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Totem: Kangaroo w/Mother's Little Helper

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RASPBERRY ~ Stamina, vigor. Love inducing, aids in pregnancy discomforts, protection.
ALMOND ~ Fertility, stamina, masculine energy, business success, money, prosperity, wisdom, intuition, insight, talisman for successful and fertile marriage.
MILK/BUTTER/CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing,
VANILLA ~ Vitality, Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust.
REDWOOD ~ Protection, love, success, power.
BALSAM ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life.
CLOVER ~ Protection, preservation of youth, fidelity. Healing, soothing, luck.
PEAR ~ Love, lust, passion, longevity and luck.

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I like this one... it's very raspberry on me. A bright, tart raspberry. The dairy, almond, and vanilla really round this out, without taking over. It's creamy and yummy!

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I did not have this one on my radar, in part because I couldn't imagine blending foodie and woods. But this is a surprise love! The texture is amazing -- it's thick and almost chewy. I get the raspberry and the almond translates as cherry -- it's like a very dense gorgeous jar of jam where the butter from the knife has gotten blended in with the fruit. And you don't care because it's just adding creamy buttery goodness to all the chewy sweet fruit.

I have been thinking it would be good for to have a MLH scent in case my tutoring job gets renewed next year -- I'd love to try this phero with students! :-) So this might need to be a full bottle for me.

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This one was in my first order. I can't wait to try it out. As soon as I get it I'm going to try it out on my ex because I'm test-driving pheros in preparation for our divorce mediation. I need him calm, willing to listen to reason, and respectful (and if it can do that, it will be a miracle).


Also, a little more respect from my toddler wouldn't go amiss. :A002:

And mmmnnn.... All that yummy raspberry almond goodness.


I can't wait to get my sample.

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Something was very odd in this in the vial and first on. I can't quite figure out which note. but luckily, after a couple of minutes, the almond amped on me, as it is wont to do, and everything snapped into place. Very creamy and mildly sweet with just a kiss of raspberry over the top. A little tartness from the pear and the redwood is just noticeable at the base of this. I don't get any balsam from this. This is sexy in the earth mother kind of way to my nose, very comforting, too. And the scent didn't change much on my skin during drydown. This is my first time really trying the phero blend, and I like the self effects, sort of a calmness about me. I think i will try this at work next week!

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This one wasn't on my radar, and now I've suddenly "noticed" it and I'm kicking myself for not ordering a trial vial, especially as I've been reaching for my Mayberry (with MLH) alot lately. Keeping a close eye on these reviews to see if I need to order this one...

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I despair of ever finding a MLH-enhanced scent that will work on me! :A002:


I love the way this smells in the vial, the raspberry is a nice zing! on top of the other notes, with that smooth creaminess underneath it all, but on me something goes funky, maybe the balsam. It could be one of the dairy notes although they usually go sour and this is not sour, just weird. Almond can be iffy on me too, though, there's only a very few almond fragrances I can think of which I can actually wear.

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Almond can be iffy on me too, though, there's only a very few almond fragrances I can think of which I can actually wear.


I usually love almond, but I'm finding that alot of lp's with almond come off as sort of cherry on me, and cherry unfortunately is a scent that just does not work with my body chemistry. That's the only thing that scares me away from this one a bit. Well, that and the woody notes, but that's just because I'm not sure what they would actually smell like. Still, I'd very much like to try it eventually.

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Yeah for me it's not the cherry aspect (because that is what almond is known for doing and why it is sometimes used to create a cherry impression), just that almond can sometimes just not smell right on me, for lack of a better description. I absolutely love it in some scents - like Alabaster Queen and Glistening Buttons, for example - but there's always the potential for it to go wonky.

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Raspberry, first note - yum! Combine that with the almond and pear? This is my first with pear. Then there's a creamy something else that has to be the vanilla, milk/butter/cream thing going on. An then there's something completely foreign and unexpected - which has to be the redwood? Balsam? Clover? All of them together? Gives it this very interesting twist. I like the redwood I think (first time I think I've smelled it), I seem to like woodsy scents :) It's like it starts out foodie but then it doesn't end that way, and yet it's not NOT foodie because it retains a creaminess the whole time. Very curious. Will have to try this again...

