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Everything posted by Maililyahn

  1. That is a wonderful review, Simply, and very true. There are a lot of perfume oil scents that are like that. The latest one for me was Pink Elf. I didn't hate it in the vial but it wasn't amazing either. However, on, it becomes warm and rich. The scent is far more complex when body chemistry is added to it. I hope you enjoy your other ones also. If you let people know what you like about Red then they might be able to suggest others to try. Also, if you haven't found it, there is a newbie sampler of some of the most known scents on the gift shop page. (I'd link it but I am on my phone)
  2. Has anyone tried layering this with any of the sugareds or another scent? I love how it smells but it seems to disappear so quickly for me. Its spicy creamy goodness for a bit and then nothing. I love love love the smell of it though.
  3. Red is wonderful. It is still one of my favorites. I found out yesterday that some of my bottle spilled out in my little purse. Thank goodness the little rollerball stopped it from being a complete flood but I am going to have to get a new bottle soon. Of everything I have worn from LP, Red has gotten the most compliments...but that might just be that I wear it more than everything else.
  4. My package from LPMP arrived today along with the one from Bella! Thank you! I have spent the evening sniffing pretty much everything. I now have something on my thumb (from easing up the little caps) that I absolutely love but since I've smelled so many samples I have no idea which one it was! I -think- it might be Cuddle Bunny. I will have to check them all again...oh woe...
  5. I would say hello again but I am sure I wasn't here the first time so I will just say hello now.
  6. Does Leather make you nervous? I find Dominance makes me focused but I haven't tried it when anxious. Stressed, yes, anxious, no. Mega Watt is excellent for focus also but I don't know if that would make you anxious or not. Again, I've never felt that way while wearing it but I haven't worn it at a time that I've needed it for that. The other day I was anxious and depressed. I put on Balm Bomb before leaving the house. It took care of the anxious but I was still left with the depressed. I put on Dom later to help me power through the day and feel more in charge. So you could perhaps do that, start with one and then half way through the day change it. It seems to me that you are asking for a lot of different things from one phero and I'm not sure how one would accomplish all that. I'm no expert though so perhaps someone else here will find a way to do what you need without mixing them up (which seems like a bad idea to me) or applying one at the beginning of the day and another toward the end. Good Luck!
  7. LOL, I believe that is true and there are certainly worse things, or even less useful things to collect.
  8. I am still new but I have no doubt that you are right. The regular scents are all so amazing; I am sure spell potions will be fantastic! In the mean time I might need to start robbing some sofas.
  9. Sending good thoughts your way. I hope it gets better for you soon.
  10. Donsie, did you get one? Have you gotten it yet?
  11. Now might be the time to put in for tax refunds...assuming you're getting one.
  12. I have to agree with Ssupytalp. It is very light and after dry down I didn't smell a whiff of it at all. It was beautiful while wet; floral but not sharp, innocent, sweet and natural smelling, like a bunch of wildflowers instead of a arranged bouquet. The phero worked wonderfully. It was a good night at work with a shift full of women; everyone was calm and pleasant, no drama to be had. (Hooray for that!)
  13. I just want to know if Lady V is still loving it? This sounds lovely. I will hug my bottles of Spring's Lusty Cherry and try not to think of the Cherry scent that got away.
  14. Yes, when it dries down and is soft it is almost ethereal. Thankfully not the other, lol, Katz and Halo!
  15. It is beautiful and this tree is grown so tall that it is a gentle smell wafting down through the yard even on the hottest days. I also like the honeysuckle that blooms through the bushes nearby. If I could transport the blackberry bushes from my dad's place growing up then I would have a lot of happy childhood scents all in one place.
  16. Yes, I meant how the actual flower smells in the summer. There is a huge Magnolia tree in the front yard.
  17. You were all intimidating and supernatural then you became mortal and approachable. Its no surprise that you feel a little sad about it. Teasin. I haven't tried anything with Treasured Hearts so I have no insights on your reaction to it, except could it be related to monthly hormones? I know Heart and Soul and I didn't get along during PMS.
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