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Pheromones - the results you see vs the ones you don't?

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Dolly, I work in Finance, I use blends with light cops in them for work, but after reading recently that cops should not be placed close to the neck area, I'm now only rolling the oil on my torso (small lolipop style) and arms. Do you feel this is too much? I use blends like Naughty, Naughty and Tilinting Temptress to work if that helps to give you an idea of the blends I'm wearing... I also sometimes wear a very light roll of OCCO: Black with my beloved LP Black.


I should add, that I work mostly with bitchy woman and this has helped to take the edge off...


I would try something like Treasured Hearts or Open Windows to tame the savage beasts instead.....I have had more than one occasion where a female who never reacted to my cops poorly "flipped the switch" and became a raging bitch.....I am assuming they were just at a different point in their cycle.

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Eggers I am taking my trial of LAM with me, it's what everyone here suggested. It was in my first order but I haven't tried it out much - the one time I did I didn't get much out of it (but it was probably the situation). I really only want to take one though, trying to pack light!


Yeah, I don't know what's up with the gotcha. It's in honeyed lp, so with the scent I definitely can tell that I'm wearing enough (or maybe it's just me, I like to go light on fragrance anyway, but I usually put on as much as I can handle without feeling like I smell TOO perfumey). I don't think I'm OD'ing, I haven't really noticed any of the "ghosting" that people have mentioned. That was kind of the original point of this thread, honestly, was that I was asking if it could be that it IS having an effect that I'm just not seeing (maybe because I'm at work? But that's where I see "the guy" lol). Maybe I just need to play around with it when I can get my hands on some more.

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I suppose it could be having an effect you're not noticing. What I find with pheros is that when self-effects happen, they're very noticeable, but they're... I don't know quite how to put it.... gentle, maybe is the right word. It's not like flipping a switch: spray pheros, instant good mood. (Well, there is The Bitch Switch, but that's another thing entirely). The effects themselves are not subtle, but the way they start can be very subtle indeed.


With Gotcha! in particular, I find myself *easing* into a good mood, I feel more upbeat, sometimes a little giggly, more positive, and somehow, more comfortable & relaxed. Maybe because you're already kinda thrilled at seeing this dude at work, your own natural feelings are sort of hiding the phero effects? I don't know. Just a thought.


I get the packing light thing. Believe me. I spent my first two month trip to Mexico with a regular school backpack. I definitely packed light. (And was glad I did!).

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Some pheros are meh b/c they just don't work the same on everybody. I felt defective b/c I seemed to be the only one that had a "meh" reaction to Cougar. It just didn't do anything for me. It's good that you are giving it a nice long try but don't be afraid to try another blend. For example, I had always seen Perfect Match in the perfumerie, but thought it just wouldn't suit me. I was wrong. Now it's one of my go to phero's. For me it goes beyond the scope of the description and adds a sort of "I get along with everyone" vibe. So you never know until you try.

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I *still* can't always get Bang! to work! It was one of the first UNs I bought, over a year ago. If I want to "Bang!", I generally use my SS4W, and add a little CB (please don't throw things! :lol: ). I don't know if it's exactly the same effect, because the ratios are probably off, but I get MAD hits when I wear it, so I'm not complaining... except that I *still* can't get Bang! to work. <_<

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Eggers, I traveled by plane recently. I wanted something that would have the right effect on me and make travel pleasant amount others. I wore MRF I was in vacation mode..I was not really worried about proper..but did not want to be overboard with cops ect. So MRF with two dabs of UnCB in the cleavage and 3 sprays of straight EST.

I felt great and everyone was so helpful ect. When we were about to dePlane theguy behind me had the guy 2 rows behind him go 2 more rows or so back and get my bag. Then everyone handed it up the aisle. WTH. That never happens espically on US Air the F U airline. :)


No it was not Bang, for that occasion it was better. I think as long as your mones are complementary to each-other and you go easy the experiments are worth it.

