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Everything posted by Dolly

  1. Mine KNOWS not to even HINT that he MIGHT want to leave.......especially in the heat of an argument......because he will find his bags packed and waiting on the porch fast enough to make his head spin......I have had MORE THAN enough BULLSHIT head games from men in my lifetime, and will not put up with it again. I told him that if he even allows that statement to come out of his mouth in a fit of anger, he had better be ready to go. I don't play. And he knows this. I reminded him of the old adage......"Never let your mouth write a check that your ass can't cash".....
  2. Well, I don't think you'll see that happening. The Cravings were created by Danna......
  3. Dolly

    Cat's Eye

    Yeah, Liz.....I know what you mean! I wore it Thursday night over SS4W and EoW........had a VERY good evening!!!
  4. Dolly

    Cat's Eye

    LOLOLOLOLOLOL.....thank you for my big giggle of the day! I needed that!!
  5. Dolly

    Cat's Eye

    I'm sorry for confusing everybody! I guess I need a spanking! LOL Well, it must have been meant to be for me to get one......otherwise, it wouldn't have shown up in the cart for me, huh?
  6. Dolly

    Cat's Eye

    OK, so being broke, I decided not to buy before I even tried this one, with all of the reports of it being fresh and minty and all that....that it probably wouldn't be my thing.....one sample however, and I WANT! I had to FIND the $$ to go in and snatch a bottle before it is gone! It is fresh and green smelling.....but it only stayed that way on me for about 15 min.....then it dried down to musky goodness....love love love....had to get it!
  7. After wearing for awhile, the cinnamon fades out a bit, and I get mostly champa....nice.....
  8. Dolly

    Phantom's Breath

    This one kind of reminds me of Fade to Black, and kind of reminds me of Midnight Cravings.....but softer than both of those.....barely there, almost like a whisper.....hmmmm.....very interesting one! I do like it!
  9. OK, so this one surprised me. I expected deep and dark, but my skin projected Champa and Cinnamon. In a BIG way. Not in a bad way though.....it smells really nice. I get a smoky hint in the background, and the resins in this are really not in the forefront either.....my skin loves to throw cinnamon out there though. Thank goodness it is sweetened by the vanilla....that calms it down JUST ENOUGH. Like this one! May have to consider a bottle....
  10. I think that one was created by Danna, so most likely it won't be coming back.....
  11. I think I would go with Treasured Hearts, maybe even a little dose of Swimming With Sharks along with it. Swimming with Sharks has helped me immensely with bitchy female clients.....
  12. No, I don't pick up on the Newsprint note much at all......
  13. Get yourself at least a sample vial of Bodice Ripper, seriously......my man thought at first sniff that it was girly and that he wasn't going to like it, but it dries down into a deep, manly, very complex scent.....after drydown, he told me he needed A FEW bottles in case it sold out....everywhere he goes, women are doing the "what smells so good" doubletakes.....seriously, you should try it!
  14. If your man likes "fresh" smelling colognes, you should get him a bottle of Dad.....my man has some and likes using it for work.....it is also a fave of his mother, so he always wears that when he goes to visit her.....it is a very fresh and clean scent.....
  15. Well, you already have my fave, which is Super.....I would say my second choice would be Bodice Ripper.....it dries down to a totally sexy scent.....LOVE LOVE LOVE
  16. Been reviewed many times....here is the original thread..... http://lovepotion.invisionzone.com/index.p...ppy+water\
  17. UH, since you are new to pheros, here is my public service announcement.....I would be VERY careful wearing OCCO (or LAM) to work.....you are sending out a strong "DO ME NOW" signal with the cops....probably not appropriate for the office! Maybe try some more social blends for work, like Open Windows, SS4W, Cougar, Leather, Lace.....Swimming with Sharks, Dominance for respect at work....and for the OCCO Scent, get NOCO White....smells the same, no cops..... These were hits that you got, but I don't think they are the kind I would be wanting to get at work! OH, and Welcome to the forum!!
  18. Glad Mara chimed in! I was away from my computer for a bit, Gabby....sorry I didn't answer!
  19. Use the link that Luna gave you if you want oil..... If you want spray, go here http://emartcart.com/cart/odb/eMartSearchItems.odb Go down to about the 5th or 6th choice "Add Pheromones to your perfume spray"
  20. I wore this one today, because it was needing some love....am I glad I did! It has aged beautifully, and I smell sexier than ever! I need to get more of this one!
  21. I'm in the same boat with you. Hoping there will be an extra bottle of Beyond the Veil by the time I am able to order.
  22. Dolly


    It isn't very dark on me....it has like an essence of mystery to it though.....on me it is very lush feeling.....I love it!
  23. Unscented Leather is great to have on hand.....I have one in silicone and one in spray..... It may just be your skin chemistry with the scent of Dangerous Games.....everybody's chemistry is different, and that is the beauty of these scents.....they never smell the same.....on different people, a scent can turn into totally different experiences......
  24. Definitely going to go for Beyond the Veil and Spinnerett.....it looks like they have similarities to Autumn 2007 and Spider Silk.....yummy.....
  25. I just spit my tea all over my laptop! It needs a raincoat...... Love the Young Frankenstein movie......so I may have to have this one just for the helluvit.....
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