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Pheromones for older women?

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I have had EOW before Becca. I really did not know how to properly use it at the time so I gave up. I understand the strong odor it puts off and will be smarter about it this time. Reading the description of the sheer essence it sounds like it would be easy to use.


How diluted is the sheer essence? Is this the first time it has been available or has anyone tried it before?


Sheer Essence is new, so the ladies getting their packages are just trying it out too.....


I am an old hand at using EoW (about 10 years now), so if you need some help you can always ask on here!! It just takes some getting used to. The Sheer Essence may be just the thing you need to help you get the hang of it.


For first time users (or those like yourself who never got the hang of it), I always recommend the OCCO line, which is scented and very easy to use, and the Like a Magnet line......LAM is a simple blend, A-nol and cops, and OCCO is just simply cops. I like the LAM because I can layer another perfume over it if necessary, or I can wear it by itself for a light scent.

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QG - I used to be one that wasn't into perfume. I changed.... You could always gift her some "Pheroed" body lotion or something. LOL There are a lot of products out there that could probably be juiced up a bit that aren't perfumes. A lightly scented bubble bath....perhaps.


Christmas is coming....be creative. If she wears something with a light scent and others comment on how well she smells and she gets any of the good self effects of the pheros...she may just want to try more. Normally I would say that in an everyday situation it may come off differently as in "I want you to smell better" or " There is something missing...try this" But this time of year it wouldn't be just out of the blue...this time of year magically provides opportunities.............12 days of Christmas???? maybe a small gift each day and some can be scents or scented massaage oil. A gift with a sample bottle......possibilities are endless.


I used to live in the country and my Ex was not creative in that way. One Christmas I got a shovel....granted I needed it for my garden but even though I was not into scents at the time I would have rather had a bottle of sweet smelling lotion.....the shovel wasn't the end of the world....I just realized he didn't see me as someone who would appreciate a fragrance. And he wasn't an appreciative kind of guy so what I would "like" didn't really enter the equation.



Thanks for the advice Dolly. I have LAM on the list. May add an OCCO or two as well. Was thinking RED for sure. I like the sound of all of the LAMs so will probably end up with a few of those.

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QG I have a female friend who detests perfume.


We have been able to find a couple of scents. She seems to like what some might call unisex scents like Annick Goutal Hadrien or Love Potion #9


She does not detest them. She wears very light florals from time to time and will wear some if we go out. I have mentioned it before but there are a lot of factors in that. Part of it is she works in a field where she is around a lot of people and heavy perfume scent would not be appropriate. But the main factor is that perfumes are a very low priority for her. She thinks I am wasting my time and money even playing with it, much less writing about it on this board. It is actually one of those little points of irritation in our marriage for her.


I used to live in the country and my Ex was not creative in that way. One Christmas I got a shovel....granted I needed it for my garden but even though I was not into scents at the time I would have rather had a bottle of sweet smelling lotion.....the shovel wasn't the end of the world....I just realized he didn't see me as someone who would appreciate a fragrance. And he wasn't an appreciative kind of guy so what I would "like" didn't really enter the equation.



She would take the shovel over perfume but a massage would be better.

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Well I still think that if she were to wear something out around people and get some nice comments...she may change her tune there. Many women enjoy being told they smell good....and if it were situation where pheros were invoved, she may be able to see the difference they cn make. Some of the phero stories here are great.......... But a massage can't hurt either.....maybe pheroed massage oil?

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Thanks for the advice Dolly. I have LAM on the list. May add an OCCO or two as well. Was thinking RED for sure. I like the sound of all of the LAMs so will probably end up with a few of those.


I literally go through gallons of LAM and OCCO. LAM original is great right out of the shower when I don't want to knock my man out from too much perfume.....it just smells light and sweet.


OCCO Black and White are both great too. Worn together, they are lethal.

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I haven't been a member long and already I have turned into a full blown review stalker. LOL Kudos to the members for describing things so well...it really gives an idea of the scent and how it evolves...still looking for more on Tickle Tickle but I guess people are just getting their packages so there should be more to come.



I have a feeling when I order...waiting for the box to arrive will make me like a giddy little girl waiting to open her presents on Christmas day.

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I haven't been a member long and already I have turned into a full blown review stalker. LOL Kudos to the members for describing things so well...it really gives an idea of the scent and how it evolves...still looking for more on Tickle Tickle but I guess people are just getting their packages so there should be more to come.



I have a feeling when I order...waiting for the box to arrive will make me like a giddy little girl waiting to open her presents on Christmas day.