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LOL! I know. I don't really like to combine my pheros, but because of my Bang! failure, I decided to try this, and WOW! One of the first times I did it was by accident. I'd applied CB the night before, but didn't have a shower before work, ('cause I sometimes have one in the afternoon, between shifts), and applied my regular amount of Sneaky Clean in the morning. That afternoon I wound up with two delivery guys all DIHL, following me around the restaurant! :lol:

I'll have to remember that the next time I'm traveling. ;)

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Always for traveling! The combo is great but I'm sure the EST had lots to do with it.


EST when you want shit done for you. Yea Thats magic.

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So after all the urging here to wear a less sexual phero to work, today I wore gotcha again, and again had just kind of a "meh" day with it. I mean, my friend wasn't mean to me or anything, but I just sort of feel like I'm treated like a queen on the days I wear CB or the few days I've worn sexology. I've noticed a few people talk about the cumulative effect of gotcha, so maybe I need to try it several days in a row. I can't do that now however, my little sniffie sample is almost empty:(


I understand that it's wonderful to receive the positive special attention but I also think people fall into the trap of desiring that kind of attention every day and it's my opinion that you overtax or expect too much from your audience if you do that. Sometimes it's more important to focus on yourself as a person making a connection - as everyone does - even if you don't get the exact reaction you think you deserve or desire. Human relations are the product of all kinds of factors and some of them are incredibly subtle.

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I *still* can't always get Bang! to work! It was one of the first UNs I bought, over a year ago. If I want to "Bang!", I generally use my SS4W, and add a little CB (please don't throw things! :lol: ). I don't know if it's exactly the same effect, because the ratios are probably off, but I get MAD hits when I wear it, so I'm not complaining... except that I *still* can't get Bang! to work. <_<


Eggers, try just a tiny dab. I mean little. i know for me, that one (and SS4W, also) the smaller the amount, the better. I literally just touch the wet ball to my torso and smear that amount.

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Hmm... Maybe I'll try that tonight, after I get home from work, BB. Thanks.

I know that when I first started using it, I definitely used more than I needed, and since then I've been using smaller and smaller amounts, but still nothing.

It's funny though, 'cause with SS4W, I had no problem whatsoever finding *exactly* the right amount. It's always perfect. :huh:

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I understand that it's wonderful to receive the positive special attention but I also think people fall into the trap of desiring that kind of attention every day and it's my opinion that you overtax or expect too much from your audience if you do that. Sometimes it's more important to focus on yourself as a person making a connection - as everyone does - even if you don't get the exact reaction you think you deserve or desire. Human relations are the product of all kinds of factors and some of them are incredibly subtle.

Very well put Luna.:)


i think that it's easy to read stories here particularly about "Super Hits" and say heck yeah! Thats for me.

It's fun to recount a story like that but it's not the norm (at least not for me) and when it happens,

I think it's good to take it for what it is, a pleasant, sometimes surprising, experience.

Thats all it is. It's fun.

I guess, ideally for me, the pheros I really like just make me feel good and most of them are socials.


I also think it's not a coincidence that those "happen" to be the pheros that occasionally give me a story to tell.


A mellower phero blend will generally give a different type of hit.

If your used to the cop heavy stuff you might not notice subtler hits.

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I love reading what you all are testing out at work. I am a middle school teacher and definantly don't want to go anywhere near a sexual reaction. I have used Mother's Little Helper and Swimming with Sharks with Topper. Popularity Potion has also been very helpful. I interact with other teachers, administrators, parents, volunteers and of course kids on a daily basis.


Swimming with the Sharks seems to get me the best results especially if I pair it with Topper. People tend to be more friendly, helpful and receptive.

These are all things that I was looking for.


Last week we had a staff development day and decided to use a little La Femme Noir. It didn't go over so well. I seemed to get a rebuff from my administrator. It was slight but noticable.

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Oh no Holly LFN is a very sexual phero, anytime you see that 'enone' and cops listed save it for date night and only then if that's the way you want to go.

Your other choices seem right on the mark for work. I love MLH. You may also like LFM and Heart & Soul.


ETA, I love your results with SWS!


Says something about teachers, lol. :)

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I would try something like Treasured Hearts or Open Windows to tame the savage beasts instead.....I have had more than one occasion where a female who never reacted to my cops poorly "flipped the switch" and became a raging bitch.....I am assuming they were just at a different point in their cycle.

