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Totem: Lamb w/Popularity Potion

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BC and StacyK - did you ladies order Totem: Lamb? I placed an order for a bottle in oil. Can't wait to get it...kinda' regretful I didn't do the spray tho...I got Panda in spray.

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Yes I did. I got a spray. This and goat are my faves, now. Of course that can change. It's common for an LP that I didn't take to right away to become a must have.

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Is there a hard and fast rule to determine which blends are best in oil over spray / vice versa? Seems like a common question, I probably should look to see if there's a thread on it already...

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Is there a hard and fast rule to determine which blends are best in oil over spray / vice versa? Seems like a common question, I probably should look to see if there's a thread on it already...

For pheros yes.

Like all socials, Pop is good in spray. it is also fine & effective in oil too.


As for fragrance I'd say that's a personal preference choice. just remember that fragrances that are very light or sheer will be a bit more so.

It's also easy to use a spray up faster as well.

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For pheros yes.

Like all socials, Pop is good in spray. it is also fine & effective in oil too.

As for fragrance I'd say that's a personal preference choice. just remember that fragrances that are very light or sheer will be a bit more so.

It's also easy to use a spray up faster as well.

Really? My sprays last FOREVER.
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Really? My sprays last FOREVER.

I think I tend to spritz liberally with mine. I've gone through and emptied 2 spray-fumes and um, I think 6 -7 UN pheros in spray.


I have a spray of scented Levitation and Stealing Heaven, those have lasted, because I think of every spray ans sigh. :lol:

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I think I might go heavier on unscented sprays. Most of mine I've at least lightly scented, so I'm afraid of over fragrancing those around me, so that holds me back - though I have been known to throw caution to the wind and fog myself when it's just for me at home :lol: Hmm. I also pair sprays over oils in combination, so that may help me conserve sprays too. I don't seem to go through them quickly at all, but to be fair - oils are my preference for daily wear in most situations :)

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I think that makes a idea fir scenting everything.Thank god for those sugereds. I scented my Un H&S with some Pure Sugar. I'm much more aware of how much I'm spraying.

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If I could get everything in a spray, I so would. Probably cause I'm a product of commercial perfume upbringing lol. I love the oils because the fragrance is more concentrated and therefore longer lasting. So I'm growing to love them 'more and more.' Also, I know the 'sexy' stuff is better kept closer to the body so those will always be oil form for me :rolleyes:


Being new I don't have a point of reference as yet but guessing I'll go through the sprays quicker :perfume-emoticon:

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I think that makes a idea fir scenting everything.Thank god for those sugereds. I scented my Un H&S with some Pure Sugar. I'm much more aware of how much I'm spraying.


Oooo...I wonder what a bit of Pure Sugar would do with Totem Lamb?! It's a little too green and floral for me, but perhaps with a touch more sugary sweetness.... I'm eager for more sugared flavors as well...as if I needed more to spend on :lol:


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^^ I have not tried it with this, but I have found PS to be layerable with almost everything, It does work to smooth out some scents with pointy edges.

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^^ I have not tried it with this, but I have found PS to be layerable with almost everything, It does work to smooth out some scents with pointy edges.

I have found that to be true too. I also like Caramel Musk for pointy edges. Really love the things a sweet fragrance can do to mellow a scent that starts standing too strong with my chemistry - especially when it's a scent I love!!! Those two have really helped expand what I can wear. And, of course, it surprises me how much cycle can play a roll in how things react with my skin. Crazy! But, fun seeing what I can wear this week that wasn't happening last week :Emoticons0424:

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I have Totem: Lamb with Pop Potion on order in oil. I have no idea what a 'pointy edge' is but I hope my bottle doesn't come with it :say19: . Can any of you ladies tell me what you mean by that pretty please?


WnG, true indeed...it is amazing that our cycle is so instrumental in how the fragrances play out on our skin. One of these days I'll figure out what the deal is with CPS offered on ArtFire. I understand that can help with fragrances and/on our skin...

