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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. The copulins that LPMP uses are also "Essence of Woman", only in an oil base, sold here as "Essence Oil". Stone Research makes Essence Oil exclusively for LPMP. The thing about copulins......they all smell. Beccah is right.....please be careful wearing copulins in that working environment or out and about around town when you are alone. Copulins and pheros in general do NOT discriminate. They will get reactions from people you are not necessarily targeting, and depending upon the person you come across, they can get reactions you do not want. Please go to my journal and read the following threads.....long discussions about copulins. http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=8547 http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3155
  2. I wore SWS when I saw my new primary care doctor and persuaded him to put me on the thyroid med I am on now. He wouldn't put the dosage where I wanted it, but I did convince him to start it in the first place. I wouldn't use Dom, because I think that would be too "in his face" so to speak.
  3. It DEFINITELY has throw! I used a couple of trial vials of Excalibur to make a homemade natural "aftershave" for my man. He ran out of his commercial junk, so I whipped some up with witch hazel and Excalibur. He has been wearing the scents from here for a few years now, but he still occasionally needs the toning properties of an aftershave. So, I hooked him up! He is now addicted.
  4. And another reason for me is that the scents here smell different on each person, because there are no chemical stabilizers. So, skin chemistry plays a BIG part in how the scent wears. I have bought some scents that my man and I can both wear, but the scent smells decidedly different on each of us. Velvet Moss is a great example of this. On me, I get more of the violet, and on him, it is more woods. OH AND WELCOME!! ETA.....please note that when you first apply the scents from here, don't judge them while still wet, because when wet you will not get the full effect. Let it dry down completely, meld with your skin, and then decide. Also, I would suggest trying each one more than once. These scents are VERY different than commercial scents on the market, so they can take a little getting used to.
  5. I really think you will find that SWS is exactly what you are looking for! It is a great blend!
  6. I have not worn LFM, but I have worn SWS and TH....BUT NOT TOGETHER! These mixes are perfectly balanced by respected scientists, and if you start mixig them, you can totally cancel some ingredients out and get results that you do not want!!! SWS sounds like exactly what you want, ALL BY ITSELF.
  7. Dolly

