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What Are the Best Mones for Women?

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G2!!! Said it before & I will say it again. This blend is more like a popularity potion effect for straight women. Open Windows, Heart & Soul, in addition to G2 are great for creating camaraderie between women. This can be more difficult in female relationships because society conditions us to feel competitive with each other. A lot of other blends here are also good for attracting positive attention, but I feel like they tend to give us a glow in more of an elevated way, & may (in rare instances) garner a jealous type of admiration from other women, which is a double edged sword.

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ooooooooooooohhhhhhh bbaaaaaaaaaby yeeeeeeesssssssss ...... is always a good one :lol:

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I'll 3rd the G2 - it's my go-to phero when I'm going to be around lots of women. I also like Open Windows... I haven't done a lot of testing with Heart & Soul or Pop Potion, although they sound like they'd be good too

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You can't go wrong with Open Windows, and I've actually had good success at work with Cougar. I do like G2 when I'm hanging with my BFF. And I've had success with Cuddle Bunny enough for it not to be a fluke, but I wouldn't bank on this, as the instant a male enters the picture, the air changes.

Edited by BlueBear
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Hi Beccah!


Thanks for the response. I checked and there are no samples of either of those in the shop. I do have Levitation though. What had been your experience with that and women?


LOL! :smiley-laughing024: @ quietguy!



G2!!! Said it before & I will say it again. This blend is more like a popularity potion effect for straight women. Open Windows, Heart & Soul, in addition to G2 are great for creating camaraderie between women. This can be more difficult in female relationships because society conditions us to feel competitive with each other. A lot of other blends here are also good for attracting positive attention, but I feel like they tend to give us a glow in more of an elevated way, & may (in rare instances) garner a jealous type of admiration from other women, which is a double edged sword.



ooooooooooooohhhhhhh bbaaaaaaaaaby yeeeeeeesssssssss ...... is always a good one :lol:

Edited by Honeycake
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Hi Hearts and Molls.


I guess G2 is it then. I didn't notice too many female hits when I wore PP. It seems like OW is a close runner up. Would Levitation work similar to OW, or is the extra ingredient too much?



Ditto on the G2 - it's amazing!!!
Also Heart and Soul, Pop Potion and Open Windows.



I'll 3rd the G2 - it's my go-to phero when I'm going to be around lots of women. I also like Open Windows... I haven't done a lot of testing with Heart & Soul or Pop Potion, although they sound like they'd be good too

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Thank you Bluebear and LadyVictoria,


I do have CB, but I can't remember my female hits...or if I got any. Now I don't have Audacious, but I do have Cougar. I think its the potion one.



You can't go wrong with Open Windows, and I've actually had good success at work with Cougar. I do like G2 when I'm hanging with my BFF. And I've had success with Cuddle Bunny enough for it not to be a fluke, but I wouldn't bank on this, as the instant a male enters the picture, the air changes.



Cuddle Bunny. For some reason they all go ga ga with CB. I have recently started testing Audacious and found the same thing.

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You can't go wrong with Open Windows, and I've actually had good success at work with Cougar.



I am with BB on this one.....Open Windows is always a winner. I have had great success with Cougar around women too.

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Thank you Dolly and Halo.


I have Cougar, so I think I will try that one. If I need a back up I will try Levitation (don't have OW or the others).




I am with BB on this one.....Open Windows is always a winner. I have had great success with Cougar around women too.



OW, Cougar and True confessions are all fun. Oh and Treasured Hearts for the prickly ones.

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Some B'nol blends really work well on other women. If I were considering other women specifically, I'd look at MLH ( check out my Kitten Nip review for a good hit), Gotcha, OW (or Levitation), G2 & would guess Heart & Soul, I have it on the way but I can't believe I missed this one for so long. B'nol + est it's gotta be great.

I personally have had good luck with LFM but I know Beccah says it makes her MIL bitchy :).

Sorry was not thinking of your orig question, you were asking women specifically. Also, what environment you are in can play a roll in choosing the phero if you really want to be specific. Is this BFFs or work? I had some very good bonding time with GFs and my 3 female Alfa girl cousins with my G2 in BB.