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Just got a sample of this today from amongst the wonderful xtras BV sent me on the Trading Post (many thanks, BV) and I agree, NuTrix, it's very different. While wet, I initially got Balsam/Redwood and then immediately Almond/Pear which remained upon drydown. Then the Raspberry came a bit forward, but it somehow melts back together with a nice creaminess. It's nice! I put this on tonite around dinner time and the family seems quite mellow/helpful, perhaps owing to the Mother's Little Helper....Not familiar with this phero yet, so need to testdrive it a tad more, but so far it seems to lend a calming, yet focused feeling.

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This was my first go with MLH. Home alone today so no one to test on this time. As far as selfies, androstadienone always makes me feel calm, so I picked up on that but will have to experiment more in mixed company in the future :)


I'm still fascinated how the perfumes are the same and yet unique to each person's chemistry - and so they are not always quite alike. Love reading these reviews!

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Just got a sample of this today from amongst the wonderful xtras BV sent me on the Trading Post (many thanks, BV) and I agree, NuTrix, it's very different. While wet, I initially got Balsam/Redwood and then immediately Almond/Pear which remained upon drydown. Then the Raspberry came a bit forward, but it somehow melts back together with a nice creaminess. It's nice! I put this on tonite around dinner time and the family seems quite mellow/helpful, perhaps owing to the Mother's Little Helper....Not familiar with this phero yet, so need to testdrive it a tad more, but so far it seems to lend a calming, yet focused feeling.


Holy cow, BV has already gotten this, tried it, and passed it on? Wow, she is fast - I'm still stalking my mailbox for a shipping notice!

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Lol. Timing was good for me as it will tide me over til my big LPMP order arrives. Plus I got Agent XXX on the way from StacyK. He he. Starting to feel like Christmas.


Didn't get shipping notice yet but Mara was awesome and checked for me yesterday and said it would be going out today. Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us.

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I actually loved this right out of the vial. I think it was the raspberry and almond that got me hooked immediately. That being said, on my skin it calms down rather quickly into something completely different - that I don't love as much as the initial application, but it's not bad, just not as nice as it started. Perhaps the milk/buttercream smooths it out as it dries.


ETA: At about two hours, all that seems to be lingering is the woody note. I still may opt for the FB though if I get some decent results wearing it around my kids... which was the initial draw in the first place!

Edited by LoveStruck55
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Lol. Timing was good for me as it will tide me over til my big LPMP order arrives. Plus I got Agent XXX on the way from StacyK. He he. Starting to feel like Christmas.


Didn't get shipping notice yet but Mara was awesome and checked for me yesterday and said it would be going out today. Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us.

This is one that could be intriguing or get muddled and vanish or worst case just go raspberry rabid on me as some raspberries go on me.

Always nice to have a MLH scent. I never did get that second bottle of Mayberry...sigh

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You might want to try Ionia if you are most into the raspberry almond combo.

Thanks Halo... that's just it. Raspberry in general can be very 'iffy' for me. As a rule I don't even like raspberries... to eat or in a sauce. But as a tandem flavor (as in raspberry tea or the "fake" blue raspberry flavors!) I like it. Almond, I love. I imagine if the almond wasn't with the raspberry note initially, I probably wouldn't have been so high on this from the get go. I got a sampler of the Orange-Almond Hydrating water last Friday and I've almost used the whole thing up, so I guess I do favor the almond/fruit combo. What intrigues me about Kangaroo is that it changed rather quickly on me~ into something totally unlike what it was when wet. Last order I got a full spray of MLH so I may end up just pairing it with some of the other great scents I now have from LP. But... I keep going back to Kangaroo for some reason. And I love the no-brainer of having the phero already mixed in.


ETA: I read the notes on Ionia Halo and it does sound yummy. I'm glad almond is the first ingredient so I bet *hope it's not raging raspberry on application. Thanks for the suggestion... I do think I'll try it at least in a sample (assuming it lasts that long of course!)

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Wore Kangaroo to try out MLH my first day back after having this nasty flu...which followed in to pneumonia...talk about a double whammy! :Emoticons00810:

Any who! It was a nice yummy comforting scent and I needed something to make things go smoothly as I knew I was still walking back in to a VERY busy schedule. I still need to wear this more, as it was my first with MLH, but the day certainly went well. Everyone was helpful and things seemed less crazy than I anticipated. I would say smelling yummy and taking everything in good pace made for an all around good day :)

Edited by NuTrix
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Wore Kangaroo to try out MLH my first day back after having this nasty flu...which followed in to pneumonia...talk about a double whammy! :Emoticons00810:

Any who! It was a nice yummy comforting scent and I needed something to make things go smoothly as I knew I was still walking back in to a VERY busy schedule. I still need to wear this more, as it was my first with MLH, but the day certainly went well. Everyone was helpful and things seemed less crazy than I anticipated. I would say smelling yummy and taking everything in good pace made for an all around good day :)

Wow NuTrix flu AND pneumonia! You had to be going through severe LP withdrawal as I'm sure your olfactories were major out of whack. Hope you are on the mend and be mindful of relapses as you go from 0-100 trying to get caught up on your schedule!


