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Everything posted by cinnamonmel

  1. Yay my Far Far Away just got here! Awesome timing since the vial I had lost a triangular chunk of the glass yesterday or the day before when I tried to undo it (I don't have superhuman strength ha ha I think maybe it had a crack lol). Love the Lorelei's English Breakfast sniffee, and some Extra Curricular...wooo, thanks! Also awesome timing since I now like it and only have a trial vial! Smokey the cat is sooooo adorable.
  2. cinnamonmel


    This sounds yummy, I've had a thing for green apple recently, I'd like to smell this one.
  3. Based on reports on my other forum I belong to, yes. Some bits of your body are hotter/greasier/sweatier, and it all plays a part. If you're interested in the science of scent, there's a book of the same name which was very interesting, a lot went over my head - quantum physics - but I grasped enough to still make it an interesting read. I think to dumb it down completely, each scent molecule is of different weights (the old top and base note thing), vanilla being fat and heavy sticks around, orange is light and floats away fast, so I guess heat increase in certain parts speeds up which bits of scent come to the forefront. I love love love that perfume can smell different from person to person, and even yourself day to day. It makes it magical.
  4. Well I went from hating to loving Pouncing Potion, so a bottle of that. Can you believe I.ve never worn cops straight before?? Tried Phero Girl but didn't like it, but woo.. Turns out love the cops effect! Nothing else planned. Maybe a sampler but hoping not to like anything! Ha. We'll see.
  5. Success! Lol. Bless Sister Linda indeed. Sorry to hear you're in the same boat Invidiana. I had dreams about visiting the dentist and that my neighbours were selling up. Woke up sad it wasn't true. I'm really hoping I don.t fancy anything this time. Sorry electric company- I bought perfume instead of paying my bill! True story.
  6. calii! I have no problem cradle robbing- but he looked so young it freaked me out a bit, like people'd be wondering what we were doing together.
  7. Forgot to add(no edit on phone)-First trial was a tiny dab, second go I poured it on lavishly. More it seems is more scent wise for this!
  8. Do try it again, you never know. I was repulsed first sniff. I notice this smells better on my inner elbow than wrist.
  9. Wore this for a date. Didn't feel in the mood at all but managed to get over my normal getting dressed freak out and go. On the way a neighbour joins me at the bus stop, very enthusiastically chatting away, tells me i look 'really well' at least twice. Go to meet my date. I'm mortified as he looks about 12 in person, but we manage in the end to have an okay conversation. At the beginning though, his voice is shaking with nerves, keeps telling me how he looked forward to our date all week, then at the end he keeps telling me what a great time he had. It was two drinks in a pub so i think i phero'd him pretty badly.
  10. Wow, well I think I cops'd my nose into not being able to smell them any more. Gave this another go today, and am now horny and smelling like apricot-vanilla. Gave the big kid a sniff so as to see if it was just me thinking it was okay, but really reeking of <insert female parts term of choice> but she says mmmmmm you smell like Burts Bees Baby Perfume. I know it is peach but the sweet juice from peach can smell is gone and is more fuzzy and more like apricot now. Dammit do I have to buy this one too now??
  11. I'm impatient!! I have every respect for the busy load, but it doesn't stop my inner scent-addict from going neeeed new scents NOWWWWWW! I have zero sex life, something has to excite me each month and fill the void
  12. If it's very cherry-ish, I will prob let my bottle go for swaps. Form an orderly stampede
  13. My five year old has now claimed this for her own. She said she wanted sleep perfume tonight. I reach for the Pillow Stuffing. She says no, she wants Gold. I'm like whaaaaa...oh, that's not sleep perfume. She says 'it is if it makes me feel sleepy'. Fair point. It didn't though, she's just conked out two hours later. It smells nice, but doesn't make you sleep lol.
  14. Ah, that's cool, I was only thinking it was the phero itself, and was gonna be careful where I put it. I love the effects anyway, it wouldn't have stopped me using it (Heart's Ease), I like it too much!
  15. Well, much as I don't like this, I realised when I wore Far Far Away, I also had a tiny dab of this on too, so I figured I should test it alone, not keen on the smell or not, so I put some on my legs(shorts on, short ones), right before my food shopping guy turned up a bit early. Well I think I got him 'cos he very patiently explained the whole refund process on substituted items and then told me all over again later on, like he didn't want to go, he was nice looking too! Very tall and tanned with big hands...I digressss lol..As for me, mmm I like how this makes me feel, goes well with the sunshine, I'm all mmmmm I feel HOT! It also has a feeling of...'yeah you should find me attractive' about it and a bit of 'I don't give a shit if you don't like me' confidence. Gonna have to buy this next! Don't like the scent though, but don't care. My ex was nice too. Thanked me for the food HE brought over from a family friends house that he then shared with me. That made me laugh! Later he came back with the kid's bits and pieces he'd forgotten like nightmare-kitty and gave me a bottle of wine the family friend had refused to take.
  16. liking the sound of this if it's not overly masculine? I have a problem with 'herbal' scents often as they can just smell to me like mens deo to me. Love the idea of neroli and lemon blossom though and i like dill. Sounding good for the hot weather we're finally getting here.
  17. wow, interesting. This is in hearts ease right? I'll bear this in mind. Thanks for the info.
  18. Love this. Ex came to pick me up for our bigger kids party today. First thing he says.. You look nice. Well, totally surprised! We get through the party in a relaxed and happy way, go round a few shops after the bowling party and we go into lush. Sales guy says to big kid, hey happy birthday (she has a sticker on), how old are you today? Do you like bath bombs? Then he asks which is her favourite and bags it for her and says it is a gift from him. Day carries on pleasantly and i get my ex to agree to come over and cut the grass tomorrow. I'd say this works very well for us both!
  19. I thought juicy pear at first sniff, then it was peach, peachy peachy peach with the others lurking below. Fruitalicious. Yum. I want this phero'd, I think it could take it.
  20. Can't get my nose around this one...morphing...Cadburys Crunchie, brown sugar, floral over and over.
  21. This is pretty much exactly what I was going to say! Very like LP Silver, really like this, wish I'd gotten a bottle.
  22. Oh goodness! Gonna wear this for my date tomorrow I think! Reminds me of the mure et musc moisturiser I used to use years ago. There's kind of a hint of lavender but blended right into the blackberry, love the fruity purpleness of it.
  23. Wow, this IS like Cuddle Bunny scented with a creamier base, I like it. Could use it to top up my scent without amping up the pheros
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