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Everything posted by StoremyWhether

  1. I couldn't help it, I ended up with FB of half the line: Agent XXX, Sandy Bottom, Cuchi Head, Katerina Suit and Goldie Fingers. I'm thinking if it doesn't run out, I may be back later for another bottle of Agent XXX.
  2. Stacy, I agree. Until Beccah reminded that the base is the same for all the variants, I hadn't really thought about it either. I think its the vanilla, amber and patchouli that are the base but it did stop me for a second and wonder if maybe apricot could be a smidge in each. I'm excited to try the OCCO Red and see how it differs from LP Red. I'm really interested to see what the apricot does to it because I can't picture the scent at the moment!!!
  3. I'm with ya on that DD! Jouir De apparently is stinkville on most. If I wait long enough... it turns into the most awesome scent ever on me but Frambuesa y Coco... I just can't get it to like me like it does everyone else! LOL
  4. Is it a scent in LP Red that reminds you of apricot? I've never gotten that when I wear it but I know sometimes a note in a fragrance can come across as something different. I know others have mentioned that in different threads. I was just wondering because all the description mentions for it is vanilla, amber, patchouli, cinnamon, dark sugars, woods and resins. That was part of the reason I hadn't gotten the OCCO yet because I was afraid the apricot might change the LP a lot but everyone says it's just as great.
  5. I've missed all the "which Bond is best" posts (Connery, minus the Zardoz outfit which would not even look good on Henry Cavill. *stopping to consider - yeah, no.*) but I am so excited to see the descriptions. Yay!!!
  6. LP Red doesn't have any apricot in it as far as I know. I always get a cinnamon vanilla incensey sort of fragrance from it. I've been wanting to try the OCCO Red and read that one does include it. Since I haven't tried either yet, I've wondered myself how much it changes the scent with apricot added compared to just LP Red.
  7. Thanks everyone, that really answers my question! I'm glad I got extras now that I know. I may go the route like you did Luna and keep a PE batch all for myself. It really says a lot about Mara too ... just trying this and that until she reaches a good blend. She IS the mad scientist!!!
  8. Was this the male version of Barbarella? I'm speechless....
  9. Rose!! Indeed, MY hormones sometimes get the best of me but my head goes spinning monthly these days when I think of what I have to pull out of my cart in order to not go bankrupt!!! And thanks about the avi... that man is just perfect in my book especially when he's all scruffy.
  10. Couldn't agree more Maiea! Before, I would have attributed "green" to grassiness but this is really symbolizes that well ... think it must be the bamboo. That's the scent that really made me think the picture is perfect and the mint. And that brings me to a question: I know the PE's are really tailored to the request and she doesn't make them in large batches. If you find something that you LOVE, ADORE, CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT, can you request it again as a PE? I don't recall seeing it in a post anywhere because usually everyone is trying a different path for PE's but could you request yours again and Mara could make it again same as this one? Just a thought for future reference...
  11. Ahh, OCCO SLF. When I first got this, I thought it HAD to be the most lusty, bad girl scent there could be. I was proven wrong (Jouir De) so now when I roll this on, it seems sweetly musky and sultry. I'm like a bad girl wearing expensive silk instead of a bad girl into whips and gags (Jouir De). LOL I love Sex & Violins for the same reason but right now, I have sniffles again so its smelling slightly Pine-Solish.
  12. LOL. Snake potion. I'm so excited for you. You had to wait so long. It's so good to know now that I can wear it and not feel guilty!!!! Too bad it's just a PE. It's really the epitome of what I would consider a beautiful "green" scent. Next time I'm looking for one, I'm coming to you for ideas.
  13. FINALLY!!! Maeia, SO HAPPY that you're loving it even with travel shock!!!! LOL I agree, it does change on you!! But, I will say that I don't think you could have picked a more perfect picture. My thought was that I totally could see you walking along a quiet pond and I could picture how everything would smell as you walk along by the water. It's truly lovely. You and Mara created an awesome scent!!! Yay!!!!
  14. I had the funniest thing happen today at work while wearing Sneaky Clean and thought I'd share it. First, here's the background: About two weekends ago, I decided to pull out the Jouir De and go all out. I was dressed up and looking pretty good. I was feeling sexy and playful and LUSTY (after the hour dry down) and even noted to my husband that I was wearing the smuttiest scent I could think of. Yep, he got my meaning... probably the first time I've seen his glasses almost fall off his face. So, fast forward to today at 5:15 pm. Sneaky Clean hasn't been applied since 5 am and I meet him at his desk (we work at the same place, opposite ends of the site) to go home. I'm standing there maybe five minutes and all of a sudden, he looks at me and says "I'm pretty sure that is not the same perfume but it reminds me of that perfume you wore... you know which one I mean", eyebrow wiggle, smirky smile. LOL I had to laugh. Who knew that Sneaky Clean could be so smutteh!!!
  15. If you don't get a little sniffie in the future, let me know. We can trade emails through Mara and I'll send you one!! And yes, I do love it. It was just what I wanted (and I thought of it today as I was walking through the rain to get to my desk!!! Gosh Xev, I haven't had Giorgio in YEARS. LOL I'm going to have to try it on and think about that. It definitely is jasmine in the beginning, no doubt about that one, but you are right. It mellows out and the ozone comes through. I find that I like it most when I don't stick my nose right on top of it... like a whiff in passing. LOL I'm glad you liked it. It can give you some ideas on how you might change it up for what you were looking for in a rainy scent.
  16. Welcome aboard!! I think you'll find that this forum is a great place to find out good info on pheros but also how important scent can be as well. Dolly speaks the truth regarding so many applications besides just sexual!! If it wasn't for this forum, I wouldn't know half the information I do now. And the scents alone are reason enough to stay - they are all GORGEOUS, let alone the effects you can find with the phero blends. Glad you've made it here and looking forwarding to getting to know you too!
  17. Nice!! I like him as an actor. He looks good in uniforms too. Thanks MissHazel, I'll have to find that. It'll make up for all the Weeds episodes from Netflix that someone else has monopolized the tv to watch.
  18. LOL. You scared me Cheese! I saw your comment just now and I thought "crap, I go to bed and everything goes on sale. Noooooooooooo!"
  19. Oh my gosh!! I remember reading his request. Bottle number one has been selected. Check!
  20. Well shucks Stacy, I can't do funny snake pictures!! That would just be wrong with the gorgeous Maeia pic on her bottle. You need to be an ox or a monkey or something. LOL
  21. Thanks Stacy... So boldly I now go.... To stalk the scribe.... Mara and Co. are BRILLIANT!! Of course with Seven now becoming a super star, there could become issues of licensing fees. Probably a quiet settlement of catnip will handle the issue.
  22. I have a feeling that my cart list just got dumped. These all look so amazing. Double O has to be the absolute best name/pic ever. I laughed so hard my co-worker was looking at me funny!! How soon until we get to read up and line up? So excited!!!!
  23. Ah Maeia!!! I am so sad. I wish you had it by now. I can keep finding some funny "Year of the ...." pics if it makes you laugh until yours comes!!
  24. Drat!!! I can't even ogle until I get home in four hours!!! Double O Seven is the cutest thing ever!!! I so can't wait for the descriptions. Yay!!!
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