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Everything posted by ssupytalp

  1. This sounds magical! I hope it will work on me, I am curious about trying out Leather.
  2. If I am reading the description correctly (and I was too excited this morning to take the time to do so), it could be: " ...soft and loveable, fans of our Body Paint fragrance will find a delicious dream come true within a creamy cloud of four varieties of buttercream frosting, with a rich drizzle of vanilla and vanilla bean, swirling around a heart of two types of luxurious French Lavender and a tangy topping of huckleberry and elderberries, all upon a divine base of dense sweet black amber...." Yum yum yum!
  3. Just reading this makes me hungry... And I am curious about trying Blatant Inviation too! I wonder if I've ever tried a perfume that contained a pistachio note before? I doubt it - but I love pistachio ice cream (and the nuts too), so I'm sure it will work beautifully.
  4. Oh wow, that sounds really good! It's bound to be less soap-like than Bonded turned on my skin, I hope.
  5. I am really hoping this scent works on me, because I love the effects of Perfect Match but the scent of Bonded did not really work for me. (I have UN PM now as well, but like many people here have said, the pheros seem to work better when integrated with a fragrance)
  6. I am so glad that Gotcha! is not giving me the super-dizzy self effects anymore that it did the first time I tried it (even though I am still very careful with it), because this scent sounds SO good! I love lavender anyway, and the combination with vanilla, amber etc sounds gorgeous. No idea what huckleberry smells like (I am not even quite sure what huckleberry is, I don't think we have it here - will have to do a quick google!) so that will be interesing to find out.
  7. I'm really curious about this one! I actually quite like the LP honey notes I have tried so far (which, granted, were only 2 I think) but this one sounds very intrigueing as well.
  8. Ah, wonderful, that worked!!! Gorgeous, gorgeous labels - and because of the pretty label, I am now considering Absinthe of Malice as well! Can't wait for the notes on the new fragrances, I am SO curious.
  9. Oh, and like many here I read (and keep reading) the word Pumehana as another word for yoni. It seemed to make perfect sense!
  10. Yup, I asked Heather about that yesterday: it's the 10 women's releases. The price is also slightly higher than the normal FB set price, I think.
  11. These all sound SO exciting!!! I can't see any labels (or even places where they might be) for some reason, but I'm sure I'll see them eventually on the LP main site. Hmmm, trying to hone down my order to reasonable proportions... Of course, I might just place a second order towards the end of November, to spread the love a bit.
  12. I received a complementary sample vial of this with my first order, and decided to try it out today. It was a very rainy, dreary day and this happy looking label seemed like just the thing - and it was! In the vial and for the first two seconds on my skin (but not more than that, literally!) I smell a sweet, fresh flower, which I am assuming is the gardenia. It's lovely but not really 'me' - but no problem, because it just gives a wink and a smile and then disappears. To be followed by a lovely, creamy, warm, cuddly, delicous smell. I know this smell. I still haven't been able to place it, but it reminds me of a place or a person that is warm, comfortable, familiar, safe. It is sort of ambery, very warm and creamy. Like warm, fluffy, white pillows in the sunshine, for taking a nap on. It's gorgeous! I couldn't stop sniffing myself today. The kids I was babysitting liked it too, the youngest even asked at some point when were were roughhousing what that 'nice smell' was. (of course, he thinks gasoline is a 'nice smell' too: he is four years old and I think his crazy love for the movie 'Cars' has skewed his perspective a little bit....) Eventually, after a long and tiring day, the scent seemed to go a little tired on me as well. It was gorgeous for about 8 or 9 hours I think, and then it slowly turned a bit flat, a bit plasticky. So, I am not going to hunt down a bottle of it; as nice as it is, I have already found some scents (LP original! LP Pink, my darling one!) that I like even better. But I am going to fully enjoy using up this sample!
  13. Ooooh, I am a big fan of Nag Champa as well! Do you know which ones of the scents have that as a note? I am completely in love with the LP vanilla note too, it is gorgeous.
  14. Whoa, this is SO exciting! I have a small bit of money set aside for the update.... I am really curious! (and have to sit on my hands not to order some books until I know how much I am going to spend on this month's update)
  15. Welcome fellow newbie! It's a great place here - you're going to have so much fun! If you're not used to oil-based perfumes, they do behave a bit differently than alcohol-based (spray) perfumes. The scent melts more into your skin I think, and warms and changes from your body heat; the effect is usually not so much of a solid cloud, but more subtle, intermittent wafts of scent.
  16. Ah, LP Pink, how I love thee.... When I got my second ever LP parcel, something smelled divine when I opened it;like anything you had ever wanted to smell in a perfume (and in a food, and in a very sexy person) rolled into one. Now, of course, that parcel was full of delicious goodies; I did notice that a few labels were smudged and there were a couple of drops of oil in one of the plastic bags, but it took me a while to figure out that what I smelled was LP Pink. It's funny; I never considered myself a pink person, not even a grown-up pink, and this scent might not even be one I would have picked out for myself initially; but that whole fragrant parcel on my desk just kept calling me. I even thought about it when I was away from home. So today, I finally figured out that the leaky, delicious sample was LP pink, and I put some on... Then put on some more, and then some more. At first, on my skin, it is barely there. A soft, whispering, golden musk with a hint of sweetness; like a balmy summer night, that pink and golden sky in the west. But then after a while it grows warmer and sweeter, until it envelops me in a warm, pale golden cloud (it reads as more 'gold' to me than pink, for some reason) of delicious sweetness. But it's not cloying sweet, or even dessert-sweet to my nose; very warm and happy, not precisely light (I might slather on a little bit less next time, if only to make what is left of my sample last until the full bottle arrives) but it is light-hearted. I don't really get any fruits, fortunately; when I am conscious of a strong fruit note in a scent it usually reminds me too much of cheap shampoo, which puts me off. I barely even get florals; perhaps some juicy, candied edible flowers. (and yes, ok, in that case I would think of pink flowers. Something large and lush, the kind of flower that makes the plant it's growing on sway under it's weight) There is something almost tropical about this scent. It is lovely and cozy in this chilly weather, but I felt perfectly comfortable wearing it in a nearly overheated (lots of glass with bright sunshine on it) café and I think this one will work in summer just as well as in winter. A happy smell, calm and relaxed, very sexy but in a languid, almost slow kind of way; it is a scent that strokes my skin with soft, sensual fingers. It made me smile all day, and I think it made everyone I met smile as well!