OH yeah, that is the way it starts!! LOL

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As far as the 1.5ml sample size goes, about how many applications do you get? I realize that there would be a difference based on a ight vs heavy application. Just wondering how much of the sample would be needed to get a good sense of the scent.

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I usually get between 4 & 10 wearings out of a sample. The regular perfume samples are between 1.5ml and 2 ml. The phero'd scents are 1.5ml. It's a pretty generous vial - more than enough to get you acquainted with a perfume, and/or to give a new phero a good test run.

I love getting the monthly samplers. It's like Christmas every month when that box arrives - and the novelty of it never wears off! Last month I damned-near knocked over the mail person, 'cause I thought she had my LPs. Turned out it was just my boyfriend's glasses. <_< Bor-ing. :lol:

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Bite your tongue! You are not older! I thought you were going to be at least in your sixties by that title.


LOL, you took the words right out of my mouth!

Of course, I am a spring chicken here of only 41.... ;)



I would also recommend that you try some of the permanent line.....LP Original, Red, and Black are all great.....


Completely agree!


Like you, Irish Eyes, I came here for the unscented pheros (just a month or so ago, maybe six weeks) but I'm quickly learning that the scented pheros work SO much better for me - and the unscented perfumes are a treasure trove in themselves!


The original line, like Dolly reccomended, is terrific.

After sampling some, I have already ordered a full bottle of LP Pink and Original, and if I can stretch the budget enough this month I will probably order a bottle of Red, too....


Welcome to the forum, and enjoy the experimenting! :)

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Thank you all. I have been reading through the descriptions in search of something that might remind me of dew n the petals of lightly scented flowers. The kind that usually only bloom at night which includes primrose and some Jasmines as well. Just that clean damp wiff you get on a dewy night while out for a walk. Kind of like a secret garden of sorts that most do not see since they only open at dusk. Maybe with a hint of dewy violet or lilac but not heavy scents more of the barely there scents.


When I lived in the country I remember being out at dusk and watching the moonflowers and primroses open. It was a still night with the scents slowly lofting through the air. I know I have been stopped in my tracks ( by my nose) and had to search out the scents of flowers before. Since most of the time all I could smell was bug repellent, floral scents were welcome. LOL


Any suggestions that would come close to night time dewy light florals? Maybe with a hint of damp grass or a bit of mossy tossed in?

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Well my order is growing like crazy but I figure if there is anything I really like, I will have to wait until January to order more...so why not get the samples now and have some fun.


Glad to hear that there are several applications in each tester for the scents. Given what some say about something not working well one day but being much better on another occasion or applying it and having something come up that interrupts a good testit will be nice to have several test runs out of a sample. I am not worried abut the unsecented pheros being strong. I will definately start off in the less is better frame of mind and build up to find my sweet spots. I like that many of you document how much and where applied so that you can go back and reference it later. Starting a jurnal for this will be very helpful. You guys have so many good tips!!!!

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I know I'm late to this party but being 40 myself, I would say try many samples of things you think you will like and try all the great samples that Mara always provides with orders. I always thought I was a one note girl (vanilla) but some of the ones I've come to love the most are ones I NEVER would have considered sexy just from seeing the notes.


Like so many others, the scented Cougar is such a favorite and it gives you a "shine" from the inside. I guess that's what I've come to find most here is that once you start shining from the inside, it starts becoming apparent on the outside and for everyone, that may be a little bit of a different scent. Cougar, LP Red and Rocket Fuel continue to be scents that stop guys in their tracks for me but I think in part it's because when I wear those, I FEEL sexy too.


The pheros work great and as I have found, some are more sensitive than others. Some you will see hits from others, some the effect is all on you (that's a great thing too!). SS4W, Cougar (it really seems to work better in the scented for me rather than the unscented), Blatant Invitation, Open Windows... try the samples as many as you can because you may find that some won't bring what you are looking for but others will make you a lifelong devotee!!!


So glad that you made it here because this is truly a great group of ladies and gents. I'm really excited to hear what ends up making YOU shine. :D

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I am just glad I made it in time for the November sales. Great scents and smples of blends available. Can't lose!!!


I can see from my list the first few choices I was playing it safe sticking to scents I would be more familiar with but now have added some I wouldn't normally imagine me getting. I am also looking forward to any samples that get added to the order since it sounds like Mara really knows her stuff.

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Thank you all. I have been reading through the descriptions in search of something that might remind me of dew n the petals of lightly scented flowers. The kind that usually only bloom at night which includes primrose and some Jasmines as well. Just that clean damp wiff you get on a dewy night while out for a walk. Kind of like a secret garden of sorts that most do not see since they only open at dusk. Maybe with a hint of dewy violet or lilac but not heavy scents more of the barely there scents.


