions of two different families, etc. In fact in a marriage you can often end up with two differents that are both right. You just need to pick the one that is going to work best for the two of you. And not anyone else.


My two cents. Hope it helps.

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First,welcome to the forum and welcome to the wonders of LPMP...great timing with the newly created pick your own sampler option <see New Cart thread> best advice from me is to read what others are using,there are so many ways to go!

The descriptions on the website of what the different phero blends etc do are most helpful.

Honeyed Love Potion with Gotcha came to mind first,definetly get a sample of that :)

oh thank you. i have been through the reading rooms and the message boards and i'm still in awe of all the different scents, bases, phero's etc... i guess i have to take it slow. i will definately try the ones you mentioned. i figgured asking was goign to be the quickest way to go!!! thanks a bunch! xo

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Welcome. I don't think you should be using pheromones while you're pregnant. I suggest you try using Love Potion Red on your husband & Love Potion Original with everyusbody else.

thznk you becca, this is why i joined the forums. going through the threads had me thinking what awesome people are here and all the good meanigful advice. i did not do any research on using the pheros while preggers, i just assumed they were a natural part of life. i gottas to look into it coz darn, i cant imagine waiting. but hold on, what if, i put the smells on him or on the bed etc.. ??? let me look into this. urgh, its disappointing if i have run into a brick wall, i'll probably have to wait and just use scents and oils and other creative things. lol. i appreciate your heads up though ladies and gentleman.

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Hello and welcome to the forum!


I cannot give you any clues about what perfumes to wear but the advice about not wearing pheromones while pregnant might be a good one. Copulins don't count, like the ldies said. That being said I make a couple observations based on 25 years of marriage:


1. First off, being pregnant does not make you unattractive in any way. That is usually in the minds of the ladies much more so than the minds of the guys. If it makes you feel better, throw on a little make-up and a nice top before he gets home, but seriously, if this is not your first, he ought to know it is a complicated and often difficult time for you and the usual ideas of glamour go out the window.


2. His not being interested in sex does not mean he is rejecting you or even finds you unattractive. I would bet it is more of a conditioned thing - as in he has been somehow conditioned to think that sex with a pregnant woman is wrong, will cause problems, etc. Trust me - if it has been a while he wants sex - he just somehow thinks it is inappropriate. Maybe a good conversation with you or your doctor letting him know that if there are no complications, then sex is fine as long as it does not cause any pain, etc. Plus let himn know you still need love, romance and are very interested in sex still. Communication is key, And guys tend to go quiet when something is stressful or out of the ordinary. Have the conversation, ask him to a good husband and "take care of your womanly needs", you initiate, go slow at first until he sees all is well.


3. You need to sit down with him and let him know the chaos his mom is causing. Remind him that you are his wife and family now and that how you raise that family is for the two of you to work out. Not for you to work out with his mom. Remind him that any family is a blending of two different ways of doing things and that a lot of compromise is involved. There is a saying here: there is more than one way to skin a cat. Also remind him (and honestly sometimes we guys do not think this far ahead) that you are from Africa - and all those different little things that made you so exotic and exciting to him in the first place - well some of those different things include raising a family. Tell him to think: different, not wrong. That is a key concept in a marriage at multiple levels: male-female viewpoints, blending custons and traditions of two different families, etc. In fact in a marriage you can often end up with two differents that are both right. You just need to pick the one that is going to work best for the two of you. And not anyone else.


My two cents. Hope it helps.

howdy mr quite guy, i agree with you 10000% we are different and i think thats something special. total opposites in everyway, and i have mentioned it to him, that its actually nice that we are so different and if only we can find a middle ground or each of us compromise our kids will have the best of both worlds.

tried to talk to him about his mother even before our first was born because i saw this coming- wen she exclaimed that she was going to adopt my child upon us breaking news of our pregnancy. lol... i was sooo upset, the tiger in me just sprang to life because she meant it, i had seen the chaos she wrecked in her daughters household and kids. anyway,i save the rant for some place else, the bottom line is it got so bad that she literally had him talking to me about letting her raise the kids. i didnt fight, i just began to try even harder to make him feel like a man man man and try to get him to break free from her out of his own will. so far it worked, not wonders but enough to keep the peace and calm and have us both try and talk it out.

