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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. I would go for a men's sampler. That way, you can try several different ones.
  2. I would pull the Dom on her for sure. Put her right in her place. I have used it with a bitchy client who wanted to blame all her issues on me. Cleared that up with Dom.
  3. I wore this one last night, and this morning, I am smelling pure sweet honey......
  4. I have said it before and I will say it again.....this one has aged PERFECTLY. The sharp edges have rounded out and it is smooth as silk and drop-dead gorgeous! And today is definitely a "DOM day"! I do NOT want to work, but I have the corporate deadline looming on the horizon, and this kicks me in the rear and gets me going.
  5. Dolly

    Katerina Suit

    "Couldn't understand why people were raving about it?" That's pretty rude. Just because a scent isn't your type doesn't mean that other people don't love it. There are many scents that aren't my particular type of scent, but that doesn't mean that they aren't artistic and beautiful in their own right. Perfume is a very subjective thing.....everybody has different tastes.
  6. LOL.....LadyV, I love you! Batsy, those are absolutely drop-dead gorgeous! You have an amazing talent!
  7. Uh, Stacy......she said she wants to get them riled up, not calm them down.....those are both good for smoothing ruffled feathers. I agree. Especially since you don't know which ones affect these particular people in a negative way. Some women get aggressive and bitchy with -none, and some with an assload of cops, but in this case, you just don't know enough to be able to target it appropriately.
  8. It reminds me of Sweet Tarts at first (those large chewy ones they sold when I was a pre-teen) as soon as they start melting, and then shortly afterwards, I get all the fruits....love these with OW.....will make these a tax season staple in my office! Will be phero-bombing ALL of my clients.....need the HAPPY!
  9. Get some of the OCCO blends to try....they work like a charm!
  10. Dolly

    Majmua Sultana

    I have one that I boosted myself. I covers them fully, completely, with NO bleedthrough.
  11. Hey, Celrynna, where the Dom is GREAT for the situation you describe, this has a LOT of cops...50/50 Dom and Cops, as a matter of fact....I don't think I would go with it as a work scent, especially in an office where you are already having issues....
  12. I made one into a spray for my man for Christmas....he loves it. He said that he really likes the freshness of it and that it doesn't smell heavy after drydown, and doesn't offend even the most sensitive noses in his office.
  13. Cougar is great. Especially if you get scented.....the scent is nice and fresh....
  14. Wasn't directing that statement at you. Was directing it at WnG's first post where she said that a locket could lend a lot of flexibility to cops.
  15. Bear in mind....cops need to meld with your SKIN in order to dry down.....cops in a scent locket smells like wearing a locket full of coochy....ask me how I know!!
  16. Love-scent's product library (which is basically ingredients and such about products they sell, put together mostly by customers, I believe), states that it is weak and suggests using it for the scent.....they list that it has only androstenone (thus the name "androstenone pheromone concentrate").....concentrated it is NOT. It SUPPOSEDLY has 1.5 mg of pheros in a 30 ml (or 1 ounce) bottle. Mara puts 1000 mcg (1 mg) in the 10 ml unscented blends......so that is 3000 mcgs (3mgs) in an ounce of an LP Unscented blend.....so yeah, you can see the comparison..... I frankly think it is weaker than that document states, because straight -none in that amount would probably make me commit murder....Dom is good, straight -none, not so much.....
  17. Love-scent also has it. I have used it before with very few, minimal results, compared to what I get from Mara's stuff. The stuff here is much stronger.
  18. Yeah, on me, after drydown, it smells like fruit that has gotten a little bit too ripe.....if it doesn't dry down properly, I get occasional cheesy bleed-through if I wear a light scent. But it is different for everybody.....
  19. Drive By Fruiting with Open Windows is great! Great happy vibe from the phero and uplifting scent, too.
  20. Well, I am sure everybody has their own way of doing it, but what I do is hold the bottle in my dominant hand (my right hand), close my eyes, and really focus on the intent of whichever potion I happen to be using on any given day. I envision the energy flowing down through my arm and into the bottle, continually thinking about the outcome that I want with the potion. I don't know if anybody else does it this way, but it works for me.
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