When I lived in the country I remember being out at dusk and watching the moonflowers and primroses open. It was a still night with the scents slowly lofting through the air. I know I have been stopped in my tracks ( by my nose) and had to search out the scents of flowers before. Since most of the time all I could smell was bug repellent, floral scents were welcome. LOL


Any suggestions that would come close to night time dewy light florals? Maybe with a hint of damp grass or a bit of mossy tossed in?

What about Treasure of Silver???!!!

It's got Night Blooming Jasmine, Moonflower, Oak moss...among others! I am not a real floral person but I love this one. It is romantic and mysterious!!!


eta: its got earth in there too which helps with the whole "secret garden" feel.

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That one sounds nice. I don't care for glittered things but wil give it a try because the scent sounds like what I am looking for. I also saw River Song and the actual reviews made it sound close to was I was looking for as well. Just something about the night blooming florals that have the dewy and light scent about them. Thank you for pointing me to it.


Maybe the Silver flakes would settle on the bottom???

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The mica in this one is super fine... even when it's shaken up and applied, you can hardly see it on your skin... just a slight sheen or glow

Oops!! So sorry - I was getting this mixed up with A Treasure of Pearls, which had mica. I see this one does have the silver flake... :Blusher:

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Not a stupid question at all! I asked MissHazel that not too long ago. The way you can tell is to add a large number of bottles to your paypal cart. When you go to check out, it will tell you whether there really is that amount of bottles you can order or if there are only such and such amount of bottles left. Of course you want to make sure you empty out your cart but especially with big sellers like the spell potions, I've added like 30 and when I signed in to "check out", I was able to see there were only four left.


If I missed any steps, someone let me know!!

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Welcome to the forum, Irish Eyes!


I'm 42 and have been wearing LPs for 3 years now. My favorite pheros are Popularity Potion, SS4W and SWS. I always have backup bottles since I live on the other side of the globe from LP and it takes forever for my package to arrive.


We usually enter a ridicous number in the bottles we want to purchase, e.g. 100 Tickle Tickle and at checkout, it shows that it has only , say, 8 bottles left. LP stocks the cart conservatively so they may have more than 8 bottles left. I believe if a scent is below certain number of bottles will be transferred to the Artfire site.

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I can only hope that I don't truly fall in love with a scent in a sample and it will be sold out when I go to get more. There are a lot of permanent scents so I chances of me really like things that will be around for a while is good. LOL

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and I will say this now. I used "older" because I didn't really know the ages of those here...I thought "mature" sounded just as bad and "grown up" sounded like a put down to the younger ones around here. I know now the word should have been VIVACIOUS. What a great bunch of people here.

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I can only hope that I don't truly fall in love with a scent in a sample and it will be sold out when I go to get more. There are a lot of permanent scents so I chances of me really like things that will be around for a while is good. LOL

This *will* happen occasionally. I can promise you that. And it SUCKS. But... there will ALWAYS be others that you love just as much as the one you missed out on, 'cause there are new scents every single month. And if you keep your eye on the trade pages, you may just find a bottle of the one that got away. ;)

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I think that is where the review stalking comes in. Multiple well described reviews can help as different people seem to pick up different notes in the scents....while reading reviews, some seem to be clear winners. So thank you to everyone for those reviews.

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A slightly belated hello & welcome Irish eyes!


I'm only mid-twenties, and am new to LP and pheros so I'll only give you 2 small bits of advice:


1. As many have already said, 40's is not older- 40 is the new 30 you know!


2. I think you might really like Sneaky Clean. It's not really a "night-time dewy floral" like you describe, but these are the ingredients from the perfume description page- I think it has a somewhat similar feel to it:


WHITE LILAC ~ Inspires peace and harmony, humility, youthfulness, protection.
MAGNOLIA ~ Nobility. Psychic enhancer; inspires peace and harmony; fidelity.
CACTUS FLOWER HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.


It is a beautiful, elegant, luxurious clean scent that has great staying power, tends to appeal even to people who only like more conventional perfumes (as well as those of us more open-minded), and it contains the Super Sexy 4 Women phero- which is one of my favourite, and as a sexy social you can't go wrong with it. Also, this perfume is part of the permanent collection, so if you fall in love with it you don't have to worry about it selling out (thank goodness cause I love it in a very unhealthy way).


Whatever else, have fun with it all!


Edit: I forgot to mention Mississippi Moon! A lovely, clean and elegant night-scented perfume which I feel is a night-twin to Sneaky Clean.