Dolly, thanks. I'm going to have to grab some OW and TH. thanks so much for all your help.
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I love reading what you all are testing out at work. I am a middle school teacher and definantly don't want to go anywhere near a sexual reaction. I have used Mother's Little Helper and Swimming with Sharks with Topper. Popularity Potion has also been very helpful. I interact with other teachers, administrators, parents, volunteers and of course kids on a daily basis.


Swimming with the Sharks seems to get me the best results especially if I pair it with Topper. People tend to be more friendly, helpful and receptive.

These are all things that I was looking for.


Last week we had a staff development day and decided to use a little La Femme Noir. It didn't go over so well. I seemed to get a rebuff from my administrator. It was slight but noticable.


Agreed with Stacy. You might have been dressed like a nun, but that LFM was putting out a sexy vibe and your administrator probably sensed it. I don't know where you teach, but my aunt is a superintendent in a school district where for some reason they are having a devil of a time with the teachers getting with the students, so depending on what's happening where you are and just based on the news everyday, he or she just might be super sensitive.


On the flip side, I have, however, worn LFN in the daytime out and about, but it worked for where I was at.(Music festival.)



Welcome, by the way!!

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Dolly, thanks. I'm going to have to grab some OW and TH. thanks so much for all your help.



You're very welcome! I think you will find both of them VERY useful!

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Do you use the oils or spray?



I have Open Windows and Treasured Hearts in both silicone and spray.

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So now I'm waiting to get some new samples I bought from the Trading Post in the mail...I badly want to try my AHE with lumina, but I'm trying to wait for the weather to become a little more "fallish" - I don't think I'm going to make it. I'm playing with my spray CB and now wishing I'd gotten oil instead, as the spray seems to burn off so quickly. But the cops are supposed to stick around longer, right?


As for my guy friend, I really don't know where we are at the moment. We definitely have a good relationship/friendship. Today at lunch one of our co-workers kept saying we were like an old married couple, because we were finishing each other's sentences. And tomorrow I'm supposed to have the day off, but we're really short staffed so I said I was going to work a half-day anyway. He told me he would be angry at me and not speak to me if I didn't take my day off. So there's stuff like that, but still nothing solid in the relationship department - grr! I hate waiting, I'm not a patient person!

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So now I'm waiting to get some new samples I bought from the Trading Post in the mail...I badly want to try my AHE with lumina, but I'm trying to wait for the weather to become a little more "fallish" - I don't think I'm going to make it. I'm playing with my spray CB and now wishing I'd gotten oil instead, as the spray seems to burn off so quickly. But the cops are supposed to stick around longer, right?


As for my guy friend, I really don't know where we are at the moment. We definitely have a good relationship/friendship. Today at lunch one of our co-workers kept saying we were like an old married couple, because we were finishing each other's sentences. And tomorrow I'm supposed to have the day off, but we're really short staffed so I said I was going to work a half-day anyway. He told me he would be angry at me and not speak to me if I didn't take my day off. So there's stuff like that, but still nothing solid in the relationship department - grr! I hate waiting, I'm not a patient person!



First of all, I don't think you want just the cops to hang around....smelly! And there again, I feel like you are putting off a bit too much of a sexual vibe in the office. When you reported how you got no real results from the spray, you mentioned that you sprayed on your clothes. That is really not recommended with copped blends. They will be smelly and often offensive, because they cannot properly dry down on clothing. Also NEVER put heavily copped blends in your hair.....hard as the dickens to get out. Thus where the term "coochy head" came from.


I don't want to hurt your feelings, but have you considered that he possibly just doesn't see you "that way"? As in a girlfriend rather than just a friend and co-worker? Pheros do not create an attraction where there is none. If someone is attracted to you, the pheros can push them over the edge. If they are not really attracted to you, pheros will not make them magically fall at your feet. IMO, continually bombing him with cops at work is a bad idea. Assume that he doesn't see you as relationship material, but the cops you're wearing to work are continually telling him you want to have sex. Say he gives in and you do have sex, but he still doesn't see you as a girlfriend. You just turned yourself into a one-night-stand. It can happen. Then you have possibly lost a friend and created what could be a bad situation at work.