This Kangaroo thing has me really puzzled... it goes on one way, then an hour it smells 180 degrees different on me - does that happen to you? I know the whole scent-morphing thing IS normal with LP but Totem: Kangaroo changes more on me than anything else I've tried (so far). I DO love MLH... so glad I bought that in a separate spray. It really seems to settle things down. I've noticed my boys (including the 48 year old) actually listening to what I'm saying without getting all manchild-crazy defensive.

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Upon reflection, I'm thinking Kangaroo is too much like those raspberry/crème granola bar thingies for me, but I really like the MLH phero for a nice kind of "staying on task" kind of vibe. I'll use up my sample tho in order to get that MLH effect.


Geez, Nutrix....hope you're on the mend....

Edited by Olderbutwiser
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Thank you - both - I am. And yes, the torture was that my sampler arrived the day I lost my sense of smell, lol. It was days before I could enjoy anything even a teensy bit! (the AGONY! :lol: ) Still sleeping late and coming home exhausted but I DO feel better in spite of how I sound hehe.


Raspberry/crème granola? I've not eaten it, but that sounds like a fair description. It is kind of nutty/fruity/creamy. It hasn't changed much during wear on me except the fruit kind of fades and leaves that creamy/nuttiness in farewell. I think I like the MLH and will surely use up the vial trialing it! :)

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You guys have me so intrigued about this one. Turns out I DID order a trial vial (as one of my forum freebies - I changed my mind so many times that I guess I didn't remember what I had finally settled on, for some reason I thought I was getting Horse). I haven't had the chance to even test it, but I think I'll be wearing it today. I definitely could use the MLH for some difficult people I've been dealing with at work...

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You guys have me so intrigued about this one. Turns out I DID order a trial vial (as one of my forum freebies - I changed my mind so many times that I guess I didn't remember what I had finally settled on, for some reason I thought I was getting Horse). I haven't had the chance to even test it, but I think I'll be wearing it today. I definitely could use the MLH for some difficult people I've been dealing with at work...

Good Amalthea let us know what u think & how it works!
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I think I might like MLH better than OW and PP. It seems to smooth things out and give me a steady focus. Panda/OW and Lamb/PP, while lovely scents give me a slight headache, but I think it was the grasses/green in those which bugs my eyes/head. Won't know til I try the OW and PP in other formulas, but really glad I got a vial of Kangaroo/MLH.

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MLH seems to smooth things out and give me a steady focus. really glad I got a vial of Kangaroo/MLH.


Ditto - this one sealed the deal on me wanting MLH FO-SHO! :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

So, my skin chemistry made this smell like cherry cough syrup when I first applied. Ugh! I stayed patient and let it dry down. The creaminess emerged and I liked it better but something about it smells "off" on me. I love MLH though!

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That's a good comparison... cherry cough syrup. I actually like it more psuedo-wet than an hour or so later... not that it's bad, just kind of ...eh. I think I lose every bit of fruitiness and get just redwood (and a tiny TINY bit of balsam). It is "perfect" to me on the drydown ... about 15-20 min. Not too almond/fruity, but not void of it either. As if the early stage (cough syrup) is suddenly blanketed in this lucious buttery vanilla - then the sweetness is tempered by the green (balsam/clover) and redwood. That lasts for about 30-40min at which time it is heavenly and perfect (for me, anyway.) Then about an hour+ in... the redwood announces its coup and it's all over. Makes me sad because I LOVE MLH more than I could ever explain... it has been the perfect phero for me (and I'm not just talkin' kids here - SO many more positive EFX of this blend exist). I almost went FB because it is a nice scent with the added bonus of MLH... but then Mara went and unveiled the June LP Variant and shifted my scent priorities accordingly (and budget is indeed a factor).

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I never would have thought this would be a full bottle for me, but it's the first raspberry that has REALLY worked with my skin. MLH never got my attention as a phero because I am emphatically happily childless, but now I am dying to try this out with my students next year, and also to see if the self-effects help me stay fresh, productive and focused when I have a full day of hour-long sessions to get through.


