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Everything posted by Beccah

  1. Well welcome to LP, first of all. Secondly, maybe you should just add cops to the Heart & Soul, adding the extra est. from Cuddle Bunny may just make the mixture overwhelmingly cuddly, i.e. a snooze fest.
  2. I just wondered if they weren't getting that extra feel good boost from the higher levels of copulins that younger are women are producing & presumably giving them an extra testosterone boost? Like you know how some men say dating younger women "keeps them young"?
  3. This is an old thread, but it just raised a question for me. So if cops raise testosterone in men, then does that explain the older gentlemen that are obsessed with dating women in their early 20s? Like maybe it's a biological necessity for them, because their testosterone levels are dropping? I'm not judging, I'm seriously curious.
  4. The melons in the scent are very refreshing & the berry comes off as more cherry to my nose. Idk why, but I like it. I think this scent would hide cops nicely, so I will be testing this theory shortly.
  5. I'm wearing this today & I *LOVE* it. I kept eyeing it in the PE section, but when it hit the sale page, I knew I had to have it. At first it goes on like jasmine incense, probably because of the cardamom. Then the orange blossom comes out & gives this a lighter floral aspect. Power Flower really reminds of those gorgeously packaged Bee & Flower soaps that you can get for less than two dollars. The price is deceptively low for such good quality, great smelling soap. This fragrance is a nice clean floral smell.
  6. Firstly; what a difficult situation! Second, the freezer box spell will work, but only if you specifically know what your aims are with it. So unless she's targeting you directly, there's not much you can do with magic. I know that it feels like a direct attack, her sleeping with the man attached to you, but you have to remember that most people are basically selfish & you're most likely a casualty after she set her sights on the now ex-bf. It's so hard not to take things personally, but it may help if you can get to the point of having giggle @ the thought of her relieving you of your garbage. I mean seriously, your trash was her treasure, lol! She sounds like a real winner! *_ insert sarcasm here
  7. Yup! Welcome to the forum! Working on getting your heart back in tip-top shape should be the first order of business. Once he sees how over him you are (the faster, the better), the more appealing you'll seem to him. & a dash of LP Red couldn't hurt, but I would definitely wait until you could care less about him for that. You know what they say, living well is the best revenge, darlin'!
  8. Beccah

    Poetry and Grace

    I just know I love this one, it's very nice!
  9. Maybe they were feeding the LP squirrels coffee?
  10. The one-shot $29 PEs are only 3 notes + a sugar, & you can get it in spray form for the additional $15 fee. That looks like it would fall in the proper requirements
  11. Lavender Musk & Lavender Tea? May I ask WHAT you ladies are trying to do to my credit card this month????
  12. My first instinct was to vote Open Windows, but than I considered that salons are generally filled with women & B2 is especially excellent for calming crabby ladies ETA: TeddyBB would also be a nice, happy calming one as well.
  13. I'm with you! I haven't worn this for quite some time & it's aged beautifully. I'd forgotten the notes & I kept swearing this was an apple scent, so I went to refresh my memory: It is still a yum! scent, that's gotten better with age.
  14. Went sale crazy: Dirty Pretty Thing Mercury RetroNaught Wall of Protection Blessing Oil Return to Me Jinx No More Love Drawing Potion Peaceful Home (I think) Dagmar's Flower Power & trial's of Sarasvati, Neanderlicious. Nox/B2 tart
  15. Beccah

    Voodoo Valentine

    This is AWESOME as a car freshener!!! Seriously, if you have it & something to diffuse it with in the car, I say do it! I arrived @ my 8 am class alert & in a great mood, even though we had a test that I wasn't looking forward to.
  16. Welcome MoonHolly, & congrats on your recent graduation!
  17. I'm also in trouble, because Paypal is offering BillMeLater for all of their merchants now...must have restraint!
  18. Hmm, I wonder if teh delicious candy scents will sate my appetite for the real thing???
  19. Well if it makes you feel any better the end isn't supposed to come until the December 2012, so I think we're safe December 2011 As I said before, if the end does come, at least I won't have to pay back my student loans!
  20. Welcome, it will be fun getting to know you
  21. I like this one, it came out as being a lot greener than I expected! Very fresh.
  22. Yes it is....the dirtiest LP I ever smelled was Jouir De & this was the second dirtiest. Since it doesn't contain any of the civit that amps unbearably on my skin, I can gleefully wear this, probably in my steam-punk gear blasting NIN, hehe. How my Goth b.f. J would've adored this one!
  23. Ail, I've missed you & I CAN'T wait 4 the HSFTH!!! TT will be very glad for this as he made the mistake of polishing off my brownies this week & I threatened to shank him if he touched the other 2 batches I made
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