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I can only hope that I don't truly fall in love with a scent in a sample and it will be sold out when I go to get more. There are a lot of permanent scents so I chances of me really like things that will be around for a while is good. LOL



That is why I am glad that I also love some of the permanent line.....that way, I will always have something I like to wear......hell, who am I kidding.....I have enough perfume to last me for about 10 years already......but, such is life!! LOL


But yeah, the trade threads are really good for picking up stuff that is sold out....

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Definitely don't count out the trade threads. Sometimes you might not score a bottle but everyone has a ton of samples and getting a sample of something that you missed can be just as good (i,e. Darling Clementine!!). Fortunately, most of my "can't do without" scents are permanent line but there are those limited ones that are outrageously gorgeous so I know how you feel.


Eggers is right. Just when you think you couldn't love another, along comes another month and more surprises!!

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It seems as though once I place my order....I will be thinking of what to get in January. LOL There are so many thing I want to try just from reading through them. I really love the fact this forum is here. I can find a scent that I find interesting and then come here and see how it played out for multiple people. Also it helps get a feel for some of the things I have never really tried before in a scent or reading notes that sound like they would not mix well and then seeing how it all comes together nicely by reading reviews.



There have been a lot of great suggestions in this thread so I am so exited about it all!!!

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It also strikes me that the reviews are extremely helpful it pointing out which scents and mones can be applied moments before being around people vs those that need to dry down for a little while before subjecting other noses to them.


I really love the fact there are blends that take the guesswork out of most situations. Since very subtle differences in amounts of the different mones can put off very different signals. While I still plan on starting with just scents and scent/phero blends....I will still get a few of the $15 dollar samples of the blends to use at a later date. ( Once I am more comfortable with them) Since there are samples of the scent/phero blends available, I hope that can give me an idea of how certain phero blends effect me and others.


From what I have read it seems like those scents with pheros generally carry the pheros a bit further than plain pheros. Does that sound right? Does the layering with a scent equal using a scent with pheros added? It sounds like the pre-blended scents can have a different result than the plain phero blend. And the scent blends( pheros added to a bottle of scent) have about 1/3 strength pheros compared to the straight unscented pheros. ......does that sound right? Some of this can get confusing but it has only been a short while for me and I know I will pick this up as I go. I can't even imagine wanting to get single molecules and trying that....I think I will stick to letting those who know what they are doing mess with the mixing. Besides there seems to be a blend for just about every situation already...and plenty of reports to say those work well.

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I think the pre-blended scents work better for some people because a: You have the scent as a guide to know how much you're applying, b: the pre-blended scents are matched for congruency, & c: your targets tend to huff you in more when you smell delicious ;)

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That is why I am glad that I also love some of the permanent line.....that way, I will always have something I like to wear......hell, who am I kidding.....I have enough perfume to last me for about 10 years already......but, such is life!! LOL


But yeah, the trade threads are really good for picking up stuff that is sold out....

I've now got the same stash level, if there is an apocalypse, I'm the one that will be smelling good...

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I ordered!!! I am so excited!!!! ( I apologize to anyone hefting my box around. Remember to lift with your legs. LOL)


There is so much to try and I plan on more in January. December is going to be fun fun fun!!!


This order: Garland and Lace, La Sylphide, Cougar Potion, River Song, Rocket Fuel, Pizzaz, TMI, Original Love Potion, Love Potion Red, Black and Gold, Ambre Amour, Flying Potion 2013, X Appeal with Sexology, Phero Charged Money Potion, and samples of the following unscented blends: Sheer Essence, Bang, Lace, SS4W, Perfect Match, Gotcha, LFM and Cougar.


ETA: I added Occo White just under the wire.



I will play with these for a while and then in January will add LAM and BAM to the mix. I just want to see if the sheer essence works well if I want to wear cops. I will be adding more phero free scents in January as well.

Edited by irish eyes
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I ordered!!! I am so excited!!!! ( I apologize to anyone hefting my box around. Remember to lift with your legs. LOL)


There is so much to try and I plan on more in January. December is going to be fun fun fun!!!


This order: Garland and Lace, La Sylphide, Cougar Potion, River Song, Rocket Fuel, Pizzaz, TMI, Original Love Potion, Love Potion Red, Black and Gold, Ambre Amour, Flying Potion 2013, X Appeal with Sexology, Phero Charged Money Potion, and samples of the following unscented blends: Sheer Essence, Bang, Lace, SS4W, Perfect Match, Gotcha, LFM and Cougar.



I will play with these for a while and then in January will add Occo, LAM and BAM to the mix. I just want to see if the sheer essence works well if I want to wear cops. I will be adding more phero free scents in January as well.

oh my gosh - you got so much good stuff!! I'm so excited for you! Can't wait til you get your goodies! :)


ETA: the quote. Again.

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