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I have Totem: Lamb with Pop Potion on order in oil. I have no idea what a 'pointy edge' is but I hope my bottle doesn't come with it :say19: . Can any of you ladies tell me what you mean by that pretty please?


For me anything pointy means that I can feel it either in my "third eye" (center of the forehead), or it kind of makes the bridge of my nose, right between my eyes hurt, (at times my eyes will actually water). To me it literally feels like something pointed has struck me hard, or somehow abrasively in one of those two places, and if it doesn't settle down and become softer, (more rounded), it will make the perfume unwearable. Sometimes an intense headache accompanies the sharp sensation. Most times the headache will happen immediately, but sometimes it'll sneak up on me. Hope that helps!

(I dunno how others experience pointiness. This is just how it affects me).

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I'm in Eggers boat with the third eye analogy...usually, I'll try to wait it out but there have been a few times that has ended in an uncomfortable headache and having to wash of the perfume :( I relate the pointy to being stabbed between the eyes >.< !


If you can find another perfume to layer that somehow buffers the pointedness, that's great :) But normally, there are so many other goodies it's easy enough to move on to something more user friendly ^_^


I need to wear Lamb sparingly. It's lovely, but my chemistry amps it in anything but the minutest amounts. Far too little for phero effect, but just enough to enjoy the perfume so long as it's away from my face on my wrists or the backs of my hands....distanced from right under my nose than say if I were to have put it on my neck or collarbone.

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For me anything pointy means that I can feel it either in my "third eye" (center of the forehead), or it kind of makes the bridge of my nose, right between my eyes hurt, (at times my eyes will actually water). To me it literally feels like something pointed has struck me hard, or somehow abrasively in one of those two places, and if it doesn't settle down and become softer, (more rounded), it will make the perfume unwearable. Sometimes an intense headache accompanies the sharp sensation. Most times the headache will happen immediately, but sometimes it'll sneak up on me. Hope that helps!
(I dunno how others experience pointiness. This is just how it affects me).

Eggers - thanks so much for detailing it so well! That helps tremendously!!! Now I know. I thought it had to do with the way the perfume smelled. I didn't know it was an actual physical reaction :o


In a nutshell it means sharp.



I'm in Eggers boat with the third eye analogy...usually, I'll try to wait it out but there have been a few times that has ended in an uncomfortable headache and having to wash of the perfume :( I relate the pointy to being stabbed between the eyes >.< !


If you can find another perfume to layer that somehow buffers the pointedness, that's great :) But normally, there are so many other goodies it's easy enough to move on to something more user friendly ^_^


I need to wear Lamb sparingly. It's lovely, but my chemistry amps it in anything but the minutest amounts. Far too little for phero effect, but just enough to enjoy the perfume so long as it's away from my face on my wrists or the backs of my hands....distanced from right under my nose than say if I were to have put it on my neck or collarbone.


:( so sorry Lamb isn't working out for you too well. Hoping that I have better luck. I love all the notes as well as Pop Potion. Let you know how I make out doll...

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  • 1 month later...

I've had this on all day without touching up. Granted I put on a good amount. I used dabs of the oil topped with my spray. Then a bit of OCCo green.


Right now I smell just great. A pretty, soft, green. A little sweet and fresh. It lasts too.

In the short amount of time I've had these bottles it has matured nicely.



So glad to have another great scent with Pop Potion.

Very nice :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

The scent of this ( I got it in spray) lasts 12 hours plus on me. Haven't noticed any hits from the pheros but then I only wore it around the house and grocery shopping. I can see myself using this when I want something soft. I adore sweetgrass as an ingredient.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure what it is about this perfume, but the Pop Potion in it seems to work better for me than in Darling Catalina or in Sweet Chic. Or maybe it's just that I feel so good wearing this scent that it shows. Because I rully, rully love this scent!

