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I was just wondering if anyone has heard of any studies, or has any anecdotal experience to share, about using pheros around dementia sufferers? My dad has a form of Pick's disease and I'll be seeing him over the holidays, so I got to thinking about that. He tends towards depression and agitation, but I wasn't sure if there was some scientific reason to avoid using pheros around someone in his condition or if they might be helpful (thinking here of calming or happy social blends, of course). My mother takes care of him at home so I could get her wax melts, etc. if it wouldn't be a bad idea. Your thoughts are appreciated!



Edited by Memorare
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Good evening :)


The closest I got to this was an interesting article I found on Google, www.veterinarypartner.com, "Nighttime Waking in Senior Dogs" where use of dog pheromones is mentioned under "Management". It seems that research on pheromones and humans is lagging wayyyyyyyyyy behind. I will be interested what the others say !

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Androstadienone has been reported to seem to cause depression amongst some males. At the same time some guys react with irritability to high levels of EST while others react negatively to more alpha females. Figuring out if a guy is in any one of these three areas is done through trial and error. Read this article for more info ....



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I can't give you any scientific info, but I have been using pheros around my dad for the past 3-4 months and spritzing him also to help lift his humor. Mom uses them some also. He has suffered a mirage of health problems and has only been able to do limited walking for some time (he feels like he lets my mother down because he can't help around the house like he used to). As a result, he was feeling depressed and it clearly showed. He seems to be more happy over the past month or two. I mainly spritz him with Levitation and Alpha Androstenol and recently purchased Androstenone for him (that will be here with my coming order). In the beginning he told me using pheromones was a waste of money, but over the past months he has been asking to be sprizted so he must be noticing something and putting 2 and 2 together....


I hope your father starts feeling better soon. I know health issues can leave our parents depressed and us also when we see them go through difficult times..:)

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All I can add....and I know this will sound kind of wacko.....but my Grandmother had dementia when she passed a coupe of years ago. She didn't recognize my sister or any of my cousins (even the orphan that she raised for like 5 years) but she did recognize me and even recalled events from when I was a child, as long as I was wearing Dominance.

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I routinely wore Charisma around my Dad who died from dementia (related causes) in January. He REALLY perked up whenever I was around and like Dolly wrote, he would remember me even when nobody else was in his mind anymore. I saw nothing but positive results from wearing pheros around my Dad.

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I'm sorry to hear about your dad's illness. I think you'd already had some excellent advice upthread from people who have actually tried pheros around people with dementia. I never have, so this is based on logical inference from my use of pheros and my personal and professional experience with people with dementia.


I will state the obvious and suggest avoiding pheros like 'enone that might cause you dad to feel he is facing aggression, which might compound his agitation. Beyond that it's probably a case of trial an error to find the best fit. I think what is strongly in favour of wearing uplifting, bonding, and calming pheros around someone with the communication and cognition difficulties that arise in patients with dementia is that they can perceive those signatures on a non-verbal level. The don't have to read body language, remember perfect details of your past together, or have a full grasp of the words you are speaking. The pheros can help them feel safe and happy without those other means of reassurance. That can only be a good thing.

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I have worked with people with dementia for years before I found LP and I can say I saw definite results wearing some blends to work. I never wore Dom, Leather or assertive or sexual blends just because the disease can cause aggressive behavior to begin with and I did not want to amplify that but, I did wear the bubbly social and calming blends with great results. I didn't want them thinking I was trying to be the boss.


I think the thing to remember is that while they may not be able to communicate or understand clearly, I think the parts of the brain that register scents and touch remain intact and may even be more acute. I used Lumina, Open Windows, Levitation, Balm Bomb,LFM,SS4W and Cougar and all with good results. I find SS4W and Cougar more sparkly social unless I add Cops so figured they were safe.


I stayed away from blends that might over excite them as well. Things high in Anol and Dheas. The Lev I used was just a touch in Flying Potion not the UN. In the year I used them at work, I noticed I could calm people when no one else could, and could give medications when no one else could. I also had many just want to hold my hand and not let me go. Not in an aggressive way but almost like if they let go they would slip beneath the waves....so sad. I think touch is with us to the very end and beyond so that would help as well but I know phero blends work. And Smile....it is a universal language.

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Thank you all for your input and advice! It is very encouraging. I am leaning strongly towards getting them some wax melts and a cute warmer as part of Mom's Christmas present, I am sure she will initially be skeptical but every little bit helps on the rocky days.

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All I can add....and I know this will sound kind of wacko.....but my Grandmother had dementia when she passed a coupe of years ago. She didn't recognize my sister or any of my cousins (even the orphan that she raised for like 5 years) but she did recognize me and even recalled events from when I was a child, as long as I was wearing Dominance.

Dolly - What a beautiful experience to be able to connect with her a bit longer. Did you ever wear pheros around her before she had dementia or only after your grandmother developed dementia? I'm curious about which part if her brain's memory was responding and smell is a strong memory in one oart of the brain.

Edited by WnG
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I routinely wore Charisma around my Dad who died from dementia (related causes) in January. He REALLY perked up whenever I was around and like Dolly wrote, he would remember me even when nobody else was in his mind anymore. I saw nothing but positive results from wearing pheros around my Dad.

Snoopy - I'm wondering the same thing about your dad that I wondered about Dolly's grandmother. Did you wear pheros around him before he developed dementia?


The reason I'm curious is ... This is something my family is facing now. That family member has never been around pheros, so I'm wondering if their ability to remember is because of associative links to where smell is stored in the brain or if the pheros are somehow stimulating the brain so it can access the memories they have of the wearer. (Yep, flying my nerd flag)

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So sorry memomare, and also anyone else who is dealing with or has had to deal with this. It's such a difficult thing to have to deal with. I am thinking that those who have posted positive reaction might be on to something. Perhaps even when one can no longer recognize a face, a voice, etc. somehow there is still an olfactory impression left that responds to both scent AND pheros. Why not? Will keep you and yours in my prayers sweet one. xo

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