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Everything posted by Maililyahn

  1. Maililyahn

    Kitten Heels

    Well, I was considering it but after this review I guess I will just order something else.
  2. Wow, thank you for sharing, Elizabeth! I love these so much. Now I kind of want to get some and some ink! Here is the link on Runesoup to sigils. Ultimate Sigil Magic Guide and walnut drawing ink can be bought online at Amazon. I can check work tomorrow to see if Michaels has it for those who are interested but they have downsized their inks so it is unlikely. We used to have a large array of colors though. I was fond of the red ink for spells. (if another ink wasn't more appropriate) I do know that Michaels still has dip pens. Crow quill pens and calligraphy dip pens, as well as the inks, are in the drawing section. They don't get asked for often so don't let an employee say that they don't carry them, cause they do. Now back to careful plotting of money and purchases.
  3. These are wonderfully beautiful, powerful and mysterious. They draw you in with the familiar bits that you can make out and keep your interest with the design and intricate nature. Very lovely. I enjoy making bindrunes and finding the best way to add each rune so that intent and design are matched. These remind me of that but obviously different so I am very interested to hear about Elizabeth's process. I have never used spell paper. I am curious. Is it like Magician's flash paper? I used to work in a magic shop and you have to be quick with that stuff. (Once you get to the lighting it on fire part anyway) It sounds interesting also. ...And now I am very sure I need ,more money than I currently have because I want all of them.
  4. Ooh, reality check cashed in by Luna!
  5. I think scents cling better in the oil. Lingers with little whiffs and hints of wonderful through out the day. So perhaps that is why it seems deeper and more complex. Sprayed perfume seems to be all out there and then all gone. I haven't tried many LPMP sprays but I think that's the nature of most sprayed scents. I guess if they were to both have a death scene then oils would be the dramatic flailing and gasping for breath, along with a few potent words before departing while in the arms of a lover and sprays would be the quick bullet wound to the head of a very vital likable supporting character and the sudden realization that its gone sooner than you'd like. Or maybe I am just used to oils. I really want to try them together.
  6. Congrats, Ceiling Cat! And also congrats to You Mrs. Kravitz!
  7. So Aja smells like someone else having sex to me...or sex was just had in the room. What I mean is that Cops seems to blend very quickly with my own body and it becomes a part of my scent. Aja stays a little separate. I always notice it. It melds over time but it doesn't truly have the same bonding ability as cops. I like it though. It is potent and has that naughty edge to it. Tonight I wore it with Crimson Black because the rose and musk in that scent seemed to be enough to keep up with Aja. I put Aja on first and then Crimson Black over it and she came out swinging. For a while, during dry down, I smelled mostly Crimson Black with only the very barest of hints of Aja. Then they sort of settled down and started getting along and it was sexy and smooth. Aja added another level to the scent instead of drowning it out and they both lasted until my shower. Also I promise that I have not gotten a second job in any bordellos to know what other people having sex smells like.
  8. I think there is a post somewhere about migraines and scent triggers. I know that when I am having a migraine that some scents (even ones that I have loved at other times) are just NO. I had a migraine for three days after getting my January scents and it seemed that anything with musk in it made my head pound to the point of not being able to think straight. I can't blame it on the musk though. I have worn it before and after with no problems. In fact, I am wearing something with musk right now. Commercial bases give me headaches so most commercial perfumes are right out. I turned to oils years ago thanks to a vendor at the local Renaissance Festival and have loved them ever since. Mara's are some of the strongest I have ever found, lasting for hours and being strong enough that someone standing next to you can enjoy it also. I want to try the alcohol pheros here for more throw. I am just hoping that it doesn't give me any problems. I just haven't had the money to buy a full spray bottle of something. Donsie, have you used the sprays? And do commercial perfumes cause some of your headaches? Or anyone really? I love Gotcha. People seem more open and willing to talk. Mostly anyway. I had one guy actually seem to pull away from me who was normally very friendly and huggy. He was actually distant and stand-offish.
  9. Welcome, fellow Southerner. It was hard waiting for the first package. The rest are difficult also but at least you have lovely scents to play with. That first one was pure torture. If you wrote down everything that a scent would be good for then it would be more of a list than a description and that's no fun. I love the short descriptions that tell what the idea was behind the scent and the longer scenes and stories that go along with them. I have spent a long time just reading the descriptions of perfumes. I think they are an intricate part of the New Release experience. The first taste of all the wonderful new scents that have just become available. With that in mind there will be some serious stalking going on after Valentines Day.
  10. That's interesting! That is why the reviews are so helpful. People explain their real world experiences with the different pheros and that is very useful for other people deciding on which pheros to try. If people hadn't mentioned the other benefits on Dom and LFM then I probably wouldn't have tried them already but I love both of those.
  11. I didn't reply because on this subject I have yet had experience enough to answer. Though back in the days of boyfriendedness I do recall alpha androstenol doing great things in that area. I wasn't on the board then though so there might be better things and combos that I have yet to try. I just got the sampler and it is a great way to go. People kept talking about this scent or phero and using it for different occasions and I thought "Great, I have to buy so many different things. I have no idea where to start." Romantic ones were further down on my list than social ones but I kept reading about other benefits to the romantic ones. The sampler has some straight, non- phero scents and plenty with pheros to try. Then you can add samples of other things that catch your eye. These are a nice bunch of people. They haven't even kicked me out yet.
  12. LOL, NuTrix! Are you sure you wouldn't spend most of it here? How much trouble could that possibly get you into? Happy pre-birthday, Phergineer! I hope the busy day does include New Releases.
  13. I would hazard a guess that they will likely be up next week.
  14. I love it. I am not sure if I love it more than Red but definitely enough to keep using it. It is sweet but not too sweet, warm and sensual but not dirty. I can see why it was the original love potion and I think it is wonderful for intent and scent.
  15. I am unsure how I feel about it so far. It totally overtook JoAnna's Sweet Winter Chai. Later I put on LP Black and that was noticeable and lovely for a while. However it is late into the night and I can still smell Aja. It is...different.
  16. Hmm, I do love Beth's Blushing Milkmaid. It is a creamy sweet. Spring's Lusty Cherry is amazing also if you see some on the trade forum. Ladybird w/ Levitation was a surprise favorite of mine in November. Its juicy sweet and the phero is uplifting. I hear Land of Nog was a favorite from December. You might like Inspire Desire from January's collection. It is almost overwhelming how many there are to choose from. In a good way, like walking into a vault filled to the brim with tons of treasure to inspect. I still have scents to sample. I don't know how Luna has managed to smell all of her's or manages to remember what they smell like. (You should check out the epic stash thread and you'll see what I mean.) Her epic collection is a thing of inspiration.
  17. Yeah, I think they are great for that also. The little push caps seem less likely to come undone. I am glad the potential "Pink Supply Crisis" was averted. We can drop back to DEFCON Yellow.
  18. Maililyahn


    Interesting, Simply. I wonder what it is in there. One note or a combination. I know Wendy's Liquid Mystery reminds me of some perfume that my grandmother used to wear but I am actually quite fond of that memory.
  19. It is wonderful and I have a hard time pulling my wrist away from my nose with it also.
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