Hope this hasn't offended you, but I am not known for my tact.

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Lol Dolly, no worries, you haven't offended me. And I have no idea if he sees me as anything other than a friend - I'm not necessarily assuming that he does. I am just hopeless with guys, and with him I just can't really decide if he's being flirty-friendly or just friendly - again, that's my fault, I'm just no good at figuring guys out. But I do know for sure that there's a pretty deep level of care for each other that I think would translate really well into an actual relationship. That was kind of the whole point of the pheros in the first place, just to see if it gives things the extra push in the right direction. And I don't think either of us are the kind of people to have a one-night-stand, definitely no worries there. I'm really just worried that, because we work so closely together and things could get really awkward, maybe both of us have feelings for each other and neither of us will admit it, and we could be missing out on something really great.

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Lol Dolly, no worries, you haven't offended me. And I have no idea if he sees me as anything other than a friend - I'm not necessarily assuming that he does. I am just hopeless with guys, and with him I just can't really decide if he's being flirty-friendly or just friendly - again, that's my fault, I'm just no good at figuring guys out. But I do know for sure that there's a pretty deep level of care for each other that I think would translate really well into an actual relationship. That was kind of the whole point of the pheros in the first place, just to see if it gives things the extra push in the right direction. And I don't think either of us are the kind of people to have a one-night-stand, definitely no worries there. I'm really just worried that, because we work so closely together and things could get really awkward, maybe both of us have feelings for each other and neither of us will admit it, and we could be missing out on something really great.


Well my advice still stands....lay off the heavy cops in the workplace. Go with socials and continue to build the bond. Go from there.....if it is meant to happen, it will.

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Thanks Dolly. I do appreciate the advice. As far as pheros go, I'm just kind of working with what I have right now. I'm really hoping that when I get to try out some Lace it will be a good one for me. Maybe the lumina that I have will be a better choice for now - although I don't know if it has cops, from the reviews it seems to be more of a social, and I know it has Est which works well for me.

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I'm so glad you have lumina because reading your experiences I was going to suggest that but didn't want to because I don't hear people having that one as muvh as other blends.


Lumina is the only one I get consistent hits. Wonder/amusement/friendliness and that "I just don't know what it is about you" in a good way all mixed into one.


but then again, I get zerozilchnada from Popularity Potion and a few others so obviously it depends on you.


but yes! Lumina!

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Thanks MissHazel! I'm hoping for good things from the lumina...I just have it in All Hallow's Eve, which I think I'm going to like (even if it does smell like a candle!), so I was trying to wait for the weather to turn a bit since it is so "fall-ish". I might not wait though, I may give it a try tomorrow:)


Also I am waiting for some samples from the trading post, so hopefully I'll have some more social blends to try when those came in. I've looked at so many that I honestly don't remember exactly what's coming, but I do know there's some gotcha and cougar in there:)

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Thanks MissHazel! I'm hoping for good things from the lumina...I just have it in All Hallow's Eve, which I think I'm going to like (even if it does smell like a candle!), so I was trying to wait for the weather to turn a bit since it is so "fall-ish". I might not wait though, I may give it a try tomorrow:)


Also I am waiting for some samples from the trading post, so hopefully I'll have some more social blends to try when those came in. I've looked at so many that I honestly don't remember exactly what's coming, but I do know there's some gotcha and cougar in there:)



Cougar is great!

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  • 7 months later...

ETA I have found I like blends with Est because the selfies are great. It took me a while to figure out why, but I believe it is because with an EST blend I find I remember to be good to and take care of myself, which is a nice thing. :)


I have been trying to determine what that little extra thing was with EST. This is it! Thanks for the info - I've been running that one through my head like a song from the radio ... over and over. Now, I can "stop the music" and enjoy the selfie. :)

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Yes, I too have definitely experienced those effects and I love EST for that. It can awaken my inner mom so to speak.

..and the inner princes.. lol
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