Edited by StacyK
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G2!!! Said it before & I will say it again. This blend is more like a popularity potion effect for straight women. Open Windows, Heart & Soul, in addition to G2 are great for creating camaraderie between women. This can be more difficult in female relationships because society conditions us to feel competitive with each other. A lot of other blends here are also good for attracting positive attention, but I feel like they tend to give us a glow in more of an elevated way, & may (in rare instances) garner a jealous type of admiration from other women, which is a double edged sword.

I need to find my BB III with G2 in it and give this a ride....

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Hi StacyK!


When I first started playing with pheros I was thinking men, men, men and now I need something for women. LOL!


I am following this thread for future reference because a lot of the mixes that members rec'd I dont have at home and I need to wear them starting Wednesday. So even if I placed an order (I can't as I need to wait until next payday) they still probably wouldn't be here on time (I haven't gotten my sales purchases yet from last week). So I kind of have to pull from what I have.


The first scenario is one where I need to secure a shooting location at an affordable price. I finally found the perfect location and I have a meeting with the woman in charge of renting the space. She is going to let me look at it and I want her to like me pretty much and feel comfortable renting to me and if possible, give me a decent rate. Not sure of her age, but I know she deals with booking big wigs, major political business conferences, and the weddings of the hoity toity about town.


The second scenario is that I am meeting with another woman who I am hoping will be my lead actress. She is also an artist and highly educated. She seems agreeable to my terms. She might be slightly older than I am. I wanted to make her feel good about me. If we are a good fit, I would probably wear something different during shooting as I wouldn't want her to be too giddy and we have a long production day 7am-8pm.


For my 9-5 I have been playing with LFM. I was going to try SWS, but never got around to it. My new boss is a woman. I know that my old boss was very fond of me, but I am waiting to see about the new one. She is 50ish, Phd holder, and I wouldn't mind getting in her good graces.


Some B'nol blends really work well on other women. If I were considering other women specifically, I'd look at MLH ( check out my Kitten Nip review for a good hit), Gotcha, OW (or Levitation), G2 & would guess Heart & Soul, I have it on the way but I can't believe I missed this one for so long. B'nol + est it's gotta be great.
I personally have had good luck with LFM but I know Beccah says it makes her MIL bitchy :).
Sorry was not thinking of your orig question, you were asking women specifically. Also, what environment you are in can play a roll in choosing the phero if you really want to be specific. Is this BFFs or work? I had some very good bonding time with GFs and my 3 female Alfa girl cousins with my G2 in BB.

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I see you have LFM and Levatation of those you may want to use Levatation ( it's OW with a dash of DHEAS) I think that would work fine. I'd also get G2 I think you may really like using that, especially in the environment your working in.

LFM is great and if you had good experiences with it, I'd use it again, especially with someone you'd want to respect you on an intellectual level. Since your not in the super straight laced corporate atmosphere you have some leeway with your choices.

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G2!!! Said it before & I will say it again. This blend is more like a popularity potion effect for straight women. Open Windows, Heart & Soul, in addition to G2 are great for creating camaraderie between women. This can be more difficult in female relationships because society conditions us to feel competitive with each other. A lot of other blends here are also good for attracting positive attention, but I feel like they tend to give us a glow in more of an elevated way, & may (in rare instances) garner a jealous type of admiration from other women, which is a double edged sword.

So true about the whole conditioning of Society to make women feel jealous and competetive with each other. It's so sad. many of us have lost our sense of sisterhood. Taking this mentality to the extreme, I have a rather quirky female friend who recently declared that she hated an actress because she did so many topless scenes. Umm wtf MUCH??? I really hate that this happens and I am so not there.

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So true about the whole conditioning of Society to make women feel jealous and competetive with each other. It's so sad. many of us have lost our sense of sisterhood. Taking this mentality to the extreme, I have a rather quirky female friend who recently declared that she hated an actress because she did so many topless scenes. Umm wtf MUCH??? I really hate that this happens and I am so not there.

I also hate those woman who feel jealous and competitive, yet act like they are your best friend at work, just to make sure they keep you in check...I can spot these gals a mile away and I give a wide but polite berth, as I do not want to be perceived as a non-team player at work, but I love when karma turns on these gals and they are left with nothing...