question, if he wears the phero'd scents maybe we could still bond and atleast establish ourselves as a team could that be an option for men without them feeling out of balance with their manhood? let me know your ideas, i'll check the store for the scents that encourage closeness and attachment for men, that way he can maybe establish and realise where his allegiance lies. oh boy,

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Hello Samia-


Here are some ideas on pheromones that might help the two of you bond:



Beta Androstenol

Open Windows

Perfect Match

Teddy Potion BB


I hope the ladies chime in here and give their thoughts on what he can wear to help the two of you bond and sort out these issues.

Edited by quietguy
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Eh, the only thing about him wearing the pheromones around you while you're pregnant, is that you may "crash" more easily than someone not in your condition. You're already producing extra pheromones at the moment, so I really don't suggest throwing anymore into the mix, until after you get done with the postpartum period. I can see from your Yemaya avi (which I love) that you're likely open to magical solutions. I can give you some suggestions that way. Firstly, we're in a difficult planetary alignment for communication at the moment (Mercury is retrograde until the 17th), so you may just have to be patient & see if things smooth out after that's over. I have a hard time with my MIL being too involved in my marriage as well. A dream spell to communicate with my husband on a subconscious level has been useful to me on occasion. It's easier to come to an understanding with him when his defenses are down, you know? The Love Potion line is also really useful, because it acts as a kind of "love magnet" for me, it draws all kinds of love from people. Really, it's usually best to start off with smaller things & add more if those aren't effective. In the words of Mara; "don't salt the food before you taste it, baby!" The pheromones are awesome toys, but I think people may dismiss the effects of the perfumes in & of themselves a lot of the time. As for your MIL, you could try killing her with kindness & if that doesn't work I'd burn a "shut your mouth" candle with her in mind. Definitely give the Love Potion a try on it's own first, though :)

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Eh, the only thing about him wearing the pheromones around you while you're pregnant, is that you may "crash" more easily than someone not in your condition. You're already producing extra pheromones at the moment, so I really don't suggest throwing anymore into the mix, until after you get done with the postpartum period. I can see from your Yemaya avi (which I love) that you're likely open to magical solutions. I can give you some suggestions that way. Firstly, we're in a difficult planetary alignment for communication at the moment (Mercury is retrograde until the 17th), so you may just have to be patient & see if things smooth out after that's over. I have a hard time with my MIL being too involved in my marriage as well. A dream spell to communicate with my husband on a subconscious level has been useful to me on occasion. It's easier to come to an understanding with him when his defenses are down, you know? The Love Potion line is also really useful, because it acts as a kind of "love magnet" for me, it draws all kinds of love from people. Really, it's usually best to start off with smaller things & add more if those aren't effective. In the words of Mara; "don't salt the food before you taste it, baby!" The pheromones are awesome toys, but I think people may dismiss the effects of the perfumes in & of themselves a lot of the time. As for your MIL, you could try killing her with kindness & if that doesn't work I'd burn a "shut your mouth" candle with her in mind. Definitely give the Love Potion a try on it's own first, though :)

oh my gosh beccah, youre awesome. yes you read my avatar very correctly in connection with me. lol.. you kill me with laugh, i would love to try being kind, but sheesh, my patience wore thin. lol.. i will have to dig sooo deep inside of me to find a spark of kindness, all i feel is sympathy. i do have a lot of interest in the astrological aspect of things and everything is so magically connected and i do know i have some important lessons to learn, i just hope they come to pass asap. :)

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I think the wax melts would be a great idea. And Beccah's suggestions of the Original Love Potion and LP Red are spot-on. Mara brews all her potions with intent, so check out the descriptions for those, you'll see the magical meanings of the ingredients. I would start with samples at least of those two. There should be trial size options in the drop down menu...

