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Potion Master

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Everything posted by Potion Master

  1. Male psychology...knowledge won the hard way... Is your guy a real GUY guy? I have noticed that many men who are particularly, exaggeratedly, or overly masculine, are drawn to women who are exaggeratedly feminine in the same way. They tend not to enjoy aggressive female traits and behavior. They like their girls to be GIRLY. Dominant pheros would be a total turn-off to men of this kind. NOT an insult, please don't take it that way. I happen to be personally drawn to exaggeratedly masculine men - dated many a football player meself, so I've noticed and been made aware of idiosyncricies of the genetic type. Bearing your neck for him to sniff - fab technique ::wink:: sexy, thoroughly submissive (in appearance). If you've got a mega-male, challenging their masculinity, even subliminally, is rarely the path to their hearts. More often it leads to fights.
  2. You betcha! I adore that seaweedy undertow from the Bladderwrack, which I might add, I personally infused over several months from the dry sea weed itself. Hmmm, don't you think Bladderwrack would be a good name for a Punk band?
  3. Well, our wonderful Phero Guru introduced me to a pharmaceutical lab that is going to create precise phero juice for us from now on. I was on the phone to Mr. Dude today, and I read him this thread, so he's going to do this - or something quite similar for us very soon. YAY! He's doing 4 of them for us to start with: this 'chatty rapport' blend that you (and coincidently our Guru too) have been talking about; an extreme sexual attraction potion for men, ditto for women, and also what he calls a MILF blend, and Danna and I will be calling our "Cougar Potion" LOL! We have been laughing our asses off about this one and I can't wait to make it. It's for 'older' women, to give off the impression of being quite a bit younger, and for attracting young hunks. Ahhh, I think it will be my new staple scent. LOL! He's also going to start building us a library of phero blends for different purposes, so that we can add any phero blend of your choice to any of the existing perfumes in our catalog for an additional fee. You might also be interested in what he was explaining to me as 'the law of diminishing returns'. He said there's a level of prime effectiveness as far as dosage goes, and he's going to provide specific instructions as to how much to add to each bottle of perfume for it to be at its best. He said, wearing more after that specific level is attained ends up costing you more money while not working any better. Such as, I might put 20% heavier concentration into the perfume, but after the prime level, it might only increase the effectiveness by 2%, so that I am wasting 18%. - - I know many of you guys are pros with pheros and may know this already, but while a pro at the "magic" part, I am a newbie to the phero part, so this is all fascinating to me.
  4. Potion Master