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I know many ladies recommended G2 but it didn't work when I wore this to my work place. It could be because #1 a few of my subordinates were not happy that suddenly a new manager was placed above them (and thus they move lower down the hierarcy) and #2 I wore this more than 1.5 years after I started managing them so they have already formed their opinions. I usually use SWS, SS4W and PP at work.


I remember wearing Fuzzy Wuzzy and having to sit in a car with my lying boss for over an hour each way. She was talkative and even told me about her fake eyelashes!

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Hello StacyK,


I think for the meeting with the actress I will go with the Levitation. Then for shooting maybe LFM or the SWS depending on the impression I get from her after our meeting. Thanks so much for your advice. I wish there were some samples of the G2 before I jump in. I just noticed that Levitation was all sold out. Wow.



Thanks JOC!


This is why I wish there were more samples. In your opinion and experience how do you think SWS effects women? Is it positive? The people I will soon be dealing with have never met me, but they may form all kinds of ideas, as humans do, about me.


Also I had the Fuzzy Wuzzy fragrance. What phero was in the one you had?



I see you have LFM and Levatation of those you may want to use Levatation ( it's OW with a dash of DHEAS) I think that would work fine. I'd also get G2 I think you may really like using that, especially in the environment your working in.
LFM is great and if you had good experiences with it, I'd use it again, especially with someone you'd want to respect you on an intellectual level. Since your not in the super straight laced corporate atmosphere you have some leeway with your choices.



I know many ladies recommended G2 but it didn't work when I wore this to my work place. It could be because #1 a few of my subordinates were not happy that suddenly a new manager was placed above them (and thus they move lower down the hierarcy) and #2 I wore this more than 1.5 years after I started managing them so they have already formed their opinions. I usually use SWS, SS4W and PP at work.


I remember wearing Fuzzy Wuzzy and having to sit in a car with my lying boss for over an hour each way. She was talkative and even told me about her fake eyelashes!

Edited by Honeycake
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Thanks Missdarlyncherie! I only had the fragrance though. I think that was around when I first started lurking here. I am marking this stuff on my calendar! I will not miss any of these sales and other stuff next year!



Fuzzy Wuzzy was Gotcha!

November is all phero month where the whole monthly sampler is phero enhanced and ALSO in the past Mara has offered the UN pheros in trial spray sizes!

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Yes, October 21 is my birthday and each forum member usually purchases $100 gift certs in my name. I am not sure who started it but it is an event you should be aware of.












eta: :Emoticons04263:



:LuvU396: MDC!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes, October 21 is my birthday and each forum member usually purchases $100 gift certs in my name. I am not sure who started it but it is an event you should be aware of.













eta: :Emoticons04263:

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This is why I wish there were more samples. In your opinion and experience how do you think SWS effects women? Is it positive? The people I will soon be dealing with have never met me, but they may form all kinds of ideas, as humans do, about me.




I have had good success with SWS around women too. It garners respect, but not in an overbearing commanding type of way.....more of a "listen to me, I know what I am talking about" kind of way.....more of a friendly respectful vibe....

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Thank you Dolly! How do you think it compares with LFM in a similar situation?




I have had good success with SWS around women too. It garners respect, but not in an overbearing commanding type of way.....more of a "listen to me, I know what I am talking about" kind of way.....more of a friendly respectful vibe....

Edited by Honeycake
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I know many ladies recommended G2 but it didn't work when I wore this to my work place. It could be because #1 a few of my subordinates were not happy that suddenly a new manager was placed above them (and thus they move lower down the hierarcy) and #2 I wore this more than 1.5 years after I started managing them so they have already formed their opinions. I usually use SWS, SS4W and PP at work.


I remember wearing Fuzzy Wuzzy and having to sit in a car with my lying boss for over an hour each way. She was talkative and even told me about her fake eyelashes!

What is it with lying boss's. My boss is so skilled at lying, that its so hard for me to believe anything that comes out of his mouth. I have been wearing Passion in Pink when he visits our office and it seems to cut down on the bullshit that comes out of his mouth. So that's a win.
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Lying bosses ex husbands they can all just go FTS!

Try Gotcha if your ever in close quarters with him. He'll ensnare his own Lying ass.


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