I often find myself laughingly consoling customers at my retail job for finding so many things "that you did not know you needed." Story of my life here at LP!! If I did not know in my heart of hearts that LPs are necessities the way books are, I might feel a tad overindulgent about my recent spending...

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I never would have thought this would be a full bottle for me, but it's the first raspberry that has REALLY worked with my skin. MLH never got my attention as a phero because I am emphatically happily childless, but now I am dying to try this out with my students next year, and also to see if the self-effects help me stay fresh, productive and focused when I have a full day of hour-long sessions to get through

OMG yes BC I could def see this helping educators. I know what my sons teachers must endure and I'd love to present them with a bottlle! Unfortunately that would probably be perceived as inappropriate. Today's HS teachers are not real warm-fuzzy types with their students moms/parents. And I'm def a warm/fuzzy. Let's just say I don't need selfies from Empathy Potion because I already seem to take on problems of others, always wanting to save them (to the point of sacrificing myself). I think that's where MLH has my back. The focus shifts back to me and controlling my part in the situation at hand. Edited by LoveStruck55
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I think I might like MLH better than OW and PP. It seems to smooth things out and give me a steady focus. Panda/OW and Lamb/PP, while lovely scents give me a slight headache, but I think it was the grasses/green in those which bugs my eyes/head. Won't know til I try the OW and PP in other formulas, but really glad I got a vial of Kangaroo/MLH.

The MLH is very different from the other two. IMO they don't really compare. OW & Pop Potion are different as well. The scents just may not agree with you.

OW is wonderful. Genteelly uplifting and serene. Not as giddy as Levitation.

Pop Potion , I don't get much in the way of selifies but I generally feel good and it works great when I'm dealing with my teen daughter & her friends.


MLH is helpful it getting tasks done. Its always good when I go to Drs offices ect. Works well on the admin staff.

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StacyK: Yep. You're probably right about those two fragrances may just not work for me....I will def try OW in another fragrance, but PP doesn't do much for me. In fact my personality is better without it.


Liking the MLH. I can see how it would be helpful for work. Have not tried it at the office yet....been using my Beaver/SWS which is great. What has been your experience with the differences between MLH and SWS? Would you consider MLH as SWS Lite?

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Learning how the diff phero blends affect you is part of the lesson in learning when to use them and if the scent isn't enjoyable to you the phero might get a bad rap. I loved experimenting with the scents so much that I didn't think I needed to purchase UNs, but that theory has all changed.

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Only after trying several samples with the same phero did I decide on which larger UN investment to make first. It can very quickly add up and it's hard to prioritize what you want first!

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Loves Truck: Yup, lol! I think I read somewhere that Mara does a Phero special in November where you can sample them? Sounds great. And I'm really excited over the new June LPs that have so many with the pheros added! I tend to lean towards the ones with pheros already blended as it takes the guesswork out of the equation for me.


But I'm making progress, lol. I have UNCougar and CPotion which I love, then stocked up on Beaver/SWS which is like a kind of "work horse" phero for me, lol and then hoarded XAppeal/Sexology....which is good cuz I luvs luvs the phero and scent combos in those, but in the long run I'll probably save money when I buy more UNpheros as it will of course give me more latitude in using it under different stuff.

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I agree (good adv SK as usual) learning how the diff phero blends affect you is part of the lesson in learning when to use them and if the scent isn't enjoyable to you the phero might get a bad rap. I loved experimenting with the scents so much that I didn't think I needed to purchase UNs, but that theory has all changed. StacyK how would you compare Pop Potion with scented Cougar?

IMO, Cougar is a sexy/social. More grown up, hip swing sexy and socially Alfa, confident. Gets more direct male attention. I get selifies with this.


Pop, on me, is a pleasant, happy social vibe. I get soft social hits, a bit chummy and good for friendly bonding, especially with the younger female set.

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Back to the Reading Room for moi.... I will refer back to Phero Wiki and the Phero List multiple times a day. I feel like I'm back in college doing research for a term paper...

One day it will "stick"!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I really love this scent, it's the first of the MLH scents that works well on me. On me it smells like banana chips(though I know it has no banana in it LOL) but I really love the creamy, baked, soft sweet goodness of it! I didn't think this was going to be a favorite for me, but I'm so happy I got it. :Emoticons04235:

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