I wore it to work again tonight, and for the first few hours my people were lovin' me, *big time*. I helped another server "out of the weeds" by taking an order from one of her tables for her, and the people went over-the-top crazy for me. It was the weirdest thing, ever. As I was leaving to write their order up for the kitchen, one of them said, "You can come back here for a chat anytime you like! You're a doll!" :huh: And then when they were leaving, they all came by to say good-bye and thank you to me! :lol: Odd.

I do think the PP wore off more quickly than I'd anticipated, though. It seemed to wear off about 5 hours in. I should have reapplied. Maybe if I had, I wouldn't have snapped at my last (impatient) customer for trying to run his own credit card through the damned credit card machine. :blush:

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  • 1 month later...

I really like the scent of this, although I can't pin point any hits yet. I tried only a coupe of sample wand swipes, all the way to navel to neck and arms slathers. Still waiting. Granted that I am currently wearing it at work, in an office environment where I really really do not want to be - so I myself must not be congruent with it in this instance...

Last time I wore it I was at a family gathering and everyone was having a great time. I can't say I felt in the center of attention, but I wasn't necessarily going for that.

This is by far my favorite LP scent, but I've only tried a mere 11.


I did notice that it doesn't last long though, 1-2 hours after application (I only have the oil sample) is barely noticeable on my skin.


I need some advice: since I want to order some PP, should I get it unscented, or in Totem Lamb (60/40 spray)?.. How would the unscented version be different? I figured, since the Totem Lamb doesn't last too long anyway on my skin, I can probably layer a commercial scent I enjoy on top of it, like Marc Jacobs Daisy. Or should I just start with the unscented?

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If you're choosing between getting Lamb or the Un Pop Potion you should just weigh a couple of factors. One being the scent, if you like it enough.

If you're more into the phero or want a higher dose of the phero, the Un Phero is 1000mg (or more if you order the x2 etc) you should consider the Un. The scented is 1/3 the phero strength (333 mg) vs the x1 Un.

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  • 1 month later...

This was my first try of Popularity Potion. At first, I thought it smelled like grass... at least in the vial, and when it was still wet on my skin. But as it dried, it reminded me of some of my favorite commercial scents, which I wear every day: Lancome So Miracle and Versace Crystal.

To me, it definitely smells green, but fresh. Thankfully, not like cut grass too much, but like a spring day, with fresh spring flowers, some grass in a meadow and the sweetness of the flowers' nectar.


I wore this to our engagement photoshoot, and it was perfect. I am sure the fact that we were having photos taken of us in a public turisty place added to the effect, but I felt sparkly and like I was the center of the universe. There were other couples taking photos there - real brides and groomsmen, and they even stopped to look at us and congratulate us (although it wasn't our wedding day!). We had several tourists ask if they can take a photo of us (I did not see them stop and take photos of the brides...), and a few parents with children making remarks like "Look, a fairy!"

My fiance and I were able to be our usual silly selves - we got our photos back from our photographer yesterday, and we like 180 out of the 200 she included in the album! And most of them are silly, goofy photos. The most common comment we got on them is "That's very representative of you two as a couple". So, it worked!

That day sold me on Totem: Lamb and Popularity Potion.

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  • 9 months later...

Of all the samples from the sale this really got my atten and impressd it did w such a gentle scent. I'm getting honeysuckle and lite floral mostly and a soft mix of the other notes that pillow around, pretty adorable I can see why this sold out. Popularity Potion gives it extra draw also like that there's baby's breath in it which is a flower I like to work with. It's intent is suppsed to magnify the energy your working so I try to throw some in if a pick up or receive a bouquet.

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  • 8 months later...

I was excited to try this based on the label alone--what can I say, I'm a sucker for great branding. The little lamb surrounded by green grass is exactly a description of the aroma: a very present green grass smell with a warm fuzzy heart of oakmoss and sweetness. For my skin as the day goes on, the smell of oakmoss warms and comes forward more until it's just about the only note with a hint of floral. It's an interesting scent experience for this one with me, and I enjoy the difference in release times. I will have to comment on any phero reactions after additional testing.

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