    Top Five

    I haven't done this in awhile, but here goes.....my top 5 this week..... 1. Caressful Breeze 2. LP Black 3. Sex and Violins 4. Dolly's Wet and Nasty 5. LPLE w/BI
  8. Yes, I normally have a preference for the darker scents.....HOWEVER, I also like fruity scents from time to time.....my "Hot and Sticky" and "Wet and Nasty" are two examples. And, there are times when I like to go with just a lighter scent in general (LAM Original, OCCO White), but I just can't go too foody because my man doesn't really care for foodies.
  9. Also, I loved the NOX ones, but how about a bright red berry/cherry blend? With maybe a little teensy bit of spice in the background? Still Open Windows for choice of phero.
  11. If you have a hubby or SO, and are not out playing the field, you pretty much have to find what works for THEM as well as what works for YOU. Some men don't respond to certain blends.....for instance, my man's reactions are erratic to high doses of Est if not tempered with something more dominant. Some times good. sometimes ok, sometimes horrifyingly bad......so I kinda know what to hit him with, when to hit him, and HOW. You will learn with time....to me, it sounds like you could use a good LAM or OCCO to start with.
  12. I would say it would be ok, as long as your are with TRUSTED people who can watch your back if pervs/weirdos start hassling you. And as long as you don't OD on it. But beware, guy friends who you are not romantically interested in will be affected by the pheros (just like everybody else), and you may experience some reactions you are not prepared for. You may even want to tell some of them about the pheros, so they will be prepared to fend off unwanted suitors. I can load up on cops before I go out with my man.....he knows I wear them, and has seen the reactions. I had a guy coming onto me one night when I was coming back from a bar's restroom, and I told him to "get to steppin'", but he just kept on following me and harassing me. When my man saw me stop, turn around, and take the "I'm gonna clean your clock" stance, he came over and intervened....got all up in the dude's face and he left. My man thought it was funny....he said, "If he had kept it up, I probably would have let you be the one to take him down....just so he could experience getting his ass beat by a girl !" LOLOLOL
  13. Yes, BI is more aggressive, while LAM has a "happier" feel to it.....the a-nol in LAM will help to lift his mood. I have also used Open Windows to lift the mood and added a bunch of OCCO to take things in a sexual direction. Unscented OW is easy to use, because it is not stinky. You could easily use OW in conjunction with OCCO to get to a "happy sex" place.
  14. Don't get me wrong, BI is EXCELLENT! However, with BI, you need a really good cover scent because it is stinky. LAM and OCCO are already scented, so they are, IMO, a little better for phero newbies.
  15. I only wear a large amount of cops out and about when I am with my man. If you like the OCCO Red scent, NOCO Red is the same scent as OCCO Red but without the cops.
  16. It is good that you are trying them on their own....love Cougar!!! Oh and also be careful with the OCCO Red in public!
  17. If you are using Cougar and LFN together, you are not only wasting product (and money), but it will be much more difficult if not impossible to duplicate results. My best advice to you is that with the complex blends, go with one at a time. The blends are each created for a specific purpose, and each ingredient is scientifically proportioned. If you wear more than one complex blend at a time, you could skew your results because some of the ingredients will be in high proportions and others will cancel each other out. Also, if you are wearing LFN or LAM in a setting such as a class, those are two heavy copped blends, and that is really not advisable, because you will likely be putting out a message that you probably don't want to put out there. The chemical signal getting out there is that you want to get laid and NOW. I don't think you want to put the message out to your classmates and/or professors that you are easy. And sexpionage......well, I won't wear that one out of the house, even with my man on my arm. And if you are planning to wear LAM with the Red boosted with sexpionage.....DO NOT GO OUT OF THE HOUSE ALONE!!! AND THIS IS NOT A COMBO FOR CLASS!!! PLAYTIME ONLY!!! Read this post in my journal ...... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=3155 OK, end of public service announcement.....
  18. OK, we all know that I have used Open Windows around my teenage son and stepchildren (they are 15, 16, and 17) to help them calm down, open up, etc. I know that pheros and kids are not a popular view, and I would NOT allow a teen to use a sexual blend, BUT I think that the teens can OCCASIONALLY benefit from using and/or being exposed to a SMALL amount of some of the social blends. Well my son took his learner's permit test twice two days ago, and failed it both times. This is a straight A student, and he KNEW the material, yet he failed. TWICE. Found out from one of the agents at the DMV that the agency had changed the test like 2 weeks ago, and made it MUCH more difficult, even asking questions that were NOT in the manual. So, a higher number of teens are failing the test. Per the regs, they can take the test twice per day, and can go re-test the next day if they fail (it is a different, computerized test each time). My son was DEVASTATED that he failed. Literally crushed and depressed. He said that he thought his nervousness was one of his main problems. And that he was even more nervous about re-taking it because he was sure he would fail again. I said, son, I want you to try something for me. He said,"What?" I sprayed one quick spray of my 2X unscented OW on the back of one of his hands, and told him that it came from Miss Mara and to just trust me. To sniff it occasionally and just try to relax. After about 20 minutes, he was happy, singing, DANCING around the house. YES, DANCING! I asked him how he felt about re-taking the test....he said, "I feel great! I don't see HOW I can possibly fail!" Well, when he got up the next morning, he was a bundle of teenage nerves again. Asked me if he could have a spray of "that stuff". So, I gave him one spray on the back of his hand, and he spread it between the two. Within a matter of 10 min, he was calm and happy. So off we went to the DMV. The other little over-achiever from his school who had also failed the test the day before (she is a teacher's daughter, and cries if she doesn't get straight A's) was there, she re-took the test and failed it on her third try. On my son's third attempt, I said, "Good luck. And he said, "I got this!" And he did. Passed. Only missed 2 questions out of 60. He told me to tell Miss Mara thank you and that he loves her!!! ETA.....just saw that I had used my son's name, so I edited it out
  19. You really must give some of them a trial run for yourself......as they say, YMMV.....
  20. LAM is "Like a Magnet", and it is a very good sexual playtime blend. Open Windows is a very good social to start with, LAM for playtime and then maybe Cougar or SS4W for a sexy/social. I would have to get some Dominance too, but that is just me and my personality.
  21. Dolly

    Kitten Heels

    The lemony green is most likely the verbena....as for the other note MAY be the lotus.....or it just say be that your skin doesn't like the combo.....sometimes my skin will take a certain combo of ingredients and make it smell like something else entirely, just to find out that the note I am smelling isn't even in there!! My advice would be to try kitten heels at a different time in your monthly cycle. So many things can affect your chemistry and how things smell on you....ovulation, diet, so many things......
  22. Yes, this is a big NO-NO! Cops in the hair take a couple of washes with Prell (aka Paint Stripper) to get it out. The perfume dissipates and leaves the cops. Cops need to meld with your body in order to get the correct effect. You can get a NOCO if you want to scent your hair.
  23. Dolly

    Kitten Heels

    In order for anyone to help you identify it, you would probably need to try to describe how that particular note SMELLS. Saying that it is unpleasant to you doesn't say much to help us help you, because what is unpleasant to you may be pleasant to someone else.
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