  17. This scent is just beautiful!!! Very sweet and musky, but still light, not heavy at all; at some point, about 15 minutes after application, it threatens briefly to go a bit too green on me, but fortunately it changes it's mind and just distills into this gorgeous, silvery, shimmery cloud of deliciousness. I am really glad it's in the permanent collection, because it just feels like me. Wore it to the knitting group a few days ago - congruence up the wazoo of course, since more often than not the conversation tends to go into (far) TMI areas anyway. It was a tiny group this time though, because people were off studying, to a book group and having babies - there was just this other woman and myself, initially. Interestingly enough, although the other woman (let's call her 'A' ok?) is usually a bit on the loud side and tends to dominate conversations when the group is larger (or is just so loud that it is impossible to have a different conversation hear her), this time she was a bit more quiet; still very nice and friendly (and very proud of her first knitted sweater, which she had on) but just not as loud and talkative as on other days. I did find myself talking much more than I usually would... Not necessarily a bad thing, since people tend to comment that I don't share much about myself sometimes. We talked mostly about knitting patterns and making music etc, nothing really racy. All in all it was a very pleasant, calm, gentle atmosphere - very nice! Towards the end of the evening a third woman joined us, and then the conversation did get a bit more 'wild', talking about having your period and having to use toilet paper, mentrual cups, queefs and farts etc... It was fun! Nothing really out of the ordinary for us, so I'm not sure I would count any of it as a 'hit', but the scent and the feeling it brings with it are very nice.
  18. This one sounds SO good! Not just the effects, but the scent as well - but unfortunately, it turned out to be one of the ones that caused me trouble with the cart because it was, in fact, sold out. I think part of the reason I wanted it so much was the label, it's adorable! Might have to get a bottle of Topper then (next month) because the effects sound right up my alley.
  19. Just a little update: I ended up dropping a handful of samples from the order I was considering, and ordered both Perfect Match and Heart and Soul. The perfume I have with PM in it (Bonded) does not really suit me as a scent (well, it turns into something really lovely, but it takes about 4 hours to get there...) but the effects so far, both on myself and others, have been wonderful. Heart and Soul just sounds terrific in a different, less chipper but more 'dear' way.... And I think Treasured Hearts is on my list for next month!
  20. Thank you both! I'm leaning towards either Perfect Match (which is available, even though the cart won't cooperate for some reason ) or Heart and Soul. And if I do get H&S now, I will probably get PM next month, perhaps in a spray. LOL, StacyK, I've hardly dabbled in anything at all yet - only received my first LP order last week! I did try cops for two days and found them pleasant, they made me feel quite cheerful; oddly enough the only effects on others so far seemed to have been women being extra-helpful, the men I've met haven't noticed anything yet (but perhaps I didn't use enough, afraid of overdoing it) I did try out Bonded (with PM) twice and while I like the effects of the phero (it made me feel carefree and happy, and caused some girls I sort of know to tell me aaaaaalllll about their day; they seemed so delighted to talk to me!) I'm not crazy about the scent it's in. Still pondering.... I mean, it's not like I won't end up with all of these (and a few more besides) eventually; it's just a matter of deciding which one to get first, finances being rather limited.
  21. Thanks! Emailed you back: that link still gives me 'item unavailable' as soon as I try and go through the Paypal checkout, unfortunately. Still curious about people's preferences regarding H&S and TH though: I wonder if either of those might not be even better than PM....
  22. Reviving this thread because I am curious about the differences in effect between Treasured Hearts and Heart and Soul as well! (there is an older comparison thread too, here, but I am hoping people will have even more to say about them now) Does anyone have experiences to share with these two? Do you use them both (alternating) or do you find you prefer one over the other? If so, in which situations? They both sound like really good, all round social blends - but if I wanted to add a smidge of cops into the mix on occasion, when a certain gentleman is around, which one would combine best with that? I was looking for alternatives to Perfect Match, which I am having trouble ordering unscented, so now I find myself torn between these two....
  23. Good to know, thank you both! It's not in a lot of blends fortunately, so if I decide it's not for me it should be relatively easy to avoid - but yeah, I'm quite hopeful I can get used to it!
  24. Yeah, I wondered if there is one specific element in this that made me feel like that - unfortunately, it's a blend with rather a lot of ingredients so it could take some time to pin it down (would have to find samples of stuff that have some but not all overlapping ingredients). I am sort of kind of contemplating a small order of some more samples later this month - I might tweak it a bit with that in mind. Scanning the page with Phero blends and their ingredients; I see Alpha-THDOC only in Gotcha!, there is Beta-THDOC in LFM and LFN and Balm Bomb, and plain THDOC in Popularity potion. That's all as far as I see right now. Not sure how similar those are to Alpha-THDOC... But at least it's not a very common ingredient, so if it is that, it would be relatively easy to avoid. Thank you for the tip!
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