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Everything posted by luna65

  1. I'm kinda hoping it's like Super for Men and Cuddle Bunny had a lust child.
  2. Right...I seem to recall something about broadcasting chemical signatures which cause us to sync up...but here's the weird thing: I've experienced the sync (as I call it) with friends across the country, in some cases I've never even seen the other. I'd say it was biological coincidence except...numerous times? So there's a few factors at work, it seems.
  3. Aaaaah, you have GOT to tell me all about the blue when you get it. Spare no detail. I have to wait a while till I can get more pheros but I keep thinking about Blue Shield and whimpering with scent lust.
  4. I believe any social construct is inherently hierarchial unless the participants actively choose to conduct it in an egalitarian fashion. Our conditioning is such that hormones are not required, it makes itself evident in every medium (real life and online). However, that is an interesting point...how our pheromones may influence our own behaviors within a social construct. We already know the kind of signals they can broadcast - either to ourselves or others - but how they interact in a group...I'm sure Ail has collected evidence in that regard.
  5. Hee! I'd better be careful or Danna's gonna accuse me of sneaking into the workshop again!
  6. Heh, granted I was waiting for Rosebud, as someone from the medical field, to say something first, BUT: (informed opinions deconstructing my suppositions always welcome) -addiction is about maintaining the state of euphoria which is experienced as a matter of the brain being rewired by the substance in question and therefore there are so many factors involved in terms of combating an addiction - psychological triggers, physical responses, environmental contributors, for example - that I truly don't believe it's a case of an either/or substitution in terms of whether pheromones would work in such a scenario. -I have the notion that pheromone use can be psychologically addictive, but I've yet to find any evidence in the literature, of course. This is merely my own inkling from the years of observation I've amassed. -While it does seem "true" that rehabilitation methodologies can involve substituting one crutch for another (as the addictive personality will always seek a crutch of some kind, it's a matter of finding the crutch which is the least destructive to body, mind and lifestyle) I don't know how theraputic it would be to use something like pheromones, as their usage could also carry drug-like connotations (and it's about eschewing the concept of drug use altogether in some schools of thought). Going for the endorphin release of the "runner's high" for example, is an example of a good strategy as it will enhance your well-being on several levels. But using pheromones to trigger your endorphins as a coping strategy against stress or other psychological triggers is perhaps too close to those behaviors which the addict is seeking to discontinue.
  7. Well that could be as well, though I'm thinking people have said Fairy Lure smells like Fruit Loops.
  8. LOL, I was thinking it's supposed to smell like either Trix or maybe Fruity Pebbles, but not so much fruiity as just sweet. Possibly Cocoa Puffs. *edit* Oh wait, it just came to me...I bet it smells like KIX!
  9. This is velvety-smooth and deep, but seems to lack a certain vavoom from the previous versions, although that may be the point. The rose always remains as just a hint in the background; my skin must like this one too much and just merged with it stat.
  10. In my experience, EST is also responsible for a I want to make babies with you vibe; when men get protective and worshipful that's one of the ways the impulse manifests itself...sort of the highest compliment they can give, heh.
  11. That was very interesting, especially considerations that male homosexuality (as example) is a hard-wired construct. I tend to believe that sexuality as a whole is an intricately-layered strata of biological, psychological and sociological influences, but for men - linear thinkers that they are - it makes sense that it's more of an either/or propostion. Thanks for sharing.
  12. Sweetie, that's all well and good, but Katz was the one who made the comment, not Steph. and she was just teasin'. Hmm, this makes me think we should all create homages to our teenage sexual experiences. I think mine probably smelled like chlorine (hours in the pool), Jiffy Pop (watching TV), and the definite SLF which followed on the couch after my mom went to bed.
  13. OMG it's like you made the Blue just for me! (And I'm going to believe that no matter what. )
  14. luna65


    Black Books? I love that show too.
  15. Pure speculation, but I'd say: Fig: top note Vanilla: heart note Amber: base note
  16. luna65


    OMG Superjail! That is one of the few times in my life I have used the phrase that shit is fucked up. The Boosh is awesome, I agree...my OTL and I have an agreement: I'll watch Top Gear for him, and he'll watch The Mighty Boosh for me.
  17. I think the tropical vanilla one is supposed to be The Sand Witch.
  18. Heh, I came to that (rather obvious) conclusion too and changed my guess post.
  19. Well it's always good to experiment! It's a subjective experience, though (IMO) because since every scent usually has a unique characteristic to each of us, therefore the layering will produce something which may or may not be appreciated by everyone. There are some exceptions of course (like Cuddle Bunny working with just about anything else, for example), but yeah, you definitely have to take a chance sometimes to find the prize.
  20. Right, I saw your reply to Ail in the other thread. I bet that was interesting, given how bright Tail is and how dark Nasty Habits (one of my favorites) is.
  21. I've noticed more attention (as has been evidenced by others) with SC, less sparkliness for myself. I actually feel more edgy and less giddy, but something may be skewing this somehow...so time will tell.
  22. Okay, but...in the other thread you said she likes Tail on you, so...color me confused.
  23. OMG I guess I'll give a lecture on the slut kink in my journal...it will be TMI Alert episode three.
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