    Dirty Sexy

    I adore this one too. I've been putting it on to sleep in and have fevered dreams. And isn't the label picture fabulous? I want to look just like her in my next life.
  5. I noticed PayPal had an emergency maintance outage last night. Could perhaps be fixed by now. (Ahhh, Mercury retrograde.) The easiest thing is if you just send me a note listing what you want and I'll reserve the bottles for you - I can send a PayPal invoice that you can pay when the issue is resolved. Other than that, we only accept Money Orders at this time.
  6. All of the LP varieties share the same recipe at its base. Winter 08 has a TON of butter in it, as well as the scent of winter preserves / candied fruits. Autumn has pumpkin, fig, dried leaves and a hint of spice.
  7. I wore this one yesterday and I'm wearing it again today. On me, I barely get any floral - it's layers of the different musky notes, one atop the other, with a hint of a woody floral in the background. I think what Dolly is perceiving as the "floral of antiquity" is actually the scent of Ambergris in the mix. Yes, May. I think you would like this one. It's a bold scent and I expect that those who like Bastet will enjoy this one as well.
  8. I will not disagree with you there. I'd like to burn it in a room full of people and see how they react to it.
  9. Hey! Betrothal Potion isn't supposed to get you mauled! It usually inspires quite tender and respectful adoration. It must have been your own sexy self.
  10. So, I'm wearing the Hoodoo U Love potion today, and I went into the kitchen where Danna is busy doing a tremendous amount of grinding and chopping of ingredients for your Kyphi incense, and she says, "What are you wearing? That smells good....you should send some of that to Rob." (Danna's beloved) And I say, "What makes you think of Rob?" She says, "I dunno - it just reminds me of him." And I LOL! "It's the MAGIC, it's working! I'm wearing Hoodoo U Love!" ::happy dance around the kitchen:: - yay yay yay!
  11. We added the Goblin Market Set to the SPECIALS section this month. If one wanted to order all three full sized bottles, you can get the set for a $15.00 discount.
  12. Thank you for the lovely posts, ladies. This is one of my favorite blends too - I made sure to grab myself another bottle before it sold out. ::greedy::
  13. Ahhh, the Accolade is one of my favorites too. It was one I considered for this month's releases as well.
  14. The one I used for Robin and Marian is called "The Kiss", by Italian artist Francesco Hayez 1791-1882. You can buy a very affordably priced print of it from the wonderful non-profit organization, The Art Renewal Center, which specializes in fine art preservation, sharing and education. Here is a direct link to the picture: http://www.artrenewal.org/asp/database/image.asp?id=19820
  15. Ok, we will begin uploading everything today. Here are some teasers for you...
  16. LOL! I actually went to see that film when it came out. Opening weekend in Westwood. There was no more than 12 people in the audience, and a couple of them walked out in the middle. I went with another musician friend, and we were convinced that no one else in theatre 'got it'. It's amazing how the popularity of that film has grown into a cult phenominon.
  17. Ahhh...somebody gets it. LOL!
  18. Oh! Fascinating. Thanks for explaining that to me. Maybe, if you put on unscented moisturizer, and then your perfume, it might give you a base so your skin doesn't suck it all up right away? By the way, we also make scented lotions and creams, by special order. I wore Spider Silk this week a couple of times, it's a truly powdery blend - gorgeously silky. I had forgotten how long it lasts. I could still smell it quite strongly after nearly 24 hours on my skin.
  19. No, no. To clarify, they are not all natural, (and natural does not = skin safe, by the way) they are just made very 'cleanly', with exceptionally high grade ingredients, and with dilutants that have proven to be hypoallergenic to most people. And without any chemical preservatives, silicones, stabilizers, etc. Our perfumes are a blend of natural and synthetic ingredients.
  20. LOL! It smells like that on me too, but it smells awesome on Danna! She wears it all the time!
  21. I actually have a question about what everyone means when they say things 'turn to powder', and why that is so undesirable. I happen to love a powdery note here or there, and sometimes do my best to create one on purpose. For example, Oak Moss, certain types of Jasmine, and certain types of Sugar are guaranteed to produce a powder note, and I enjoy using them in my blends. What is so bad about it?
  22. That makes me so happy to hear!
  23. It has a lot of natural ingredients in it, and some of them are heavier oils than others. If I were to add perfumer's alcohol or a chemical stabilizer, it would make them blend, but I don't want to do that. I like that our products are 'fresh', and that people who are normally sensitive to commercial fragrances because of the chemicals, can wear ours without having a skin reaction.
  24. That is EXACTLY what Linnea was going for with this scent. A scent that would bring you right back to your sultry vacation on the beach.
  25. Well, here is my take on the matter. When we blend something for a specific magical purpose, the balance of the ingredients can at times be very important, so if you're messing with that balance, you can negate the 'magic' of the potion. This is especially true with ritual potions such as Chakra Balancing Potion, Manifestation Potion and Justice Potion for which I worked really hard to measure and balance and empower each of the entities within them. (You will usually see these described as 'ritual' potions on our site.) With other blends, it is not as important. Some are a collection of ingredients that share similar properties, such as love attraction, prosperity attraction, etc, and the amount of each ingredient is not as crucial - it is brewed to smell good, so if you add other things to adjust it to your senses, it's not really messing with the magic. Now, does it have to be perceptable? Yes. Consciously? No. The potions are supposed to evoke a subconscious reaction in people, based upon their emotional reactions to the scents, and also the vibe that the wearer may be emitting while wearing the scent. It is the art of persuasion, via aroma. It is meant to be so subtle, that the person is not aware they are being persuaded by it. I am often asked if these will work like a spell over long distances, when the object cannot smell the potion, and the answer to that is NO. If you want to effect the person at a distance, you need to place the scent in their hands - a scented letter or object, a scented necklace, a hankerchief, something like that, and make sure that the person associates the scent with YOU. Hope that helps answer your questions!
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