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Everything posted by missdarlyncherie

  1. Hey! Yes, what did you order and I love your sassy avi!
  2. Yes I just love those birds...glad I need a bottle of the UN soon!
  3. I did get this in the sale for my mom. She has not come by to get it...who can know they have an LP waiting around for them and not pick it up ASAP!? People are crazy...
  4. This is my favorite daytime LP at the moment. I have worn it THREE days in a row for crying out loud. I do not normally do that. It is just so perfect for these hot muggy days we are having, I cannot imagine wearing anything else. Everyday I try to talk myself into switching it up and I end up slathering this. Not that it takes much, this perfume goes a long way and lasts forever. It is so bright and peachy at first but the orange blossom gets a handle on that peach before she can get too out of control. I suspected that I liked orange blossom from some scents in the past, now I know I LOVE orange blossom. I could not identify the other mystery ingredient at all, I just knew it was something that kept the peach and orange blossom from being TOO young smelling. I had to ask Cheesy and she informed me it was blonde woods...When that part kicks in it takes this "pretty" perfume up a notch to something much more "alluring"! Now I have figured out that I love Blonde woods too. I really seem to amp this part more and more through the wearing and I just couldn't be happier about that. All in all this is a gorgeous innocent scent with a bit of mystery peeking out!!!
  5. Oh I see the new label now!! So cute and love the colors too!!! I only have this one in Kiss of Magic now, I need another bottle of UN...it is a fantastic social!
  6. Oh yeah...this and Katarina were definite must haves FB's this month. Coco Honey...so sexy and comforting!!! And as LV said...Katarina...LETHAL. Love them both.
  7. Hi Siren! Somehow I missed your welcome thread...have fun here!!
  8. That is exactly what I was thinking when I saw the font with the wispy hair and flowers.
  9. I absolutely love this label, one of my favorites. I also love the font. I bet this smells divine...
  10. Better off to just make sure to experiment with the blends that have high est...there are so many of them!
  11. Yes, October 21 is my birthday and each forum member usually purchases $100 gift certs in my name. I am not sure who started it but it is an event you should be aware of. eta:
  12. Fuzzy Wuzzy was Gotcha! November is all phero month where the whole monthly sampler is phero enhanced and ALSO in the past Mara has offered the UN pheros in trial spray sizes!
  14. And then some people mix them and then they are all BLAMMING around. I should try that since I have a sample of BAM, never used. I'm not really into bonding I don't think. Unless it leads to new dresses like with Gotcha...
  15. I hope there really is a thread and I didn't just conjure that up in my head...I would hate to send you on a wild goose lam/bam chase! LAM is the alpha nol upbeat party mix. That is the one I tend to lean towards. I don't have enough experience with BAM though.
  16. That all depends if you are a LAM GIRL or a BAM GIRL! I think there is actually a thread on this subject. Are you going to be wearing it for more of a good time friendly party mix or do you want to bond a bit more with someone?
  17. Why yes it Is! Now that I think about it, that is a very appropriate and funny name!
  18. i know! I would feel guilty like Honeycake...but...we cannot prove it was the Gotcha that led her by the nose so...I feel I have plausible deniability.
  19. So I have been raving all over on other threads about the awesome effects of Gotcha on women, and that is mainly because it has turned into my "go to" work phero and most of my clients are women and that is where I am getting really consistent results...Not that I don't get good results from men. I get similar responses to this as Cuddle Bunny which is all good! Anyway...today... I now keep my Gotcha in my purse and spray it on in my room about 20 minutes before my first client comes in and then get the room ready so that the phero settles into me and flies around the room. So my first client is one I have had for at least seven years, we always chat quite a bit during the facial, have a good time..., she mentioned that there was a new boutique in town I would probably like and that she was going there afterwards. After her I had a few more clients and then went to lunch. When I got back from lunch the salon owner hands me a fancy shopping bag and says my client dropped it off for me! There was a sticky note on it that said "I picked this up for you from the new boutique, hope you like it!" I opened it up and it was a dress! My client bought me a cute as hell sexy little dress?! WTH?! When I called her she said that when she saw that dress all she could think about was how perfect the colors were for my hair and eyes (she is not hitting on me by the way...I know her well enough to know this) Ok...I guess it is possible that after bonding with this woman for at least seven years she could have all of a sudden thought of me while seeing a dress and decide to surprise me with it, Gotcha or no Gotcha but...seems like a hit to me.
  20. Yeah the only thing I am worried about with Luna's WW is how sweet the peach is going to hit me in the face. I also want Smitten and Spencer's Courage I have decided.
  21. Oh no, we were talking about BI when referring to the aggressive 'Enone up thread...!!
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