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Welcome to the forum, Samia! I'll go with wax melts and leave the pheros till a much later stage. I have two kids and I don't use pheros around them.

dear joc, thank you for the welcome, so, please tell me, if u have kids but dont use pheros around them, then how do u use them if at all you do? i guess this phero biziness is more complicated than i thought.lol

funnily that was going to be my next inquiry after my first post, because i thought about it then figured thered be nothing to it since they are "naturally" secreted by any healthy body. *chuckling* how far wrong and off base i was. lol. so i guess i'll be waiting a looooooong time to play with phero's. sigh. well i'm sure i'll find a way around it. if not the scents are awesome

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I'm not sure if you posted what type of smells you like-- there's a few different camps here and some are members of a few:

foody/gourmet, green, resin ho, flowery, etcetera


I'm a major foody, with just a smidge of flowery, and some resin love.

The best advice I can give is to read. I've tried a lot of pheromones (though not nearly as many as most here) and some worked really well, and most were just meh for me. After a couple of months, I've only JUST learned how to start triggering reactions with Essence of Woman/Coplins with my bebe.


After trying a few random samples/sniffies/bottles, I am surprised that I flat out love anything with powdered sugar in it (so far.)

And even though I'm not wild about flower smells, there's a few that I really love. but as most will tell you here, there are perfumes that are WILDLY popular that you just will not like.


Thing is, even though you may LOVE some smells now, and hate some smells now, being preggers, you're likely going to have to try them ALL OVER AGAIN (which could be fun :) because your body chem is going to be so different.


So anything that you get now, even if you think you could NEVER in a million years love it, hold onto it for a few months and try it again.


I thought I was about to drop kick Joeir De onto my trade page within an hour of getting it, but I read a lot, retested and now I'm keeping it.


Welcome to the perfumerie :)


Side note: What month is your baby due?

Edited by MissHazel
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  • 2 weeks later...

Go here: http://www.basenotes.net/ID26129015.html and read the description:

This is a great site for figuring out what's in any perfume you might be curious about. I used it to find the fragrance notes for Neutrogena Rainbath Original Scent, after years of wondering! Found a perfume that's similar but weirdly, the perfume smells more soapy than the soap does.


You could either look through the LP Perfumerie descriptions to find similar ingredients, or buy the pheromones either singly or in blends and experiment with them combined with a scent that you know he likes. He won't know what hit him :) I love stealth :)

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  • 2 months later...

welcome Samia! as a newbie myself i cannot offer any real guidance to you - but the folks here are above and beyond! i'm learning so much just by reading these posts to you.


all blessings and luck to you in dealing with your MIL issues, and handling the imminent arrival of your new little one. and your avatar is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l. i wasn't looking too closely at first and assumed it was Oshun because of the lovely yellow and gold colors, but thanks to Beccah (whose feedback is AMAZING) i see my error. :)



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dear joc, thank you for the welcome, so, please tell me, if u have kids but dont use pheros around them, then how do u use them if at all you do? i guess this phero biziness is more complicated than i thought.lol

funnily that was going to be my next inquiry after my first post, because i thought about it then figured thered be nothing to it since they are "naturally" secreted by any healthy body. *chuckling* how far wrong and off base i was. lol. so i guess i'll be waiting a looooooong time to play with phero's. sigh. well i'm sure i'll find a way around it. if not the scents are awesome


Oops, sorry! Didn't realise that you posted this. I work full time and my children go to school. They leave about 15 minutes earlier than I do so I either apply the pheros after i get into the office (generally the case) or after they leave (and make sure our apartment is well ventilated before they get home in the late afternoon).


I'm wearing less often and also less pheros now. Sometimes, I just apply a dab or two on the back of my hands which I wash many times throughout the day. I go phero free on weekends since we are together most of the time.


However, I have to say that I have used pheros with my kids around when I first found out about pheros. I did wear some UN Treasured Hearts, when I had a date with my son about two months ago. I planned and plotted to have a heart-to-heart talk with him that day but then again, it was just a dab.


The amount of pheros each application provides is probably many times more than what we produce naturally. My understanding is that we stop producing some pheros after a certain age or our production rate decreases after a certain age.

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